"Revelations--A 'Daria' Fanfic"

Part 5
By Steven Galloway
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15 

(Note to reader: We're in the homestretch, now! I hope you're enjoying yourself so far--remember, read this like a book! Now back to the story.)

Chapter 13 - Individual Pursuits

Daria sat up propped on her pillow in her nightclothes, writing in her diary(?).

From the "so-called" diary of one Daria Morgendorffer:

I'm writing in the morning for this entry as opposed to the evening before because I fell asleep last night while watching TV, and waiting for Darren and Quinn to come back from their "date", for I was too tired to write anything when they finally did come in. Mom and Dad had turned in for tomorrow's (or this morning's) return to the daily grind. It was about 12:30 a.m. when Quinn and Darren finally did return, and by chance, I had heard them come in, and I woke up. I was watching a movie--"The Invasion of the Incredible Shrinking Aliens", an asinine, idiotic piece of 1950's Cold War-era sci-fi tripe that was on TV at the time. Usually I'm with Jane at her place for "Bad Movie Night" on Sunday evenings, but she was feeling "inspired" artistically by her new boyfriend, who happens to be my brother--I'm still getting used to that--Darren being Jane's boyfriend now, as well as Darren being mine (and Quinn's) Big Bro, and mom and dad's son. I wanted to find out if my sister had worn out my poor Big Bro, and if the date had become a disaster for Quinn while they were at the "phoney-baloney" French cusine garbage restaurant "Chez Pierre"--I could only hope it fell flat for "Queen Quinn"--after all, causing bad things to happen to Quinn is one of the joys of my hellish existence. As they came upstairs, I looked out into the hallway seeing Quinn hugging and kissing Darren on the cheek, thanking him for a good time. I motioned Darren to come to my room, while "Her Highness" had retired for the night, alarmingly with a smile on her face. Crap--I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be good news.

My fears were well-founded. Darren told me the moment he and Quinn went into Chez Pierre arm-in-arm, they became the center of attention. When they sat down at what I call "Quinn's Table", (the reserved table where Quinn always sat with her dates--I overheard her mention it once to her fashion "colleagues") several waiters immediately tried to serve them, and a fight almost occurred between the waiters. Darren said Quinn asked them to stop while she was giggling--ah, that's our Quinn--she's getting back into the groove, what, with all those drooling idiots falling all over her like that. Too bad it wasn't an anvil that could've fallen on her instead.

Things only grew worse from there--from my point of view, that is. Darren said several guys that Quinn apparently knew (he told me she must have, because she had said all of their names), had come over to their table and had asked Darren if he would give them "permission" to date Quinn. Needless to say, a stunned Big Bro looked over at a smiling Quinn, who was the one that gave the "yes" nod, and there was a loud cheer from the guys--oh well, look for the "Boy Express" to return to our house by tonight--much to my consternation. Of course, the girls who were with the guys didn't like that one iota, but their fears were immediately lost when they first eyed my brother, for they started to swoon over him. Darren quickly said that he already had a girlfriend, and that he was only taking his sister Quinn out to just "hang out" together--too bad he couldn't hang Quinn while he was out. The disappointed girls, furious that they could be dumped for Quinn by their dates, while they couldn't score with my Big Bro, turned their anger out on their dates, and promptly chased out and beat their guys from Chez Pierre--after the manager made them come back and pay, of course.

Darren told me he ordered the meal in French, since it was a French restaurant--simple enough. When I think of it, it's not much of a surprise, since Darren's major is Business Administration, and he'd need to know a foriegn language or two for travelling to other countries while on business. Too bad the fake-accent waiters didn't know what in the hell he was saying, so he changed it to English, and ordered "Escalope De Veau"--French for scallops. Quinn, meanwhile, ordered the most expensive item on the menu--(surprise, surprise) "Medaillons De Bceuf Bearnaise"--beef with yellow sauce. I hope that extra money that I saw dad slip to Darren came in handy. Darren told me they talked about the Fashion Institute, and Quinn actually was listening to what he had to say--the only problem I saw with that was if what came out of Darren's mouth just didn't go into my dear sister's hollow little head, bounced around in there for awhile, then came right out again. Sure, I think Quinn's actually beginning to understand what she's going have to do with her life once high school is over and even that she's starting to actually get serious about her schoolwork, but do I really think she'd listen to Darren while enjoying herself? I dunno. Darren is ever the optimist--maybe I can break him of that particularly nasty habit--if I can't, then maybe Jane can.

Anyway, afterwards, he and Quinn went to a movie, a sudden last-minute "addition" that Quinn conned our Big Bro out of--it was the Tom Hanks movie "The Green Mile", a three hour-plus film. Maybe sis is beginning to have some taste in "deep" movies--either that, or she just wants to "die" when she sees Hanks on the big screen--at least that what she squeals about with her fellow fashion dunces when she has them over for one of their regular air-headed fashion sessions. Darren said that Quinn cried through some of the picture--now if I can only get her to cry when I threaten to torch her clothes one day in front of her "so-called" fashion friends, I can die in peace.

Overall, I suppose it was good for Quinn to get out and be with Darren--I get my turn today when he comes back from jogging with Jane this morning. I think a trip to the arcade is in order, plus a pizza, and then the library--I wonder if Jane would want to go with us? It'll be good to be with her again after she took her "bonding" vacation with her mom. Darren looked happy for Quinn's having a good time when he came back with her--but for some reason, I can't shake the fact that something's bugging him. He looked kind of distracted when he left my room last night--I asked if something was wrong, and he quickly played it off. I guess he's probably thinking about what he did with Jane yesterday--I guess I can't blame him--that was one hell of a kiss he gave her. Damn it--I'm happy for them, but why do I see when they get together, it seems like it reminds me of what it could've been with me and Trent, or even--T--no, I'd best not even attempt to go through that, even if he is "free" now. As for Trent,I'm largely over my crush on him--but I still get a damn small lump in my chest when I think about him once in awhile, though I'm sure I'm completely over him--even though Jane's occasional lapses into the yenta realm certainly doesn't help matters too much either. When she was with--Tom, she cut waaay back on her little love-matching schemes--hmmm, I wonder if she's going to try and influence Big Bro on matching up me and Trent? I shudder at that thought. Maybe I should address the little issue over Trent sometime in the future before Jane does something that will embarass me and her brother--and possibly in a way, Darren as well. At least Trent seems to finally be going in the right direction with his music career by actually moving forward on it--thanks to that "Mysterious Benefactor's" $8,000 contribution--I wonder who he or she is? What do they want from Trent and Mystik Spiral? Surely there's gotta be a catch? Ah--maybe Darren's right--maybe he or she just want to see the group succeed. Hell, I suppose anything's possible. Signing off to another hell-filled day--well, at least Big Bro and Jane are there to help share it with me.

Daria smirked, and put her diary(?) and pen back into her strongbox, and locked it. After putting it back into her closet and placing her glasses on her dresser drawer, she shuffled over to her bed, and plopped down face-first in her pillow. The moment she began to snore lightly, there was a gentle knocking on her door. Daria flinched slightly while staying face-down.

VOICE: (While knocking:) Daria, hello, Daria! Are you awake?

DARIA: (Sounding muffled in her pillow:) If I wasn't then, I am now. (Pauses:) Is this 20 questions? If so, the answer from 1 to 20 is a resounding no.

Helen walked in, leaving the door open, dressed in her red power suit. She came over to Daria's bed and stood beside it, placing her hands on her hips. Daria stayed in her face-down position while Helen talked.

HELEN: Daria, your father and I are about to leave for work. We're going to need you to go downstairs and let Darren in when he comes back from jogging, sweetie--(smirks:) unless you want to get up from your "comfortable" bed and go downstairs when you hear the doorbell ring.

DARIA: (Now turns over to look at her mother, props her head on her right hand, leans on her right elbow, sighs:) Didn't dad say that he was gonna get a key for Darren this weekend?

HELEN: (Sighs herself, exasperated:) Yes, but you know how your father's memory can slip from time to time--

Jake, dressed for work in his usual business suit, walked by Daria's door at the very instant Helen had uttered that statement, and walked in, frowning--was she implying that he was growing old?

JAKE: Honey! (Points at his head:) My memory's as sharp as a tack! I don't remember you telling me about our son needing a darn key!

HELEN: (Glares at Jake, talks through clenched teeth:) I most certainly did tell you, Jake! It was this past Friday! I distinctly asked you to get a key for Darren while you were out on vacation!

JAKE: (Glares back at Helen:) No, you didn't! You said that Darren might need a key! You didn't say so for sure! (Smug, crosses his arms, thinks he has one over Helen for a change:) Ha!

HELEN: (Stares at Jake in mild disbelief, arms spread out:) What in the hell is the damn difference, Jake?! It's the same thing!

JAKE: (Raises his voice:) No, it isn't!

HELEN: (Her voice now raising also:) Yes, it is!

JAKE: (Draws his face closer to Helen's:) Is NOT!

HELEN: (Ditto:) Is TOO!

Daria went back down on her bed face first and put her pillow over her head to try and block out the shouting. Bad enough that they were hollering in the middle of her "inner sanctum" with her in it, but to make matters worse, her parents were arguing like a couple of children over a stupid little key. This was not happening--things could not possibly get any worse.

Of course, she was wrong. A clearly-not-appearing-like-herself, tired-looking and frowning, frazzled Quinn, dressed in her nightclothes, came from the hallway into Daria's room, and shouted:


A stunned Helen and Jake looked at each other, and then at Daria, who had come out from under the pillow during Quinn's tirade, also stunned as well. After a tense moment, Jake spoke in a sheepish, quiet tone:

JAKE: Er, I'll get the key during lunch--I promise. (Adds after a moment:) Sorry about shouting at you, honey.

HELEN: (In the same tone:) It's--all right, Jakey--and I'm sorry I shouted at you, too. (Looks at Daria:) We're sorry for coming in your room and shouting like that, sweetie.

JAKE: Yeah, Kiddo--it won't happen again. (Looks around, now his chipper, lovable, clueless self:) Wow! What have you done to your room, Daria? It looks like it's been redecorated!

DARIA: (Sighs:) It's always been like that, Dad. (Thought v.o.: You just haven't noticed because you visit in here every six months or so.)

HELEN: (Pulls Jake along by the arm:) Come on, Jake--we've got to get to work. Goodbye, sweetie. (Both leave Daria's room, shutting the door)

Daria got off her bed, retrieved her glasses off of the dresser drawer and put them on, went back to her closet, and took out the strongbox that contained her diary(?). She unlocked the strongbox, took out the diary(?), opening it up to the entry she had just completed, and laid it on the bed. She took the pen and crossed out the part about an "anvil" falling on Quinn.

DARIA: (With a Mona Lisa smile, thought v.o.: There. I figured I owed Quinn for getting mom and dad out of my room--now we're "even".) (Puts diary[?] back into the strongbox and locks it, and places it back into her closet.)(Thought v.o.: All of that damn shouting's got me fully awake now--might as well stay up and wait for Darren to come back.) (Goes out of her room)

(Scene changes to a street outside in the early-morning light)

Darren and Jane were jogging together near the Gupty's house on their way back, and had stopped to stretch, having been out for about an hour. During that time, Darren had told Jane about his "date" with Quinn. Jane simply shook her head at the events he described, and chuckled.

JANE: (Smirks while stretching:) So Quinn's back in the "boy-getting business", eh?

DARREN: (Smiles, doing the same:) If you mean by having the boys "catering to her whims", I'd say yes. She's promised me, however, that she'll keep the number of boys that she'll date down to a minimum of three a week. (Shrugs, smiles sheepishly, while Jane arches an eyebrow at this, and smirks:) Yeah, yeah, I know--but it's a start. At least she's happy again, I guess.

JANE: I guess. (Her smirk slowly fades, hesitates:) So, um--you said that those girls at Chez Pierre "crowded" around you? (Darren nods while taking deep breaths, and Jane stops stretching:) You didn't feel the least bit, uh--attracted to any one of them?

Darren now stopped his stretching and stared at Jane with a puzzled look on his face.

DARREN: What do you mean, Jane?

JANE: (Looks a little uncomfortable, goes on reluctantly:) Well--you are attractive, Darren--and from what I can recall with what happened at the Zen the other night with those Goth girls, uh, pursuing you, you've had--quite a few members of the opposite sex making eyes at you, and--

DARREN: (Puts up his hand:) --Wait a moment, Jane--where is this conversation going? I thought I made it clear yesterday that I really care about you, and you only. (Jane blushes slightly) As I told you and Daria the other night, I'm not interested in other girls. I've seen what happens when guys who think they're "God's gift to women" go after all the girls--they leave a lot of broken hearts in their wake, and it's just not worth it. (Pauses, looks uneasy:) Are you--are you having second thoughts about us? Don't tell me that you're feeling--insecure--?

JANE: (Now slightly frantic, her eyes wide-open:) NO! I mean--no way, bub! I'm definitely attracted to you. I'm secure with being with you! (Goes up to Darren, speaks low, puts her hands on his sweaty chest, smiles, speaks in a low voice:) I'm just wondering why someone like me could be so damn lucky to find a nice, handsome, honest (Darren winces to himself over that word) guy like you. (Looks down:) I know that I might not look as good as those other girls--(Darren rolls his eyes, slowly shakes his head) wait, hear me out--I mean compared to Quinn last night, if I went out with you to Chez Pierre, not that I would want to go to a place like that, mind you--it might kind of--well--(looks away:) drag you down, or something.

Darren tilted Jane's chin up to him and softly chuckled. Jane blushed and smiled as she looked up into his deep blue eyes.

DARREN: (In a quiet tone, chuckles:) Jane, do you remember what you told Daria the other night while we were on our way to the Zen about "nice-looking people" like myself? (Jane stares at him for a moment, slowly nods in realization:) Good--I'm with you, and not them. That should tell you something. (Then, before Jane can say anything else, he kisses her, holding her around her waist, while Jane has her hands on his chest, then he stops:) Still harboring any doubts?

JANE: (Gets that dreamy look again:) Uh-uh. (Shakes her head quickly to get out of the trance, changes subject:) So, ah, you and Daria are gonna spend some time together painting the town red when you get back home, eh?

DARREN: (Gently caresses Jane's face:) Yes, though I don't know what she has planned yet.

JANE: (Looks up, smirks:) Hmmm--lemme guess--knowing her, I'd say--the arcade, pizza, and the library--yeah, that about covers it.

DARREN: (Grins, shrugs:) Good--I like all of those places to relax and hang out. In fact, we went once to the library since I've been here.

JANE: Yeah, me too--except the library. Daria loves to read there, but that's not my gig, so when she does go, I'm not there, save to maybe get a book about art, or something. (Notices Darren looking at her, curiously, cocking his head:) Hey, libraries bore me--they're too--(shudders:) confining.

(Note to reader: Is it just me, or does it seem that when Daria does go into the library, high school or local, she does so without Jane in tow? My opinion only, and as a result until proven different, will remain in the story.)

DARREN: Ah, I see--(pauses, smirks:) so, what do you plan to do on this fine Monday?

JANE: I dunno. Maybe hang out at home and do some art, whatever. I've got nothing planned.

DARREN: Say, why don't you join Daria and me? I'm sure she wouldn't mind you coming along with us.

JANE: (Cocks an eyebrow:) Are you sure about that, Darren? I wouldn't want to be a third wheel, or anything.

DARREN: (Looks at Jane with mild disbelief:) Why would you say that?

JANE: (Shrugs:) I guess it's because since you spent time with Quinn last night, it would be only fair if you did the same thing with Daria the next day.

DARREN: (Chuckles:) Quinn's different--she seems to require my complete attention--

JANE: (Smirks:) --And everyone else's--

DARREN: --but Daria wouldn't mind sharing me with you. Besides, you've been out of town for almost three weeks--that and the fact that she and I have spent a little time together while you were on vacation. I'm sure she'd like to see her friend, too.

JANE: (Ponders:) Weeeeell--okay. (Darren smiles) Now, c'mon--we've got a jog to finish! (Smirks wickedly, suddenly takes off in a full, playful run from Darren:) Catch me if you can, slowpoke!

DARREN: (Grins:) Hey, no fair! C'mere you--(goes after her)

(Scene changes to William Appleton's Park Avenue apartment)

William Appleton, still dressed in his pajamas and housecoat, was talking on the phone while sitting at the dining room table to Benny, who had called. William was eating a continental breakfast of pancakes topped with strawberries and whipped cream, bacon and eggs, hash browns, orange juice, and coffee that was prepared by a just recently-departed special chef, whom he had hired just for such an occasion every morning. William had an intense look of curiousity on his face.

WILLIAM: --And you're sure about this, Benny? Your source told you that the NTSB will announce that the crash we arranged will be ruled an accident? I thought for sure it would take months for them to make such a ruling.

BENNY: Well, Boss--my source said that the investigators listened to the tape on the Black Box they recovered from the crash site, and decided by hearing the frantic conversation between the pilots and what they did to try and keep the jet from crashing, that a busted fuel line was the cause, period. The evidence was overwhelming. They'll announce it this morning at the Peerdale Hotel downtown. (Voice becomes excited:) We're home free, Boss!

WILLIAM: (Rolls his eyes, frowns, grits his teeth, and shouts:) Benny, you moron, we're not off the hook yet! (Calms down:) We've still got to locate Sanchez, who I'm assuming will be calling you after the NTSB's findings, and asking for the second part of his "fee".

BENNY: Hey, that's right! (William slowly shakes his head, privately wondering if Benny has any brain in his head) I guess I should be waiting by the phone at work when he does. (Pauses:) What about your "nephew"? With Constance Waters going bon voyage to Japan, and now this--

WILLIAM: (Cuts him off:) --As I told you, Benny--we'll do nothing until and unless we know for a certainty that he suspects me of being involved with his "parent's" deaths, (pauses:) and in a possible connection to that, we hear what Woo's been up to, don't forget that either. You just make sure that our man we have for Darren is ready at the moment we need him, got that? I'll meet you at work in an hour. (Curtly hangs up the phone, stares out of the window at the Manhattan skyline, frowning, thought v.o.: Soon, my "nephew"--very soon, I'll take care of you once and for all. You'll end up in the ground like your "parents", and I'll "rule the roost" like I deserve to.)

(Scene changes to the Morgendorffer's, about 30 minutes later)

Daria, who had been watching the morning news on the small TV in the kitchen and was now dressed in her customary attire, opened the front door to allow Darren in.

DARREN: (While coming in:) Thanks, sis.

DARIA: No prob, bro. How was your jog with Jane? (Goes back to the kitchen, followed by Darren)

DARREN: (Smiles:) It was--pleasant. (Daria arches an eyebrow at the way he says it) We really covered a lot of ground.

DARIA: (Smirks:) I'll just bet you guys did. (Darren turns red-faced, looks away uneasily, slightly embarassed) Will you be ready to go with me about 10:00 this morning? That's when the Mr. Fun's Exciting World of Games arcade will be open.

(Note to reader: This was what Lawndale's main arcade hangout was called--see the episode "The New Kid", and in "The Daria Database"--though in the book, Daria writes it as "Mr. Fun's World of Games")

DARREN: (Thought v.o.: So Jane was right on the money! No surprise there, I suppose, she being Daria's friend and all:) The arcade you say? Sure, I'll be ready then. (Sees TV on:) Is the morning news on yet?

DARIA: Nope--it'll be on in about a minute, or so.

DARREN: Good. Oh, I wanted to ask if it was all right if Jane came along with us. (Hesitates, looks at Daria a little uneasily:) Would that be all right with you?

DARIA: (While pouring some cereal in a bowl on the bar counter in the kitchen, and while Darren gets another bowl and puts it beside Daria's:) Sure. (Stops, cocks an eyebrow:) Um--why wouldn't it be all right with me?

DARREN: (Shrugs while getting the box of cereal from Daria, who's getting the milk out of the refrigerator:) Well--for some reason, Jane seemed to think that you'd feel that she would be getting in the way of us having a good time together. I told her that you and I had spent some time with each other while she was on vacation, and that you'd want to see her, since she's your friend. (Pauses:) Er--did I kind of "jump the gun", there?

DARIA: (After a moment:) I--appreciate that, bro--and no, what you said was cool--(now surprised:) Jane actually said that? (Pours milk on her cereal:) Why in the hell would she think such a thing? (Gives milk to Darren)

DARREN: (Pauses, frowns, perplexed:) Now when I think about it, maybe she's thinking that since she and I are now seeing each other, it might make you feel like--well, she was intruding on your and my time together.

DARIA: (Sits down and eats at the kitchen bar with Darren:) That's nuts--Jane's my friend. (Pauses:) Maybe she's thinking it would be like the way I was when she first met Tom. I was a real pain in the ass to him because--(hesitates:) I felt he was taking Jane's time away from me. Jane felt that she had became caught in the middle of our little "tug-of-war". Eventually, Tom and I came to an--(hesitates:) understanding, and all was right with the world--I had to get used to the fact that my "Partner In Crime" had a boyfriend, and she'd want to spend some of her time with him too. In a way, it's ironic--irony being something that I'm supposed to appreciate now, mind you--(Darren chuckles) I had just gotten used to Tom, and then this happens--go figure. (Smirks, pauses:) I guess I'll have to get used to it again, huh?

Darren gave a serious stare at Daria for a moment, then put down his spoon. Daria stopped eating and stared back at him, wondering what was up.

DARREN: (In a sincere tone:) Daria, I hope that you'll never feel that Jane and I would take any time away from you. (Pauses:) If you ever feel that way, please let us know, okay? I don't want there to be any problem that might arise between any of us over something like this. (Reaches over and absentmindedly puts a reassuring hand on a now-surprised Daria's hand, which makes her freeze and look at it, then Darren suddenly notices what he's done, and snatches his hand away, looks at it with his eyes wide open:) Daria, oh, er--

DARIA: (Recovers quickly from her shock, becomes reassuring:) --I--um--it's--okay, bro. I'm--not used to, you know--contact. (Thought v.o.: Though I initiated it the other night when you felt guilty about thinking you unwittingly helped break up Tom and Jane when she kissed you in the Zen--damn conscience.) (Gives a rare, small chuckle:) I'm not fragile, you know--I won't break.

DARREN: (Gives his own, uneasy chuckle:) N-no, o-of course not. (Looks at the TV to ease the tension and change the subject:) Hey, the morning news is coming on.

DARIA: (Follows his lead:) Um--yeah--let's see if the missiles have been released yet. (Darren snickers)

The morning news opened with the snazzy, important-sounding music, then a a perky-looking man and woman was on camera at the Channel Four morning news set, with the fake living room background. Both did those annoyingly cliched greetings to one another (to Daria it was like that, at least), and then faced the camera, smiling those forced smiles.

TV ANCHORWOMAN: --And good morning, everyone, welcome to Morningtime. (A picture of the Appleton Industries logo appears in the upper left corner of the screen) In a surprising late-breaking story, we've just received some information from our newsources that the National Transportation Safety Board will be announcing their findings concerning the crash of the private jet that carried the late Lucille and Arthur Appleton Sr., the parents of Arthur Appleton Jr., who has not been seen since the funeral of his parents. (Darren's eyes grow wide in shock, and Daria casually notices his reaction) The press conference will be held at about 9:30 a.m. in the main meeting room of the Peerdale Hotel in New York City. There has been no word over what the NTSB will say. In a related development, Appleton Industries has just announced that its Energy Division Chief, Constance Waters, will be transferred to Japan. (Darren's mouth drops in shock, Daria picks this up as well) Waters, who pulled off a stunning business coup by acquiring a sizable share in the Tsunama/Fuju Japanese energy company for Appleton Industries, was considered to be an up-and-coming name at Appleton. A spokesman for William Appleton said, quote: "Constance Water's trip to Japan will ensure a smooth transition into the Far Eastern market for Appleton Industries--this is a golden opportunity for Waters to show her 'stuff'", unquote. In other news--

Darren looked off, frowning, deep in thought. Daria sneaked a glance at her brother while she was eating her cereal. After about 10 seconds of silence, she spoke.

DARIA: Er, your cereal's gonna get soggy if you don't eat it, bro.

DARREN: (Snaps out of it:) Hmmm--? Oh, you're right--let me finish it. (Starts to eat it hastily)

DARIA: (After a moment:) Um--I couldn't help seeing how you were when it was announced that the NTSB was going to release their findings on that jet plane crash that killed those Appleton people. (Darren freezes, concerned, tries to keep his reaction to Daria in check) I guess it was pretty quick for them to find the cause of it, huh? (Darrens sighs to himself in relief, nods) Usually, it'll take from a few months up to a year or more for the NTSB to make their ruling on a crash like that.

DARREN: I--suppose. They certainly did find out what happened sooner than everyone thought--I guess the Black Box they recovered gave them all the information they needed, huh? (Keeps eating, but doing so in a slower fashion, still thinking to himself)

DARIA: (Shrugs:) I guess. (Stares at him some more, then:) What do you think of what happened to that Waters woman? (Darren cuts his eyes at Daria, alarmed)

DARREN: What--do you mean, Daria?

DARIA: (Shows a little of her sarcasm, mock ponders, looks up with a finger on her chin, deadpan:) Hmmm--I've just worked my female executive ass off for my company, enabling them to get a hell of a large share of a foriegn company that apparently my company has drooled after for a certain amount of time, and to show their so-called "gratitude", they ship me off halfway around the damn world. (In an ironic tone:) What a wonderful way to advance up the corporate ladder--I suppose the old way of getting ahead--you know, "being in 'bed' together" can be thrown out now?

DARREN: (Arches an eyebrow:) Can you "elaborate" a little further on that, sis?

DARIA: (Smirks:) Darren, since business administration is your major, I'll put this question to you--if you were the head of a corporation, and the person who worked under you, in this case, a female, did a great job for your company, would you award her by sending her off someplace else?

DARREN: (Narrows his eyes slightly, thinks:) No, of course not--I'd probably consider promoting her.

DARIA: (Now raises her own eyebrow:) "Probably", bro? You mean you wouldn't promote her right there on the spot?

DARREN: (Shrugs:) It depends, Daria--if it were as you say, something major that my company really wanted for a long while, sure, in an instant. If it were something minor, I'd mark it down on her record for future advancement.

DARIA: There--you've proven my point--and this wasn't something that was major?

Darren looked off in space, considering his sister's words.

DARREN: Okay, you're right, it was major. (Adds after a moment:) Are you implying that the head of Appleton Industries is some sort of sexist for not promoting her, and the only way Co--er, Ms. Waters could have been promoted is to get in bed, with--

DARIA: (Shakes her head slowly, cuts him off:) --I wouldn't go that far, bro--at least not yet, anyway. I just think it's kind of unfair and strange that this happened like that, that's all. (Shrugs:) But then, what do I know? (Returns to eating her cereal)

DARREN: (Thought v.o., now looks at Daria seriously: Apparently a whole lot, sis--and not just because you're intelligent.:) I guess it was unfair and strange at that. (Pauses, gives Daria a determined stare:) Look, I would never discriminate against anyone, Daria, and I wouldn't tolerate any garbage like that in my company from any of my subordinates if I were the head---you could count on that.

DARIA: (Chews, looks at Darren with her deadpan expression:) Glad to hear that, bro--of course, I never said that you would.

DARREN: (Chuckles uneasily after seeing how he overreacted to Daria's statement:) Ah, of course not. (Finishes wolfing down his cereal:) Well, I'd better shower and dress, sis. I'll see you then. (Puts bowl in sink, pauses, mentions in an off-handed way:) Er, since the NTSB seemed to have already drawn a conclusion as to what has happened to those--"Appleton" people so quickly, I'm curious as to know how they reached their findings. (Pauses:) Do you mind if we watch some of that news conference before we go?

DARIA: (After a moment:) No, I don't mind--now that you've mentioned it, I'm kind of curious myself. I guess we can wait for a few extra minutes.

DARREN: (Gives a quick, quiet smile:) Thanks, sis. (Leaves the kitchen)

Daria watched him leave with a slight frown on her face, perplexed.

DARIA: (Thought v.o.: Something about that report really spooked Darren. I'm guessing that it somehow hit close to home concerning his adopted parents. Did they die in a plane crash, too, or some sort of similar accident? He never said how they died yet, or when, and no one around here has tried to ask him about it directly, even when our grandmothers and aunts were here. I guess everyone was so glad he was alive, they didn't give a damn about how he came to us--not that I could blame them, I suppose. Should I--? No. If I did, it might "alienate" him for some reason--best let him tell us when he's good and ready.) (Keeps eating, then stops, thought v.o.: I don't want to alienate my bro? Did I really just think that to myself? Crap, I am getting softer and softer--my mind's about to go.) (Closes her eyes, shakes her head rapidly as if to get the thought out of her mind, then keeps eating)

Darren went up the stairs full of questions. What would the NTSB say about the crash? What would the person or persons who hired Sanchez do after watching what the NTSB would say? Would that butcher Sanchez be watching himself? Darren wondered briefly if they would they come after him if the report said that sabotage was the cause, putting his birth family in danger --possibly even Jane. Woo said that whoever did hire Sanchez did not consider his birth family and friends a threat to them. Still, anything was possible. Should he leave his birth family, going somewhere secretly, telling them that an "emergency" came up, and that he would have to go back home, or something?

No. That sudden little action would likely raise more questions than it would answer. Besides, he was beginning to feel--comfortable with the Morgendorffers, closer to them. He, the cynical Daria, and the "beauty/fashion-obsessed" Quinn were forming a bond, the same with the somewhat autocratic Helen and comically clueless Jake (though he knew both were well-meaning in their parenting). Then, of course, there was Jane. There was something--alluring about her. She certainly had a carefree attitude that was infectious--Darren had not felt so good about himself since Stephanie was alive. He could not put his finger on it, but he did not want to leave Jane, or his birth family hanging like that. It would not be fair to either of them--or to himself. He would have no choice but to wait for Woo's investigation--which reminded him to contact Woo later this morning to see if Woo found anything yet. Darren knew that Woo would probably be watching the news conference, too, and Darren could compare notes with him over the phone. It was still too early in the morning on the West coast--he looked at his alarm clock and it was a little after 8:00 a.m. here. Darren decided to take his cell phone with him--he would have to call Woo while he was out with Daria and Jane, but to do so in a discreet manner. He was beginning to hate himself more and more for lying to his birth family and Jane--and to everyone else in and around Lawndale as well. It was not in his nature to do so, and it was gnawing at him. He walked into his room to shower and change with a disgusted look on his face.

As he came into his room, he then thought about Constance Waters. Daria's question was quite valid--why would his uncle William send her over to Japan? Surely, someone else could have handled Tsunama/Fuju? Darren thought about calling his uncle to ask why he'd do such a thing, but then he remembered his promise--not to question his uncle's decisions concerning the company. After all, Darren did choose William to head Appleton Industries. He suspected that Constance wanted to go of her own accord, probably like Leonard Potter did as well. Speaking of Leonard, Darren decided to call Potter when Darren got back to the mansion after all this madness was over--no need to bother Leonard with him being so busy and all on the West coast. Darren then took out some clothes from his bag, and was about to go into the bathroom when his cell phone, which was connected to its charger on his dresser, rang. He frowned briefly, perplexed, wondering if Curtis was calling again--or maybe Woo had something? A bit nervous, he answered it.

DARREN: (Reluctantly speaks:) Uh, hello?

VOICE: Well, that certainly sounded like a definitive greeting, Darren! Hello, dear nephew!

DARREN: (Now grins, delighted:) Aunt Millie? Hey! (Sits down on his bed, genuinely relieved:) Are you a voice I needed to hear! Where are you? How are you doing?

MILLIE: I'm in London in the Royal Cresent hotel room, Darren--I've had a wonderful time, and I'm doing fine. I'll be back in the States late next week. I wanted to call and hear about how things are going with your birth family, the Morgendorffers. (Darren grows quiet, begins to get deep in thought) How--how have they treated you, since you've been there, dear? I know the last time we talked the night you came there, you really didn't know know them well enough to draw an opinion.

DARREN: Things have gone--well since I last called you, Aunt Millie--I'm starting to form a--bond with my birth family. I've already met my birth aunts and grandmothers too.

MILLIE: (After a long pause:) That's--that's wonderful, Darren. I'm--glad that you're establishing your ties to them.

Darren sensed his aunt's reluctance over this subject, remembering their conversation over his getting to know the Morgendorffers the night before he left the mansion--she still had her "ridiculous" concerns over him getting closer to them--and possibly leaving her. Instead of saying something he knew would do little to anything that would allay his aunt's feelings and fears, he smiled quietly to himself, hoping that once he introduced her to the Morgendorffers, she would not feel so "threatened" by them.

MILLIE: (Continues:) What--what was their reaction to the "wealth" issue? (Is heard chuckling uneasily:) For some reason, I half-thought that I'd hear something in the media by now, you know, something like, "Arthur Jr. Meets His Birth Family"--?

DARREN: (Grows slightly pale, then decides to partially tell his aunt the truth:) Uh, Aunt Millie, I really haven't told the Morgendorffers everything about me, yet--especially about how much money I have--

MILLIE: (Sounding stunned, cuts him off:) --What? Why not?

DARREN: I--still want to get to know them a little bit better--that and the "impression" they gave me that they kind of look down on the wealthy--I found that out about my birth mother, father, and sister Daria. Quinn, however, I think, is--a little--(searches for words:) advantageous when it comes to knowing someone that's rich. She said that she wants to know someone that has money. (Thought v.o.: And I can only shudder at the thought when Quinn finds out how much money I have.)

MILLIE: (Now with a concerned tone in her voice:) What did your birth mother say?

DARREN: (Chuckles:) Don't worry, Aunt Millie--I don't think it's all that serious. Let's just say that Helen, who you'll remember is a lawyer, had a bit of a "sour" experience in a case with a rich defendant she was trying to win a lawsuit from. She said that the defendant used their "money and connections", and "escaped" paying money to her client, the plaintiff.

MILLIE: (Sounding unsure:) Oh, dear--and I suppose she was quite bitter about the whole thing?

DARREN: (Rolls his eyes, smiles:) If you could've seen her yourself, you'd pray that she wouldn't know that you were rich--at least I did at the time.

MILLIE: (Gives an unsure chuckle:) I can imagine. (Pauses:) How about your birth father?

DARREN: (Sighs:) Actually, not all that different from my birth mother's experience. He has some sort of competition going in his consulting business from a fellow who is more successful than he's been, at least financially, and he's vowed to match up with this guy in clients some day, and beat him out. He says he's going to be richer because of it.

MILLIE: (After taking everything in Darren has said:) I see. What about your sister Daria? What was her problem with wealth?

Darren frowned to himself, searching for words, then continued.

DARREN: She basically said that the wealthy used their money "for bribery or kickbacks, self-indulgent extravagance, and an overnight stay in the Lincoln bedroom." (Pauses:) I could say that I felt every word she said hit me like a rock, but she didn't sound too mocking when she said that. You see, Aunt Millie, I learned that Daria has a tendency to hide behind a wall of sarcasm when she speaks--she uses that to also hide her feelings as well, not only verbally, but facially, too--(chuckles:) I think my sister has the "world's greatest poker face".

MILLIE: (Snickering sound:) Hmmm--are you saying that you couldn't tell what she really meant when she criticized those who are wealthy?

DARREN: Well--almost. I'm sure that my having a lot of money would mean nothing to her, but it might make her think a little differently of me, a little more skeptical. Then again, I can't be too sure of that, either--you see, Daria is perhaps the most difficult person to read I have ever met. It's very hard to tell whether or not she's serious when she talks about a subject that doesn't affect her directly. She's unflinchingly straightforward and uncompromising, yes--but I'm still trying to understand her. Now, I have seen her get angry at Quinn over some things, but for the most part, I really can't tell--save for her writing.

MILLIE: Oh yes--you said that she was a writer, but you didn't really get into the way she wrote the last time we talked.

DARREN: Well, if you read what she writes yourself, it would probably terrify you to your bones. She's quite dark in her visualization of society as a whole in her writings--but real to the core. I'm going to take some copies of her writing back with me when I leave, so that the dean of the Journalism Department at Eastward College can read it--if you'll remember that the last time we talked, I told you that Daria's top choice college-wise, was Eastward, and I'd like to see her there with me. (Grins:) Speaking of which, do you think we can make some room for her to stay at the mansion with us if she does go to Eastward, Auntie?

MILLIE: (Laughs:) I don't see why not, Darren--I suppose we can "squeeze" her in somehow.

DARREN: (Smirks:) Good. (Pauses:) If you think that her writing's something, you should see her room. A schizophrenic used to live in there, before the Morgendorffers moved in, and the walls are still padded, and she has sawed-off bars on her windows.

MILLIE: (Gasps:) You told me a little about Quinn's room, but you didn't tell me about Daria's room when you called me the night you got there. (Pauses:) Forgive me for saying this, Darren, don't take this the wrong way, but you're not--afraid of her, at least a little?

Darren grinned and laughed out loud at that thought for a second.

DARREN: Aunt Millie, believe me when I tell you I feel comfortable around Daria, although I'll admit at first I didn't know how to approach her. I think under her veneer of cynicism and sarcasm, lies a really loyal, caring, and good person--and like I told you when I last talked to you over the phone--she is a very funny person to me when she uses her sarcasm, in and of itself quite ironic, because it's usually a depressing type of sarcasm that's suppose to put people down, yet it cheers me up. Others may see her as "smart-alecky", but in reality, she calls them as she sees them. I can respect a person like that. (Thought v.o.: I just hope she can respect me when she finds out the truth about me.)

MILLIE: Well, if that's how you feel about her, Darren--then I can't wait to meet her or the rest of the Morgendorffers. (Lightens her tone:) So--have you--met any--girls since you've been there? (Sounding reserved:) I can--understand if you haven't--

DARREN: (Smiles, gently cuts her off:) --Actually, Aunt Millie, I have met someone--she's the best friend of Daria, Jane Lane.

MILLIE: (Sounding delighted:) Oh, Darren, that's wonderful! (Pauses:) And you say she's Daria's best friend? What's she like?

DARREN: She's sort of like Daria, but a little more open in her demeanor when it comes to people. She has a wicked sense of humor, and is a little mischievous as well, humor-wise. Jane's down-to-earth, and I feel really--good around her. She's an artist, and most of her paintings are in the abstract-expressionist style, sort of similiar to Picassco and Goya, with a little of Pollack, and De Kooning thrown in as well. Wait until you see her work--it's terrific, similar to Daria's writing, except that it's art. In fact, when I get back to the mansion, I'm going to talk to some of the art critics uncle Will knows and let them know about Jane. She wants to go to the prestigious New York City Art School. (Pauses, gets an idea:) Say--maybe Jane can stay at the mansion with me and Daria as well while she goes there? It's not that far from Eastward College.

MILLIE: (Ponders:) Hmmm--if Jane wants to, I certainly won't object, Darren. (Pauses:) Well, I can certainly see that you're quite fond of her. I'm so happy for you! (Becomes quiet:) I don't mean to throw cold water on your knowing her, but what about when you tell the Morgendorffers your real last name? How will Jane react?

Darren looked down, thinking for a moment about all that he knew concerning his parent's murder, and why he couldn't say anything for the time being, even and especially to his aunt, then he spoke.

DARREN: I--hope that Jane'll understand why I did what I did, Aunt Millie. I really do want her and my birth family to know who I am, and I do plan to tell them and her before I go back to the mansion--I promise. (Thought v.o.: No matter what happens with Sanchez.)

MILLIE: (Sighs:) All right, Darren--I'll leave you to your--"devices".

DARREN: Thanks, Aunt Millie--now what about you? (Grins:) Have you found anyone "special" while on vacation, yet?

MILLIE: (Laughs, sounding coy:) Ummm--weeell, I've met a British gentleman--

DARREN: Ah-hah! (In a "British" accent:) And who is this, I might ask, dear madam?

MILLIE: His name's Edward White, he's tall and handsome, and he's a stockbroker in the European Common Market. As a matter of fact, I'm scheduled to meet him for tea in an hour.

DARREN: (Smiles:) Good for you, Auntie! I'd like to meet him when he comes to the States. (Looks at watch, sees he has little less than an hour before the news conference:) Er, Aunt Millie, I don't want to keep you from your meeting with Edward, and I'm planning to take Daria and Jane out on a "date" after I talk to you, so if there's nothing else--?

MILLIE: Well, yes--actually, there is, Darren.

DARREN: (Eyebrows raised:) Oh? What?

MILLIE: I've been watching the news on my hotel room TV, and I saw on World Cable Network that the NTSB will report their findings on the--(hesitates:) crash that killed your parents.

DARREN: (Grows quiet:) I--know, Aunt Millie--I plan on watching some of it before I leave with Daria and Jane this morning. (Adds as an afterthought:) I'm sure even uncle Will will probably be watching the news conference as well. I'll probably call him later in the week to gauge his reaction to the findings--I saw on the Business Today Show here that he's going to be pretty busy going over some critical business dealings with a group of Middle-Eastern businessmen over the next few days--since he's going to be pretty much immersed in that, I'll just hold off, because asking him on what he thinks about the crash could kind of distract him, and I wouldn't want to do that.

MILLIE: A good idea, Darren--and I'm sure he'll be watching. (Sighs:) Darren, please don't think me callous when I say this, but I probably won't be watching the news conference. I--don't think I can go through hearing what happened anymore. (Pauses, sounding bitter:) Do you know I've been harassed while I've been on vacation by some of those damn European reporters? Thank God for the security I've hired. At times, it seems like I've felt like the late Princess Diana.

DARREN: That's all right, Aunt Millie--I can understand why'd you do that. (Frowns:) Curtis said that he and Lena went through the same thing while he was in Florida. This is becoming a nightmare. (Pauses:) I hope the Morgendorffers and Jane can handle the attention from the media when they find out who I am.

MILLIE: I'm sure that everything will work out in the end, Darren. (Pauses:) Well, I'm going to get ready for Edward. I'll talk to you later--I love you, dear nephew, and good luck.

DARREN: (Gives a lopsided smile:) I love you too, Auntie--and say hello to your "friend" Edward for me. Talk to you later too, goodbye. (Hangs up, gathers his clothes he's going to wear for his "date" with Daria and Jane, and goes to the bathroom to shower and change)

Downstairs, the doorbell rang, and Daria went to answer it. She opened the door to find a courier from the same delivery service that gave Trent the "Mysterious Benefactor's" financial contribution, and the raw results of Darren's DNA test. (But it was not the same courier.) He was a small, black-bearded man, and he was holding the same sort of gray envelope that held the raw DNA results--this was probably the overall DNA data, Daria assumed.

DARIA: (In her deadpan tone:) Yes?

COURIER: (In a business-like tone:) Are you Helen Morgendorffer?

DARIA: Afraid not. (Smirks:) Does that disqualify me?

COURIER: (Frowns slightly, thought v.o.: The "smart-ass" girl Luthor told me about. Well, I'm going to get a tip--she won't blow me off.) No, miss--just sign here, please. (Gives Daria his pad and pen, which she takes and signs, and then he gives her the gray envelope:) Ahem. (Holds out his hand, and slightly steps inside the doorway so Daria can't shut it in his face)

Daria cut her eyes slightly at the courier, and looked down at the man's outstretched hand, as well as his relative position in her doorway, and smirked.

DARIA: Hang on--I'll get you your tip.

COURIER: (Looks hopeful:) Really?

DARIA: Yes, but I'm gonna have to get it out of my boot. I carry some money in there--(pauses as the man looks at her, confused:) you know, I don't want you to look at my leg when I do--?

COURIER: (Makes a disgusted face--he doesn't want to look at Daria doing such a thing anyway:) Oh, yeah, sure--lemme step back and turn around. (He does so:) Okay, you can get it.

DARIA: (Now smirks even more, this time wickedly, deadpan:) Thank you, kind sir--I will "get" it. (Promptly and calmly shuts the door, walks back to the living room holding the envelope with her Mona Lisa smile:) The door, that is.

When the man heard the door shut, he knew immediately that he had been tricked. He sighed, did not bother to turn around, (there was no way he was going to give that girl the satisfaction of seeing him look like an idiot) walked with a foolishly dignified-looking strut, got into his truck, and drove off calmly. About a block down the street, the man pulled over and cried his head off into the steering wheel--not only did he not get a tip, but he would also have to pay the bet he had made with his fellow co-worker over getting one from this family.

In the meantime, Daria looked at the envelope and was about to toss it on the coffee table when Quinn came downstairs, stretching and yawning, having just changed into her regular clothing. She saw Daria holding the envelope.

QUINN: (Points at what Daria's holding, walks up to her:) Daria, what's that?

DARIA: (Deadpan:) Good morning, sis, and it's an envelope.

QUINN: (Rolls her eyes:) I can see that. What kind of envelope is it?

DARIA: (Looks at the envelope and turns it over and over, smirks:) Well, I believe it's a large, gray, thin envelope--

QUINN: (Frowns, becomes annoyed, cuts her off:) --I know how the envelope looks, Daria. What's in it?

DARIA: (With her expressionless look:) Do I look like I have x-ray vision, Quinn? I just got it from the courier service, and I don't know what's in the envelope, but I'm assuming it's the overall DNA results on our bro, since it looks like the first one that came with the raw results. I'm not opening it, because it's addressed to mom.

QUINN: (Smacks her mouth in disgust:) Daaaaria! (Suddenly snatches the envelope from Daria:) Mom won't mind if we open it! We know Darren's our bro, right? This just confirms it!

DARIA: (Cocks an eyebrow in surprise:) You remembered what Dr. Mull said? Hey, I gotta admit, that's damned impressive for someone who usually reserves what little memory she has for some fashion trends and what guys she chooses to go out with based on who has the best cars, houses, or yachts.

QUINN: (Glares at Daria:) Funny, Daria--and for your information, I promised our brother last night that I would only go out with three guys per week from now on because of me takin' my studying for the Fashion Institute seriously!

DARIA: (Gives a fake look of stunned disbelief, puts the palms of her hands on both sides of her face:) No! Only three guys a week? This is earth-shattering!

QUINN: (Daria's sarcasm going over her head yet again:) It should be, Daria, now why don't you leave me alone! (Begins to open the envelope:) Now, let's see if Darren's completely our bro--

DARIA: (Smirks:) --You mean, he's only been partly our bro after all this time?

QUINN: (Fumes:) You know what I'm sayin', Daria! (Fumbles with the envelope, pulls out the results, suddenly screams with her eyes wide open:) AAAAAAH! NOOOO!

DARIA: (With a stunned look on her face, takes the results from Quinn and looks at them:) Quinn, don't tell me that Darren's not--

Darren, having just taken a quick shower and stepping out of the stall, heard Quinn's scream. Alarmed and still wet, he snatched his white towel-robe that was hanging on the doorknob, putting it on and wrapping the belt around himself, and tore out of the guest bathroom in the hallway. Were the people who hired Sanchez trying to come after his birth family? He prepared himself, remembering instantly the martial arts skills he knew. Darren ran down the stairs, his heart beating fast. He came to the foot of the stairs, and saw Daria and Quinn standing in the middle of the living room, looking at each other, then noticing Darren. He looked around quickly, seeing nothing, and came over to his sisters.

DARREN: (Looking concerned:) What's going on? Why'd you scream, Quinn?

DARIA: (Speaks before Quinn can for a change, smirks:) Oh, our sis just got a paper cut on her finger while opening the envelope that contained the overall DNA results about you. (Quinn puts her index finger in her mouth while Daria, who has taken the envelope back from Quinn and is looking down at the paper with the results:) By the way, the overall results confirm that your our bro, lock, stock, and barrel.

(Note to reader: Had you going there, did I not?)

DARREN: (Sighs in relief:) That's good--if there were any mistakes, Dr. Mull would've called us and said something. (Cocks an eyebrow at Quinn, slightly annoyed:) Quinn, you scared me half to death shouting like that--I thought something was wrong!

QUINN: (Takes her finger out of her mouth, looks and shows it to Darren:) Something is wrong, Darren! This is serious! I can't wear a dress or shoes with an unfashionable bandage around my finger! (Darren looks at Quinn, amazed) I mean, it just wouldn't look right! What color nail polish would go with it? I'm gonna soak my finger in some water to keep it from bleeding--

DARIA: (Now gets into her "Playing-with-my-sister's-feeble-little-mind" mode:) --But wouldn't that wrinkle your finger? You wouldn't want that, would you?

QUINN: (Realizes:) Ohmygosh--ohmygosh, you're RIGHT, Daria! I can't do that! (Daria smirks, while Darren chuckles to himself, shakes his head slowly) I'm gonna go upstairs and wrap my finger up in a towel until it stops bleeding! I'm expectin' the Fashion Club over while you guys are gone, and I can't have them seein' me like this! (Rushes upstairs)

Darren and Daria watched Quinn go upstairs, and looked at each other for a moment, then Darren spoke.

DARREN: (Sighs, smiles sheepishly:) So, I'm your's and Quinn's "Big Bro" "officially" official, now, huh?

DARIA: (Gives a small smile:) Yep--and mom and dad's son "officially" official, too--poor fella. (Darren laughs, not just at Daria's remark, but at the irony of her words) It also means you're subject to endless teasing and sarcastic remarks from me, bro--next to Quinn, of course.

DARREN: (Smirks, in a mocking tone:) You mean, our little sister will be getting your "famed" barbs first? I feel so offended.

DARIA: (Now smirks herself:) Oh, don't worry about that, Darren--you'll get your fair share of my "barbs"--after all, I have almost twenty years worth to make up to you.

The smile Darren had slowly faded. Daria then came to realize the true meaning of her words. Both stared at each other for a moment more, then Darren spoke in a quiet tone.

DARREN: Almost twenty years, Daria--(pauses:) I hope--(hesitates:) I hope you, me, Quinn, and my birth parents can get--well--closer to each other.

DARIA: (Smirks:) You're sure you want to be close to mom and dad? I mean, that "Morgendorffer Mystique" must be rubbing off onto you--I'll prepare the straightjacket. (Darren smiles, while Daria becomes serious and quiet, searches for words, looks around so as not to be embarassed:) I thought--I thought we were becoming closer to each other, Darren. (Thought v.o.: There's goes my mind--the softness has completely taken over--damn!)

DARREN: (Looks a bit pained, smiles weakly:) I suppose we're getting there, sis--I just hope that we'll get so close that we can (searches for words:)--"overlook" some of the--"faults" that we might find out about each other, you know, if we might discover some things that could be--taken the wrong way?

DARIA: (Narrows her eyes:) "Overlook"? "Faults"? "Taken the wrong way?" (Pauses:) Darren, I don't understand--what are you talking about?

DARREN: (Grimaces, bites his lip, gives an unsure shrug:) It's, well--

The cell phone on the living room table rang at that moment, and Darren used it to his advantage.

DARREN: (Goes up the stairs before Daria can say something else:) --that's probably Jane, wanting to know when we'll be ready to go. I'm going upstairs to change, okay? (Leaves out of sight)

DARIA: (Watches him go:) Um--sure, bro. (Picks up the cell phone on the third ring, and clicks it on:) Hello?


DARIA: Hey, Jane--I'm assuming you're calling to know when we're all going out this morning?

JANE: Yeah--uh--when are you and Darren gonna be ready to go to the arcade?

DARIA: Well, we're--(pauses, cocks an eyebrow:) how'd you know that we'd be going to the arcade?

JANE: (Sounding in her motherly mocking-admonishing tone:) Now, deeear--you know you can't hide anything from me--

DARIA: (Smirks:) --Maybe I can find the perfect place to hide your body from the authorities when I kill you, if they ask me where you are, provided they suspect me. (Pauses:) Since you figured out where we're going, I'm going to let you figure out when we're going.

JANE: Hmmm--given your habit of limiting human contact to as little as you can get on any given day, you'd want us to get there as early as possible, when there would be relatively few people, so I'd say 10:00 a.m.--how's that?

DARIA: (Narrows her eyes:) You're good--damn good. However, we might want to wait a few extra minutes to leave--my bro wants to look at a news conference from the NTSB about that private jet plane crash that killed those "Appleton" people almost a month ago. It's supposed to start about 9:30 a.m. this morning, and apparently, the NTSB has the answers as to what happened.

JANE: The crash that killed that mysterious "Arthur Jr." guy's parents? (After a moment:) Yeah, I heard about that just before we flew out for our vacation--(snorts:) what a way to go off--hearing about the crash of a plane and then going on one the very next day. I remember about being a little worried when I sat beside my mom for a short time on our plane, then putting it in the back of my mind. (Pauses:) Say, why would Darren want to look at that? You think he knew that guy, or something?

DARIA: (Ponders:) Hmmm--I hadn't thought about it like that, but watching this news conference seemed really important to him. I decided to go along with his request, if nothing else, to see his reaction to what the NTSB said. I'm half-wondering if the same sort of a thing happened to his adopted parents. I'm sure it was an accident, but I'm guessing he's not telling us because it's too traumatic for him to remember what happened. He hasn't said anything at all about how they died. I thought about asking him--but, well--you know--

JANE: (In a quiet tone:) --You didn't wanna pressure him. (Pauses:) Girl, he's gotten to you, hasn't he? (Daria rolls her eyes, but says nothing) To be honest with you, I've had the same feeling something was up with him while we were jogging this morning, because he seemed kind of--zoned out at times, but I didn't say anything--

DARIA: (Cocks an eyebrow:) --Are you gonna say anything to him?

JANE: I've--thought about it, but I figure he'll say something when's he's good and ready--?

To Daria, the tone of Jane's voice was one of a question, unsure, as if Jane wanted to see what Daria would do first. Daria pondered for a moment, then spoke.

DARIA: Maybe we can both wait until Darren's ready. I mean, with the hell he's gone through, he at least deserves our patience. I'm sure he'll say something before he has to go back to Eastward, at least--still, in private, it wouldn't hurt us to speculate on any sort of connection between Darren and these "Appleton" people.

JANE: Yeah--I guess we could do that. (Lightens tone:) So, do you want me to come there, or will you guys come here in Darren's car?

DARIA: (Deadpan:) Oh, I'm in a "What-the-hell" mood today--what do you want to do?

JANE: (Snickering sound:) You're always in a "What-the-hell" mood. (Daria smirks) (Jane says nothing for a moment, then:) Ah, I can wait for you guys here. Blow the horn, and I'll be out there in a New York minute.

DARIA: (Smirks:) Okay, be out there, or we'll behave like impatient New Yorkers and leave you hanging.

JANE: (Snorts playfully:) Lat--

DARIA: (Cuts her off:) --Hold it, "Calamity Jane". I almost forgot to say something else.

JANE: (Sounding surprised:) Oh? What?

DARIA: (Sighs:) Don't ever think that you feel like you're in the way of Darren and me getting to know one another as brother and sister--this isn't like what happened with Tom, you're not like me when I acted like a jerk when you two were--(pauses:) going together, and I'm passed all that crap now. Darren's my bro, and as of right now, your boyfriend, but that shouldn't stop you from wanting to be with us. So, from this time forth, I adjure you to put such thoughts out of your reprobate mind, deal?

JANE: (Sounding relieved:) Deal, pard.

DARIA: Okay, then--we'll see you later. (Clicks off phone)

(Scene changes to Gerald Woo's apartment, Los Angeles, about 15 minutes later)

Gerald Woo had been awakened by David's phone call about 10 minutes ago, having heard from him about the NTSB's surprising announcement concerning the private jet plane crash that killed the Appletons. After guzzling down his quickly-made cup of coffee to help himself wake up, Woo, still in his pajamas, turned on his TV, and sat down on the couch in his living room. The news conference had just started. There was a National Transportation Safety Board spokesman, heavy-set, balding, and dressed in a blue business suit, standing behind a podium that was loaded with microphones. Behind and standing on both sides of the spokesman were several people, various officials from national and local law enforcement agencies. In the foreground were media from all over the country. The NTSB spokesman was already speaking.

NTSB SPOKESMAN: --Now the jet with Arthur and Lucille Appleton and the crew went off the radar screen at about 11:25 p.m. E.D.T., 9:25 p.m. M.D.T., and the wreckage was not located until around 12:00 a.m. E.D.T., 10:00 p.m. M.D.T., then around 12:15 a.m. E.D.T., 10:15 p.m. M.D.T., the first reports came in that the plane had crashed, based on search and rescue aircraft that had been dispatched to where the jet's position had last been reported and seen on the radar. (Pauses:) The NTSB, after locating and listening to the jet's Black Box, has determined that the cause of the crash was a busted fuel line. The valve that channeled the fuel into the plane's engine simply gave out and failed. The cause, we've concluded, was obvious. I'll take your questions now. (Hands raised in the foreground, the spokesman points to one:) Yes, you?

(Note to reader: E.D.T. is Eastern Daylight Time, and M.D.T. is Mountain Daylight Time)

REPORTER: It's a well-known fact that the Appletons were quite insistent their private jet fleet have very thorough flight checks. How could such a thing like a fuel line valve be overlooked? Could someone from the jet's maintenance crew at LaGuardia International been at fault?

In the Morgendorffer's living room, Daria and Darren, who was now dressed in some regular clothing, were sitting on the middle couch watching the TV. Darren quietly nodded his head in agreement to the reporter's question, looking at the screen intently. Daria cut her eyes at her brother, looking for any show of emotion, and privately wondering what was going on with him. Quinn walked by the two, glanced at what was on the TV, shrugged, and went up to her room. Meanwhile, the spokesman responded to the reporter's question.

NTSB SPOKESMAN: No, we throughly checked the crew at LaGuardia International, and they were cleared of any wrongdoing. We were aware of the Appleton's rather agressive flight checks concerning their aircraft, but based on what we heard on the tape, and the wreckage we recovered from the crash site, it was indeed an unfortunate accident. It's a known fact that even in some of the most thoroughly maintained aircraft, something could inexplicably go wrong, resulting in a catastrophic accident. No, we're sure it was an accident.

Darren frowned slightly to himself--the NTSB spokesman seemed so confident. Could Woo have been mistaken? He immediately put that thought from his mind--he had faith in Woo, seeing firsthand what the brilliant detective could do, having located Darren's birth family faster than Darren could have possibly hoped for. His uncle Will thought highly enough of Woo to recommend him to Darren just for that, so there was no way Darren was going to question Woo now, other than to later call Woo and ask how the search was going for Sanchez.

In his office, William Appleton sat at his desk and impassively watched the large projection TV that had been hidden behind a marble wall on the side, and now, thanks to a remote control located on his desk, had been exposed. Benny Lodell sat on the left couch, watched intently, then smirked wickedly when the NTSB spokesman said it was an accident, just as his source said. Benny looked over at William, who gave a quick glance at Benny, and said nothing. Benny's smirk slowly vanished, and he looked back at the TV screen sullenly.

Woo sat back on his couch and narrowed his eyes. Those arrogant governmental idiots. He then turned his thoughts to Sanchez. How in the hell did he pull it off? Well, when Woo and his agency located Sanchez, he'd find out. Woo got up and went into his kitchen to fix himself some breakfast after the news conference went back to a World Cable Network anchorwoman, who was talking to an aviation expert about the crash.

In the room of a seedy apartment somewhere, a short, black-haired Hispanic man with a thin mustache dressed in a tanktop and wearing pajama pants laid on his bed propped up on his pillow and grinned at the broken-down but still-viewable small color TV set. Those saps. You did such a damn good job with that fuel valve--just loosened it enough to let it look like it was tightened, and it busted on the way to Denver--they never suspected the deed was done at Los Angeles International. Soon, Lodell will be called, and the second part of the payment will be gotten--hell, maybe you should even get a little more money--you deserve that, right? You can get some more booze, and women--shouldn't have wasted almost all of the first payment of $10,000--ah, well, hell--the second payment will get you on "Easy Street", then--

There was a loud banging on the door, startling the man from his thoughts. He glared at the door with a deep frown.

VOICE: (From outside the door:) HEY, GONZALEZ--WHERE'S MY DAMN RENT?!

GONZALEZ: IT'LL BE HERE SOON, JERK! GET THE HELL OFF OF MY BACK--IT'S TOO FREAKIN' EARLY FOR YOU TO COME TO MY ROOM! (Shouts and curses are heard from the other rooms from people who have been disturbed by the loud, hostile verbal exchange)

VOICE: I'LL COME ANY DAMN TIME I PLEASE! AS FOR THAT RENT, IT HAD BETTER BE HERE SOON--OR YOUR ASS'LL BE OUT ON THE STREET, YOU GOT THAT?! (Steps fade away from the door for a bit, then the voice shouts at the curses:) SHUT THE HELL UP, ALL OF YOU! DAMN, LOUSY, FREELOADERS! (Steps fade off down the hallway)

GONZALEZ: (Still glares at the door, thought v.o.: Go to hell--and the name is Julio Sanchez, you fat, sweaty, bald-headed bastard. I'll be out of this hellhole soon enough. I'll just rest, and then take my time and make that call to Lodell--or maybe "The Big Apple-man" himself.) (Lays back on his pillow with a smug grin on his face, and closes his eyes)

(Scene changes back to the Morgendorffer's, 15 minutes later)

The news conference had just ended, with the TV scene going back to the two morning hosts in the studio. After this, Darren rose off the couch with Daria, clicking off the TV with the remote.

DARREN: Well, that was an--interesting news conference. It seemed like the crash investigation the NTSB conducted--quick.

DARIA: I'll say--I'm surprised they just didn't send a fax to all of the news organizations and leave it at that. (Darren gives a quiet chuckle) Are you ready to go, bro?

DARREN: Just let me go upstairs and retrieve something, and I'll be ready. (Tosses keys to her:) If you want, you can wait in the car for me.

DARIA: Okay--thanks, bro. (Opens door, goes outside, sees the Fashion Club coming down the street, turns to Darren, who's about to go upstairs:) Better hurry, Darren--"fashion fiends" at 3:00. (Goes outside)

DARREN: Thanks, sis. (Comes into the hallway from the stairs as Quinn, who's carrying the gold dress Darren bought her last night, comes out of her room:) Your Fashion Club friends are coming up, sis. (Eyes dress:) I see you're going to show off your Circa "Original" to them, eh?

QUINN: (Giggles:) Yeah, and thanks again, bro--for the dress an' tellin' me about the Fashion Club coming up. (Pauses:) I hope you have a good time--even if it's with Daria.

DARREN: (Cocks an eyebrow:) And what's that supposed to mean?

QUINN: (Smirks:) You know, our sis can be so boring to be around sometimes, not that I'm criticizin' her or somethin'--

DARREN: (Rolls his eyes, sounding slightly sarcastic:) --No, of course not--

QUINN: (Shrugs:) --Oh, don't get me wrong, bro--I'm sure that being out with Daria has it's advantages, like what "brainy" books to read, or studying some history or something, but I think after you've gone out with her, as compared to me, you'll see that you had a better time with me last night.

DARREN: (Sighs:) Quinn, I'm trying to not distinguish the differences between "hanging out" with you or Daria. Both of you have your own ways--

QUINN: (Frowns slightly:) --You've got that right--

DARREN: --I'm just trying to accept the way both of you are. In my eyes, neither one of you is better than the other. (Thought v.o.: Although it seems like you're trying to make me choose Daria at times, sis.) And it isn't just Daria I'm going out with today--Jane's coming with us as well. (Quinn crosses her arms, folds the dress around them, pouts, something that Darren notices:) What? (Pauses, frowns slightly:) You're not going to start about Jane, are you?

QUINN: (Keeps the dress in her left arm, holds up one hand with her free right hand, speaks in a placating tone:) N-no, bro, of course not! If you wanna take Jane with you an' Daria, then that's your business! (Then adds as an afterthought, trails off:) Of course, we didn't have anybody with us last night--

DARREN: (Snorts:) --No, just half of the boys in Lawndale around us fawning all over you, and their dates on me. (Pauses:) Speaking of which, don't you think maybe you should cut back even more on going out with the number of boys per week, sis? I know you said three, but I've been thinking--(hesitates:) maybe you should consider just one guy per--

QUINN: (Now alarmed, cuts him off:) --Daaaaren! I need to be popular an' in demand by the guys! I said I'd be serious when it came to my studies, an' I meant it! Why are you tryin' to--

DARREN: (Gently cuts her off:) --Fine, sis, that's okay. I'm sorry for bringing it up. (Sighs:) As long as you promised to be more serious with your studies, I guess that's all I can expect for now--excuse me. (Goes into his room, shuts the door)

Quinn went to the top of the stairs, about to go down to the living room, then stopped and looked back at Darren's door. She frowned to herself, frustrated, hearing the annoyed tone in Darren's words.

QUINN: (Thought v.o.: Geez, bro, why do you have to be so strict n' stuff? You're soundin' like mom and dad! I mean, it's bad enough that I gotta accept you an' Jane, and gettin' serious about my studies--now you want me to be cuttin' back on my dates, too? Give me a break, okay?) (Goes down the stairs, then stops halfway, sighs to herself, thought v.o.: I know he does care about me, though, so I shouldn't complain all that much--[pauses:] great, now I'm gettin' soft.) (Continues down the rest of the stairs to wait for the Fashion Club)

Darren, after getting his now fully-charged cell phone, then folding it up and putting it in his pants pocket, was about to leave his room when he saw $100 on his dresser. Jake had given it to him last night to help out on his "date" with Quinn. Of course, he did not need to spend it, and secretly put it aside during the "date". He picked up the money and went out into the hallway, going to Jake and Helen's bedroom. He quickly slipped inside, and put the cash on their dresser under Jake's belongings, then slipped back out and went downstairs. Darren hoped that Jake would think that he forgot to take his money with him when he went to work, and would pocket it back, thinking nothing of it.

Outside, Daria was waiting in the passenger seat of Darren's car reading Paul Gallico's Love, Let Me Not Hunger. Sandi, Tiffany, and Stacy saw her and came up.

SANDI: (Hesitant, faux smile:) Um--like, hi, Quinn's cou--uh, Darla.

TIFFANY: (Ditto:) Yeah...hi...Darla.

STACY: (Begins to speak, then looks at both of her "friends", confused:) Er--Sandi, Tiffany, I think her name's Daria. (Sandi and Tiffany frown at Stacy, who cringes:) Eep!

DARIA: (Looks up at Stacy, cocks an eyebrow, deadpan:) Oh, you got my name right, Stacy--will wonders never cease? (Pauses, does a Daria-style double-take:) Um--did you all just say "Hi, Darl"--I mean, "Daria"?

SANDI: (Now forces a faux happy mood:) Like, of course, Darl--Daria. We just stopped by here to say hello to you before we go and see Quinn.

DARIA: (Thought v.o., smirks: Trying to make "nice" with me to get on my "good" side so you can get in good with Darren, eh? You all ought to know via Quinn that I have no good side:) If it's Darren you're all looking for, I'm afraid you're out of luck--again.

SANDI: (Arches an eyebrow:) Like, what exactly do you mean, Darl--Daria?

DARIA: (In a deadpan mocking voice:) Darren's going out with me, his dear sister, again, that's what I mean--after all, he and I have to catch up on our lost past, remember? However, my cousin Quinn's waiting for you guys inside, though--(pauses:) go on, don't keep her waiting, now. (Goes back to reading her book, while Sandi turns red with anger for being dismissed so easily, and Tiffany and Stacy look at each other, heart-broken)

SANDI: (Frowns, now begins to get furious:) Look here, you brain--

At that moment, Darren came out the front door with Quinn. Sandi looked over at them, and suddenly became calm, covering herself, smiling. Tiffany and Stacy came over to both of them and looked up at Darren dreamily.

DARREN: (Moans inwardly:) Oh, hello, uh--Sandi, Stacy, and er--Tiffany.

SANDI: (Tries to act above it all, but failing miserably, comes over, smiles slightly:) Like, um, hi, Darren.

STACY: (Excited, giggles:) Hi, Darren!

TIFFANY: (As excited as you can imagine her getting:) Hiiii...Darren!

QUINN: (Off-handedly:) Hi, guys. (Notices them still looking at Darren:) Um, guys?

SANDI: (Annoyed, rolls her eyes, glares at Quinn:) Quiiinn! We're like, talking to your cousin! (Daria looks up and smirks wickedly at Quinn, while Darren looks uncomfortably at both of his sisters:) Can't you like, wait until we've finished speaking to him?

QUINN: (Silently sullen:) Sorry, Sandi.

DARREN: (Gently moves past the Fashion Club, goes to his car:) Listen, I'd like to really talk to you all, but I'm going out with my sister and her friend Jane, and we're running kind of late, so maybe we'll see each other a little later--?

SANDI: (Looks surprised:) That "art-geek" weirdo friend of Darl--Daria's? That Jane? (Stacy and Tiffany smirk at Sandi's remark)

DARREN: (Stops, stares forward for a moment, frowns, then turns and looks directly down at Sandi:) Wait a moment. What did you call my girlfriend? (The Fashion Club, except Quinn, gasps in shock, while Daria gives a small Mona Lisa smile while looking at the scene)

SANDI: (Searches for words:) D-did y-you just say--

DARREN: (Glares at Sandi:) --Yes. Jane Lane is my girlfriend, and I don't appreciate any of you talking about her like that. Quinn, tell your friends if they want to be my friend, they'd better lay off of Jane, okay?

QUINN: (Gives a small smirk:) Sure, Darren.

DARREN: Good. (Coldly to Sandi, Stacy, and Tiffany:) Excuse me. (Brushes past the rest of the Fashion Club, gets into his car, starts it up, and backs out into the street, then drives off)

The Fashion Club looked at each other, stunned. Sandi glared down the street where Darren's car went, while a sad-looking Stacy and Tiffany glanced in the same direction, then went in with Quinn.

SANDI: (Thought v.o.: I, like, don't know what hold that "Jane-person" has over you, Darren, but I'm not giving up pursuing you. What Sandi Griffin wants, Sandi Griffin gets.) (Follows the rest of the Fashion Club inside)

In the car, Daria looked at her brother and noticed his deep frown. She could not recall at any time since he had come into their lives that he'd been so angry. No doubt about it now--he must have really liked Jane to stand up for her like that. After that kiss she saw between the two yesterday, Daria should not have been surprised.

DARIA: (Concerned:) Darren--um, are you okay?

DARREN: (Now relaxes, sighs:) I'm--fine, sis--the further we're from those arrogant girls, the better. (Cuts his eyes over at Daria:) The absolute nerve of that Sandi to speak of Jane like that makes me hot. What does Quinn see in those girls--especially that Sandi?

DARIA: Popularity, bro--popularity. The Fashion Club is supposed to be the clique of Lawndale High School, at least in the eyes of most of my fellow brain-dead classmates. If you're not in Sandi's group, then you're looked down upon, fashion, and otherwise. Quinn got into the Fashion Club because Sandi offered her the vice-presidency the first day we came to town. Sandi and Quinn pretend to be friends, but they can barely stand one another, competing all of the time.

DARREN: Then why did Sandi offer Quinn the vice-presidency of the Fashion Club in the first place, knowing that she and Quinn would be at each other's throats?

DARIA: I have a theory about that--(smirks:) "Keep your friends close--

DARREN: (Smirks, looks sideways at Daria, nods knowingly:) --But keep your enemies even closer". Got you. I wish Quinn would just dump friends like that.

DARIA: Wishing won't make it happen, bro--Quinn's gotta see that for herself, and the day that happens, I'll be joining so many clubs at Lawndale High School, Jodie Landon will turn green with envy. (Goes back to reading her book)

DARREN: (Not knowing about Jodie's club-joining "obsession" at the school, simply gives Daria a quick, strange look, then sighs:) There's Jane's house.

Darren's car rolled up in front of the Lane's, and Jane immediately came out of the house without Darren having to blow the horn, and getting into the back seat. Darren smiled as she got in, looking back.

DARREN: Hey, Jane.

JANE: (Smiles:) Hey, Darren. (Notices Daria next, smirks:) Oh, hey, Daria.

DARIA: (While still reading her book:) Hey. (Pauses:) Don't mind me, you guys --do the deed, and let's get the hell to the damn arcade and play some games.

DARREN: (Confused:) "Deed", sis?

JANE: (Smirks:) She means this, Darren. (Reaches over the front seat and grabs Darren's head, turns it around and kisses him on the lips. Darren then slowly turns around, wide-eyed, and now light-headed)

DARREN: Oh, that deed. (Starts to slowly drive forward)

DARIA: (While still reading, smirks:) Want me to drive your car, Darren, or do you think you can handle it without crashing into a telephone pole? (Jane sits back in the seat, arms crossed, smirks wickedly, while Darren keeps driving, red-faced, mockingly glares at Daria)

About 10 minutes later, Darren's car pulled up to Mr. Fun's Exciting World of Games arcade, and the three got out. Jane sauntered up to Darren and hooked her arm up with his, smiling, as they went into the arcade, led by Daria. The arcade had only about five people in it (two were girls, who looked at Darren dreamily, but stopped looking when they saw Jane giving them the glare to end all glares), and the three basically had a run of most of the games. Daria went straight to the arcade version of the new CyberKron II game, and put in a token she had from a previous visit. Both Jane and Darren joined her there and watched.

JANE: (Quietly:) Thanks for standing up for me like that, Darren, but it's cool--I can handle fashion-obsessed "shallowheads" like Sandi Griffin and her little horde.

DARREN: (In the same tone:) I--know, it's just that I can't stand people that come across in that way. I never had a problem like that while I was in high school.

JANE: (Smirks, sarcastic:) You? Never having a "problem" like that? Gee, I can't imagine why. What high school did you go to?

DARREN: (Privately hesitates over this, then comes clean:) The Orbison Academy. (Daria cuts her eyes at Darren, eyebrow cocked, then goes back to playing the game)

JANE: What's that, a private school, or something?

DARREN: (Hesitates:) Well--yes--like Eastward College, my (adopted) parents really, uh, worked hard to get me in there. (Laughs uneasily, adds:) "Nothing but the best for our son", they used to say. (Changes subject:) Hmph--what's the use of Daria having all the fun while we're standing around watching her? Isn't this an arcade? Let me get some tokens for us, and we'll join her, okay?

JANE: Sure thing, Darren. (Watches him leave them to go to the token guy at the counter, turns to Daria:) Hey, you've almost reached the second level?

DARIA: (While going hard at it:) Yep--actually, I heard that the home version is supposed to be harder, so I shouldn't be surprised to get there this fast. (Pauses:) Didn't my bro say that he went to the Orbison Academy?

JANE: (Raises an eyebrow:) Yeah--so?

DARIA: I've heard of it--it's a pretty swanky private high school--pretty expensive, too. His adopted parents must've really worked their asses off to get him in there, and then into Eastward. It's located near New York City--not that far from where those Appleton people lived. (Glances at Jane, who still does not get it:) The Appletons, Jane? You know, the people my bro and your boyfriend apparently might've known? Those Appletons? (Loses a man:) Crap!

JANE: (Realizes:) Ohhh, those Appletons. (Pauses:) Sorry for sounding like Brittany there for a second, it can happen to the best of us. What's the connection?

DARIA: I don't know--whatever it is, I haven't figured it out yet. (Glances over:) He's coming back, shhh.

Darren had some tokens and gave them to Daria and Jane, while keeping some for himself.

DARREN: There you all go--(looks around:) I think I'll try those virtual reality simulators first. (Smirks:) Want to come along, Jane?

JANE: (Smirks as well:) Sure, why not? Let's try the "Underwater Pardise" one --I can sing "Under The Sea" while we battle the evil sea monsters. (Walks over with Darren and tells a geeky-looking, long dark-haired guy what they want, while Daria puts in another token to her game and begins to play again)

(Note to reader: The simulators were tried by Daria and Ted in the episode "The New Kid")

(Scene fast-forwards to about two hours later)

Daria and Jane were playing a Star Wars-type of space arcade game called "Nova One" while Darren watched, interested. Both were going at it rather furiously, with the game emphasizing speed through a series of button-crushing moves. There were now more people in the arcade, though still considerably less than usual (most of the students that hung out here were still out with their families on vacation). As an afterthought, Darren looked at his watch, and gawked. Time to call Woo.

DARREN: I'm going to use the uh--restroom, you two--I'll be back.

JANE: (Frowns while deep in thought, with her tounge sticking out:) Knock yerself out, Darren.

DARIA: (Ever-so-slightly frowns:) Don't let us stop you, bro. (Frowns a little more:) Damn--I hate you, Jane!

JANE: (Grins:) Hah! You're in trouble now, amiga--now to go in for the kill!

Darren gave a small chuckle to himself after watching the girls for a moment more, going into the arcade's men's restroom, and into the farthest stall from the door. He pulled the cell phone from his pocket, opened it up, and began to dial.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a street over from Woo's detective agency, the red goatee-haired man sat in his tinted glass sportscar eating a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit, and listening to the sounds from Woo's office. So far, the only things he heard were that of a case that was about a missing parakeet from an elderly woman, and a missing brooch from a wealthy socialite. The man snickered and rolled his eyes, and drank some hot coffee he had poured out of his thermos--this was boring to him, but he did not care--he was getting paid for it, anyway. The man shrugged to himself, sat back, drank the coffee, and continued to listen.

Carla had a typical morning at Woo's--filing, typing, answering the phone, welcoming a potential client, and getting coffee and bagels for Woo and the client. She sighed when she thought of the coffee and bagels--it reminded her of the time that the very handsome Darren Appleton came by the office almost a month ago with Woo, and she had given them the previously mentioned serving just to get another peek at Darren while he was talking to Woo. Carla had not had that much luck with men, despite her attractive looks--the old adage was true, she supposed: "Good men are hard to find." The ones she met were of the jerkwad variety--they only seemed to want--enough of that thinking, girl. She could not put her finger on it, but something about Darren made her see him as a genuinely good guy. Was it his deep blue eyes? His reddish-brown wavy hair? Those perfect white teeth? Carla smiled to herself over each one of those options, almost forgetting that he also was very wealthy as well--which, in a way, made her feel better about herself. There was more to being involved with a guy than just him having money, although it certainly didn't hurt for him to have some--liking a bum was out of the question. She was shaken out of her dreamy-stupor by the beeping of the phone. Carla pushed the receiver button and answered it.

CARLA: Woo Detective Agency, may I help you?

VOICE: I certainly hope so. (Pauses:) Is this Carla?

CARLA: (Frowns slightly, perplexed:) Why, yes it is. Who's this?

VOICE: (Sounding friendly:) Hi, Carla--this is Darren Appleton. Is Woo there?

CARLA: (Stunned, now excited:) Darren--I mean, Mr. Appleton? Y-yes, he's in! I'll connect you to him! (Is about to push the button to connect Darren to Woo, pauses:) Um, how are you doing? Did you meet your birth family?

DARREN: (Chuckles:) I'm fine, Carla--and remember, it's just Darren. Yes, I've met and I'm living with them for the summer. Are you doing well?

CARLA: (Very excited now:) Oh yes, Mr.--Darren! I'm fine! Er--I'll connect you to Woo--(grows quiet while pushing the button to reach Woo:) it was--nice talking to you, Darren.

DARREN: You too, Carla.

CARLA: (Sighs contentedly, smiles, with her finger still on the button:) Yeah.

WOO: (From his office, sounding amused:) "Yeah", what, Carla?

CARLA: (Now panics, snaps out of it:) Oh, I'm sorry, Woo! I'm on, that is, Darren Appleton's on the phone! Line one!

WOO: Darren Appleton? (Pauses:) I shouldn't be surprised (adds as an playful afterthought, chuckles:) either by him calling me, or you behaving like that when he called. Patch him in.

CARLA: (After mock-glaring at the phone for a moment:) Here he is, Woo. (Pushes the connecting line)

In the tinted window sportscar, the man nearly spilled the coffee all over himself when he heard Darren Appleton first talk to Carla. He hurriedly turned up the volume on his listening device and narrowed his eyes intently.

WOO: (Smiles:) Hello, Darren. I expected that you'd call me after seeing the NTSB news conference this morning. I saw it as well, and suffice it to say, I'm really not surprised to hear that the NTSB rule that it was an accident.

DARREN: (Sounding surprised:) Really? Why?

WOO: That's what whoever hired Sanchez would want us and everyone else to think. Sanchez did one hell of a job with sabotaging that fuel line, I'm sure of it.

DARREN: (Sounding quiet:) Ah, of course, you're right. (Pauses:) Do you have any leads yet?

WOO: (Leans back in his chair, sighs:) We're working on it. There are some rumors that Sanchez is still in the L.A. area, and we're checking them all out. I'm about to go out myself and look as well. (Pauses, looks concerned:) How are you doing?

DARREN: (After a pause:) Lousy, Woo--I feel as if the walls are closing in on me. The media has harassed my friend Curtis and his girlfriend, my aunt Millie overseas, even the staff at the mansion is getting the same treatment. (Adds:) I can't even trust the security at the mansion or at Appleton Towers, save for my uncle Will, (Woo looks uneasy at this) because someone there might be in on what happened to my parents. Then, of course, there's the lie I'm giving to my birth family. That more than anything else is really bothering me. I'm hating myself for doing this.

WOO: (Sighs:) I can only imagine what you're going through, Darren, but try to hang in there for a little while longer. The last thing we need is for whoever hired Sanchez to find out about what you're doing, and possibly put you and your birth family in danger, since you're staying with them--

DARREN: --And my girlfriend, Woo. I'm just beside myself for tricking her, too.

WOO: (Smiles quietly:) Ah, you have a new girlfriend as well? It's good to see you getting on with your life, Darren. (Becomes serious, tries to be reassuring:) We're going to go around the clock on this case, Darren, and I've already gotten two other men working on it. You're safe in Lawndale, so try to remember that--also remember this is to protect your birth family as well.

Jackpot. The man in the car smirked wickedly, and pulled out his cell phone, and began to punch some numbers. Darren Appleton's "safety" was about to be put into questionable jeopardy.

(Scene changes back to the arcade, about 5 minutes later)

Daria and Jane had finished their game, (by which Jane had won) and had now started to play another game called "Bop The Teacher". Both had a large rubber hammer with a wooden handle, and were using them to hit small, mechanized "teachers" that were popping in and out of holes, on a large console, getting points for each "teacher" hit. Obviously, both girls were naturally drawn to this game, which enabled them to work out their frustrations at their mostly inept Lawndale High instructors, even giving each of the pop-up "teachers" the same names as their educational "tormentors". Judging by the worn-out handles on the hammers they were holding, it was quite a popular game to play among the youth in and around Lawndale. Daria was leading this game, 20 to 15.

DARIA: (Swings, smirks:) Take that, "Morris"--that'll teach you to force me to do that jogging crap! (Hits:) Gotcha!

JANE: (Swings, smirks:) You're goin' down, "Li"! (Hits:) Hooza!

DARIA: (While swinging:) Darren's taking an awfully long time, don't you think? Damn--missed "DeMartino"!

JANE: (Smirks:) Maybe I oughta check, eh? (Hits:) Oop, there it is, "Phelps"!

(Note to reader: Mr. Phelps, a math teacher, is from Kara Wild's wonderful fanfic, "Of Absolute Value"--being Quinn and Jane's math teacher, according to Kara)

DARIA: (Swings again:) You've got a dirty mind, Lane. (Hits:) Burn in hell, "Manson"!

JANE: (Swings, sneers:) And your point is--? (The pop-ups stop, she looks at score:) Hmm--you won. (She and Daria give hammers back to arcade man:) Another game?

DARIA: Well, I--

VOICE: (From the side:) Helloooo, laaaaaadies!

DARIA: (Looks at where the voice came from:) Heads up--here comes the one person we wouldn't want to see in our nightmares--

JANE: (Arches an eyebrow:) --Or anywhere else, real or imagined. (Pauses:) Maybe we shouldn't have given up those hammers so soon, Daria. (Daria smirks at Jane)

Charles Ruttheimer III, better known to the denizens of Lawndale High (and to some on the outside of it, especially at the porno shops) as Upchuck, strolled up in his usual "loverboy" mode to Daria and Jane. He grinned with the look of a hungary tiger, waiting to pounce on its prey--in this case, both of them. Both girls looked at each other, and rolled their eyes in disgust.

DARIA: (Deadpan:) Hey, Upchuck--we see you've returned from your vacation with your family--

JANE: (Smirks:) --Yeah--when are you going back?

UPCHUCK: Grrrrrr--fiesty! Nay, me and my folks have just come back from Hawaii, and we're here for the rest of the summer! (Puts his hand on his chest:) Both of you can now have the 'Ol Chuckster to yourselves! I've returned, and I'm a raaarin' to go! You gals have entered into my lair, and now you should consider yourselves caught! Rrrrrr!

DARIA: I don't recall us entering willingly into your "lair"--you obviously have us confused with someone or something else. Maybe with your real female companions--like, say, the gorillas?

JANE: Yeah, you're in the wrong place, "Chucky-boy"--(points:) though it probably wouldn't be fair to the female apes for us to do this, I must inform you the zoo's in that direction. Go, and find your true love.

UPCHUCK: (Whines, stretches out his arms:) Aw, c'moooon, you luscious lovelies! If you come with me on a date, I can give you what any gal could only dream of--

DARIA: (Smirks:) --Two things come right off the top of my head--your declaring that you're gonna become celibate forever, and your deciding to be also castrated to enforce your celibacy. (Pauses while Jane tries to hold back her laughter:) Sorry, Upchuck, we're with someone else--use your little "pick-up" line elsewhere.

JANE: (Sneers:) Why don't you go to the dump? You can "pick up" anything there.

Darren came out of the restroom after putting his cell phone back in his pants pocket, feeling at least a little more comfortable by Woo's assurances over finding Sanchez than before. He immediately saw a grinning, scrawny and sleezy looking, freckled-face, short, reddish-(almost orange-colored in nature) haired teenager that looked like a cross between Howdy-Doody and Alfred E. Neumann (of Mad magazine) talking to Daria and Jane in the center of the arcade. Darren noticed that both girls looked slightly agitated, as if the fellow were giving them a hard time. Frowning slightly, more out of confusion than anger, he went over to see what was going on. Jane saw Darren coming out of the corner of her eye and smirked.

UPCHUCK: Ladies, ladies, ladies! If you're worrying that there's not enough of me to go around, I can promise you that your concerns are overblown!

JANE: (Still smirks, watches Darren coming over, which now also catches Daria's eye:) I have a feeling that you're gonna be blown over and around all over the floor of the arcade, Upchuck, if you don't leave.

UPCHUCK: (Smug, puts up his index finger, waves it in a admonishing manner:) Ah-ah-ah, Ms. Lane--this is a public facility. You simply cannot kick me out, my dear.

DARIA: (Watches Darren come up, smirks:) He can.

DARREN: (Cocks an eyebrow, looks Upchuck over:) Everything okay, you two?

UPCHUCK: (Eyes Darren warily:) And who, pray tell, are you?

DARREN: My name's Darren. I'm Daria's big brother, and Jane's boyfriend. (Narrows his eyes down at Upchuck:) You--?

UPCHUCK: (Stunned, searches for words:) Uh, ah, excuse me, but did you s-say that you were the l-lovely Daria's b-big b-brother--

JANE: (Grins:) --And my boyfriend.

UPCHUCK: (Still tries to comprehend, looks between the three:) H-how--b-but--

DARIA: (Smirks:) --Long story, Upchuck--but it is true--

JANE: (Nods her head slowly, smirks:) --Every bit of it, "Chuckie". (Holds her right hand up as if she is going to testify in a courtroom:) Swear it is.

UPCHUCK: (Turns a little green after seeing the broad-shouldered Darren glaring at him:) I-I think I'll be going now. (Backs away:) N-nice to meet you, Darren--sir. (Quickly leaves the arcade)

DARREN: (Watches Upchuck go, then turns back to Daria and Jane:) Excuse me, but did you just call him--"Upchuck", Daria?

DARIA: Um-hmm. His real name is Charles, and how he got the name "Upchuck" is a story within itself--somewhat. (Looks at her watch:) If you guys are game, we can talk about it over at Pizza King.

JANE: (Rolls her eyes:) Please, Daria--can't we talk about "The Chuckster" in Darren's car before we chow down? I don't wanna risk losing my lunch while we're talking about him and eating, okay? (Darren chuckles)

DARIA: (Shrugs, smirks:) Fair enough, I suppose--(pauses:) of course, you do realize that just thinking about him after we talk in the car might not make you want to eat a pizza by the time we get there?

JANE: I'll take that chance, m'dear. (Hooks her arm with Darren's, and both leave with Daria, while some of the girls with their dates swoon at Darren and glare at Jane out of jealousy)

(Scene changes to the Appleton Towers, the meeting room)

William Appleton was meeting with some Saudi businessmen at one end of the table with his secretary Lilly while Benny Lodell was sitting on the other end talking on his cell phone in a low voice, alone. He looked stunned.

BENNY: --And you're sure about Darren Appleton asking about Sanchez to Woo?

VOICE: Yessir, no doubt about that. Darren Appleton hired Woo to find out if the crash was an accident, and Woo knows apparently that it wasn't one, which confirms Mr. Appleton's fears. Woo's agency is trying to locate Sanchez even as we speak--Woo told Darren Appleton that his agency is following several leads.

BENNY: (Narrows his eyes, then in a whisper, sarcastic:) Damn--this is just--great! All right, anything else?

VOICE: No sir, not at the moment. You want me to continue to monitor Woo's office?

BENNY: Yes. Inform me immediately if something else comes up concerning Sanchez, got that?

VOICE: Yessir. (Hangs up)

Benny clicked off his cell phone and glanced over at William, who had caught Benny's serious-looking gaze. Benny mouthed, "Trouble, Boss", and William took his cue, looking over at the businessmen, interrupting one of them.

WILLIAM: Would you excuse me a moment, gentleman? My--associate wishes to speak to me. I'd like to ask you to consider the offer Appleton's making to help you lay that pipeline near Mecca--it's quite affordable, I can assure you. (The Saudi businessmen nod, and William gets up and goes to the other end of the table to Benny)

WILLIAM: (Sits down beside Benny, in a low voice:) You said, "Trouble, Boss"--what is it?

Benny leaned over and whispered what the man who was bugging Woo's office told him in William's ear. William's face suddenly contorted into a brief look of pure rage, something that the Saudi businessmen noticed, and looked at William with a bit of fear in their faces. William promptly saw how the businessmen looked at him, and he quickly changed his attitude, addressing them in a pacifying tone.

WILLIAM: (Laughs uneasily:) Heh--I didn't mean to alarm you all with the look of my countenance, gentlemen. My associate just informed me that a--(looks for words:) problem has developed with one of our--employees. You know how it is, with good help being so hard to find, and such.

This explanation actually seemed to go over well with the Saudi businessmen, for they began to smile, looked at each other, talked in Arabic, and went back to their consideration over taking Appleton's offer. The moment they had taken their eyes off William, he leaned over to Benny and spoke in a low voice.

WILLIAM: Damn Darren and Woo--(frowns, realizes something:) and for that matter, myself. (Benny looks at William, perplexed) I should've remembered that my brother and Lucille were practically obsessed with going over our jet fleet with a fine toothcomb when it came to flight checks--company policy, remember. (Benny now has realized what William's talking about, nods) Lucille lost her uncle when she was young in a plane crash, and she moaned and groaned over it to my dear brother for years. I should have known my nosy "nephew" would've checked just in case. Tell our man on standby to go to this--"Lawndale". (Benny grins wickedly) I want him to spy on my so-called "nephew", and to get a lay of the area. Tell him to do nothing to Darren, to just observe for now--and continue to get any details on Darren's birth family. Darren still doesn't know if I was involved in his "parents" deaths, though for some reason, I think Woo may in one way or another, suspect me. Don't ask me why--I just have this feeling--and you know my "hunches" are generally almost always right. (Pauses, looks concerned:) Where in the hell is Sanchez? Why hasn't he called you yet? Surely he's seen the news conference.

BENNY: (Shrugs:) I don't know, Boss--maybe he's just biding his time, waiting until he's certain the coast is clear.

WILLIAM: (Frowns slightly:) I suppose I can understand him doing that, but he'd better not wait too long to contact you--the way Woo operates, Sanchez will be located, and we simply can't allow that--(then adds as a wicked afterthought:) if you know what I mean.

BENNY: (Nods slowly, gets the gist of William's inference:) Right, Boss--anything else?

WILLIAM: Not at the moment, Benny. I'm getting back to those Saudi businessmen and close this deal.

BENNY: Okay, Boss--I'll call our man to go to this "Lawndale" place and watch your "nephew". (William gives him a quick, smug, evil smirk, gets up, and goes back to the businessmen, while Benny punches the numbers in his cell phone)

(Scene goes back to Lawndale)

Over the next day-and-a-half, Daria, Jane, and Darren spent some time together during the day, with Daria and Darren reading in the public library some more (spending several hours together, getting to know one another, or what Darren allowed Daria to know), and Darren and Jane going out to the movies or to a burger/pizza place at night (Daria said that she wanted them to spend some time together without her there all of the time). Jane had produced a small clay sculpture of a jogging Darren that she showed to a very-flattered Darren and a smirking Daria. Jane also did some sketches of Darren while he was out with her after they finished jogging together--more "artistic inspiration", Daria suspected. On the side, Daria and Jane privately speculated some more as to what seemed to have bothered Darren, coming up with no additional conclusions at the moment, though Daria noticed that Darren did seem a little more comfortable in his demeanor. Darren also promised both he'd come to McGrundy's for Mystik Spiral's appropiately-titled "Return to the Fold Concert at McGrudy's" that Friday.

Meanwhile, Quinn was being punished by her mother (backed up by Jake) because of Quinn's opening of the envelope that had the overall DNA results on Darren--Helen wanted to "teach her a lesson about going through other people's mail without their permission". As a result, Quinn would not be allowed to go out on any dates for the weekend, something that of course, had Quinn in a whiny and angry mood, claiming to having "worked" hard to regain her "popular-among-the-boys" reputation, only to see it "stifled" by her mom "being unreasonable". Darren spent time with Quinn by going over the classes Quinn would take in her junior year at Lawndale High, as well as the current fashion trends (much to Darren's private chagrin--more boredom). It was during this session that Quinn came up with what even Daria and Jane had to admit was brilliant--especially for Quinn (if they had known)--she asked (conned by her charm) a reluctant Darren to speak on her behalf when he and her mom went out mid-week on their lunch "date", knowing that her brother's affect on her mother could change the tide in her favor.

Between all of this, Darren had spent some more time with Jake at the Sedimentary Rock Country Club and Links, (Jake took a half-day off) again allowing Jake to win the match, although Jake had his own suspicions as to whether or not his son was doing so, especially after they ran into Jake's competitive "tormentor", Calvin Hopkins, and a friend, on the green. A friendly little "wager" was made for the rest of the holes, and a match-play competition was born. Darren shot a 72 (even par) on the course, and with Jake's score of 81, easily defeated a now-angry Hopkins, who threw his bag of clubs into a pond near the 18th green. When Jake asked Darren how Darren could play so well against Hopkins and his friend (not that Jake was complaining, mind you), but not against Jake himself, Darren merely shrugged his shoulders and said that Jake's brand of play "kind of intimidated" him. A now-beaming Jake patted his son on the back, and assured a kindly smiling Darren not to "cower" to his "Ol' Dad" on the golf course in the future, to which Darren reluctantly agreed to.

On Wednesday, Darren had arrived at the law firm of Vitale, Davis, Horowitz, Riordan, Schrecter, Schrecter, and Schrecter, meeting every one of Helen's co-workers, including her boss, Eric Schrecter. Marianne was stunned (surprise) at how handsome Helen's son looked, and privately, though briefly, cursed herself for being married and having children. Helen also had showed her office to Darren, and had told him of what cases they were working on. Darren was sitting by Helen's desk reading the newspaper while she was finishing up some court documents so they could then go to lunch. Helen occasionally glanced at her son lovingly while watching him read--it sort of reminded her of seeing Jake doing the same thing. She sighed, and went back to her work. The phone rang, and Marianne answered it while typing.


VOICE: (Masculine, very heavy:) Hello, does a Helen Morgendorffer work there?

MARIANNE: Yes, she does, one moment, ple--(phone clicks off) Hello? Hello?

HELEN: (Looks up from her work, while Darren looks over his paper:) Someone on the phone, Marianne?

MARIANNE: (While hanging the phone up:) Somebody asked if you were here, Helen, then they suddenly hung up. In all my time here, I've never had that happen to me before.

HELEN: Hmmm--well, perhaps the power went out or something from their end of the line. If they really want me, they'll call back. (Looks at her watch, gets up:) Oh, my! We'd better get a move on, Darren--do you mind if we go to a new restaurant called Milligan's? I've heard that it serves a delicious beef entree. Marianne, page me if Eric needs me--are you staying here for lunch?

MARIANNE: (Thought v.o.: With all of the work you usually leave me? Do I have any choice but to stay here?) (Holds up her lunch bag:) Yes, Helen, have a good time, you two.

DARREN: (Gets up, folds the paper:) Milligan's it is, let's go. (Smiles:) It was nice meeting you, Marianne. (Leaves with Helen)

MARIANNE: (Smiles back:) You too, Darren. (Though v.o. as she watches Darren leave with Helen: Whoa, mama--that "Jane" is one lucky gal!)

The 10 minute trip to Milligan's was uneventful, though Helen did notice that Darren seemed deep in thought over something. She thought about asking him, but decided to wait until both were in the restaurant to ask.

Behind them, another car, a gray-colored Camry, was following them from a distance.

When they arrived at Milligan's, Helen and Darren were led to and seated near the middle of the nearly-full restaurant. The place was one of those "anything crazy-looking on the wall" eating establishments, with such items as old bike tires, a hat, and even a car bumper! Darren cocked an eyebrow at that particular item. Ricky Martin's She's All I Ever Had was playing low on the speakers. Both read the menus and began to order, with Helen asking for the beef shish kebab, and Darren the club sandwich. Helen then looked over at Darren and hesitated for a moment. Darren noticed her reluctance, and initiated the conversation.

DARREN: (Gives a quiet smile:) Something bothering you, Helen?

HELEN: (Thought v.o., sighs privately to herself: Other than the fact that you're still calling me "Helen", son?) It's funny you should ask me that, Darren--I was going to ask you the same question. You seemed--to be thinking far off for some reason, like something was on your mind.

DARREN: (Slightly surprised, chuckles uneasily:) Was I that obvious? Oh, I--guess I'm just--thinking about the great time I'm having here being with you all, that's it.

HELEN: (Narrows her eyes a bit, still not totally convinced:) Darren, are you sure that's it? You can talk to me in confidence if you want to--

DARREN: (Grins:) --Oh, you mean like a lawyer? (Helen rolls her eyes playfully) There's nothing wrong. (Thought v.o.: Liar.)

HELEN: (Looks at him a second more:) Well, all right, son, but you know you can talk to me and (hesitates:) your father anytime.

DARREN: (Smiles, reaches his hand across the table to Helen's:) I know, and I thank you for that--I mean it.

HELEN: (Blushes slightly:) I--just--I just wanted you to know that Jake and I really feel like we want to be a part of your life from now on. (Darren gives a wistful smile) Daria and Quinn really are beginning to bond with you, and you and Jane are--(looks for words:) well, getting--closer to one another. (Darren chuckles)

DARREN: (Still holds Helen's hand, in a quiet tone, takes a deep breath:) I--I'd like for you and Jake to be a part of my life like Daria and Quinn--(pauses:) and Jane are beginning to be. (Looks a little uncomfortable, pauses:) I--hope that you and Jake can understand certain--"things" about me, things that I hope you can overlook--

HELEN: (Frowns, perplexed:) --"Things", son? What "things"? (Pauses:) Does this have anything to do what happened to your--um, parents? (Darren looks stunned) You haven't said anything more about them, other than they died in an accident. I can only imagine what you've gone through, son--maybe you can talk about how they were, and what happened to them--?

DARREN: (Now tries to find words:) Well, uh--that is--I--

VOICE: (From the side, with a bit of a sneer:) Now, this is an interesting sight, Helen--anything I should know about?

Helen looked in the direction of the remark, and saw Linda Griffin standing in front of her, and behind Darren, smirking.

HELEN: (Gets up with Darren, puts on her gameface:) Ohhhh, Lindaaa! Hellooo! Where did you come from? (Thought v.o.: From under a rock, perhaps?)

LINDA: (Grins like the cat that swallowed the canary:) Oh, I'm here from my job with Sandi for lunch. She went to the restroom when we first came in. (Does a double-take when she sees Darren turn around to face her, gasps:) And who are you, young man? (Thought v.o.: Damn! I have to admit, when Helen finally decided to cheat on Jake, she really cheated! This fellow's, like so fine--and just the right age for a fling, too.)

DARREN: (Extends his hand:) Er, hello, I'm--

HELEN: (Jumps in:) --This is Darren, my son. (Linda looks confused for a moment, but not necessarily shocked, shakes hands with Darren) I'm surprised Sandi didn't tell you about him--after all, he's been here with us for about a month, now. (Pauses, realizes:) As a matter of fact, I haven't heard anything from you concerning meeting my son. (Thought v.o., smirks to herself: Maybe you'd feel overwhelmed by meeting him--like you just were, hmmm?)

LINDA: (While Sandi is now coming up from behind and beside her, and gives a small, dreamy smirk when she spots Darren, who looks at her stoically:) First of all, Helen, I have been quite busy with my vice-presidential marketing job at KSBC, getting record advertising revenues for the station for this quarter--as usual. (Helen rolls her eyes) Secondly, this is the first time I've heard that you have a son. (Helen looks surprised) Thirdly, Sandi told me that Darren was your nephew.

HELEN: (Now shocked, wide-eyed:) WHAT?! (People in the restaurant look at them, Helen calms down) W-what did you say?

LINDA: (Looks at Helen disdainfully:) You heard me--your nephew. Isn't that right, Sandi?

SANDI: Like, that is so true. Darren said that he was Quinn's cousin, and Quinn like, confirmed it, or something.

All eyes converged on Darren, who was looking up at the ceiling.

DARREN: (After a moment, looks back down on the others:) Well, uh, that's true, I did, but it was meant to be something of a joke on Quinn, and--well--she asked me to continue it. I really didn't want to, but to Quinn, it seemed to be important.

HELEN: (Frowns, perplexed:) "Joke", Darren? I don't understand.

SANDI: (Ditto:) Yeah, like I don't either.

LINDA: (Smirks:) This I'd like to hear. (Looks at Helen:) Do you mind of we eat with you two, Helen?

HELEN: (Looks uneasily at an uncomfortable-looking Darren, sits down with Linda, Sandi:) I--don't--see why not.

DARREN: (Grimaces, sits down slowly:) Ah, it's like this--you see--

Helen's rage began to grow after she heard the story from Darren about the incident when Darren and Quinn met the Fashion Club for the first time in the Pizza King, and the aftermath of claiming Daria was her "cousin" all around school. Linda smirked, and Sandi shook her head slowly, then formed a gradual smirk on her face, something that Darren noticed. During this time, they were all served, and had eaten.

HELEN: (Red-faced:) How DARE Quinn do something like that--saying that Daria was her "cousin" to her friends! If she thought the envelope-opening incident was something, wait'll I get home! She'll be grounded for the rest of the summer!

LINDA: (Rolls her eyes:) It seems to me Helen, that this was the result of bad parental guidance! (Helen glares at Linda) You need to instill stern discipline in your children like I have with Sandi--for shame, Helen! (Helen looks for the words to speak, but can't, so Darren intercedes)

DARREN: No offense, Mrs. Griffin, but I'm just as much to blame as Quinn, if not more so. I helped to perpetuate her saying that lie to your daugther.

Inwardly, Sandi Griffin was as happy as she had ever been in a long time. This was perfect--an excuse to get rid of Quinn's influence in the Fashion Club. Quinn had lied to her and the Fashion Club about Darl--Daria being her cousin when in fact, she was Quinn's sister. This was just too, too bad--looks like a new vice-president was going to have to be found. Tiffany? Perfect "yes-man". Stacy? Perfect doormat. Someone else, possibly Brooke? Her nose had long since been repaired. She'd have to consider this carefully.

(Note to reader: Before Brooke's nose caved into her face in the episode "Too Cute", she was considered to be a strong candidate to replace Quinn)

HELEN: Now, Darren, don't try to defend Quinn--this--"cousin" thing had happened long before you came into our lives--

DARREN: --I'm not defending her. I favor a punishment of some sort, just that it shouldn't be so, well, harsh. (Sees Helen looking at him, ponders:) I'm just asking you to think about it, okay?

LINDA: (Gets up with Sandi:) Hmmph--well, why shouldn't I be surprised that you'd ease up on her, Helen? (Now Darren glares at her with Helen) This has been an--enlightening experience. Come on, Sandi.

DARREN: (Gets up suddenly:) Uh, may I talk to you for a minute, Sandi?

SANDI: (Arches an eyebrow, then after a moment:) Like, I suppose. Mother, will you excuse us?

LINDA: Very well, Sandi--I'll pay for both of us, and I'll be out in the car. (Looks at Helen, speaks coldly:) Helen. (Leaves)

DARREN: (To Helen:) I'll be back in a few. (Leaves with Sandi while Helen looks at them go, then stares off into space, depressed over Quinn's actions)

(Note to reader: Any "similarities" between this fic and Kara Wild's fic "The Tie That Chokes" concerning the "cousin" thing being uncovered between Daria and Quinn are purely coincidental--there, I feel better now.)

Both went to a hallway that lead off to the restrooms. Sandi followed Darren in, then folded her arms and leaned back against the wall, looking up intently at Darren.

SANDI: Like, what do you want, Darren?

DARREN: (In a low voice:) I saw how you looked when you heard that Quinn lied to you and your friends about Daria being her "cousin", and not her sister. (Pauses:) May I assume that this means Quinn's going to be ousted, not only as the Fashion Club's vice-president, but out, period?

Sandi stared at Darren for a second, inwardly impressed at his ability to see the obvious, then spoke.

SANDI: It's, like out of my hands, Darren--(narrows her eyes:) do you think a lie should be ignored?

Darren shuddered privately at the irony of Sandi's words. He briefly found himself wondering for some reason what Daria would think of all of the irony.

DARREN: No, not by any means. I'm asking that you go easy on Quinn--

SANDI: (Smirks, cuts him off:) --Like your mother? Why should I? Quinn's been nothing but a thorn--(catches herself:) uh, like, she's mislead us. How do we know if she's done the same thing with fashion, you know, like matching the right halter-top with a matching set of shoes?

DARREN: (Thought v.o.: What? Is that all these girls ever think about?:) Look, I think you and I know that Quinn knows her fashions--(then adds as he sees Sandi frown:) like you do. (Sandi then gives him an approving smirk) Isn't there some way we can work this out, you know, so as not to kick Quinn out of the Fashion Club? She needs to have the Fashion Club's experience on her transcript for the Fashion Institute.

SANDI: (Now interested a little:) Like, what do you suggest, Darren?

DARREN: (Thinks for a moment, looks around a bit:) Ah, how about some money? I could contribute to your club a small "donation", or something--how about it?

Sandi thought about this for a second, then began to get a calculating smirk on her face.

SANDI: No, I'm not interested in a donation--we have like, more than enough money. Buuut--(walks slowly up to Darren, then puts her finger seductively onto his chest, which makes him slightly flinch back:) maybe we can work out something else.

DARREN: (Narrows his eyes, begins to realize:) Oh--and what exactly is this "something else"?

SANDI: I'll keep Quinn in the Fashion Club with her position and--(gives a small snicker:) convince Tiffany and Stacy to do the same--if you go out on a date with me this Friday night. (Smirks:) Do we have like, a deal?

Though he knew what Sandi was eventually leading up to, it was still a shock to actually hear the offer. After a long moment, he looked down at Sandi, and sighed. Remember, this was for Quinn, Quinn, Quinn.

DARREN: (Looks resigned, sighs:) Deal. (Sandi grins triumphantly) (Thought v.o.: Jane's not going to like this.)

Go to Chapter 14 ******************************************************************************