Short summary:


A poem of Jane and Tom (post “Dye!”).


Daria (and associated characters and locations) is copyright © 1997-2000 MTV Networks.


This poem is copyright © 2002 by Bacner ( and has been written for personal enjoyment. No infringement of the above rights is intended.


Lament for Jane Lane


Why do you in the morning wave your hand through empty space?

Why did it you never ever try to fill his place?

Why do you hurry to the knock, awaiting a dear shadow to see – just tell me why, why can’t you let it be?

        Remember: he betrayed you, he betrayed you.


Accusing a hundred, and forgiving a hundred, you go and gaze At the stars – he had taught all that that you know, they were always his craze.

You gaze anew onto the canvas, new colours you read, never closing your eyes,

He taught you to well to realize what’s truth and what are lies.

        Remember: he betrayed you, he betrayed you.


You broke the pot you made for him, threw-out his gift of roses,

His stolen shirt you made ‘to panty-hoses.

He was your friend, he was your boyfriend, he was your boy,

But after meeting Daria, he found a truer joy…


The ties have been broken, you’re free from your debts and from shame,

O Lane Jane, you’ve been finally freed from your pain.

But just tell me, why from time to time his name slips forth from your lips – why have you forgiven him? O, why you forgiven him?

        Remember, he betrayed you, he betrayed you.