Disclaimer: Daria and all related characters are the property of MTV

Note : This story as did the ones that take place before it in this series proceeds under the premise that whatever was feared to occur at the onset of Y2K, ...did.

Note : This story is the next in the Submariner series, It takes place a few months after "One Season at a Time"

Reflections Before Summer

(The halls Of Lenape high filled with students varying between all four high school years as the eighth period bell rang sounding the end of the school day. As with any typical high school the halls are overly crowded and student push past each other to get to their lockers, their cars, and or their bus home. Amidst the turbulent fluid like movement of the students bodies passing between each other, Jane appears from the crowd to meet up with her sister Amy at her siblings locker.)

Jane: (As she pushes through the students until she reaches the locker) Hey Amy, ....I'm glad I caught up with you. (Holds up a slip of paper with the school seal on it) Did you get one of these slips saying to report to the principals office?

Amy: (holds up a similar piece of paper) What, you mean one of these? (Crumples it) Yea, ....but I was planning to ignore it. To my knowledge I've done nothing wrong and I can't think of any other reason why I would want to pay a visit to someone I could care less about. Besides, it's not like it's a court summons or something.

Jane: Point taken, ....I wasn't tremendously concerned about it. I was just curious to know if you had any information regarding WHY our presence had been requested. If memory serves the last few times we were called down to the office the principal wanted us to participate in some stupid extra curricular activity that would bring some form of honor to the school.

Amy: (Laughs) Sounds like what mom used to complain about when she talked about her high school days. What was the name of the principal she had, ....the one that was the security nut?

Jane: (Shrugs) I forget, ......it was some Asian name I think. I didn't really care at the time about what her name was. I was just interested in how well mom's stories always seem to relate so well to our own experiences.

Amy: That is pretty cool how she manages to do that, ....I wonder why nobody else's parents are able to do that.

Jane: Eh, who knows. (A voice comes over the public address system)

Voice: Would Jane and Amy Lane please report to the principals office. Jane and Amy Lane to the principals office please.

Jane: Oh god, ....now we're being beckoned by an almost inhuman voice from beyond. What shall we do my dear sibling?

Amy: Hmm....Lets see, this is a most interesting dilemma we have here. On the one hand we could totally ignore the multiple summonses we've received and just go home in hopes that this will all have been forgotten by tomorrow. (Pauses) But on the other hand we could actually go to the office, find out just what exactly we'd be getting ourselves into and possibly find some unique way to humiliate or blackmail the faculty.

Jane: Hmm, .....humiliate or blackmail the faculty. GOD, ....that sounds pretty tempting.

Amy: We've done it before, if you recall on those occasions I mentioned before about being railroaded into extra curriculars.

Jane: Yes Amy, ...I recall with great accuracy. My memory is just as good as your you know. (Sighs) Well, ....I think my curiosity is getting the better of me. What do you say we go find out what we're wanted for?

Amy: (Shrugs) Yea, ....if anything it should prove a challenge to worm our way out of. (Sighs) Okay, ....lets go see what the dreaded infidels want with us THIS time. (They both turn and begin walking in the direction of the school office)

(Cut to the principals office as Jane and Amy enter through the door. Waiting for them in the office is Principal Calibrese, and he is not alone. He has in his company a woman, apparently some sort of PhD. )

Amy: (to the principal as they enter the office) We were summoned..?

Calibrese: Oh hi girls, ....thanks for coming down on such short notice.

Jane: (Lifts an eyebrow) Well, we thought about ignoring you and just going home but then you would probably just badger us again tomorrow by beckoning to us over the PA. So what stick have you got up your rear this time? (Principal scowls at this comment but lets it slide. He then gestures for Jane and Amy to have a seat.)

Calibrese: (sighs) Ladies, .....this is Dr. Khan. She's the district attache on student sociological and educational well being.

Jane and Amy: (exchange looks with each other) .......Shrink!

Amy: So what's up doc? And please do us a favor and cut to the chase, ....we have some place to go. (Jane turns to look at Amy) What, .....Tv counts as a place you know.

Dr. Khan: (Smirks at the comment) It's funny, ....with your scores on the SAT's and your overall tested IQ's I would think you would prefer to bury your noses in a book.

Jane: Sure we do, .....but you can't expect us to live as book worms. There's got to be time to have a life you know.

Dr. Khan: Of course there does, ....which is why we've asked you to be here today. We'd like to discuss your lives, ....or your future lives for that matter.

Jane: (looks to Amy) Is it me or did we hear this exact same speech about a year and a half ago?

Calibrese: (Chuckles) No doubt about your memories, ladies. As you no doubt recall, about a year and a half ago you both attended a meeting along with your parents to discuss your future education. It was found that your level of educational instruction at that time was .....insufficient,... to keep up with your advanced needs.

Amy: (faux irritance) Is this the part where you tell us that we were just too smart for our own good? Because we already know that part, so if you could just hurry up with this.

Dr. Khan: (Sighs) Ladies, ....we're not hear to bore you. So far you've spent three quarters of the school year as juniors, three years ahead of everyone else your age. And well, ....frankly your grades and overall performance show that you're still not being challenged.

Calibrese: What the good doctor is getting at is that we already KNOW your smart enough, ....and we'd like to offer you both the opportunity to test out of high school. You'd still be able to walk with this years senior class, I wouldn't think of cheating you out of that honor.

Jane: (frowns) To hell with our educational development, what about our social development? It's hard enough having a social life when you're a junior in body of a freshman, ....now you want us to be high school graduates in the bodies of high school freshman. What about if we try to go to college, .....do you have any idea what kind of outcasts we'd be? For god's sake we can't even drive yet!

Dr. Khan: I understand what you're going through, ...believe me. I went through something similar myself, ....sometimes it's no fun at all being as intelligent as you are. But still, .....the two of you have the ability to absorb and understand information FAR faster than most people your age.

Amy: (irritated) MOST people our age?

Dr. Khan: Okay, .....a vast majority of the people your age. If you wanted to you could end up as one of those people with multiple doctorates by the time your twenty two.

Jane: How can you be certain of that, ....Amy scored perfect on the SAT's and I fell short by about ten points.

Khan: All evidence seems to point to that as some sort of fluke, ...in all probability from what we've seen, ...you should have scored the same

Jane: (smirks at Amy) I told you.

Amy: Yea, ...yea, ....so you weren't kidding about the cramps thing. The fact of the matter is that regardless of what you scored, ..they still think we should graduate early and go off to college.

Jane: Yea can you believe this, ....they want us to burn out on school before we're old enough to drink.

Dr. Khan: Look at the facts ladies, ....just to list a FEW of your talents, you're both capable of speed reading. You've mastered math magic which allows you to do some of the calculations in your head in a few minutes what would take NASA a week to figure out. We've SEEN you do it, so don't try to play it off.

Jane: Now your just blowing smoke up our butts. I hate it when people exaggerate like that.

Amy: (to Jane) I was wondering why the test center had so many mirrors. (Jane smirks)

Dr. Khan: Okay, ...so there was some slight exaggeration on that last bit, ...I was just trying to boost your ego's. But truthfully, it takes the two of you a very short amount of time and instruction to understand and master just about any mental concept you've come across. And I've come to understand that you're both musically talented, ....if you don't mind my asking. What instruments do you play?

Amy: We'll decline to answer that for the sake of preserving our privacy. A girl has to have SOMETHING to keep to herself. (The doctor sighs and writes something on the clipboard she's holding) But just as a point of order, ....given that we've not yet reached the age of consent. Shouldn't you be discussing this with our parents rather than us?

Calibrese: And we intend to, .....but your perspective on the matter is equally as important. We wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter before speaking with your parents. Well arrange a meeting as soon as possible, ....I hope you'll attend that meeting as well.

Jane: (sighs) As if we had a choice. (Gets up from her chair) And since you've ceased talking for the moment we're going to take this time to excuse ourselves from your presence. (Jane and Amy get up and let themselves out of the office.)

(Cut to the front of the school where Jane and Amy are preparing to walk home.)

Amy: I don't believe this, .....being smart is sometimes like a curse. It's bad enough we're called brains by most of the student body, ....now they want us to advertise that we're even bigger brains by graduating ahead of everyone else in school. All I want is a normal life, sometimes I can't help but wonder why I can't just be like everyone else. (Thinks for a moment) Ok, maybe not like EVERYBODY else. But making friends can be so complicated when everyone knows you're a brain.

Jane: (sympathetic) We're too young to hang out with most of the juniors and seniors, ....and the freshman and sophomores won't talk to us because they think that WE think that we're better than they are. What the shit is that about?

Amy: Ah who knows. But, ....there's no question that mom and dad will want this to go forward so we might as well just grin and bear it. (Beat) I guess it DOES beat out getting bored in class though.

Jane: Yea well, let's just hope that if this goes through that mom and dad will give us a breather before they start asking what colleges we want to apply to. (A voice is heard approaching quickly from the far right)

Voice: Hey ....Jane, wait up! (Jane turns to look at an approaching thin, brown haired young man)

Amy: (looks at Jane) Well, at least we managed to find two or three people in this school who didn't care that we were young AND smart. (Gestures towards the approaching man) Keep your guard up though, ....I think Allen's got a thing for you.

Jane: (crosses her arms across her chest) I ALWAYS seem to attract the older guys, ....go figure.

Allen: (As he catches up with them) I looked for you after class let out, ....where did you disappear to?

Jane: Eh, ...the principal wanted a chat with us.

Allen: (smirks) About nothing bad I hope.

Amy: (Cuts in) Depends on how you look at it, ....basically he wants us to test out of high school.

Allen: (turns to Jane) COOL, .....maybe you and I will have some more time to hang out then. That is, ...after I graduate myself in a year or so. (Jane blushes a little)

Jane: Yea, ....I wouldn't mind hanging out more often. It would sure give me something to do until my parents ship me off to college.

Allen: I hope they at least use fed-ex, ...ground mail can be so stuffy and cramped, they ALWAYS seem to forget to punch air holes in the damned box too. (Smirks and then pauses) I always WANTED to have the chance to hang out with a college chick. (Amy rolls her eyes) So anyway, ...is anything else new?

Jane: Nah that's about it,.....I figure we'll probably go see if William is home from school yet and hang out with him.

Allen: (looks down slightly) Oh, .....so you've already got a guy then.

Amy: (nudges Jane with her elbow and mumbles) I told you so.

Jane: (smirks) Of coarse not, .....he's my cousin. I haven't met a guy yet who'd talk to me,.. to say nothing about having an interest. Outside of family that is.

Allen: Oh.....that's uh...too bad. (Coughs) Uh listen, do you two want a ride home? I got my licence about a month ago, ...been driving every moment since.

Amy: It must be great for you, ......do you even have your own car? Or is it mommies?

Allen: (scowls) Hey now, everybody has to start somewhere. At least I can drive, ..what about you?

Amy: (shakes her head) Okay, ....I'm sorry. So what kind of car are you driving today?

Allen: Well, .....it's a hunk of crap, but it runs and it isn't my moms. I've got myself an old dodge charger, ....like I said. It needs a good amount of work but for the meantime it gets me where I need to go. I'm hoping to get a jeep when I can scrape the money together.

Amy: Well, good luck to you then. But don't get your hopes up, ..those are kind of expensive these days so you may be waiting for a while.

Allen: Eh, ...it'll be worth it. So do you want that ride?

Jane: It's not a death trap or anything is it? I don't think I'm ready to end my life just yet, ...I'll save that for years down the road when I'm burnt out from work and recovering from a bad divorce. (Amy flashes her a bewildered look)

Allen: Well, ....the engine cuts out once in a while when it gets over heated but it always starts back up, my dad is helping me to fix that problem this weekend though. It never seems to cut out unless I stop somewhere so I would still say yes, ...it's safe to drive.

Jane: (exchanges looks with Amy) Okay then, ....lead us to your hunk of crap. Hell, it beats walking.

Allen: You've got it, ...and listen. John, Zachary, and myself are heading over to the Medport to grab something to eat later. Do either of you want to come along?

Amy: Celebrating getting your license are we?

Allen: Oh hell no, ...just hanging out. There's nothing playing at the theater and it's a school night so we can't really stay out all night driving around, ....so this is just to kill some time. It beats being cooped up at home with nothing to do, doesn't it?

Amy: As opposed to being out on the town with nothing to do?

Allen: (shrugs) At least it leaves a wider range of potential options, ...what are your options at home?

Amy: You may have a point there. Okay, ...I guess we're in. It's been a while since we hung out with those guys anyway, ...I was starting to think they were avoiding us or something.

Allen: Oh hell no, ....in fact this is the first time any of us have been able to hangout together in a good while. Zachary's been all bummed out about SOMETHING or other lately and as a result hasn't wanted to hang out with anybody. And John, ....I don't know what's up with him. I think he's been suffering withdrawal since his last computer died. He only recently managed to acquire another one.

Amy: PC addiction, ....it's a nasty habit. BUT....at least he's got his fix and he's back to normal.

Jane: (wears an odd expression) John was normal? (Amy and Allen bust out laughing and then follow Allen to the student parking lot and soon leave school grounds)

(Cut to the inside of Allen's car)

Jane: I'll show you where Will lives, ...it's not far from our house so if he's not home yet we can walk home from there.

Allen: You'd rather walk home? I can drive you if he's not home you know.

Jane: It's walking distance, Allen. It's no big deal. (Amy, who is sitting in the back seat rolls her eyes in disgust and make s a loud cough and when Jane turns to look, Amy makes a go ahead gesture with her hand) (sighs) Hey Allen...?

Allen: Yea..?

Jane: Amy's got it in her head that you've got a thing for me.

Allen: (blushes) ....She does huh?

Jane: I couldn't help but notice you've been acting a little squirrely around me as well. So......do you?

Allen: Blunt as always, Jane. And the answer is maybe, ....is that a problem.

Jane: (smiles) You could have just asked me out you know. It's not like I've got guys beating down the door to get my attention.

Amy: Well actually, ..there is one. But I'm not sure if dad beating on the bathroom door yelling for you to get out really counts.

Jane: (face turns red in embarrassment) .....AMY!!

Allen: (laughs) That was pretty funny, ....so you don't mind the age difference?

Jane: (calms herself down) Big deal, ...you're a few years older. There's a bigger difference between my parents and grand parents. If you like we can consider tonight a date.

Allen: (shrugs) The less formal the better, ...it takes the pressure off. So is there anything you're looking to do after we meet up with everyone else?

Jane: (frowns) You weren't hoping to make out or something were you?

Allen: Oh no, ....nothing like that. I just meant, ...did you want to find something to do afterward, ....find a mediocre movie or just take a walk somewhere. Something like that is what I had in mind.

Jane: It's a nice thought, ....but for now lets just keep it simple and see how tonight goes.

Allen: That's cool too. So I'll pick you guys up around seven then?

Amy: Works for us, we'll see you then. (As Allen's car arrives at William's house Jane and Amy get out and leave Allen to drive off for home)

(Cut to Daria and Trent at home)

(Daria is seen talking on the phone shortly after walking in the door from work. Her attire is business casual, khaki's and a dark colored shirt)

Daria: Yes, ....I'm sure we can arrange a meeting sometime soon. (Sighs) You've talked to them ALREADY, ....you guys don't waste any time do you. (Sighs) But,..... it beats the school faculty going behind the students back like I remember when I was in high school. (Beat) I agree, ...it is better for the student to know everything that's going on, ...it makes for much better developed sense of judgement. And it makes it easier to tell which teachers NOT to trust. (Pauses) Are you sure about this, you already pushed them ahead a few years. I just don't know, ...I'll have to discuss this with my husband and then with them. I'll let you know what I think when we meet. (Hangs up and then laughs to herself) And to think, ...I was only offered to attend a school for the GIFTED. (Shakes her head and proceeds to get the rest of the way in the door and start dinner)

(After a short time Trent comes in the door and greets Daria in the kitchen with a hug)

Trent: Hey love, ....how did your day go?

Daria: No so bad, .....the publishing company sends more than enough material to review my way, ...making my day pass pretty quickly if I do say so myself.

Trent: Did you talk with anybody at the company about the possibility of getting your own book published?

Daria: (groans) Yea, ... but the most they said was that they'd take a look at it when I finish it.

Trent: Bummer, ....are you still going to write it?

Daria: I don't see why not, ....I'll just have to be careful as to what information I choose to include. Half of my work in the navy was classified, ...so If I include the wrong information then I'll have to shoot anybody who actually reads the book.

Trent: (laugh/coughs) Almost sounds like fun if you ask me. It'll work itself out in time, ...you'll see. (Beat) So is there anything else new?

Daria: As a matter of fact there is, ....the school called today.

Trent: (lifts an eyebrow) Your kidding? What did they want THIS time, ....the kids refused to participate in another imposed extra curricular activity. (Sighs) Jeez, when will these people learn that you can't MAKE a student want to participate in stupid activities.

Daria: It wasn't about THAT. They want Jane and Amy to test out of high school and move on to college.

Trent: (slightly stunned) But they only just pushed them ahead this school year. As far as their age is concerned they should be freshman.

Daria: Well, people say that one of the points of having kids is to improve upon yourself. I'd say we've done that and then some.

Trent: Yea, ...no kidding. You weren't looking for a third kid were you? I mean the ones we have seem to be growing up too fast for us as it is. It won't be long before you we'll have to let go and end them out on their own. It'd be so quiet around here, ....I can see how you would miss the kids being around.

Daria: (frowns) You sound more like YOU'RE the one who'd want another kid. Which is easy to understand, ...YOU don't have to carry it in your body and then squeeze it out later.

Trent: (drums his fingers on the counter and then sighs loudly) Hmm...yea,..okay. I guess it was just a stupid though.. (Starts to walk towards the fridge when Daria grabs his arm)

Daria: (rolls her eyes) We're not exactly OLD Trent, we've got time. We'll just leave the option open for now that's all, ....we can talk about it later if you like and you can tell me the REAL reason this came up.. (Trent smirks)

(Later when Jane and Amy come home, Daria, during dinner, informs them that the school called and had told her about the possibility of their advancement.)

Amy: Jeez, ...that was quick. I thought for sure they would wait a day or so before getting around to calling home. So what did you tell them?

Daria: That I would talk it over with you and see how you feel about all of this. Do the two of you actually think you're READY?

Jane: (sighs heavily) Eh, ...it all depends on how you look at it mom. I mean, ....academically I think we can handle just about anything they throw at us. But at far as socially, ....I wouldn't mind finishing high school the way everyone else does.

Trent: (raises an eyebrow) Socially...? You've got some new friends do you?

Amy: (points her thumb in Jane's direction) Jane's just started seeing a guy.

Daria: (looks surprised) You're kidding? When were you going to tell your father and I?

Jane: Do I need to, ...Amy just did it for me. Besides, ....tonight's our first date. (Pauses) Actually it'll be more like hanging out, ....but you get the idea.

Daria: (smirks) So what kind of guy is he,.... if you don't mind my asking?

Amy: Relax mom, ....we know the guy. We've been friends for a while and he just asked Jane out today.

Trent: Hey, ...that's cool. Where's he taking you out to?

Jane: Oh it's no place special. We decided to keep it informal so Amy and I are going to hang out with Jane's guy and a few of our friends. We'll probably just get something to eat and then hang out for a while.

Daria: What time do you think you're going to be home? It IS a school night after all.

Jane: (smirks) Hey, ....I thought you promised never to turn into YOUR mom.

Daria: (scowls) HEY, she did have her strong points. And one of them was giving a damn, even if she usually went about it the wrong way,....so when do you think you'll be home?

Jane: (sighs and the shrugs) Uh.......ten-ish? I hadn't really thought about it that far in advance. (Daria just nods in approval and then returns to the topic of school)

(Cut to the inside of Allen's car later that evening. Jane is riding shotgun next to Allen while Amy is stuck in the back seat next to the window with John in the center and Zachary sitting next to the opposite window)

Allen: (looks in the rear view mirror briefly) You're pretty quiet back there Zach, ....is everything okay with you?

Zachary: Eh, ....it's the same old stuff. You know how it is.

Allen: Anything you want to talk about as long as we're looking for something to do?

Zachary: Hey, ...we ate already. It's been a full evening as far as I'm concerned.

John: (looks over at Zachary) You know I seem to recall a time when you were actually cheerful. You even cracked some of the best jokes around.

Zachary: Hey man, things can't always stay the same now can they.

Amy: An unfortunate truth, .....look at what the school is trying to do to my sibling and I.

Jane: Hey now, ....no more talk about school. We're out to get a break from the world remember?

John: Oh is THAT what this is, ......I thought you were just so anxious to go back that you couldn't sleep or something. (No one laughs) (does an impersonation of south park's Eric Cartman) I hate you guys, .....I really....really hate you guys. (Everyone starts to snicker)

John: We could always stop by the Wawa and pester the hell out of Lynn for a while. That's always been good for a laugh.

Allen: Now THERE'S a plan if I ever heard one, we haven't seen Lynn since last year. (Sighs) And it couldn't possibly beat a game of car tag but since that requires more than one vehicle.....

Amy: Oh you guys and car tag, ....that's a summer game. Nobody's ever available to get a game together this time of year.

John: Hey, ....it's still a kick ass game. We definitely need to get some people together one of these times, ...if just for old times sake.

Zachary: John, ....you yourself have only held a drivers licence for six months. What could possibly be old about all of that?

John: Jeez man, ....it was just a figure of speech. Don't take things so literally. (Zachary grumbles)

Jane: (leans closer to Allen and speaks in a hushed tone) Do you guys ever worry about him? Zach seems a lot more depressed than you originally let on.

Allen: (hushed tone) He didn't used to be this way if you recall. He just seems to be getting worse as of late.

Jane: I don't know, ....I just think we should keep an eye on him or something. He's starting to worry me.

Allen: (sighs in sympathy) I know what you mean. ( The group pulls into the convenience store parking lot and they all head inside the building. Once inside they spot Lynn at the cash register and greet her in their own unique way)

Lynn: (As she watches them come into the store) Oh no.........

(The group of teens once inside the store greet Lynn by standing in a row and giving a WWII German salute without the words of coarse)

Lynn: You know sooner or later the wrong person is going to see you guys do that and then the shit will REALLY hit the fan.

John: (everyone looks back and forth at each other) She does have a point guys, ....but in our defense. We don't put any meaning behind it, ....we just do it because you're parents are German and we know it pisses you off. (Smirks) You know how we love to do that.

Lynn: Yea, ...I noticed. But that stuff isn't in any way funny, ....so I need you guys to knock it off for me.

Amy: (Shrugs) Yea okay, ....we're sorry. We didn't realize we were taking it too far.

Lynn: (rolls her eyes) Sure you didn't. So for what reason do you guys darken my work place this time?

Allen: What can we say, ....we were bored and bugging you is always so much fun. How could we possibly resist? (Lynn smirks)

Lynn: (looks at Zachary) Well, ....At least I know YOUR intentions for being here are legit. (Reaches up to the display and tosses Zachary a pack of camels) You're usual five finger discount, Zach. You should just be glad that I'm the night manager here, ....this way nobody can get me into trouble for this.

Zachary: Thanks Lynn,...I owe you. (Unwraps the pack and pulls a cigarette out and tries to light up but his lighter fails.) Dammit, ..only when you need it. (Sighs) Lynn, ...does this place still carry butane refills?

Lynn: (sighs and points to a nearby isle) I really don't know why I front you cigarettes, ...I really wish you would quit.

Zachary: (frowns and then scoffs) It can't possibly kill me any faster than life already is. (Goes to get the butane, comes back to the register to pay for it and then heads for the door) I'll smoke outside if you guys are that worried about your health. (Walks outside to the car)

Lynn: What's HIS problem? And what exactly did he mean by THAT?

John: You've got us, ...he's been like this for weeks. Something sure as hell has him bummed out.

Allen: Yea, it's just too bad he won't tell anybody what it is.

Amy: What are you going to do I guess, huh? Pushing him to talk will probably only make him withdrawal further.

Jane: That sounds about the size of it. (Sighs) Just let him smoke if he needs it that badly. (Everybody else either nods or shrugs in agreement)

Lynn: So Allen, ...what's up? (Winks at him) And are you seeing anybody lately?

Allen: (blushes slightly) Um...actually I am, Jane and I were just getting together.

John: Whoa, ...and when exactly were you going to tell the rest of us? This is critical stuff that could affect the friendship collective or something.

Allen: (flashes John a weird look) John, ...when you hear yourself talk. Does it make sense to you?

John: (flips Allen the bird) That's just cold, man.

Lynn: (shakes her head) I never would have guessed you had a thing for younger women, Allen. (Beat) I guess it's my loss then. (Looks at Jane) So you're what, a freshman?

Jane: (scowls) JUNIOR! Soon to be graduate if the school gets their way.

Lynn: (thinks for a moment) OH ....that's right, I remember you now. You and your sister are the school geniuses. Sorry about that, ...for some strange reason when you become a senior you seem to forget about all of the underclassman. It's really a horrible lapse of memory.

Amy: (Grins) Well,... at least she didn't call us brains.

Lynn: Hey, ...there's nothing wrong with being above average. All it really means to me is that you'll eventually get jobs making ten times what I do. Unless of coarse you burn out and become shut in's.

Amy: (turns to Jane) You get the feeling we should stock up on no doze in preparation for college? It would probably postpone the shut in stage if we ever get there.

Jane: (shrugs) Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

John: Tell that to the guy in Wisconsin who's been struck in the head fifteen times by lightning. (everybody looks at him oddly) What, ....I saw it on the discovery channel yesterday. Besides, ...it didn't kill him and he didn't exactly LOOK any stronger if you ask me. With his hair turning white in that one area of his head, ..the guy looked like a human skunk. (Everyone chuckles at this)

(The group continues chatting around the occasional customer who comes walking in to buy something. Fifteen minutes more pass before Jane looks at her watch)

Jane: Hey, ...how long does Zachary usually take to smoke a cigarette anyway?

Allen: I don't know, ...I've never timed him. It does seem like he's been gone a while though hasn't it. Maybe we should go out and check on him for a minute.

John: That's probably not a bad idea, ....the way he's been acting I don't think it would be a good idea to leave him alone anywhere. I'll go check on him now.

Jane: No, ....I'll do it. I need to walk around a bit anyway, ...my legs feel like they're getting stiff from standing around.

John: Well then, ...off with you. (Jane smirks and head for the door)

(Cut to the outside of the store, ...from Jane's point of view Allen's car can be seen as she approaches it, ... she looks in the window to see Zachary in the back seat and knocks on the window to get his attention, ...but she gets no response. )

Jane: (opens the car door and is hit with the smell of gas) Whoa Zach, .....what did you do break open your lighter? You know you really shouldn't sit in a closed space while refilling that thing. (Jane receives no response from Zachary, ...she then pushes the front passenger seat forward and leans in to wake him up after figuring he'd dozed off or something. As she leans closer, ..she notices in the dim light provided by the overhead lamp that Zachary's eye's are halfway open. Jane's reaches out and shakes him) Yo Zach, ....are you all right? (No response comes, she reaches forward again and gives him a light smack on his cheek only to notice his skin is clammy) What the hell....., Zachary wake up man you're starting to scare the hell out of me! (She looks down towards his lap and spots the can of butane with his fingers tightly atrophied around it and after noticing the smell again puts two and two together pretty quickly.) Oh my god, ....you DIDN'T! You stupid son of a bitch, ...NO! (Shakes him violently) Wake the hell up Dammit!! (Jane climbs out of the car and yells toward the store) You guys get the hell out here quick!! (After a moment everyone comes rushing out of the store)

Allen: What's wrong?

Jane: Zach's unconscious, ...I think he inhaled the lighter fluid.

John: Oh my god,...Zach you dumb ASSHOLE! (They all try to pile into backseat at once and drag Zachary out of the car) Come on man, ...wake up. Don't do this to me man, ...we're friends remember? (Starts shaking him and slapping him around doing anything it took to get him to snap out of it.)

Allen: (pushes John back a bit) Back off man. (Places his finger against Zachary's neck) No pulse, ....somebody call an ambulance!! (Everyone stops in their tracks not knowing what to do) Well don't just stand there, ....hurry the hell up!! (Amy runs for the nearby payphone and calls 911 ) We've got to do CPR, ....who knows it.(looks directly at Jane) Jane you're the smart chick, you've read books on this stuff right?

Jane: (Frightened) In HEALTH class, ....it's not exactly red cross certification.

Allen: It'll have to be good enough, ...get started.

Jane: Why ME? You're stronger.

Allen: Just DO IT! (Jane flusters and quickly looks Zachary over, then tries to perform CPR as best as she can given her limited instruction on the matter)

Jane: (finishes a set of chest compressions) Come on you stupid prick, ...don't die on me. (She gives him mouth to mouth) Ugh, ...butane breath. Zachary, I swear to god if you wake up I'm going to kill you, ...bring you back and then kill you again! (Starts chest compressions again) Oh Christ, ...I think I heard a rib crack!

Allen: Worry about it later, ...just keep going! (Looks down at the empty can of butane) And get this SHIT away from him! (Pry's the can out of Zachary's hand and tosses it into the nearby bushes)

John: (looks as Amy signals from the phone) Helps on the way, ....don't give up on us Zach. (After a few minutes sirens can be heard in the distance and the scene fades)

(Cut to Daria's house at about midnight that same night. Daria and Trent are seen siting together on the couch while waiting up for the kids)

Daria: Where the HELL could they be at this hour? They said they'd be home around TEN, ...it's now past midnight. How could they make us worry like this?

Trent: There's got to be an explanation, Daria. We did stuff like this when we were kids too you know. They were probably just out having fun and lost track of the time, ...you know how it is.

Daria: They could at least call home or something, ....I would have.

Trent: Funny, ....I don't recall you every worrying about calling your parents to let them know where you were.

Daria: (mumbles) Yea well, ...I would have if my mom didn't always track me down first.

Trent: (Laugh/coughs) She DID have an uncanny ability to track you down didn't she. Sometimes I almost expected a nearby payphone to ring with your mother on the other end, ...I'll bet she had you Lo-Jacked somehow.

Daria: (Smirks) It wouldn't surprise me in the least, ....she could very well have gotten tips from Mrs. Li on that sort of thing.

Trent: No doubt about that. (The phone on the end table next to the couch rings and Daria grabs it almost faster than the eye can see)

Daria: Hello Jane, ....Amy?

Jane: (trying to hold back some tears on her end) He's dead mom......

Daria: (eyes widen) Whoa...huh...WHAT??? What are you talking about? Use complete sentences for gods sake.

Trent: (concerned) What's wrong?

Jane: Zachary's dead mom, ....he's just.... dead. I .....I just can't handle this, ....I need you to pick Amy and I up. We're at the police station in town. Come quick mom, ....please get us out of here. I want to come home.

Daria: (Quickly with a raised voice) Who the hell is Zachary? (Beat) Never mind, ...just stay there. Your father and I are on our way. (Slams down the phone)

Trent: What's gong on?

Daria: I have no idea, ....all I do know is that Jane said that somebody's dead.

Trent: (jumps up from the couch and runs to grab his jacket) Oh my god, ...are they all right?

Daria: She didn't say, .....but she's at the police station and somebody's dead so things can't exactly be hunky dorey now can they? (Daria grabs her Jacket and they high tail it down to the police station)

(Cut to half an hour later. Jane, Amy, and John are sitting on a bench in the hallway of the police barracks. A moment later Allen comes walking out of a room with a state trooper close behind him)

Trooper: Have a seat on the bench with your friends. (Allen obeys and the trooper walks back to the room and closes the door)

John: So what did they say to you?

Allen: Probably the same things that he said to you guys, ...he asked me about everything I knew about what happened tonight. They even recorded my statements and everything, ..jeez. Oh, and my cars impounded pending some sort of investigation. They want to search the car for stuff I think, ....they probably have us all pegged as druggies or something.

Amy: Great, ....that's ALL we need right now.

Allen: Even if I DO get it back, ...I'm not sure if I would want to drive it again. A guy died in the back seat of my car, .....that just messes with my head in more ways than you can imagine. (Beat) I just can't believe Zach would DO that to himself, ...his life could NOT have been that bad. Sure he was depressed, ...But I thought it was just a phase. EVERYBODY goes through that now and again, right?

John: If you say so, man. All I know is that there is absolutely no chance in HELL I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm having trouble thinking straight as it is.

Jane: Did anybody else call their parents besides Amy and I?

John: Yea, ...they let us use the phone in the interrogation room, ...or whatever they would choose to call it. (Moments later Daria and Trent's voices are heard in the lobby down the hall)

Amy: Well Jane, ...brace yourself for a night of intense questioning.

Jane: (smiles weakly) I know what you mean, ...the cops here have nothing on a couple of scared parents. (Shakes her head) I hope you guys get home soon, .....and Allen. Before this happened, ....I was having a great first date. Maybe we'll do it again sometime, ....just let's not make it a repeat of tonight.

Allen: Now there's my first relief for tonight, ....they say first impressions mean everything. I was afraid you'd run screaming into the night or something.

Jane: (chuckles) I'm not that bad, ....but this IS a lot to deal with for right now. And it wasn't your fault, ....nobody knew he was going to do this.

Allen: Yea well, ....don't think that's going to stop me form kicking myself for a good long time.

John: That goes double for me.

Amy: I guess we'll see you sometime soon then. Come on Jane, ...lets go face the music. (Jane and Amy walk down the hallway to meet up with their half hysterical parents)

(Cut to the next day, ....it's late in the afternoon and Jane is being woken up by Amy as she shakes her sister around)

Jane: (opens her eyes) Yo, ...knock it off. What's wrong with you?

Amy: (smiles weakly) Just making sure you're still alive, that's all.

Jane: (scowls) That's not funny in the slightest, Amy.

Amy: It wasn't meant to be, ....one person keeling over is already too much for me to handle. So there's nothing wrong with taking precautions.

Jane: (sits up in bed) I know what you mean, .....I was almost afraid to go to sleep last night. I kept seeing Zach's face over and over in my head. That look on his face when I first found him, ....he was just sitting there, ....his eyes were open like he was awake. I thought he was just ignoring me for some reason. Seeing that face in my mind must have haunted me for half the night. Just knowing that it meant he was dead, ....I turned my pillow over because I soaked the other side from crying.

Amy: I know EXACTLY how you feel. (Sighs) It's in the paper this morning, ...with a high school picture and all. (Beat) John called a little while ago and said they had a moment of silence for him before classes started and they lowered the flag to half mast.

Jane: Oh god, ....it was in the paper already? How did the newspaper people catch wind so damned fast?

Amy: Who knows,....they probably call the police on a daily basis to see if there's anything new to report. (Beat) Our names are in there too, ....can you believe it? Is NOTHING sacred anymore?

Jane: Well, ....at least they didn't try to call us about it.

Amy: No, ...but they did call Allen and John. They want to do a follow up story, ...so they'll probably be calling us sooner or later. If they do, ...do you think you'll want to talk about it?

Jane: (Shakes her head) No, .....I'd rather not. I need to deal with this myself first.

Amy: (places her hand on Jane's shoulder) Then I won't either, ....siblings stick together. (Jane smiles sympathetically)

(Cut to the kitchen. Daria is seen at the kitchen table using a laptop to review some work she had brought home with her the previous night. The phone rings and Daria picks up to find Jane Lane on the other end)

Jane Lane: Hey Daria, .....how are you holding up?

Daria: What's THAT supposed to mean?

Jane Lane: Don't play dumb with me young lady, ....I've known you for too long. Besides, ...I read the paper this morning. So....how are you?

Daria: I'll live, Jane. The votes not in yet on the kids though.

Jane Lane: Yea, ...I can imagine. Listen, ...I would have called earlier but I figured you would want some time to regroup and stuff.

Daria: Sounds like you made a pretty good judgement call, ....but now that you're on the phone and all. What's on your mind?

Jane Lane: I just thought I'd check op on my sister in law and her family, ...that's all. So these people Jane and Amy were hanging out with, ...they're friends of theirs?

Daria: Apparently, (sighs) ....I never thought a time would come when I didn't know enough about my own kids.

Jane Lane: (chuckles) I think those words have been uttered by every single parent since the beginning of time.

Daria: Funny, ...I only started to hear it after that columbine incident so many years ago.

Jane Lane: (Chuckles) Remember when Mrs. Li replaced those emergency med kits that were placed around the school with boxes of flack jackets mounted on the walls? .

Daria: Yet another unnecessary precaution based on the assumption that all teenagers were violent psychopaths just waiting to explode.

Jane Lane: Trying to cheer yourself up I see. Is it helping any?

Daria: Nope.

Jane Lane: (frowns) I didn't think so. Face it Daria, you're a concerned parent who's children just suffered a traumatic experience. No amount of sarcasm or cynical joking is going to make this problem go away over night. (Long pause) So this friend of your daughters, ....how did he die?

Daria: Everybody's pretty sure it was suicide, .....the kid huffed a can of butane he had supposedly bought to refill his lighter with. Amy was telling me last night that she and her friends were becoming concerned because the kid was becoming increasingly depressed.

Jane Lane: Oh god, ...why the hell did they leave him alone?

Daria; They thought he was just going outside to refill his lighter and smoke a cigarette. She said that he'd never given any sort of warning signs that he might take such an action. (Sighs) I just don't understand people anymore.

Jane Lane: Bad habits start as young as ever these days don't they? You should be damned proud of your kids, Daria. They've managed to avoid most of the harmful things in life using their own good judgement, ...and if anything GOOD comes out of this at all it would probably be that Jane and Amy have learned a valuable lesson that they might be able to pass on themselves one day.

Daria: (groans) If only it didn't have to be learned so painfully.

Jane Lane: Tell me about it, ...listen I have to go. Could you tell Jane and Amy that William was asking about them. He'll probably call himself later on.

Daria: I'll pass the word, ...take it easy old friend.

Jane Lane: Later on amiga. (As they both hang up Amy comes walking into the kitchen to get something to eat)

Amy: Who was on the phone?

Daria: Your aunt Jane. She says William was asking about you, he'll call you later on.

Amy: (depressed tone) Cool. (Turns to face Daria) Thanks for not yelling at us last night.

Daria: Why would I yell at you? I was just happy that it wasn't YOU who was dead, ...that's what the fuss was about.

Amy: Even after the part about "how could you let this happen?"

Daria: (sighs and takes a sip of her tea) Look, ...sometimes things get said that we don't mean to say. I was worried as it was because you hadn't come home yet, ...then I get that phone call. God,... I thought my heart was going to stop.

Amy: (smirks) Well, if it ever does then Jane can be the one to do the CPR. She sure as hell got a good amount of practice last night.

Daria: I can imagine. (Thinks for a moment) So how are the two of you handling this so far?

Amy: Better than last night, ...thanks for letting us stay home today.

Daria: (Sips her tea) You're friend died last night, ....It's not something you just bounce back from.

Amy: It'll be hard talking to people about it, ....you know there are going to be questions when I get back to school. An innocent person died, ....I know it wasn't my fault but I can't help thinking if there was something more I could or SHOULD have done to stop it? How will anybody be able to relate to that?

(Daria pauses as she reflects upon a moment in the past, ...the scene blurs and comes back into focus. Daria and Jane Lane are seen on the Conn of the USS Cynicism amongst other officers move about at a brisk pace. The lighting has since changed to a blue flourescent color to better accent the displays on the computer monitors indicating that the sub was at general quarters. It is in the last year of the millennium wars, ...this is Daria's first time as captain of her own submarine. Her current assignment was to track down and destroy an advanced Russian electronic warfare vessel that had sustained damage in a recent engagement with U.N. forces)

Daria: Status report, ...all stations.

Sonar officer: (over the comm) Sir, ....I hold contact sierra eight two at ten miles. She appears to be hiding in a commercial port, sir.

Jane Lane: (picks up the comm) Hiding how?

Sonar officer: She's hiding smack dab in the center of the harbor, ....it looks like the commercial traffic is being used as a deterrent against attack.

Jane Lane: Note the larger civilian vessels, ...they'll be the hardest to avoid.

Sonar officer: Aye sir, ...large civilian vessels are as follows, A passenger liner, a commercial freighter, and two fishing vessels. The rest are small private craft.

Daria: Tactical,.....do you think you'll be able to get a clear enough shot at this range?

Tactical officer: Aye sir, ....it shouldn't be a problem if we haven't been detected yet.

Jane Lane: Sonar, ...any evidence we're being tracked.

Sonar officer: Negative, ...there's nothing to indicate they know we're here.

Daria: All right then, let's do this and get it over with. Tactical, load tubes one and two with harpoons and flood when ready.

Tactical officer: Aye sir. (Moments later) Tubes one and two are ready, ...and I have a firing solution or sierra eight two. We're ready to shoot.

Daria: Helm, ...make your depth fifty feet and slow to five knots.

Helm: Make my depth fifty feet, slow to five knots, aye sir. (Five minutes later) Fifty feet, ...five knots, sir.

Daria: Tactical, open the outer doors and prepare to fire.

Tactical: Outer doors on tubes one and two are open. (The tactical officer inserts a key into a lock on the console and turns it, several lights on that consol turn red as a result) Firing safety has been removed, sir.

Daria: (looks at Jane) Anything profound to say before we do this?

Jane Lane: (shrugs) I really, ....REALLY, ...hate this part of the job. (Daria smirks)

Daria: I know EXACTLY how you feel, X.O. (Sighs) Tactical officer, you are authorized to release you're weapons.

Tactical officer: Aye sir. Weapons release on my mark, ...three....two ....one....mark. (He pushes one of the red buttons on the console and the sound of compressed air being released is heard followed by the sound of a missile engine igniting once it breaks the surface) Harpoon one has been released, ...telemetry reports normal. (Beat) Three ....two...one....mark. (Pushes another red button) Harpoon two is released, ...telemetry reports a good launch. Twenty seconds to target.......ten seconds to target....

Sonar officer: Conn ; sonar, ....hot noise in the water. My equipment is spiking, electronic counter measures have been released. It's obvious they know we're here now.

Tactical officer: (quickly) Confirmed counter measures, ...harpoons have lost their track and are searching for another target.

Daria: Oh HELL.

Jane Lane: (Quickly) Prepare to destruct the missiles.

Daria: (turns to the tactical officer) Concur, ...destruct the missiles, ..NOW. (The tactical officer moves as quickly as possible to comply)

Sonar officer: Conn; sonar, ...loud explosion in the water bearing zero nine zero. A moment later, ...Conn; sonar..., second explosion in the water bearing zero nine one.

Jane Lane: (Face pales in the dim light of the conn) Oh Christ, ....what did we hit?

Sonar officer: Working on that now, sir. (Several moments later) Conn; sonar.., target sierra eight two has been destroyed by harpoon one. Harpoon two impacted a civilian vessel, ...I believe it was the passenger liner.

Jane Lane: Oh god.....!

Radio officer: Conn; radio, ...I'm receiving a general distress message over civilian broadband..

Daria: (Staring wide eyed) Oh my god, .. we've just killed a bunch of innocent civilians. (The scene blurs and comes back into focus in the present)

Amy: Mom...?

Daria: (blinks) Huh...?

Amy: Are you okay? You kind of zoned out on me for a minute there.

Daria: Oh...yea, ...I was just relating to how you must be feeling.

Amy: You'll have to let me in on it sometime, ....I can use all the comfort I can get.

Daria; Maybe someday, ....but I'd rather not talk about it right now. (The doorbell rings in the background)

Amy: Some other time then. (Gets up to answer the door)

( As Amy opens the front door Allen can be seen standing there looking thoughtful as he waited for someone to answer the door)

Allen: Hey Amy, ....did you sleep well?

Amy: No, ....you?

Allen: Not a wink, ....the thought of Jane doing CPR on Zach kept rolling through my mind over and over again. After that it was the paramedics putting him into a body bag, ....followed by the repeated questions by the cops. How many answers could they possibly think we had to the same damned questions?

Amy: They were hoping to catch one of us in some sort of lie, ...that way they could press charges against a couple of kids and make themselves feel like they've done something useful with their day.

Allen: Yea, ...I guess eating donuts all day long just isn't as fulfilling as it used to be. (Beat) So how's Jane holding up?

Amy: (smirks) I was wondering when you'd bring her up, ..you really do care about her don't you?

Allen: (looks down for a moment) She's my friend.

Amy: More than that as of late,... if I recall correctly.

Allen: I just want to get to know her better, ....no funny business involved.

Amy: (pats him on the shoulder) There better not be, ...you've got a few years on her as it is. (Pauses and points her thumb in the direction of the stairs) Jane's upstairs, ...I'll go get her for you. (Allen follows Amy inside and she goes to get Jane. After several moments a weary eyed Jane comes down the stairs wearing wrinkled clothing)

Allen: (looks her over) Hey Jane, Nice clothes. Did you sleep in those?

Jane: (rubs her eyes) There was such a wide selection of previously worn clothing on the floor, it just seemed so much more preferable to something fresh out of the drawer. (Beat) So what brings you over here?

Allen: Well, ...I figured since I was skipping school today I might as well spend it with someone who might make the day more interesting. Do you feel like getting something to eat?

Jane: Sure, ...I slept clean through breakfast, ...and lunch for that matter.

Allen: Cool, we can head out as soon as your ready then. (Beat) Listen, I've got the word, after deciphering it through his mom's tears, that Zach's funeral is on Friday at six in the evening over at Taylor's funeral home in town.

Jane: (Sighs) Give me a sec, ...I'll be right back. (Goes to tell Daria where she is going and the Jane and Allen leave)

(Cut to later in the day, Daria is sitting at the table reading her paper when the front door opens and after a moment or two Jane comes walking into the kitchen)

Jane Lane: Hey Daria, anything new in the paper? (Daria turns the paper over so that Jane can see the article about Jane and Amy's friend accompanied by a photo of the deceased. Jane reads the headline aloud) "Local student dies after huffing lighter fluid", ...well you can't be any more direct than that now can you?

Daria: Not without a sledgehammer, no.

Jane Lane: It's funny, ...the paper I read seemed to have a larger photo of the kid.

Daria: Hey, they've got to find SOME way to make their version of the story seem original. They might as well do it with graphics.

Jane Lane: Life's gonna go on, Daria. Your kids are going to be okay, and they'll be stronger for it. You'll see, ...now stop beating yourself over the head for it.

Daria: Yea, ...I guess the jack hammer I've been using since last night is worn out enough. I should probably find something a little heavier to beat myself up with.

Jane Lane: Sorry, ...I'm all out of titanium blocks. I'm afraid you'll just have to deal with the matter as it is.

Daria: (Sighs) I guess so.

Jane Lane: (Changes the subject) Jane called me yesterday, before all of this that is. ....She was telling me that the school wants to push them ahead again. (Smirks) Your mom would be proud of them.

Daria: (Shrugs) If she were alive to see it that is. I have no doubt that she would want to dwell on how much they take after her side of the family.

Jane Lane: Forget the whole side of the family thing, ...they take after you specifically. You were the one the residents of Lawndale once called a "Brain." So it seems to me that they're just following in your footsteps. (Pause) Daria, it's okay to be proud once in a while. (Pause) So are you going to let them test out of high school?

Daria: (Smirks) I told the kids that I would let them decide and that I would support them no matter what.

Jane Lane: Good call. Do you think they'll be able to handle it?

Daria: I guess we'll see won't we. But for now I'm going to postpone that meeting with the school faculty until the kids are past this whole thing about their friend. (Beat) But there's something else to go along with that set of baggage, ....Trent's a little concerned about how fast the kids are growing up. I think he's afraid of having an empty nest so to speak.

Jane Lane: (Laughs) Trent IS becoming an old softie isn't he. He has a couple of smart kids and now all of a sudden he's afraid of them leaving him alone by himself. What did he have to say on the matter?

Daria: (scoffs) He suggested the possibility of having a third kid.

Jane Lane: Oh god, .....he would actually want you to go through that whole pregnancy thing again? So how many new assholes did you tear him?

Daria: None, .......I told him that we're still young and that we have time to think about it.

Jane Lane: So you may or may not have been thinking the same thing yourself huh? ....Wow what a mind job that must be. I can't say it's something that I would want to go through again.

Daria: (Scowls) I didn't say I WOULD, ....I just told him that I would think about it. To get him to shut up, ...you know how he can ramble on about unimportant things.

Jane Lane: (Smiles) Uh huh, ...sure. But here's a thought for you to ponder, ....you've already had two super smart kids, ...what if they ate up all of the intelligence genes and this third kid turns out to be a Kevin Thompson or Brittany Taylor?

Daria: (Shudders) Don't say that, .....you'll give me nightmares. And I REPEAT, ....I didn't say anything about actually HAVING another kid, ...I just told Trent that I would THINK about it.

Jane Lane: Uh huh, sure. (Looks at Daria for a moment) Oh all right, ...I'll change the subject. Jeez, ....your so touchy when it comes to talking about your own body aren't you.

Daria: I am NOT, ....I just don't like the way you make such a big deal over something that Trent brought up.

Jane Lane: Well I have to make a big deal out of something, ....you won't let me do it to YOU.

Daria: And you know very well why. If I were to let you make a big deal out of something small like this, ...Who knows what you'd do over something MAJOR.

Jane Lane: Oh I wouldn't worry, ...you're bound to find out one of these days. Although it will probably be the day that you DIE.

Daria: Still getting your hopes up I see. That's going to get you into trouble one of these days.

Jane Lane: (Smirks) Bring it on!! (the scene fades out)

(Cut to that Friday as the funeral service for Zachary was being concluded. Most of the people had retreated to their cars so that they would not have to view the casket being lowered into the ground. But contrary to everyone else, ...Zach's friends stayed to watch. As soon as they were certain that they were now alone after the hole had been filled and the backhoe operator had left, the small group began to say goodby to their friend in the way they felt was much more meaningful than what had been provided)

John: A final goodbye can never be done in front of those who are not within the circle of friends. We know not why you chose the easy way out, ....but it was your decision old friend. And it is one we wish you had reconsidered.

Allen: Although it is no longer permitted to place personal effects in with the deceased, ....when no one was looking we snuck in a pack of camels and your favorite lighter with you. Don't know what you'd be able to do with them at this point, ....but that hardly matters. We know you would have wanted them.

Jane: You may not have been of legal age, ....but god knows you got a kick out of sneaking an occasional drink when your parents weren't looking. (Jane removes a bottle from a small bag she is carrying) So for the sake of friendship, ...and one for the road, ...we offer one last toast to you. (She opens the bottle and takes a swig, ...then passes the bottle around until everyone in the group has taken a drink until the bottle comes to Amy)

Amy: (takes her drink) And the circle ends with you, Zach. .....Salude! (Amy pours the contents of the bottle slowly over the fresh dirt that now filled the grave.) Rest in peace old friend. (The group stands in silence for several minutes and then turn and walk towards the waiting cars keeping pace with each other so that they maintain a straight horizontal line with a space in the center symbolizing the missing man in the group until they reach the cars and the scene fades to black)

The End.....

This story is dedicated to the memory of Roger Perry.
He was a good friend......

Comments are always welcome, ....my address is wildgoose81@hotmail.com