Opening sequence ending in title screen: Daria in "The Storm")
By Pat Leland (
Note:please send ay suggestions to me (Patman3125)
Opening Scene 1
Cut to Daria's Kitchen: She is sitting down and reading the paper, Jake is
preparing breakfast. Quinn is sitting down. Helen rusehes through with her
Helen:Girls get ready it all most time forr school, remember todays the pagent
Daria: Oh yea, like my everday life doesn't suck that much
Jake: Thats the sprit, honey
Quinn: Yeah, like we all have to wear the same outfit in the pagent
(Cut to Lawndale High, Auditouriom) it is slowly filling with family and friends
of the students.Daria's head perks up when Trent and Jesse walk in.
Daria:(To Jane): What are they doing here?
Jane: I need a ride, okay?
(Ms. Li walks up to the podium)
Ms Li: Hello and welcome to Lawndale High, I hope you enjoy this pagent put on
by the the students of Lawndale High
(Quinn walks out on stage with the rest of the fashion club followed by the
three Js and they start singing. Later it is time from Daria's class to peform
she looks neverously out at the audience from backstage. She runs backstage when
she sees Trent looking at her.)
Mr O'Neil: Let's go class.
Daria: Please kill me
(She walks out on stage when thunder starts and wind starts rocking the windows
open and wind blows across the auditouriom)
Quinn: My Hair!!!!
Ms.Li Everybody stay calm we have a undergound area for this exact emergency
(Sudenly the power goes out)
Britiany: Not here, Kevie
Keven: What are you talking about babe
Britinany:(Noticing that Upchuck has his hand on her butt) Ewwww,
Upchuck: *Fiesty*
(everyone follows Ms.Li to the shelter)
Joey: Don't worry I'll protet you Qunn
Jeffy: I'll stay right by you, Quinn
Jamie: I'll die for you
(Finnally they make to the shelter)
Sandy:Eww, its dirty
Stacy: I know I'll like mess up my new scort set
Trent:Hi, Daria
Daria: Uhh, hi Trent
Jane: Gee Daria stuck here all night with Trent
Daria:(Glares at Jane)
Quinn: So then I said that nuetral were totallty unpopular and...
Daria:(interupping) Hi Sis
Sandy: Quinn, whats cousin or something doing here
Quinn: I *know*, there should be,like, another shelter for like attractive and
popular people
Quinn (To Fashion Club) Be right back (To Daria) Over here!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daria: ok Quinn its left, right, left........
Quinn:look ok, i know you like embarassing me and stuff, but like all my friends
and stuff and we were like trying to have fun and we don't need a *loser* like
you ruining it
Daria: (glares) Whatever you say Princcess Shallow
(We Are Family by Aretha franklin in backround Lol)
(Battery powered lights go off)
Daria:(As she bumps into the lump that seems to be Kevin and Britany) So
Britiany what did Kevin have for lunch?
Daria:(Looks over at Trent and Jesse they are asleep as ussual) nothing new
(wind lets up)
Jane:Hmm Sounds like the strom is letting up
(Wind starts up again)
Jane: My mistake
Daria:(approaches Helen and Jake) Mom, It looks like we might have to spend the
Trent:: (Yawn) Hey Daria
Jake: Hey my man, * Wassup*
Daria: ( Walking off) Hey Trent have you seen Jane
Trent:(Pointing at Jane, who has her head on Jesse’s shoulder they are both
asleep) Over there
Daria:I’m getting tired my self
Trent:Me too
(They both lay down)
Daria: ‘Night, Trent
Trent:’Night, Daria
Helen: Goodight, Jake
Jake: Goodnight, Helen
The rest say their good nights and the room is silent, almost
Britianny:Oh Kevie!!! Yea, ,Oh
Everybody: assorted hey keep it downs, quiets, shut ups and we’re trying to
sleep heres
End of Scene One: Daria and Quinn talking (Lalalalala)
(About 6 Am, Helen wakes up and is startled and nertvous to see Daria laying
next to Trent)
Helen:Oh My( Acts like she tripped and kicks Daria.)
Daria:(wakes up) uhhh
Helen:Oh I’m so sorry honey
Daria: Ok
(Slowly everyone wakes up)
Jame: Oh My god, look at the makeover squad
(Pan over to the fashion club)
(Beautiful by Smashing Pumpkins playing in backround)
(They look hideous compared to there normally make up encrusted status they all
have bed head.Quinn has bags under her eyes as does Tiffany, and has a zit in
the middle of her head, they all look startled as they see each other.)
Sandi: Oh, my God we are stuck in here without *makeup*
(Later everyone is up even Jesse and Trent, it is about 10:30)
Helen: (to all) ready for breakfast?
Daria:Yeah , I think we all are
Helen: (look at perserves shelf) well we have creamed corn and creamed corn
Daria:Ohh I don’t know what to have does it come with a side of creamed corn
Trent:(laughs) Good one, Daria
(after hearing the selections, or selection nobody seems to be hungery)
(Pan to Sandi and Tiffany)
Sandi: Quinn looks cute, ever after all this
Tiffany: Yea
Sandi: Cuter than me?
Tiffany: No, you’re *much*cuter
(Quinn and Stacy walk over)
Quinn:Can you *Belive* we are stuck here with just on outfit
Sandi: I know and how that outffit makes you look so *bloated*
Quinn:What do you mean Sandi, you have the same outfit
Sandi:I haven’t worn *that* for months
Quinn: Well, I don’t know why, it was in Vogue last month
Sandi: Well if *You* know so much about fashion maybe *you*should be President
of the fashion club.
Quinn:But you have been President for sooooo long, it would be wrong to kick you
out now, Sandi
(She and Quinn and exchanges glares)
(Pan to Ms.Li)
Ms:Li: Since today would normally be a day of learning here in Lawndale High,
well be having and assigmrnt, Mr.Dimartino
Mr.Dimartino: Considering the CIRCUMSTANCES of our SITUTION, we will be writing
an ESSAY how close CIRCUMSTANCES, effect people
Ms Li: Thank you, Mr.Dimartino
(Pan to Upchuck, he is examing some of his fast food toys)
Ms.Barch: (Walking by) Out of the way, Upchuck!!!!!!
Upchuck:Ahhh, my dancing Calfornia Rasin set
Daria:Nothing new there,(To Jane as she is loooking around the room), Now we
know what Inspired Sick, Sad, World
Jane:Yea, Hows the paper going
Daria: Not good everyone is the same pathetic people as normal
Jane: Now, now, Daria
Helen:(On Celluar phone) ok eric since I’m stuck here indefenately we should
move the meeeting, to uhuh, yes Eric, uhuh, Eric!!!?? Eric!!!!!!!!!?????????
Damn it cut off again.
O’Neil:Hello Mrs Mongenfluffer
Helen: Dammit its Morgendorfer!!
Helen:(walks up to Daria) You know I can see where your coming from with these
Daria: Then again it can bring out the best in people
Jane:Up for some research
Jane:Where to?
Daria:Hmmmmmm, you pick?
Jane: Hmm, The fashion club’s always good for a laugh
Daria: Lets’s go
(Pan to:Fashion Club)
(Better than you by Metallica in backround)
Joey: Hi Quinn
Jeffy: Hi Quinn
Jamie:Hi Quinn
Quinn; Hi, Jamie, Jeffy, Jesus?
(Pan to Daria and Jane)
Jane:How’s the investigation going
Daria: I fell like a Natinol Geographic photographer watching the monkeys
Jane: I know what you mean
Daria: Maybe we should try a difffrent Species
Daria:( looking At Kevin , and Brittany) Look a a mating Ritual
Brittany: MMmmmmm, Mmmmmmm Oh,
( The Blond Girl from “This Years Model walks by)
Kevin:(In His “Im Interrested voice) Hey
Brittany: Oh, You, You, Stupid Jerk
(End Scene two Ms.Barch strepping on upchuck’s toys Lalalalala)
(Opening Scene Three everybody is pretty bored and sitting around)
Britttany:This strom Isn’t going to stop anytime soon
(The strom stops suddenly)
Daria:I guess the world can’t bear to have Brittany be right
Ms.Li:Ok, everyone I think it should be ok
(She tries to lift the hatch to no sucess, a large tree is in view)
Ms.Li: Students’ Parents and faculty of Lawndale High we have a problem a large
tree has blocked the exit to the shelter
(Mr.Dimartino looks determined and his eye looks like it could hit the limit)
Mack:This looks like it could be better than the roller derby
Jodie:Could be?
Mr.Dimartino: (Charging at thge door and the tree is moving up and down up and
down, over and over) Arrrrr
(Finally the door springs open and everyone exits slowly)
(The damge to the school is evident)
Daria: I guess Ms.Li wil have a another mandatory optinal fundraiser
"Daria" and all related characters are trademarks of MTVNetworks, a division of
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