THE VALENTINE CRUSH BY, LILJELLYB AND T1TANIC111 SCENE 1: ( Daria and Jane are walking to school) Jane: Daria what day is it? And by the way wanna come over ,Trent will be there . ( smirking) Daria: February 14 ( The worst day to be with Trent) umm… Ok. Jane: Trent is practicing his new song " Sweetheart". Daria: ( Oh boy another setup) Shut up Jane ( Cut: Daria and Jane at their lockers. Daria notices that a card fell from her locker and picks it up.) Daria: What the HELL IS THIS? ( Daria hands the card to Jane ) Jane: Go see , open it. ( Daria snatches it back) ( Brittney Runs to Daria and is shocked to see Daria with a valentine.) Brittney: Daria who's the card from? Daria: I don't know (glares at Jane) Jane : ( glares back ) Calm down Daria it might be "you know who". Daria: Nah Trent is too old for this crap Brittney : ( she sees Kevin and runs to him) Well gotta go Kevvie wait up. Daria: It could be Up Chuck UGH!!!!! Jane : I hope not. (smirking) SCENE 2: ( Lunch at locker Daria spots a rose and Upchuck walks by) Upchuck: Helllllllooooo Ladies , Daria. Daria and Jane : GO AWAY UPCHUCK!!!!!! Upchuck: Fiesty, by the way who sent ya that rose. Daria: Don't know .( glaring at Jane) Upchuck : I DIDN'T DO IT!!!! Jane: ME NIETHER. Daria : Ummm …..Ok. Upchuck: Well ladies gotta go! ( Upchuck leaves to the cafι) Daria: like he will ever get a date. Jane: I think not! ( 8TH PER . bell rings , class lets out and Daria go's to find Jane.) Jane: Well let go to my house ok. Daria :OK. ( Cut to : The front door , Trent opens the front door) Trent: HI Janey Daria. Daria : uh, HI! ( Cut: to Jane's room) Daria : Lets watch sick sad world. Jane: Isn't that all we watch Daria : ummmm…. ya. ( Daria and Jane tune in to the T.V) ( Cut: to Trents room) Trent: ( Singing loud ) SWEET HEART UR BREAKING MY………. UR BREAKING M……….. DAMMIT!!!!! ( Jesse enters the room) Jesse: HEY man! Trent: Man oh man I can't stop thinking about Daria! Jesse: Oh man, where is she , by the way? Trent: In Janes room. Jesse: Are you nuts talking about that girl while she's here. (Cut: to Janes room) Jane: so read the letter. Daria : ok. ( opens the card) ROSES ARE RED VIOLETS ARE BLUE I LOVE YOU YOU'LL FIND OUT WHO!!!!! Daria: some heavy shit Jane : yea. ( Cut:to Trents room) Trent lets go see the girls. Jesse: ok ,man (Cut: to Jane's room) Trent :Janey can I borrow Daria ? Jane: Why? Trent: I her to listen to my uh song. Daria: I'd be delighted . Trent: Good. SCENE 3 ( Daria is in Trent's room with him alone) Trent : So Daria wanna hear my new song. Daria: ya Trent : ( singing loud and playing his gutiar that he had on his shelf) SWEET HEART , YOUR BREAKING MY…….. SWEET HEART I LOVE YOU , YOU'LL FIND OUT ……….. WHO!!!!!!!!1 Daria : Ahhhhhhh! It is you. Trent: What? Daria : The … C..ard.. Trent :What card ? Daria: Oh ( frowning ) never mind. Trent : Don't be sad! ( he kisses her forehead ) Daria: Ummm …. Where is Jane? Trent: Don't tell Jane about this…….. ( Jane enters the room , they stare at her) Jane: What is goin on? Trent: That is none of your busniess or is it? ( Confused) Trent: well I'm going to the basement , send Jesse there ,ok Janey. Jane: Tell her who sent the card and a rose. (glares at him) Trent: No! Daria: Tell who what? Jane : Y………. ( the phone rings) Trent: I'll get it. Jane: UGH!!! Trent: ( picks up the phone) Helen: Is Daria there ? and who is this? Trent: Jane's brother MRS. M. Helen : Ah, Todd , is Daria there? Trent: It 's Trent , yes she is. Helen : Tell Daria to come home this instant!!……… Quinn PUT THAT DOWN NOW!!!!!! Trent: Yes MRS.M. ( hangs up phone) SCENE 4: ( Cur: to Daria's house) Daria : Well I'll see you at the PUB tonight Jane: Ok. Daria: Bye. ( Cut: in the house) Helen : Honey Where are you goin tonight? Daria: (walking to her room) The PUB. Helen :ok. Quinn? Quinn: Study Date. Helen: ok. ( 9pm. Daria is changing in a white tank top with a white vest and a pair of blue jeans with lace on the sides Also, a pair of white combat boots. Quinn is changing into a peach dress and peach every thing. ( not the hair) Daria is now leaving the house) Daria: Bye Mom,Dad . Helen and Jake : Bye , remeber 10:30pm girls . ( Quinn pushes Daria out of the way walks to the drive way and a porshe comes to the drive way Quinn gets in) ( Cut: to PUB) (Trent is tuning with Jesse and the group backstage while Daria and Jane were sitting in seats ordering cokes) ( Cut: to backstage) Jesse : Well man, the girls are here. Trent : GOOD!!! (Cut: In the crowd Jane and Daria go up to dance but daria is not dancing) Trent: HIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! WE ARE MYSTIK SPIRAL AND WE ARE HERE TO SING!!!!!!! ONE TWO ONE TWO I'D LIKE TO DEDCATE IT TO DARIA!!!!! ( Daria in the crowd blushing ) Jane: I TOLD YOU SO!!!!! SO HOW DOES IT FEEL KNOWING. Daria: OK. I guess. ( Cut: to end of show ) Daria and Trent: I love you! ( they kiss) THE END