JESSE by Mitch (at the Lane household, Trent and Jesse are practicing) Trent: This bites. Jesse: What do you mean? Trent: This song sounds awful. Jesse: You never had trouble with that cord before. Trent: That's because I used my lucky pick...That's it. I don't have my pick. Jesse: I'll get it for you man. I -need- to get out of this basement. Trent: Thanks Jess. (Jesse goes to Trent's room and finds the pick. He passes Jane's room and hears the following conversation.) Jane:(behind door) C'mon Daria, I -know- you like him, so why don't you tell him? Daria:(behind door) Well, Jane, you know that I almost -never- liked a guy in my life, much less told him. Besides, he wouldn't take me seriously. -I- almost don't take myself seriously with this. Jane:(behind door) C'mon, he's cute, in a band... Daria:(behind door) 21... Jane:(behind door)Like that's a problem. Daria:(behind door) I keep wondering why you want me to go through with this. What about your relationship with him? Jane:(behind door) Oh, I care about him, but he's better off with you. (Jesse leaves) Jesse: Were they talking! (that evening, at a Mystik Spiral party) Trent: What's wrong Jesse? You seem a little tight. Jesse: Well...Trent, have you ever had to turn a girl down? Trent: A couple of times. Why? Jesse: Well, I need to do that, but she's not a bad girl. I just don't like her in -that- way. Trent: Oh. Well, do you think she'll understand if you let her down gently? Jesse: Probably. Trent: Well, good luck but be careful. Jesse: Thanks. (Jesse leaves and finds Daria and Jane) Jane: Enjoying yourself? Daria: As much as ever. You? Jane: Same deal. Jesse: Hey, Jane. Can I borrow Daria for a second? Jane: Sure, but lose any parts or payments and you die. (Jesse takes Daria someplace out of the way) Daria: Sorry, Jesse, but I'm not into free love. Jesse: (does she know that he heard her?) Actually, I heard what you and Jane were saying today... Daria:(thinking) God, he knows about Trent. Jesse: I sorta hate to say this're nice and all but...I don't think we're ready for a relationship. Daria: Jesse, what are you talking about? Jesse: Well, I heard that Jane is trying to hook you up with a 21 year-old who's in a band and I thought... Daria: Uh, Jesse, I think your a little confused. I was talking about...-sigh- Trent. Jesse: (embarrassed) Oh. Oh, God. Sorry. I...(Trent?) Huh? (later, after Jesse and Daria rejoin the party) Jane: So, you thought we were talking about you? Jesse: Well, I was guessing. Daria: So, you were trying to gently put me down. Jesse: (head down) Yeah... Daria: Thanks. (Jesse perks up) Daria: Better than being totally put down. Jesse: Er, um, your welcome. Daria: But if you tell Trent I like him, I'll put you to torture. Jesse: Ulp. END