New Masters of the Universe

Two - Greyskull


Written By: Cyke

Based on:

Daria Created by: Glenn Eichler and Susie Lewis Lynn,

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe,


He-Man: King in Exile written by: O. Sharp



Open on a blue sky with a few clouds scattered across the horizon. From out of one of the clouds flies Kevin on his battle hawk.


Kevin: Oh wow! Grandpa said this thing was fast but I never expected this... I should've taken it out sooner. (Looks at the instrument panel) Greyskull should be close, time to go down...


Kevin pushes the controls forward and the Battle Hawk descends through the clouds - below we can see a solitary island surrounded by crystal clear water. Trees surround the outside of the island but the center of the island is a barren wasteland encircled by a large chasm. Kevin slows the battle hawk to a hover and looks over the island.


Kevin: These are the coordinates grandpa gave me... but where's the castle?


Kevin shrugs and pushes the controls forward and the Battle Hawk surges forward and down toward the island. Kevin lands on the outside of the chasm and steps off of the Battle Hawk and carefully approaches the edge of the chasm. He cups his hands around his mouth-


      Kevin: Sorceress! Are you here? I need your help!


The wind suddenly picks up and Kevin holds up his arm to shield his eyes.


      Sorceress: (VO) Who calls me?


      Kevin: My name's Kevin Thompson.


      Sorceress: (VO) How do you know of this place, and of me?


Kevin: My Grandpa told me about you, Greyskull, and my family's history. He also gave me this.


Kevin unsheathes his sword and holds it out above his head. The sword glows and across the area abyss blurs as a large shape appears slowly becoming clearer reveling that it is Castle Greyskull. The castle is in bad shape, the left tower is missing, the drawbridge is rotting, and many of the stones have been crushed. Kevin looks over the castle in amazement and shock, without warning the drawbridge descends reviling an old woman standing in the entranceway; she is wearing a white robe tied closed with a golden cord and an eagle headdress. She motions for Kevin to enter and he carefully crosses the drawbridge.


      Sorceress: So... you are Adam's descendent...


      Kevin: Um... I guess...


Sorceress: I can see some of him in you... but few knew him better than I.


They enter the castle as the drawbridge rises behind them. They walk slowly down one of the halls during the following.


Kevin: Not to be disrespectful... but who is Adam... Grandpa never mentioned him.


Sorceress: I find that a little hard to believe, since Adam was the first to go by the name He-Man.


Kevin: So that was his name... grandpa never could remember it, he always called him He-Man.


Sorceress: Yes... I think there are very few families that could remember the name of an ancestor that far back; but I doubt that you came this far just to learn that. What have you come seeking?


Kevin: Skeletor has returned... I need to know how he escaped.


The Sorceress stops and turns away from Kevin.


      Sorceress: I know... he's been free for some time now.


She quickly continues down the hall and into the throne room followed by an angry Kevin.


      Kevin: What? You knew and did nothing!?


      Sorceress: I... had reasons...


      Kevin: Like what? You let that maniac run loose and did nothing!


Sorceress: Because I can't! My powers have faded... I use all of my strength to shield Greyskull from the outside world. If I tired anything... Greyskull would be reviled, and open to attack-


A loud explosion echoes through the castle, followed immediately by a loud, evil laughter...


      Skeletor: (VO, echoing) Oh Sorceress! Guess who came to dinner!


The Sorceress turns to Kevin in a panic.


      Sorceress: Go and hide fast...


      Kevin: No, I can handle him...


Sorceress: Yes, but he may not know you're here, you can surprise him.


Kevin: Right... but what about you?


Sorceress: Don't worry... I can handle myself, now go!


Kevin unsheathes his sword and runs out of the throne room.


Skeletor: (Echoing) Come on my dear Sorceress... is this anyway to treat a guest? (Laughter)


Cut to: Skeletor in one of the halls - the sorceress appears before him.


      Sorceress: Get out!


      Skeletor: Actually, I was thinking about moving in...


The wind picks up and hits Skeletor sending him flying backwards, but he turns in the air and lands on his feet. His staff appears out of nowhere and he fires two beams at her. Right before they strike her a sword deflects the beams back toward Skeletor who ducks under them. He-Man steps between them.


      He-Man: Your fight is with me, Skeletor.


      Skeletor: Damn you... why are you always getting in my way?


Skeletor fires again at He-Man who once again deflects the blasts and charges toward Skeletor. He blocks He-Man's strike with his staff and pushes the sword to the left then backhands He-Man sending him backwards. Skeletor brings up his staff and blasts He-Man sending him flying back into the wall.


      Skeletor: There, now stay while I finish with my other business.


The Sorceress backs away from Skeletor as he slowly stalks toward her his eyes blazing red.


Skeletor: Now, now sorceress... I'm not going to harm you; I merely wanted to express my gratitude... for releasing me.


Cut to: He-Man's reaction to what he just heard. Skeletor turns back to him.


      Skeletor: She didn't tell you that did she, hero!


Skeletor blasts He-Man once more and he slumps forward. Skeletor turns back to the sorceress.


Skeletor: It's a shame really... you... calling yourself the Sorceress, after all- you're not even half the sorceress your mother was. That's right, Teela... you are a failure - you failed to save your mother, you failed to save Man-at-Arms, and now you failed to protect Castle Greyskull!


Skeletor begins to laugh as Teela/The Sorceress's temper rises, she stands and unleashes a powerful blast that strikes Skeletor, he screams in pain as his body is electrocuted, then another powerful gust of wind hits him and blows him through the halls of Greyskull right back out the main entrance and across the chasm. Skeletor hits a tree and falls to the ground; he slowly stirs and begins to laugh low, slowly laughing louder and louder.

Cut to: Back to the Sorceress as Skeletor's laughter seams to echo through the castle, a look of fear comes over her face. He-Man gets up and walks over to her and sees her reaction.


      He-Man: Sorceress? What's wrong?


Sorceress: I...I let him get to me... I did exactly what he wanted; I used the last of my power... (turns to He-Man) He's right... I failed... everyone. Now Greyskull is exposed...


She drops to her knees and begins to cry.


      Sorceress: I failed...


He-Man: No... you protected Greyskull all this time, and even now... (lifts her face) you protected Greyskull, now let me protect it.


He starts to leave but she stops him.


Sorceress: Wait... you don't understand- Greyskull is exposed, to everyone. All of its secrets, they're open for the taking. I... I must find someone else to guard the secrets, someone who is compassionate, intelligent, who can take the powers of Greyskull away from here, and protect them as the new Sorceress.


Kevin smirks.


      Kevin: I think I know the perfect person.


Cut to: Jodie Landon's bedroom, it's dark but we can see Jodie asleep under the covers.


      Sorceress: (VO, soft) Jodie... wake up Jodie.


Jodie stirs but doesn't wake up, the Sorceress tries again.


      Sorceress: (VO) Jodie, wake up.


Jodie opens her eyes and sleepily looks around but doesn't see anything. Then the sorceress's face appears above her.


      Jodie: What the-


      Sorceress: Do not be afraid, I do not mean you any harm.


      Jodie: W-what... do you want?


      Sorceress: I need help, and you were highly recommended.


      Jodie: By who?


Sorceress: All will be revealed soon, but now I need to know if you will listen to me.


Jodie: Well, normally I wouldn't agree to do anything for a strange head floating above my bed in the middle of the night... I can't believe I just said that- sorry, I was saying that there's something about you... I feel that I can trust you, so yes... I will listen.


Sorceress: Good, I hoped that would be your answer, now just relax... this might feel a little strange.


Jodie: It already does...


The sorceress disappears as does Jodie's bedroom - she is surrounded by a bright white light. When it fades Jodie finds herself standing in the throne room of castle Greyskull.


      Jodie: Where am I?


      Kevin: (OS) Castle Greyskull.


Jodie spins around to face Kevin.


      Jodie: Kevin? Why are you here?


      Kevin: I was the one that told the sorceress about you.


      Jodie: The sorceress... who...?


      Sorceress: (OS) We, already met.


Jodie spins again to face the Sorceress, who is holding Kevin's sword.


      Jodie: Okay, can everyone stop coming up from behind me?


Sorceress: Sorry... (hands the sword back to Kevin) Thank you for allowing me to borrow the sword of power.


Kevin: Hey, no problem.


Seeing Kevin holding the sword she takes a few steps away from him.


      Jodie: So what do you need help with?


Time lapse as they explain the situation to Jodie. Resume normal time as the finish.


      Kevin: ...and here you are.


Sorceress: I know this is a lot to take in all at once, and we haven't given you much time but...


Jodie: don't have any time to give...


Sorceress: Yes.


Jodie: My parents force me into every activity they hear about, I almost never get to choose for myself... and now you tell me that I'm the only person that can do this, basically doing the same thing my parents do. (Kevin and the sorceress look down) This time I am going to chose... and I choose to help you.


They look up and smile, Kevin grabs Jodie in a big hug.


Jodie: Okay Kevin, you can let me go now... (he does), what do we do?


Sorceress: Follow me... Kevin, may I borrow your sword again?


Kevin: Sure, here you go.


She takes the sword and steps up to the throne and inserts the sword into a slot next to it. The sword glows and the throne moves back uncovering a hidden passage. The throne stops moving and she removes the sword and starts down the passage.

Cut to: Outside in the forest Skeletor leans up against a tree holding his ribs.


      Skeletor: Damn her, she should have been here by now.


      Evil-Lyn: (VO) ...and you should learn to be patient.


Evil-Lyn (Ms. Barch) steps out of the trees carrying her staff, long and silver topped with a purple globe held by claws.


      Skeletor: Evil Lyn! What took you so long!?


Evil-Lyn: (thought VO) Nothing, I just decided to take my time in the hope that they would have finished you off by now... you just can't count on heroes anymore.


      Skeletor: Let me guess, you wanted me to stay here and suffer?


She turns away from Skeletor and smirks.


Evil-Lyn: Not at all. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't followed...


Skeletor: Right... followed by whom? Our only concern is already here on this island you fool! Now, are you ready?


Evil-Lyn: Yes... I am...


Cut to: Inner Chamber - the Sorceress, Jodie, and He-Man exit the passageway and step into a large dark chamber. The Sorceress steps into the center of the room and holds the sword into the air. The sword glows and the room lights up in soft blue hues. She turns to Jodie and motions for her to come join her. The sorceress takes one of Jodie's hands and places it on the sword's handle. The sorceress begins to chant something we can't make out as the sword's glow begins to enclose them both. There is a blinding white light that fades away to a white room, the Sorceress and Jodie are floating in the middle of the room. The Sorceress' headdress and wings begin to fade and appear on Jodie. There is another bright flash then only white.


Teela: (VO) Kevin, Jodie... it is finished; I have transferred all of Greyskull's power and secrets to you. In time you will learn to access the secrets and when you do be careful, use them sparingly. Now, I have one more task... I must tell you of King Adam and He-Man's fall, and how Skeletor came to be here in this time. It all started in the royal court.


Cut to: The Royal Court - diplomats from all over Eternia are mingling amongst themselves when King Randor enters.


Teela: (VO) The day began beautifully, King Randor had just finished presiding over the royal court where a treaty was signed by all the diplomats - a treaty to unify the people against Skeletor and his allies. The war was turning in our favor and King Randor was thanking the diplomats.


All of the diplomats cease their talking and turn toward their king. He walks across the room shaking the hand of each diplomat in turn.


      Teela: (VO) No one expected what was about to occur.


As he reaches out to shake the hand of the last diplomat he is jerked close to him and he cries out. When he steps back the diplomat is holding a bloody dagger and Randor is bleeding. The diplomat drops the dagger and a staff appears in his hand and he transforms into Skeletor.


      Skeletor: Long live the king.


Teela: (VO) Later we discovered that Skeletor had killed the diplomat the night before and took his place.


Skeletor laughs as he disappears in a cloud of black smoke as the royal guards arrive too late.


Teela: (VO) Following the king's death the kingdom erupted into chaos, the treaty was forgotten and old grievances resurfaced...


Cut to: a battle between two armies.


Teela: (VO) Adam's coronation occurred a short time later, but he was not prepared for the task. After his coronation he delivered a stirring speech honoring his father and calling for the people to rally against Skeletor. To any outsider it looked like King Adam was picking up right where his father left off... but my father, Man-at-Arms, confided in me that Adam is just barely holding the other kingdoms at bay, they respected his father but they looked at him and only saw a spoiled prince.


Cut to: King Adam sitting at the end of a long table with his head in his hands as the various diplomats argue and yell at each other.


Teela: (VO) With King Adam tied up in political matters, He-Man had not been seen for months. Rumors had begun to circulate through the Palace markets that He-Man doesn't like King Adam and that he refuses to help him.


Cut to: a wide shot of Mount Eternia.


Teela: (VO) The few quickly becomes the majority and soon the whole kingdom is so against He-Man that when Mount Eternia erupts the villagers curse He-Man's name for not showing up to help.


Cut to: King Adam helping servants escape the palace.


Teela: (VO) King Adam was forced to stay at the palace to organize the evacuation.


Cut to: repairs being made to the palace, as King Adam walks along the balcony looking out over the damaged village. He turns and enters his throne room.


      Teela: It was then that Skeletor choose to strike.


Cut to: Castle Greyskull - Skeletor and his allies approach the front gate.

Cut to: The inner chamber - the Sorceress is sitting on her throne.


      Sorceress (past): Adam! Hear me Adam!


Cut to: King Adam's throne room - the Sorceress' head appears before Adam.


Sorceress (past): Adam - Skeletor is attacking Castle Greyskull, I need your help.



Teela: (VO) Adam didn't think or hesitate. He pulled his sword and spoke the words to transform into He-Man.


King Adam lifts his sword into the air.


      King Adam: I have the power!


The sword emits a bright light and King Adam transforms into He-Man. Outside the lights and noise in the throne room attracts the palace guards who rush into the Throne Room and see He-Man standing over the smoking robes and burnt crown of the King.


Teela: (VO) The guards thought that He-Man had killed King Adam and they attacked. He-Man escaped but the cries of the palace guards reach the villagers, who also attack. Man-at-Arms tried to calm their anger but they would not be stopped... in their grief and anger they killed Man-at-Arms.


Cut to: the forest - He-Man and Battle-Cat are being pursued by the Palace Guards, but they manage to lose them by jumping a cliff.

Back at Castle Greyskull the sorceress sits on the throne obviously straining to keep Skeletor out.


Teela: (VO) Skeletor's attack upon Greyskull continued, and my mother realized that He-Man was not coming, so she called out to me...


Cut to: Teela (past) deep in the forest building a campfire.


Teela: (VO) I was in the forest on a survival exercise when she appeared to me. I immediately rushed to Castle Greyskull and engaged Skeletor.


Teela emerges from the forest to find Skeletor standing on the drawbridge while his troops begin to cross it. Teela runs and leaps over them and unsheathes her sword and with all her strength she brings it down striking Skeletor's staff breaking it in half.


Teela: (VO) I was able to destroy Skeletor's chaos staff, and throw the pieces into the abyss. Skeletor didn't seam to care though, he unsheathed his sword and we fought - but he was only toying with me. He disarmed me and he slowly advanced toward me...


Teela removes the snake crest from her belt and a staff extends from it and she lashes out at Skeletor sending his sword flying into the abyss. She lands a number of hits to Skeletor driving him back into his troops who begin to attack her, but Skeletor stops them.


Skeletor: Wait... You may have saved Greyskull this time, Captain. But for me, the setback is only temporary! Without a Sorceress, Greyskull's power is broken - and it's only a matter of time before I claim it as my own!


Skeletor turns and walks away with his troops, laughing.


Teela: (VO) I ran into the castle and found the Sorceress lying on the floor. She was dying... Skeletor had won. With her last moments she told me that she was my mother, and then transferred her powers to me.


Sorceress (past): P-protect Greyskull... at all costs...


Teela (past): I will... I promise... If only... Adam was here...


Sorceress (past) Adam... has a secret... a powerful secret to - defending Greyskull...


The Sorceress says no more as her body goes limp. Teela cries out in her grief.


Teela: (VO) I buried my mother by the shores of the Crystal Sea. By then I had received news that King Adam and Man-at-Arms was slain by He-Man, and I believed them... and I vowed revenge upon He-Man.


Cut to: The palace as Skeletor and his troops enter the throne room, behind them the palace guards lay on the ground dead or unconscious. Skeletor ascends the steps and sits on the throne and laughs.


Teela: (VO) With no King, no royal family, no Man-at-Arms or Captain of the Guards, Palace Eternia was defenseless. Skeletor's victory was swift and absolute.


Cut to: Skeletor on the throne as his allies stand before him.


Beastman: We have come for our reward, after all, you would never have made it here without us.


Skeletor laughs at them and stomps his new chaos staff on the floor.


Skeletor (past): Very well, if you want treasure, then take it... if you can.


The palace guards, now under his control, enter and surround them.


Teela: (VO) After the battle an injured Webstor and Trapjaw agree to continue serving under Skeletor. But Evil-lyn, Merman and Kobra Khan escaped to the safety of the Evergreen Forest.


Cut to: Skeletor standing on the palace balcony as his army rounds up the citizens of Eternia and lead them away bound in chains.


Teela: (VO) The citizens of Eternia were quickly enslaved; only the palace guards were allowed to exist as they once did. The former masters were hunted down and killed, only Orko survived because Skeletor thought "the little rat amuses me."


Cut to Skeletor sitting on his throne with Orko chained to it.

Cut to: He-Man watching events from a mountain cliff.


Teela: (VO) Upon seeing what has happened He-Man returned to Greyskull with Battle Cat expecting to find the Sorceress, but all he found was me and my rage.


He-Man approaches Teela with his hands up.


He-Man (past): Teela? Where is the Sorceress?


Sorceress Teela (past): You murderer! How dare you show your face here! I'll destroy you yet!


He-Man (past): Murderer? Me?



Sorceress Teela (past): Don't think I haven't heard about your killing King Adam and my father! You were jealous of him! And you incited the riot that killed my father!


He-Man: No, wait! Adam isn't dead! I am Adam, and I can prove it!


Sorceress Teela: (VO)) He-Man drew his sword to change into Adam; but I believed it to be an attack and I called upon the power of Greyskull.


The Sword of Power, caught between the two opposing wills, snaps into two pieces with a burst of thunder. He-Man is thrown back and lands unconscious, forever trapped in this form.


Battle-Cat: You fool! If you had any idea of the harm you've just done to Eternia...


He picks up He-man and runs off.


Sorceress Teela (past): Get away from here, you mangy animal, you and He-Man are the only ones I hate more than Skeletor!


Teela: (VO) They left and found refuge on the edges of the Vine Jungle. Eventually they were discovered by Evil-lyn and Merman.


Evil-Lyn (past): I never thought I'd be saying this, but I want Greyskull's help! Skeletor has turned us all away, to starve and die. I would rather have King Adam on the throne than Skeletor!


He-Man (past): Greyskull... won't help you, I've been turned away - and the Power Sword broken. I'm an outcast from Eternia... just as you are.


Teela: (VO) Being outcasts all, they joined forces - caught between the terror of Greyskull on the one side, and the relentless pursuit of Skeletor's troops on the other.


Cut to: Castle Greyskull - He-Man and Evil-Lyn have snuck into Greyskull and approach a mirror.


Teela: (VO) He-Man continued to try and convince me of his true identity. He even risked sneaking into the castle to try and bring his sister Adora back to tell me the truth. He succeeded in contacting her but she came in the form of She-Ra, and I banished her back through the portal and destroyed the mirror, closing the gateway forever...


He-Man picks up a piece of the mirror and crushes it in his hand.


He-Man (past): Teela... how could you? How can you sit back and allow Skeletor to rule Eternia while preventing all my efforts to free it!?


Sorceress Teela (past): Ha, do you really expect me to believe that you are trying to help Eternia? After you killed the only two people that could have saved it?! You are the one responsible for this!


She strikes at He-man but her attack is stopped by Evil-Lyn.


Sorceress Teela (past): Need I more proof that your partner? Skeletor's former ally... You turned your back on all of Eternia and now you wish to become it's hero once more? Or do you wish to dethrone Skeletor and places yourself on the throne? Not while I am guardian of Greyskull!


She lifts into the air and prepares to strike them down but Evil-Lyn takes He-Man's hand and teleports them away.

Fade to white.


Teela: (VO) In time the truth was discovered, the sword of power reforged, Adam returned, and Skeletor was defeated and banished. But Eternia was changed... their king had returned but the people refused to accept him. The royal palace was demolished and the people began to rule themselves. Eternia thrived for a few more years... but then Mount Eternia erupted once again, but this time Eternia did not survive...


Cut to: Mount Eternia erupting... the ground begins to break up.


Teela: (VO) The eruption destroyed Eternia, and the kingdom sank into the sea, He-Man and I saved Castle Greyskull and what few people we could...


Fade back to the inner chamber. Kevin stands over a kneeling Jodie who holds Teela in her arms.


Teela: In the time since then Adam and the few remaining citizens of Eternia left this Island and found new homes... I remained here and continued to protect Greyskull. But through the years I tried to make up for my actions and find a way to reopen the gateway to Etheria and learn what became of Adora... That is how Skeletor escaped... while searching I opened a portal and Skeletor emerged... apparently he learned how to travel through portals but he could not find his way back here... until I-


Kevin: No... it was not your fault...


Jodie: Yeah, you couldn't have known...


Teela: ...Yes I could've, but I didn't take the precautions I should have. Jodie... I wish that you would continue to search for Etheria, find what happened to Adora, please.


Jodie: I will...


Teela: Thank you... it may not help you, but along with all of Greyskull's power, I transferred my memories to you as well... Maybe they will assist you.


Teela's eyes close and her body goes limp.

Cut to: The edge of the forest, Skeletor and Evil-Lyn emerge and start toward the castle.


      Skeletor: At last... Greyskull will be mine!


      Sorceress Jodie: (os) You spoke too soon, Skeletor!


The drawbridge slowly lowers, standing on the bridge is He-Man with his sword drawn and floating next to him is Jodie now clad in the Sorceress' headdress and with two feathered wings emerging from her back.


      Skeletor: No! The Sorceress is dead, I killed her!


Sorceress Jodie: Yes you did, and now you'll pay!


She pulls back her fist and a whirlwind appears around her hand and she brings her hand forward letting go of the whirlwind. Evil-Lyn dodges out of the way but Skeletor is struck and sent flying back into a tree. Evil-Lyn points her staff at the Sorceress and a bolt of blue/purple lightning strikes her. She falls but quickly recovers and returns the attack with a lightning strike of her own.

Cut to: He-Man runs across the drawbridge and slashes at the fallen Skeletor who barely manages to deflect the attack with his staff.


      Skeletor: Not this time He-Man.


Skeletor reaches into his robe and pulls out a vile which he throws at He-man. It shatters and instantly he is frozen solid.


Skeletor: As much as I'd like to stay and finish you, I have a more important engagement to attend.


Skeletor steps onto the drawbridge and points his staff at Sorceress Jodie and two beams from its eyes strike her sending her into the wall where she drops unconscious.


Skeletor: Such a pitty... they just don't make them like they used to.


He enters Greyskull with Evil-Lyn following behind. As soon as they're out of sight Sorceress Jodie gets up and rushes to He-Man's side. She puts her hand on his arm. There is a bright flash and the ice is gone, He-Man looks a little dazed.


      He-Man: What was that?


Sorceress Jodie: I don't know, but our plan worked, they're inside the castle now.


He-Man: Great... lets get them.


Cut to: Inside Greyskull Skeletor and Evil-Lyn make their way to the throne room. Skeletor stops in the middle of the room and slowly turns in a circle.


      Skeletor: No... this isn't right! The power, it's gone!


      Sorceress Jodie: (os) That's right Skeletor...


Skeletor and Evil-Lyn turn back toward the entrance and see He-Man and Sorceress Jodie.


He-Man: The secrets of Greyskull are now hidden where you will never find them, Greyskull is now just stone and wood, and it's all yours.


Skeletor's rage builds so much that he begins to shake and his eyes begin to burn a bright red.


Skeletor: Die!


A massive energy blasts fires at He-Man and Sorceress Jodie from Skeletor's staff, they jump to either side and the attack hits the wall shattering it to pieces. The entire castle begins to shake as pieces fall from the ceiling -


Evil-Lyn: You fool! Look what you've done, Greyskull is falling apart.


Skeletor: I don't care! All of Greyskull's secrets are gone, so what do I care about an empty castle?


Evil-Lyn: An empty castle that we are still inside of- how are we to escape?


Skeletor: I have my ways... but you- good luck...


Skeletor turns and leaves Evil-Lyn seething. She starts to follow him but a large pillar falls right in front of her blocking the exit.


      Evil-Lyn: Damn you!


Across the room He-Man and Sorceress Jodie watch as the castle falls apart.


      He-Man: We have to get out of here!


Sorceress Jodie: Wait, there are things here that we can't leave - we need them!


He-Man: We don't have the time!


Sorceress Jodie: It's my duty to protect them - I have to try.


She turns from him and flies down the hall, reluctantly he fallows after her.

Elsewhere in the castle Skeletor storms down a hall but stops at a passage way as something off-screen catches his attention.


      Skeletor: Well now... this is interesting.


He points his staff down the passage and it glows yellow.


      Skeletor: Come to your new owner...


Cut to: Evil-Lyn who has found some way out of the throne room and is running down a hall dodging the falling stone and wooden beams. She turns the corner and finds the hall has collapsed. She points her wand at the blockage and an energy beam strikes it without effect. She looks back the way she came and sees that it too is close to becoming blocked. The only way left is a door to her left, she opens it to find a storage closet.


      Evil-Lyn: Damn you Skeletor... if I make it out of here...


She powers up her wand and blasts the storage room which erupts in a massive explosion that slams her back into the wall. She holds her head and looks up to see the forest beyond the castle. She smirks as she gets up and walks into the room, but pauses as she examines what's left of the room...


      Evil-Lyn: what was this stuff... some kind of...


The castle shudders again as the hall she was just in collapses again, she grabs a couple of the surviving jars and runs toward the hole in the wall and jumps out of the castle forgetting about the chasm. She screams as she falls but suddenly she begins to glow yellow and her fall stops. She rises to the ground level and we see Skeletor holding out his glowing staff.


      Skeletor: I decided that I still have a use for you my dear...


Evil-Lyn: What makes you think that I'll help you after you left me to die!


Skeletor: Well simply because I still hold your life in my hands, a mere thought and you'll fall to your doom. Choose...


She looks down the scowls at Skeletor.


      Evil-Lyn: I'm yours to command, master.


      Skeletor: Good.


She floats over to solid ground and the glow disappears - she crashes to the ground.


      Skeletor: Get up... we have more work to do.


Skeletor turns and strolls off into the forest.


      Evil-Lyn: You should never turn your back to me...


She gets up and looks at the jars she holds for a moment before following after him.

Cut to: A chamber in Greyskull - the door flies open and the sorceress enters followed by He-Man.


      He-Man: What is this place?


      Sorceress Jodie: A museum, for lack of a better word.


The ceiling starts to fall and the sorceress runs to the middle of the room and begins to glow, she raises her hands and a white light shoots from them and hits the ceiling and moves along it until it completely covers it.


      He-Man: What are you doing?


      Sorceress Jodie: (struggling) A shield, to hold the ceiling up...


      He-Man: This is madness, we can't stay here!


      Sorceress Jodie: We have to!


He-Man look uncertain but goes over to her and offers his hand.


      He-Man: Okay... use my strength...


She smiles and takes his hand and the glow brightens.

Cut to: Exterior of Greyskull - The majority of the castle has fallen to pieces, the drawbridge and front skull of the castle are the only walls still standing, though along the sides the walls are partially intact. Near the back of the castle a bright light begins to shine from under the rubble, then it explodes outward and He-Man climbs out with  Sorceress Jodie on his back.


He-Man: Well, that was fun... Why was it so important to save this stuff?


Sorceress Jodie: These items belonged to the original Masters of the universe... and some of them can still be used. Also, it's a part of your family's history, including your long lost extended family.


He-Man: My what...?


Sorceress Jodie: Adora... the mirror to Etheria was destroyed, but Teela kept the pieces here... maybe I can find a way to fix it and we can find out what happened to Adora, like Teela asked me to.


He-Man: Right, I guess we better start moving this stuff out then, before the ceiling collapses...


Sorceress Jodie: Okay... but where will take them?


He-Man: I might know a good place.


Fade out.

Fade up to Skeletor's Throne room.


Skeletor: Yes... rise up and meet your master...


On the wall behind Skeletor we see the shadow of something very big standing up and raising its arms as Skeletor laughs.







First and foremost I'd like to thank O. Sharp for allowing me to use his idea He-Man: King in Exile (click for his webpage) as the back-story for what happened to Adam and the other Masters. I found his website about a year or so ago by accident and loved this alternate history of He-man.

When I started this fanfic idea it was a joke for the "Scenes no Daria fanfic should ever have" board and after receiving some encouragement I started writing this as an actual story - my first Daria or He-Man fanfic. When writing the initial intro I remembered the Exile story idea and wrote it into this installment (with permission of course) as a perfect back-story to explain how Adam's family went from royalty to Kevin's family (and yes there are still many, many, plot holes that will hopefully be fixed later).

      Also I played around with the idea that Eternia was actually the lost city (or continent) of Atlantis. Again this leads to a lot of unanswered questions about the various other species, but hey this is fanfiction...

     And to those nitpickers out there - I know that the passageway to Etheria was a doorway, but from what I remember they opened a door and there was a bright light - there still could've been a mirror... or an alternate way to travel between worlds - just go ask Alice :)...

      I see the Sorceress (Teela and Jodie) looking like the one from the original series but with wings like in the 2002 series. The Battle Hawk Kevin rides on is defiantly from the 2002 series, the ones in the old series were horrible looking, sorry but they were.

      I have ideas for four more installments and the introduction of many more He-Man characters and will try to get onto them ASAP - while working around my original stories.



Daria and related characters owned by MTV, a Viacom company. "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe," "She-Ra: Princess of Power," and related characters are registered trademarks and/or copyrights of Mattel.