"The New Girl" A Daria FanFic by LeadFeathered This is a story about a new girl transferring to Lawndale, who manages replacing a member of Mystik spiral, and therefore getting Daria jealous. Filled with surprising hookups and heartbreaks. Authors notes: I don't own any of these characters (besides the girl named Serena, cause, well, she is me). These characters belong to MTV; I just love them so much I want to write stories with them. Hope you all enjoy. Oh, notes for reader: Name: means the person speaking, ()'s are actions, (Cut to...) meaning scene cut, {}'s are around comments I make during my writing, and *'s are to emphasize a word. Again, hope you enjoy as much as I had writing this. Oh, and apologizes for not including any family conversations. Daria's family is exactly like mine, and I didn't want to ruin my story thinking about them and putting myself in their shoes. Fin (for the notes) "The New Girl" (It's a regular day [Tuesday to be exact]. Cut to shot of Lawndale High. The bell rings as we hear Vapour Trails by Tragically Hip) Jane: My art teacher wants me to go *inspire* her freshman class. Daria: Thank you for leaving me alone to experience hells wrath. Jane: Anything to help. (They depart and Daria walks into O'Neill's class. When she sits, she sees the empty desk beside her and scowls.) Brittany: Eep! Kevvie! I think I hear a bear! Kevin: Don't worry babe. You know I'll protect you. Brittany: Oh Kevvie! I love you! (They make out for a while, making Daria gag. The class finally settles). O'Neill: Class. Class. We have a new student. Lets give a nice warm welcome to-...Uh. Girl: Serena O'Neill: yes, give a nice Lawndale High welcome to Serena. (Everyone sits still) ("I'm afraid of Americans" by NIN begins to play faintly [the lyrics, long beginning to the song]. Serena stands up before the class. 5'5, black straight shoulder blade-length hair, black cat-eye glasses, eyebrow ring, black dress shirt, faded blue loose fitting jeans and gray etnies shoes.) O'Neill: So how about telling the class a little about yourself (Daria pulls out a recorder (gift from Jane), in hopes of a laugh for her and Jane later. She hits record) Serena: My name is Serena Ford. My dad is not related to the car company. After much consideration over the last few seconds, I should tell you I am from Canada. Brittany: Did you live in an icehouse? Serena: (rolls eyes) Yes, I lived in an igloo, and ate beaver tails to stay alive until whale hunting season. Kevin: (raising hand right when he begins to speak) Aren't you suppose to say eh? Serena: While crossing the border, they insisted on implanting a chip that disables me from using that word. (Seeing nobody else has comments). I don't know why I'm here. This country throws my money in the trash, and I have to pay for health coverage. I told my father I would soak my eyes in cyanide for the same results as rose-colored glasses before moving here. While crossing the border he bought me a pair for 1 1/2 they're worth. I'm looking forward to having my morals, beliefs and hopes crushed by this town. O'Neill: (looking disappointed {or like he wet himself, which ever you choose}) Thank you for that...uh...wonderful speech. You can take a temporary seat next to Daria. (On the way to the desk, she takes the rose-colored glasses out of her pocket, and drops them on Brittany's desk) Brittany: Ooo! Kevvie! How do I look? (Put glasses on her perfect little nose) Kevin: *Hot* babe! (Serena sits next to Daria. Daria looking half shocked) Daria: I thought the cyanide comment was a nice touch. Serena: I can see I wasn't trying hard enough. I was hoping the blonde would cower. But I suppose I have over-estimated the average intelligence level of this school. Daria: (smirks) Serena: I suppose she didn't get the joke of me putting the glasses on her desk. Daria: 99% of this town wouldn't. Welcome to hell. Serena: Oh, I've been there. Got kicked out, tried to take over. (Half-smiles) This is much worse then hell. Daria: (laughs quietly and lazily while stopping the recorder) Serena: Taping me in hopes of a laugh? Daria: Something like that. It was a gift from my best friend. I swore to put it to good use. It would have been something funny to look back upon and laugh about, but you have proved my theory otherwise. Serena: Whose desk am I sitting at? Daria: My best friend, Jane's. Serena: I like the doodles (traces them with her finger). Where is she now? Daria: Being tortured by gnomes. (Does her Mona Lisa smile) Serena: (smirking back) Helping out with a freshman class thanks to teachers request? Daria: Telepathic? Serena: No, just telekinetic. Oh just watch as I send books flying into the jock's head. (They both smile and copy down the notes O'Neill has been putting on the board) {Contemplating whether or not I should put in commercial breaks. Nah...} (Cut to hallway. Just left class, going to lunch) Serena: Mind me tagging along with you? I find I shouldn't bother making the same mistake I made at my last school. Daria: (Looking with interest) Which would be? Serena: Sitting in the hallway, decked out with a Napoleon hat, and a Risk board talking to myself about how I will conquer all of Europe (seeing Daria smile at this, she continues). Someone took the time to suggest biological warfare. The nerve of some people, thinking that wouldn't be my first idea. (Jane runs up to the two of them) Jane: Hey Daria. Daria: Hey Jane. Oh, this is Serena. New girl. Jane: So hell wasn't all too bad. (To Serena:) Hello. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the worst years of your life. Serena: So I see you got away from the newly brainwashed cattle all right. Jane: (half-smiles {There are going to be a lot of half smiles}) Just barely. (Cut to shot of outside Lawndale. [Shot of front]. The Tank pulls up to the three girls.) Trent: Hey Janey. Hey Daria. (Looks at Serena with some interest) Daria: Hi Trent. Jane: Yo. (Seeing Trent looking at Serena) Oh, that's Serena, the new girl. Trent: Hop in. (Jane sits in the front. Daria and Serena sit in the back. Daria pulls out the recorder, and looks at Serena for consent. Serena nods) Daria: Hey Jane, do you want to listen to a speech that made Mr. O'Neill squirm in his seat? Jane: Sure (Daria presses play. They all listen. Trent checks out Serena and Daria in the rear view mirror every few seconds. No one notices) Jane: An *igloo*? You think so poorly of us Americans! Serena: I've only lived in Canada half my life. I'm actually American. I only said that because of the cheerleader. Daria: Understandable (They continue to listen) Jane: (towards cyanide remark [Which Trent laughed/coughed at]) Nice touch. Serena: I try. Daria: (at the end of the tape) I think I saw Brittany wearing the glasses when she left. Jane: Wouldn't doubt it. She's just sporting the obvious. So, Trent, no band practice? Trent: No. Jesse got pulled out of town. Some kind of family thing. Guess I'll have to cancel the gig Friday. Serena: Maybe I can help. (Everyone looks at her with a confused look) I play the guitar. I was the rhythm guitarist in my old band, the Highly Intelligence Guerillas, HIG for short. I wouldn't mind filling in for Jesse, if its ok with you that is. Trent: (looking impressed {well, as impressed as his oblivious face can let him be}) Practice is at 8. Where is your house? Serena: 2 blocks ahead. On the right, number 23. Trent: I'll pick you up at 8. Serena: (hands him a piece of paper with her number) Call instead. Bye Daria, Jane, Trent. Check ya later. Jane: (nods) Bye. Daria: Bye. (Serena salutes casually with 2 fingers to her brow. She walks into her house). Daria: Odd girl. Jane: I like her. (Trent only smiles. Daria scowls quietly) (Cut to shot of the Lane residence. Then cut to basement) Jane: You sure about this Trent? Trent: Ya Janey. I called Jesse; he's cool with it. I see no problem with it. I just hope she's good. Daria: If she plays as good as she does playing Ms. Modesty, you'll have a problem. (Trent laughs and coughs, smiling between coughs. Just then the bell rings) Jane: Speak of the devil? (Cut to upstairs. Jane walking to door and opens in. It's Serena, carrying a guitar case. Dressed same as before, but her hair is up in a messy bun) Jane: You're early. Its only 7. Serena: Trent said he wanted to hear me play before the band gets here. Jane: Alright. Welcome to my parlour. Serena: Said the spider to the fly. (Jane smirks. Serena eyes her {/checks her out} and carries her guitar case to the basement) (Cut to basement) Jane: Now that I've brought Serena down to the dank, what do you say we go watch some TV Daria? Daria: K (They leave). Trent: Uh, bye Daria, Janey. Hey Serena. Glad you could make it. Serena: All it required was outsmarting my parents. Easy enough. (She takes her zebra-stripped guitar out of its case) Trent: Alright, I suppose I should give you a test or something. I'll play my cords to a song and sing the lyrics. After I'll do it again, and you try playing along to make it sound good. You can try it as many times as you want. Serena: Sure. Lemme warm up first though. (She plays a few chords while tuning her guitar, and plays some of Ava Adore by Smashing Pumpkins perfectly.) K. I think I can play now. Trent: (seeming impressed) It's going to sound a pit weird without bass or drums, but try and do your best. (Sings The Lithium by Nirvana and plays a bit to the music). Serena: K. I'm ready. (She begins playing, makes a nice opening for the song, but makes a small mistake at the end). Trent: (impressed) That was good, but... Serena: The notes at the end were too fast. Trent: Ya. (Cut to shot of them entering Jane's room. Jane quietly shuts the door) Jane: Who stuck the stick up your ass? Daria: Your new best friend. Jane: What the-? You're looking too far into this. I think she's nice, a nice friend, that's it. Why is she bothering you so much? (Daria scowls) OH! You think Trent has a thing for her. Daria: Shut up! Jane: Fine. Well, Sick Sad World is on. Want to stick around and watch it with me? Daria: No. I'd rather go home and discuss nail polish with Quinn. (They both smile and sit on the bed, turning on the TV) (Cut to basement. They band is finishing off "Icebox Woman") Serena: (when they are finally done) I suppose I did alright, né? Max: Né? Serena: Canadian slang. Well, more of just my slang I suppose. Max: Oh. Nick: Ya, you did pretty good. Few more practices and you'll be ready for Friday. Trent: (nods) Yeah. Uh, k you guys. I need some sleep. Head out. (Everyone begins to leave) Uh, Serena. Could you hold up a minute? Serena: Sure, (They hear the door shut behind the other guys) what is it? I'm not good enough am I? Trent: No, you've done great. I just need a favor to ask of you. Serena: Shoot. Trent: The closing song for the big gig Friday, it's going to be a solo, but I need your help writing the song. I've gotten a block, and well, it's really important to me to get this done for Friday. Serena: (looking with much interest) Sure. Can we write it tomorrow though? Trent: Sure (he follows her out of the basement) (Cut to Daria's room later that night. She can't get to sleep, so she sits there thinking) Daria: (thinking. VO.) I saw Trent eyeing her. I knew he didn't like me. Why would he? I hope they are happy together (She sighs and falls to sleep) (It's Wednesday. Cut to shot of Lawndale High. Jane and Daria are walking down the hall) Jane: Do you want to come by after school and watch the band practice? Daria: Could we watch the Sick Sad World marathon instead? Jane: I can't believe you still think she's stealing him (Daria glares and elbows Jane in the ribs) Ow! Serena: (runs up behind them) Did I hear someone say "Ow"? So I *was* right, the sky *is* falling. I advise we run. {Heh... running away from the falling sky.} Daria: Have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? Serena: Ya, he had a little fun, and people began to mistrust him. I personally always thought it was a one sided story, told by the villagers. I mean, they wouldn't want themselves looking like the villains. And beside the point, I'm a girl anyhow. (Cut to after school {Sorry, I just really want to get to the gig Friday} Trent pulls up in the Tank) Trent: Hey Janey, Daria. Oh hey Serena, you still coming over tonight. Serena: No. I'm going to be camping out in the bomb shelter. My fake hip is acting up, which means an atomic bomb is on the way. Trent: Heh. Hop in you guys (Before everyone gets in, Jane whispers in Serena's ear, and they hop into the back. Daria scowls quietly seeing how she's left with shotgun. They pull out and begin to drive) Trent: So Daria, where are you off to? (Jane and Serena are talking very quietly in the back seat) Daria: Not sure. I want to drop my bag off at home, but I'm going to watch the Sick Sad Marathon with Jane real soon. Trent: Cool. (Pulls up to Daria's house). Drop off your bags, I'll wait. Daria: Thanks (she runs in her house. 2 minutes later she is back) Trent: That was fast Daria: Doesn't take long to outsmart my parents. (Trent laughs/coughs remembering the times he has met Daria's family) (Cut to Jane and Serena. They are whispering) Serena: Why do I have the feeling Daria hates me? Jane: Because I think she actually does. Serena: Why on earth would she? I've made another bad impression on someone haven't I? Jane: She just thinks you're stealing me and Trent from her. Not sure how you could, he doesn't know she likes him. Serena: I'm *not* interested in him. Can you keep a secret Jane? Jane: Yes. Consider my lips shut. (You see Serena whisper into Jane's ear. Jane looks a little startled) Serena: Don't worry, I won't try anything (Jane looks a little relieved) (Cut to Jane's room later that night. Daria is lying on the bed watching TV, Jane is painting) Daria: Nice painting (We see Jane's painting of a demon on trial, afraid of touching the bible to swear not to lie). Not as surreal as what I'm used to, but it's good. Jane: Thanks Daria: I don't hear music. Band practice cancelled? Jane: Trent and Serena are writing a song. (Daria gets up and begins to leave) Where are you going? Daria: Find the good rope to hang myself with. (Jane glares) I'm getting some drinks (rolls eyes). (Daria walks down the hall and sees Trent's door is ajar. She peers in and sees Serena and Trent kissing {not passionate}. When the kiss breaks, Trent sees Daria watching. She looks really hurt, like she is going to cry. She storms off) Trent: Dari- (Serena cuts him off) Serena: Don't. She's not going to listen to you right now anyway. Trust me on this one. I'll talk to her. Well, we finished the song. I think I should go. I'll talk to her tomorrow at school. Trent: Ok. Thanks Serena Serena: No problem. Least I can do for getting you into this fine mess. I'm sorry she had to see that. Just don't worry; I'll clear it up. (Trent looks relieved, and walks her to the door) (Cut to Jane's room. Daria is looking more depressed then usual) Jane: Where are the drinks Daria: Fuck the drinks Jane: Whoa! What's wrong? Daria: I broke a nail. Jane: (looking unimpressed) Daria... Daria: My worst enemy was kissing Trent. Jane: Daria. (She puts her hands on Daria's shoulders, looking right into her eyes) Listen to me! (Daria looks down) Don't be stubborn and listen! (Sees she has Daria's attention) This *is* a misunderstanding. I'm going to go talk to Serena now. I want you to go home, and sleep. Don't beat yourself up over this. I can guarantee things aren't what they seem. Daria: Fine Jane. I'll go home and sleep. Just stop acting so weird. I'll see you tomorrow. (Daria leaves) Jane: Alright. Bye! (Front door slams.) (Cut to shot of Trent's room. He's lying down on the bed, blaring Hurt by NIN {I have stumbled across the great band yet again. Thanks Corinna}. Jane knocks on the door; he sits up and wipes a few tears away). Trent: I wouldn't be surprised if you hate me too Janey. (He looks like he is going to cry again. Jane almost does too) Jane: (walks over to Trent, sits next to him, and wraps her arm around his shoulder) Just tell me what happened. I know this isn't what it seems. (Trent begins to talk, but its silent. Camera zooms out and does the whole tacky shut door on cameras face) (Cut to a front door [INT]. We see Serena opening the door, and seeing Jane) Serena: (looking to the floor) Uh... come in. (she moves aside and Jane steps in) Uh, we should go talk in my room. Jane: K. (Cut to shot of a different door opening. We see Serena blushing and Jane in awe) Jane: WOW! (Serena's room is black, with green 3-D looking vines [with thorns] crawling from the floor and reach to the middle of the ceiling, where a homemade scrap metal chandelier hangs. On the thorns of the vines, canvas paintings hang [nails/thumbtacks on the end of the painted thorns]. There is a metal frame bed, with insane asylum straps hanging off the frame. On the bookshelf there are a wide variety of clay mugs. Her mirror is a hubcap with broken mirror imbedded into it, with dead roses imbedded around the edge {It's really gorgeous.}. In the corner, there is a manikin with a leopard print pattern painted on her body. She is holding a straight jacket and a trench coat. Her easel is folded up against the wall) Jane: Impressive (still in a slight state of awe) Serena: (still blushing) Thanks. So what brings you to this little rabbit hole? Jane: Said the vixen to the inquisitive hare. (Jane and Serena grin). Well, actually, I needed to talk to you about Daria. Serena: (walks over to bed, sits, puts hand on forehead and sighs) I really blew it. I don't even think she'll listen if I try to explain myself. Jane: I would agree, but I guaranteed Daria this was all a misunderstanding. I just talked to Trent. He told me what happened. Serena: (nods) So all that is left is to tell Daria. I suppose I should tell her, but I wont be at school tomorrow. My mom wants me to see my new psychologist asap. Jane: Well, I'll tell her you'll talk with her Friday at school. Beware though. I hear she has retractable claws she sharpens every night. (They both lazily laugh) (A day before the gig. Cut to shot of Lawndale High. Daria is looking very depressed sitting in class. Jane is sitting beside her with the desk in front hers empty. Jane sighs as she passes Daria a note) Daria: (Jane VO reading) Hang in there. I've cleared everything up, and you'll be informed tomorrow. You just have to talk to Serena. I know she's the last person you want to see, but trust me on this one. So, do you want to go to the gig tomorrow? I don't think you want to miss it. There is a little surprise arranged. Daria: (Writes. Daria VO) Fine, I'll talk to her. And I'll go, as long as this isn't another Jane Lane mission to hook me and Trent up. (Hands note back)(Jane writes something, and hands it back to Daria) (Jane VO while Daria reads) I promise. And besides, this is much much better then anything I could think of. (Thinking) Why do I have the feeling I am going to regret this? (She puts the note in her pocket) (Cut to shot of Jane's house, later that night. Shot of Trent's room. He is sprawled across the bed, listening to The Fragile by NIN Trent: I hope Serena is able to clear this up. I hope Daria doesn't hate me. I feel so helpless not having any control over what's going on right now. Well, not much I can do. Maybe I should sleep. (He falls asleep at the thought) (Friday. Cut to shot of field outside of Lawndale High. Jane and Daria are sitting on the grass. Serena comes over, and Daria gets up and begins to leave) Serena: Actually Daria, you're the one I need to talk to (She looks at Jane) Jane: I need to go for a washroom break. Maybe I'll see the fashion club. God forbid they digest. (Daria still looks upset, Jane leaves) Daria: Alright, shoot. I want to get this over with. Serena: Daria, first off I should say I don't want to lose you. When I leave this place next week I don't want it to be on bad terms. I want to be able to talk to you once and a while. You and Jane and the greatest people I have ever met, and I don't want to lose you friendship (Daria still looks emotionless). I'm sorry that you saw what you did the other day, but as Jane told you, it wasn't what it seemed. Trent and I don't like each other. After finishing off that song he wanted me to help him write, we got to talking. He found out I am a lesbian, and was sort of confused about it. I said I wasn't sure if I felt anything when I kiss guys. So he volunteered to help me. We kissed, and it clarified it for me. I find no joy in men. He was just being a friend. And besides, his heart belongs to another (She half-smiles). Again Daria, I am sorry you had to see that. Will you come to the gig tonight? Trent really wants you to be there, and I don't want you to not go because of me. Daria: (A little startled) Sure I'll come. And... uh, well, I'm sorry for being so mean to you. A lesbian? Wouldn't have guessed that one. Serena: Well, to be honest, I have the hots for the other Lane. {Ya I know, first that college girl, and now me. Just Jane's luck} Daria: She's straight you know? Serena: Drats (Jane returns) Jane: Drats? Serena: (blushing) Canadian slang... (Cut to shot of Jane's house that night. Daria is standing at the door. Doorbell rings, and Jane answers it) Jane: Hello comrade, glad you could make it. Daria: (wearing a black pair of jeans that are torn at the knee and a gray t-shirt) 2 people have told me I shouldn't miss it for the world. I should at least find out what all this commotion is about. (They step inside. Daria passes by Trent's room. She hears The Downward Spiral by NIN. She sighs and continues to Jane's room, where Serena is looking at Jane's artwork. She is wearing the same black shirt and glasses, her hair is down. She is wearing a blue catholic girl styled skirt, fishnets, and a pair of Jane's combat boots) Daria: Hey Serena. Ready for tonight. Serena: I'd like to think I was born ready, but I am still a bit nervous. So Daria, ready to see your dreams come true? Daria: You mean the Fashion Club is going to be on stage and spontaneously combust? Jane: If not that, I think there is an extra can of gas in the Tank. Serena: And I have matches. Speaking of matches, you guys don't mind if I go outside for a little "fresh air"? I'm still a little nervous. Jane: Go right ahead (Serena leaves). You and Serena are on good terms then I see. Daria: Ya, but I think you should beware (she grins, and Jane looks confused) But what is all this talk about my dreams coming true? Jane: You'll see (Hear knocking at the door). Come in. (Trent stands in the doorway and blushes slightly when he sees Daria) Trent: Hey Daria. Glad you could make it. You guys ready to go? (Checks out Daria) Daria: Ya. Serena is outside though. Trent: K. lets go then (they all leave) (Cut to shot of venue. Mystik Spiral is on stage, finishing of "Behind My Eyelids") Trent: Alright. I'm going to change the pace a little. (The rest of the band gets off the stage. Serena goes and sits next to Jane. Trent sits on a stool on stage and starts playing the opening to "Stolen Heart"[the song Serena helped him write]) Trent: (singing) I can't help but be so shy. / These feelings so confusing, /cos I ask myself why, / you've put me in awe. /With your cynical jokes, /your humor leaves me a mess. /With your intelligent remarks, /you've left me stressed, wondering.../ Do I ever cross your mind? /Will you ever feel the way I do? /Would I ever cross your mind, /or tell you how I feel for you? /Friends say it's wrong, /to infatuate the way I do, /Not caring what they think of me, /I need to say, /I love you. (Stops singing and slows guitar playing to a halt). Daria, I love you. (The audience roars and Serena giggles at the state of shock and bliss Daria is obviously in [her expression shows all]. Trent hops off the stage, everyone parts to see where he is going. He eventually makes his way to Daria.) Trent: Daria. (He takes her hand and helps her rise off her seat) I love you. Daria: I love you to Trent. (He kisses her and they hug. They crowd roars again.) Serena: (To Jane) Kinda makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy (Jane looks at her confused). Its sarcasm. I thought you knew what that sounded like (said in a teasing tone). (Sighs) Actually, its just making me more depressed. (Jane leans over and kisses Serena for a second {ya, I know, but I wanted *some* action in my fictitious life} Jane: Help? Serena: (grins) For that brief second, yes. So, where we off to now? Jane: (Takes Serena's hand). My place. Everyone is sleeping over. (Looks at Trent and Daria who can't take their eyes off each other). Though I am unsure of how much sleep we will all be getting tonight. (Cut to next morning {think what you want about what happened that night. I don't really care. Consider it 'Choose Your Own Adventure' style}. Cut to shot of Trent's rooms. Him and Daria are lying in each other's arms. Trent actually wakes up first and moans in the bliss he is feeling waking up with Daria next to him. Daria sleepily opens her eyes and smiles. Daria: Good morning. Trent: Good morning my love. (He kisses her forehead) Daria: (looks at clock) It's only 7. Lets get some more sleep. Trent: Agreed (they fall back asleep). (Cut to shot of Jane's room. Serena is lying with her arms around Jane. We can faintly hear Closer by NIN in the background. They are both half awake) Jane: Serena? Serena: Ya? (She kisses her neck) Jane: Mmmmm. Uh, I was wondering. What is this? Serena: Bliss. Jane: That's not what I meant. Serena: I know. I just don't want to be the barer of bad news. Jane: Bad news? Serena: Ya. I'm moving back in a week. Jane: (A little hurt). Oh... why? Serena: Lets just say my new psychologist isn't suppressing my urges to commit mass murder. Jane: Oh... Serena: I'm sorry. (Jane turns and lies on her stomach, and keeping herself up with her elbows). Jane: I'll miss you. Serena: I'll miss you too. But I can come back for the summer. I just have to find a house to stay at for the vacation. Jane: My house is always open for company. I will miss you... Serena: I'll miss you too. Well, a week is a nice length for a fling. Jane: It is. (Serena puts her hands around Jane's waist and pulls her towards her) Hey, it's 7 in the morning. Want to get some sleep? Serena: And miss my Saturday morning cartoons? Jane: Hmmm? Serena: It's a joke. (They fall asleep) (Cut to a fast slideshow of scenes: Trent and Daria sleeping, Jane and Serena sleeping, Trent throwing guitar in van as Jane and Serena hug. Fast-forward of Daria Serena and Jane hanging out at school and accompanied with Trent at Jane's house for the week. Cut to scene of Serena putting bags in family car (yes, it's a Ford) Cut to scene her waving by to Jane, Daria and Trent (Who has an arm around Daria). Jane: I'm still going to miss her. Daria: Jane, I thought you were straight. Jane: So did I... (Looking a little confused) Trent: I don't want to be hearing this. Jane: (Sighs) What now? Daria: Sick Sad World marathon? Trent: I'm hungry. Jane: Pizza then (They all walk away) FIN That would be my first Daria Fic. I'm in the process of writing "Daria in wonderland". I've always wanted to be like Daria, so I went with the next best thing. Putting myself in her world. Its was a nice escape from the world in which 8 layers of cover-up constitutes as being normal. Hope you enjoyed my little escape. Any comments, criticism, death threats, send them to leadfeathered@hotmail.com -Serena Ford 'Lead Feathered Angel Wings'