Future Lifestyles of the Daria Cast By Paulette Daria and Trent Daria’s career: Daria studies psychology and numerous theories. She is often quoted on her opinions about the government. She writes stories for magazines such as Reader’s Digest, and she has her own advice column in a career magazine. She works in an office at home. Her husband, Trent, took all of the money he was saving for a new guitar and used it to build this office for her, as a present for their first Christmas living together. Most of the public thinks that it is only a rumor that she is married to a musician. Daria has two books out now, one that is fiction which was just an experiment since she doesn’t usually write fiction. The experiment worked, the story being very scientific, gory, and twisted. Her other book is about a theory that involves sociology. Trent’s career: His band became quite popular, but only in the Eastern U.S. Because of his new son, he no longer travels, so neither does the band. He gives guitar lessons at a local studio with an old friend and some other musicians. Daria’s love life: Every morning, Daria and Trent wake up and make a healthy breakfast together until their son, Trent Jr., wakes up and they all sit down to eat. Daria learned most of her cooking from Trent, who comforts her, saying she is a "natural." At breakfast, the family talks about their dreams, and then discuss what they might mean. This is usually a conversation piece that brings out laughter, even from Daria. Trent practices and performs with the band during the day, and Daria works whenever she can, usually after Trent Jr. Has gone to bed. She works very late at night whenever Trent is out performing somewhere. But if he is there, he usually makes her come to bed at a reasonable hour. Daria and Trent often sit together and have deep, thoughtful conversations. Trent occasionally takes Daria out to dinner & dancing. She only dances if either one of her favorite songs is on (one being Trent and Daria’s song) or if she has had a couple glasses of wine. Trent sometimes happens to have his guitar with him and he gets up and dedicates a song to his lovely wife Daria, but he doesn’t point her out in the crowd, knowing that she would be embarrassed. Any other night out would be at a Friendly’s or fast food place and then an ice cream place which is one or two times a week, a treat for Trent Jr. Trent Jr. can already play a chord on a guitar and recognize different types of social groups (he is four years old). Trent and Daria are trying for another child, hopefully a girl, named Jan (after Jane, who got the two of them dating and is the godmother of their children). Location of Daria and Trent: On the eastern coast in an old, comfortable, gray house just outside the city, where Jane lives (who visits them once a week). Jane Jane’s career: Jane is an abstract artist. She often puts on presentations at the city’s Art Museum. She teaches a sculpture class at a college in the city. She also sells some of her work at an art store owned by a French framemaker. She also often sends in articles about her opinion on controversial topics in local magazines and newspapers. Jane’s lovelife: She is currently seeing the French framemaker, but there is always Jesse, who lives in the apartment next door to hers. She dates him on and off. He is still in Trent’s band and works a few days during the week as a lifeguard at the local beach. On Trent and Daria’s anniversary, his band puts on a private concert on the beach after the sun goes down. Jane’s location: In an apartment in the middle of the city. It is filled with her works, and in most of the rooms, newspaper covers the floor. The windows are always open and all over her fridge and her bulletin board are newspaper clippings of her and her work, what critics say about it, and articles from "The American Artist." The only food in her fridge is eggs, milk, cranberry juice, and different kinds of peppers. The eggs and milk go along with cereal for breakfast. She eats out for lunch and dinner. She has the cranberry juice and the peppers because she claims that they bring out her creativity and help her get new ideas for her work. About once a month, Daria and Trent visit Jane instead of Jane visiting them. They help clean up her apartment. Quinn Quinn’s career: She gets some modeling jobs, but her steady job is working at a hip clothing and cosmetics store. She is moving up, and is looking to soon become a manager. Quinn’s lovelife: She is somewhat like the Mary Tyler Moore of the 90’s she is friends with her apartment neighbor. She likes to shop and on the weekends she goes to a night club where she meets guys. She is now seeing two men: a male model and a mailman. Quinn’s location: A major city in the U.S. that has one of the country’s best french restaurants. She visits Daria and Trent for once every three years on Daria’s birthday, and every Christmas the family has a reunion at their hometown at either at the Morgendorffer’s or the Lane’s old house. THE END