My first attempt at Daria fanfic. Please be nice to me!! MAY THE DETACHMENT BE WITH YOU By Anastasia, the Daria from Down under Disclaimer: Daria and all related indica are trademarks of MTV. The Saga begins is copyright Al Yankovic, Don McLean and George Lucas. Hey, c'mon, it's kind of obvious I didn't come up with Star Wars, American Pie AND Daria by myself! I just wanna use them in my story, for cryin' out loud! SCENE 1. INTERIOR, DAY. JANE'S ROOM. (The TV is on. Sick Sad World has just finished. Daria sits on the bed reading while Jane paints some gory, depressing picture.) TV PRESENTER: Hidden messages in their lyrics. Are the Spice Girls trying to brainwash the youth of the world? When Girl Power goes to far! All this and more on the next Sick Sad World! (Daria turns off the TV.) DARIA: Wasn't it obvious that they were doing that ever since they became popular? JANE (dryly): Yeah. Damn Spice Girls. DARIA (Peeved, but still deadpan): I wish someone would bust their prefab asses for crimes against humanity. It's a crying shame that manufactured airheads like that are getting all the fame and glory, while other real musicians are hard at work producing far more meaningful songs. Like-- JANE: Like Trent, right? DARIA: Shut up, Jane! (Throws a pillow at her.) JANE: I'll have you know that your so called "deep, meaningful musician" has entered McGrundy's musical comedy contest this year. DARIA: The one with those stupid novelty comic songs? I thought Trent and Jesse hated those. JANE: Eh, they've been thinking of expanding their repotoire. So far they've only got songs that depress people. They thought Hell, why not some music to make 'em laugh, too. Eventually they're gonna build a whole Pandora's Box of tunes so they can toy with people's emotions. DARIA (smiles): That's my Trent. (Jane examines her painting tactfully.) JANE: Hmmmm..... needs more blood. Aw, dammit, I'm out of red. Daria, do us a favour and go downstairs to the closet next to the kitchen. There's some red acrylic paint in there. DARIA: Okay. (She gets up and leaves.) SCENE 2. INTERIOR, DAY. THE LANE BASEMENT. (Trent and Jesse are lounging around. Trent gently strums his guitar. Jesse examines a CD that Trent just bought- "Weird Al" Yankovic's Running with Scissors.) JESSE: I dunno, man. I suppose we could do a cover for the concert, but won't that seem a little unoriginal? TRENT: Jess, I don't think I have it in me to write a (shudders) humourous song just yet. This is a good start for us. Besisdes, we can spruce it up a little. Like, add some improvised solos, and dress in funky costumes and stuff. JESSE: Okay. TRENT: So, which song d'ya wanna do? (Note: sorry to all those who don't have Running with scissors!!) JESSE: Uh..... how 'bout Grapefruit Diet? I like that one. Anyway, Steve Perry kinda reminds me of you. TRENT (increduosly): Jess, could you picture us doing swing?? Where would we get the horns? JESSE: Oh.... ummm.... good point. TRENT: How about that first track, the Star Wars one? I like that, it's good classic rock. JESSE: About Jedi Knights. TRENT: You know what I mean. (Trent picks up his guitar and strums the first few chords of American Pie, following the Yankovic lyrics.) TRENT (sings): A long, long, time ago... In a gala-(His voice cracks) In a galaxy far away, Naboo was-(his voice cracks again) Dammit! JESSE: What? TRENT: I can't sing this song! It's too high for me! JESSE: Oh- bummer. TRENT (clearly disappointed): I would've loved to do that song. It's so funny. I'm gonna go upstairs and get a Coke. Want one? JESSE: Yeah. (Trent leaves and goes into the kitchen. As he opens the fridge, he notices that the radio has been left on. The introduction to the Verve Pipe's The Freshman is being played. Trent is about to flick it off when the singing tune starts. He is startled when he hears someone from another room sing along casually. A female voice. Trent leaves the radio and listens. The singer is obviously very talented. Her singing is beautiful and lilting, yet powerful and emotional at the same time. Like a Psiren, the voice draws Trent towards the mysterious singer slowly. As he enters the living room, where the voice is coming from, his eyes widen to see Daria is the singer. She is rummaging through a closet as she wails away, oblivious to Trent standing behind her and listening.) (The song ends. Daria finally finds the elusive tube of red paint and turns around, bang smack in front of Trent.) DARIA (gasps): Trent! TRENT: Daria... you have such a beautiful voice. (Daria turns beet red.) DARIA: Oh, uhm, thankyou- I guess... (A smile creeps up onto Trent's lips as an idea hatches in his mind.) TRENT: Daria, you know about the contest at McGrundy's next week... DARIA: Yeah... TRENT: Well, the song Jesse and I picked was too high for me to sing. We're still keen on performing it, and I was wondering if you--- DARIA: ---Oh no, nu-uh, no way in Hell. I'm not the performing type. TRENT: Oh, come on, Daria. You have a great voice. You should share it with the world. DARIA: Have I been known to share anything with the world? TRENT: C'mon, Daria, it would be such a shame if nobody ever got to hear that gourgeous singing again. It's so, uh, dulcet. (Trent looks at her sweetly. Daria blushes again and lets herself melt- just a little.) DARIA: Well... let me think about it, Trent. SCENE 3. INTERIOR, DAY. LAWNDALE HIGH- MISTER DEMARTINO'S CLASS. DEMARTINO: in conCLUsion, JOAN of Arc's LEGacy was not one of reLIGion and military EXPloits. Can ANYone tell me her GREATer influence on toDAY'S socIETY? BRITTANY!! BRITANNY (Looks blankly at the teacher and twirls her hair): Uhmm, she didn't get lots on animals onto a boat, did she? DEMARTINO: BRITTany, once agAIN, your stuPIDity asTOUNDS me! Can ANYone give me a REAL answer? DARIA!! DARIA: In a hierachial, chauvanistic era, Joan of Arc stands out as one of the most influential women because she had the courage to persevere with her duty as a knight despite the fact she was only a 17 year old girl. Even when she was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake, she stood by her loyalty to the French monarchy and Christianity. DEMARTINO: Very GOOD, Daria. (The bell rings. The students rush out of class.) JANE: Y'know, Daria, you could learn a thing or two from that Joan of Arc chick. DARIA: Excuse me? JANE: The courage to stand up and lead armies in renaissance Europe, the courage to sing for Trent and Mystik Sprial, you do the math. DARIA: Jane, for the last time, there is no way I'm going to stand up in front of a crowd of people and humiliate myself by singing some stupid parody on Don McLean. JANE: Oh, I know what your problem is. (raises a suggestive eyebrow- both of them think the same thing- Trent.) DARIA: Grow up. It's not Trent. I just... I just suffer badly from stage fright, that's all. JANE: Then how come you always recite those essays out in class? You never have any trouble then. DARIA: Yeah; that's because Trent's not there to see--- (Daria covers her mouth in shock of what she just let out.) JANE: Now we have it!! Look, what are you so afraid of? Trent said he loved your voice. If anything, it should help you along the way. First you're singing a "Weird Al" song for them at some concert, next thing you know, you're doing love song duets with him... (playfully) who knows where it could lead! DARIA (sighs): Sometimes I think you're worse than Quinn. (They stare at each other.They then shake their heads.) BOTH: Nah. SCENE 4. INTERIOR, DAY. THE LANE BASEMENT. (Trent is strumming a few chords listlessly. The door is open. Daria appears.) DARIA: Can I come in? TRENT: Sure. (She descends the stairs and sits next to Trent on his old sofa.) DARIA: I've been thinking about what you said earlier, about the comic song contest and all. TRENT (lightens): Oh? DARIA: Yeah.... I've... decided to sing for you-- I mean Mystik Spiral. TRENT: Oh, Daria, thank you so much! (He hugs her. Daria gulps and tries not to blush. Over Trent's shoulder, she sees Jane poke momentarily through the door and give her a wink and a thumbs up sign. Daria frowns at her.) TRENT: This is gonna be great. I've even got a costume for you to wear! (He picks up a dress bag attached to a coathanger. Daria grins expectantly, thinking it may be a flattering gown to knock Trent dead in. She opens the bag and finds, much to her dismay, a tacky, embarrasing looking Obi-Wan Kenobi costume. Her face deflates.) DARIA: Oh.... TRENT: Cool, huh? I got it from a costume hire place in town. Thought you should wear it coz, y'know, the song's from the point of view of Obi-Wan. DARIA (Even more deflated): Oh. (Then) Are you guys wearing costumes? TRENT: Us? Nah. We want you to stand out. DARIA: Oh, trust me. This outfit will really make me stand out. TRENT (missing the sarcasm): Great. (He hands Daria the costume. She looks to the basement door for Jane, who simply shrugs.) TRENT: Well, rehearsals begin tomorrow evening at six. See you then. DARIA: Yeah... bye. (She leaves.) SCENE 5- INTERIOR, NIGHT. MORGENDORFFER RESIDENCE. (The family is sitting down to dinner eating the famous lasanga.) QUINN: ...and then Jeffy said that he had to cancel his date with me too, so now I've only got five dates next week!! DARIA: Gee. I wonder why he cancelled. HELEN: DAria! QUINN: It's not what you think. It's not that he doesn't want to see me-- DARIA: Seeing you isn't the problem. It's listening to you that repelled him HELEN (more parental this time): DAria! Be nice to your sister! QUINN: Anyway, I never see you hanging out with any guys... except for that ugly guitar guy... Thomas, or whatever. DARIA (venomusly): His name's Trent. JAKE (worried): The rocker?? Has he been offering you drugs?? DARIA: Dad--- JAKE (hysterical): ---You haven't had sex with him have you?.... MY GOD, YOU'RE PREGNANT!!! HELEN: Calm DOWN, Jake. Daria, why don't you spend some time with Ted? DARIA: Trent. HELEN: Whatever. Anyway, I think it would be a NICE oppurtunity to BROADen your social horizons. DARIA: How many times have I heard you say that in the past month? Besides, I'm already hanging out with Trent. JAKE: Oh my god! It's twins, isn't it??? DARIA: Relax, dad. I'm only singing for his band in a music contest. HELEN: Why, DAria! How nice! QUINN: Muh-om, how can you say that? You can't have a brain singing in a band. That is soooooooo uncool. HELEN: Quinn, I think this is a great oppurtunity for Daria. When is your performance, sweetie? DARIA (remembers her costume): Uh..... I don't think you want to come and see me. JAKE: Nonsense, kiddo! We'd love to! (A pause.) DARIA (gives in and sighs): Next Friday. McGrundy's at eight. HELEN: Wonderful. We'll all come along (pointedly) EVEN you, Quinn. QUINN: Muh-om! That's not fair! Why do I have to suffer?? (She flounces off angrily to her room.) SCENE 6. INTERIOR, NIGHT. A LITTLE LATER IN DARIA'S ROOM. (Daria is sitting on the bed, miserabley examining her Obi-Wan outfit. The door is open. DARIA: Well, looks like fate has turned against me once again. (sighs) I wouldn't mind so much if I didn't have to wear this dumb thing in front of Trent. Why couldn't have I at least been asked to wear an Amidala costume? I could've kept a little dignity. (She walks up to the mirror and puts the costume in front of her, examining it. Quinn passes by the door and catches her.) QUINN: Eeeeeeeeew! What is that thing? DARIA: It's a hi-tech installation apparatus issued to me on my registration to the FBI. You realise now that you are privvy to this information you'll either have to join forces with me, or I'm going to have to kill you. (Pauses and pretends to think) I think I'll go for the latter. QUINN: Ha ha, Daria. Very funny. What is it? DARIA: At the contest next Friday we're performing the "Weird Al" Yankovic Star Wars song, and.... I kinda have to wear this. QUINN: Gross! Uncoordinated clothes and nerdy science fiction? I'd rather be dead! DARIA: That can be arranged. (Quinn snorts pretentiously and leaves.) SCENE 7. INTERIOR, NIGHT. QUINN'S ROOM. (Quinn is on the phone with Sandi, Tiffany and Stacy.) (CUT TO a four split screen shot of the FC.) QUINN: You guys will not believe what I'm about to tell you. My cousin Daria is singing for this band next Friday, and they're doing that "Wired Val" guy's Star Wars song! (Sandi and Tiffany gasp.) SANDI: Omigod, that is like, soooooo unfashionable. TIFFANY: Yeah. Soooooooo unfashionable. STACY: Actually, I kinda like Star Wars-- QUINN: Quiet Stacy. And, on top of that, she's wearing that stupid Ewan McGregor outfit. (Sandi and Tiffany gasp again, even more shocked.) TIFFANY: How could she? Rust brown robes and white pants are soooooo last month. QUINN: I know! And it gets worse! That Tom guy is playing guitar for her! (Another more dramatic gasp.) SANDI: Sci-fi AND grunge? No way! That is too geeky! STACY: But she's a good singer! I heard her during those mandatory school choir tryouts. I'm surprised she didn't get in--- QUINN: Quiet, Stacy. (Stacy scowls and hangs up.) QUINN: Stacy?...... STACY (to herself): This is sooooo cool. I'm gonna tell everyone! SCENE 8. INTERIOR, DAY. THE HALLS OF LAWNDALE HIGH. (Daria and Jane at Daria's locker.) DARIA: now not only am I humiliating myself in front of Trent, Quinn will be there to further mock and taunt me. My life's just getting better and better. JANE: Daria, relax! I've never seen you so self-concsious before. It's just a costume. It won't make any difference. (humourously) Besides, you really look cute as Obi-Wan. Trent might even go for ya. DARIA: Somehow, I can't picture the man of my dreams being turned on by a rat-tail and a lightsaber. (Brittany, Kevin, Jodie and Mack approach the two.) KEVIN: Hey, Daria! Just heard about your gig next Friday! Good goin', man! BRITTANY: Yeah. I never pictured you as a singer before but I suppose people who aren't singers may not be people who aren't singers, and they may be people who are singers after all, or whatever. (twirls hair and looks vacant at this.) JODIE: It's so cool of you to get involved with outside activities and use your talents, Daria. MACK: We'll all be there, rootin' for you on Friday. DARIA (darkly): Uhmm, yeah... thanks. (They walk off.) DARIA: Great. First Trent, then Quinn, now all the people that come close to being friends. I'm overjoyed. JANE: Ahhh, for chrissake, stop worrying. You're gonna do great. DARIA (overly sarcastic): Yeah. I'm sure after the performance, Trent will propose to me, Quinn will apologise for all the years of torment and I'll be named homecoming queen of Lawndale High. JANE: Well, (adopts a Qui-Gon Jinn voice) the force is a strange and powerful thing, young Jedi. DARIA: Shut up. SCENE 9. DARIA'S NIGHTMARE. MCGRUNDY'S PUB. (Mystik Spiral and Daria, dresses in her Jedi suit looking incredibly gawky, are about to perform.) MC: And now, as our last entry to the contest, please welcome Mysik Spiral and Daria Morgendorffer! (Crowd claps. Daria walks on stage, but sees no Trent, Jesse, Nick or Max.) DARIA: Guys? (The crowd begins to laugh at her.) DARIA (worried): Trent?? (She sees Trent Jane in the wings of the stage, snickering viciously and pointing at her.) JANE: I can't believe she fell for it! TRENT: What a loser! (The cackling gets louder. Daria screams.) (Daria wakes up with a shock. She looks around her semi-dark room. It is five-thirty in the morning. The sun is slowly rising. Daria plonks back down on her pillow, wiping a stream of sweat off her forehead.) SCENE 10. INTERIOR, NIGHT. MCGRUNDY'S PUB. (There is a huge crowd. Amongst the mass of people we recognise Brittany, Kevin, Mack, Jodie, Daria's family, Jane and the Fashion Club. They are all applauding as one act ends and three girls, dressed as the members of TLC, leave the stage. Upchuck is the master of ceremonies.) UPCHUCK: And thank you to Bambi, Sophia and Gemma for their pardody of TLC's No Scrubs. Rrrrrrrr, Feisty! Now, for our last act we have the beloved local band Mystik Spiral and the beeeeeeautiful Daria Morgendorffer performing "Weird Al" Yankovic's Star Wars parody of American Pie, The Saga Begins! (CUT TO in the wings. Mystik Spiral is all set up with their instruments and about to go on. Daria is dressed in her Obi-Wan outfit, which actually looks pretty good.) DARIA (whisper): Trent? TRENT (whisper): Yeah? DARIA (whisper): I'm nervous. TRENT (whisper): You'll do great. ( He smiles at her. She blushes. They step out on stage and perform the song. Daria sings wonderfully. Through the performance, people periodically laugh at the humourous lyrics.) DARIA (singing to the tune of American Pie): A long, long time ago In a galaxy far away (laughs from the crowd) Naboo was under an attack And I thought me and Qui-Gon Jinn Could talk the federation in To maybe cutting them a little slack (laughs) But their response, it didn't thrill us They locked the doors and tried to kill us We escaped from that gas And met Jar Jar and Boss Nass We took a bongo from the scene And went to Theed to see the queen We all wound up on Tatooine That's where... we found... this boy... Oh my my this here Anakin Guy May be Vader some day later Now he's just a small fry He left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Singin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi." (laughs) Did you know this junkyard slave (crowd starts clapping along) Isn't even old enough to shave But he can use the Force they say Ahh do you see him hitting on the queen (laughs) Though he's just nine and she's fourteen Yeah he's probably goin' to marry her some day Well I know he built C3PO And I've heard how fast his pod can go And we were broke it's true So we made a wager or two He was a prepubescent flyin' ace (laughs) And the minute Jabba started off that race Well I knew who would win first place Oh yes it was our boy And we were signin' Mymy this here Anakin Guy (crowd sings along with chorus) May be Vader some day later Now he's just a small fry He left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Singin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi." Now we finally got to Corusant The Jedi council we knew would want To see how good the boy could be So we took him there and we told the tale How his midi-cloreans were off the scale And he might fulfil that prophecy Oh the Council was impressed of course Could he bring balance to the Force? They interviewed the kid Oh training they forbid Because Yoda sensed in him much fear And Qui Gon said 'Now listen here Just stick it in your pointy ear (Thunderous laughs) I still will teach this boy' And he was singin' My my this here Anakin guy (crowd sings along with chorus) May be Vader sometime later now he's just a small fry And he left his home and kissed his mommy good bye singin' 'Soon I 'm gonna be a Jedi' 'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi' (Trent does a complicated guitar solo before the song slows down. The crowd stops clapping along.) We caught a ride back to Naboo Cause Queen Amidala wanted to I frankly would have liked to stay We all fought in that epic war And it wasn't long at all before Little hotshot flew his plane and saved the day (laughs) And in the end some Gungans died Some ships blew up and pilots fried A lot of folks were croaking The battle droids were broken (laughs) And the Jedi that I admire most Met up with Darth Maul now he's toast Well I'm still here and he's a ghost (laughs) I guess I'll train this boy And I was singin'... (crowd sings and claps along) My my this here Anakin Guy May be Vader some day later Now he's just a small fry He left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Singin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi." (Deafening applause and cheering.) KEVIN (hollering): Wooooo! Yeah! Go Daria! (Brittany slaps him and gives him a death look.) KEVIN: What? (Sometime later, the judges have decided.) UPCHUCK: And now for tonight's winners. In third place are Simon Gibler and Harry Davidson for their Jurrasic Park: the musical... (Crowd claps.) UPCHUCK: Coming in second is- Rrrrrrarrrr- The lovely Dana Simmons for her Ode to the tarot cards... (Crowd claps.) UPCHUCK: And... can we have a drumroll please?... Thank you. Coming in first is... (Gee. I wonder who.) UPCHUCK: Mystik Spiral and Daria Morgendorffer for The Saga Begins!!!! (The crowd goes wild as Trent steps out on stage to recieve the prize- a $500 check.) TRENT: Thankyou. I'd like to dedicate this prize to a very special lady. Daria Morgendorffer, thanks for not hiding your light under a bushel. (More cheering. Trent leaves the stage and meets Daria in the wings.) DARIA: Wow, Trent. That was really sweet. TRENT: No problem, Daria. It's the least you deserved. DARIA (expectantly): AND...?? TRENT: Oh, and your share of the prize money. DARIA: Thankyou. (An awkward pause.) TRENT: Daria? DARIA: Yeah, Trent. TRENT: You're a good friend. (He embraces Daria and gives her a friendly kiss... on the lips. [Yes, you read right. I said the lips! I wonder if Trent is hinting something to her!] Trent leaves to see the other Spirals, leaving Daria standing in surprise. Jane comes up to her.) JANE: Hey, Obi-Wan, you were great! Everyone loved you! (No response, Daria stands silent in a dreamy daze.) JANE: Daria?...... Hey, DARIA!!! C'mon!.... THE END Questions? Comments? Begruding death threats? Send them all to: