Free Your Mind Instead
A Daria - Kim Possible Cross-Over Fanfic

By Steve Cross


EXTERIOR. NIGHT. BACK DECK OF THE MORGENDORFFER HOUSEHOLD. (The four Fashion Club girls are sitting at a picnic table on the back deck. In addition to the porch lights, the moon is just short of full and can be seen in the night sky in the background. Tiffany is working on her face, Stacy is reading a copy of Waif, and Quinn and Sandi are applying nail polish.)

QUINN: So then I said to him, "if you really want to show me a good time, take me to Chez Pierre." Do you know what he said to me?

SANDI (bored, not looking up from her nails): No, Quinn, please tell us.

QUINN: He said, "Chez Pierre? Cool! We can eat snails!"

TIFFANY: Snails? Eww!

QUINN: But they're not snails. They're escargot. It's a totally different thing.

STACY: Yes, they're big huge French snails, not that there's anything wrong with that.

SANDI (disgusted): Ew, Quinn, Stacy, please!

STACY (with a cringe): Sorry!

QUINN: How could I date a guy who didn't know snails from escargot? I mean, seriously?

(Suddenly three green columns of light descend on Stacy, Sandi, and Quinn. They are levitated into the cool evening air, and disappear.)

TIFFANY (not looking up from her compact): Stacy, when you're through with that article, could you read me my horoscope for the month?

(Another green column of light sucks Tiffany up into the air. In mid-air, she closes her compact and looks around.)

TIFFANY: Stacy, where did you go? Hey! Something's not right here.

(Daria enters from the house, carrying a tray with snacks and drinks, and looking thoroughly bored at having to wait on her sister's friends.)

DARIA: Carrot sticks and diet soda are now being served the deck. Bonne appetite! (She looks around.) Wait a minute! Where is everybody? (She sighs, roughly puts the tray on the picnic table, and shakes her head.) I have no time for games like this.

(Meanwhile, Tiffany looks down and sees Daria.)

TIFFANY: Daria, help! Da-ri-a!

(Daria looks up. Her mouth drops open in astonishment as she sees Tiffany disappearing through a trap door in the bottom of Dr. Drakken's saucer-shaped vehicle, just like the other three Fashion Club girls did before her. Daria stares open-mouthed at the night sky as Drakken's ship speeds away. Enter Helen from the house.)

HELEN (irritated): What is going on back here? I thought I heard --- (Notices Daria, becomes concerned.) Daria, sweetie, what's wrong? Where's Quinn? Where are the girls?

DARIA: Mom, I have now officially lost my mind. You can have me committed, and save yourself the trouble of attending my high school graduation.

HELEN: Daria, you're not being very helpful. Where is Quinn?

DARIA: I came out here just in time to see Tiffany hovering in the air overhead and calling for help. (Helen looks at Daria like Daria's lost her mind.) She was being sucked up by some green tractor beam into a large saucer-shaped vehicle that was hovering over the house.

HELEN (facial expression softens a little): But where's Quinn?

DARIA: I didn't see Quinn, just Tiffany, but the other three were already gone when I got here. Obviously the saucer-shaped thing got them all.

HELEN (looking incredulous and yet anxious): You're telling me Quinn and her three girlfriends were taken away by a flying saucer. Daria, sweetie, are you sure that's what you saw?

DARIA: I didn't say "flying saucer," Mom. I said, "saucer-shaped vehicle." I don't know where it came from. It might be from this planet. I know it sounds ridiculous, so I want you to trust me.

(Helen is suddenly so upset that her hands begin to shake.)

HELEN: Oh, I believe you, sweetie. You're telling me your sister, my daughter, has just been kidnapped --- somehow. (She begins to cry) Oh, my god, poor Quinn! (Helen and Daria fall into a tight hug.)

DARIA: We need to call nine-one-one, right now. (A close-up of Daria's face shows one tear forming in her left eye.)


EXTERIOR. NIGHT. THE COCKPIT OF DRAKKEN'S SAUCER. (Dr. Drakken himself is flying the craft. The Fashion Club girls are tied up but can still speak. Shego stands in front of them, her right hand glowing bright green. They gaze back at her in horror.)

STACY (shouting): Oh, my God. We've been abducted by aliens! (She begins to cry.)

TIFFANY: Kelly green with black is so wrong!

QUINN: Her zipper boots don't match!

SANDI (disgusted): And her face is so pale! She needs blush! Eww!

STACY (shouting): We're doomed, I tell you! Doomed! (Cries some more.)

SHEGO (to the Clubbies): Oh, no, I'm no alien. Doctor Drakken and I are very much a part of this world, which we expect to be running in the very near future.

QUINN: You're not gonna, like, make everybody wear non-matching shoes, are you?

SHEGO (to Drakken): Drakken, do we have to start with (disdainfully) these princesses? They're the kind that made me sit at the geek table in middle school.

DRAKKEN: They'll be perfect guinea pigs, Shego. If you find their whining annoying, you may sedate them.

SANDI (indignant): I heard that! Who are you calling pigs? We're the Lawndale High School Fashion Club, the most popular girls at school!

STACY: They're gonna sedate us. Guys, do you know what that means? Then they'll start probing us! Probing! (Stacy bawls even louder than before.)

SHEGO (to the Clubbies): You heard the man, preppies. Time to (voice rises) shut up! (Shego sets her green glow power to stun, then zaps first Sandi, then Quinn, then Tiffany, and then finally Stacy, knocking each one unconscious in turn. Shego turns to Drakken.) You still haven't told me why you have to start with (disdainfully) these four nitwits?

DRAKKEN: The blush they use, which is heavily advertised in Waif magazine, contains a chemical which renders the adolescent female brain highly amenable to suggestion.

SHEGO: Making them perfect candidates for this brain-washing device I'm gonna steal for you.

DRAKKEN: Precisely! By hacking into the Waif subscription database, I picked out Quinn Morgendorffer's name and address at random. Having four test cases instead of one was just icing on the cake. After the brainwashing, you will train them as the first unit in my army of mind-controlled teenage girl commandos? (laughs wickedly)

SHEGO: You know, Drakken, you just might have something here.

DRAKKEN: Thank you, Shego. I appreciate that. You're finally starting to realize the depth of my evil genius.

SHEGO (looking at the unconscious Fashion Clubbies, and speaking to herself): They'd look great in green and black.


INTERIOR. INSIDE THE BUENO NACHO. (Ron and Kim are seated at their usual table. Rufus is sitting on the table.)

KIM (impatient): Ron, there's no such thing as alien abductions.

RON: But so many people say they've been abducted. I'm not saying I believe all of them, but where there's this much smoke, there's gotta be some fire.

KIM: Or a whole lot of dry ice. Ron, have you noticed that most of these people claim they were asleep when aliens came in the bedroom and got them? They were just having a nightmare.

RON: But they always say it felt too real to be a nightmare!

KIM: And some of these so-called alien abductees have a lot of mental issues.

RON: Kim, just because you're crazy nutso doesn't mean they're not really out to get you.

(Kim's Kimmunicator makes it ring-tone. Kim answers.)

KIM: Wade, what up?

WADE: We have a really strange kidnapping case. Four teenage girls hanging out on somebody's back deck during a sleepover suddenly disappeared. Local authorities are baffled. There's an eyewitness, but nobody believes her story.

KIM: Why not? What's wrong with her story?

WADE: She says she saw one of the four girls sucked up by a green tractor beam into a flying saucer.

KIM: A flying saucer? (Rolls her eyes.) You gotta admit, Wade, that's a bit of a stretch.

RUFUS: Flying saucer? Yipe! (He fearfully ducks into Ron's pants pocket.)

KIM: Where did this happen?

WADE: In the town of Lawndale. It's a north Baltimore suburb.

KIM: I need to see that witness, Wade. Call in a favor.

WADE: Free rides for two, coming up. (Wade signs off.)

RON: See, Kim? What were we just talking about? People do get abducted by aliens!

EXTERIOR. DAY. THE SKY OVER LAWNDALE. (A helicopter with "LAWNDALE COUNTY EMT" stencilled on the site flies over a suburban street. Kim, Ron (with Rufus), and the pilot --- a burly man named LeRoy --- are inside.)

KIM (to pilot): Thanks for the airlift, LeRoy.

PILOT: It's the least we could do, Kim, after you saved our county from that hurricane.

KIM: Oh, please. I just created a new high pressure area 300 miles off the coast of Delaware. So not the drama!

PILOT: The good people of Lawndale were so pleased, they were dancing and singing in the streets.

(The helicopter hovers over Daria's street. Ron and Kim are lowered to earth in rescue harnesses. Then the helicopter flies away.

EXTERIOR. DAY. STREET OUTSIDE THE MORGENDORFFER'S HOUSE. (Kim and Ron approach the house on the sidewalk.)

RON: I do not like this town already, Kim. Do you know there isn't a single Bueno Nacho franchise in this entire state?

KIM: Ron, focus. We're trying to save four teenage girls' lives.

(Kim and Ron walk up to the Morgendorffers' front door. Kim knocks. Helen answers.)

KIM: Mrs. Morgendorffer?

HELEN: Yes. How can I help you?

KIM: We're here to see your daughter Daria. We need her to tell us what she saw about Quinn's disappearance.

HELEN (eyes tearing up): Oh, poor Quinn! She was so young. (sniffs) Who are you kids working for?

KIM: I'm Kim Possible.

RON: And I'm her capable associate, the radical badical Ron Stoppable, also known as "The Ron."

(Helen looks skeptically at Ron, then at Kim, who looks uncomfortable.)

KIM: The sheriff's department asked us to come in as consultants to help with the investigation.

HELEN: The sheriff's office? You kids are a bit young to be sheriff's deputies.

KIM: But they asked us to take part in the investigation.

HELEN (skeptical): Can I see your private investigator's licenses?

(At this point, Daria can be seen coming down the stairs.)

DARIA (while descending the stairs): Mom, excuse me, but I couldn't help overhearing. That's Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. Local law enforcement does invite them in to help with important cases. They exposed that fake daredevil Adrena Lynn last year. Remember?

HELEN (sighs): Whatever. (To Kim and Ron) This is my daughter Daria.

KIM: Hey, Daria.

RON: Yo!

(Kim and Ron enter the house. Helen closes the door. Daria comes to the bottom of the stairs and steps up to Kim, Ron, and Helen.)

DARIA: Kim, Ron, glad to meet you, and thanks so much for coming.

KIM (to Daria): We're here to get your eyewitness account of your sister's disappearance.

DARIA (annoyed): Right now? I was about to go over to Jane's.

HELEN: Now, sweetie, I know you're bitter about the fact no one believes you, but couldn't you spare them a few minutes before you leave?

DARIA (to Helen): Fair enough. (to Kim and Ron) I'll tell you my story, for whatever good it will do. I've already told it several times, but the news media insist on calling it a UFO abduction story. As a result, I'm now universally regarded as Lawndale's leading flying saucer nut, and only my parents believe me. (to Helen) I'm going to Jane's. I'll be back by dinnertime.

KIM (to Daria): But didn't you just agree to cooperate with us?

DARIA (to Kim): Jane's my best friend. Why don't we talk about it while we're walking over? You'll have a chance to meet her.

KIM: Sure.


DARIA: Kim, when something upsets me, like my sister being kidnapped, I go over to Jane's house and share my grief.

KIM: I understand, Daria. So start at the beginning and tell us exactly what you saw.

DARIA (with a sigh): Okay, but first let me clear something up. I never said an "alien abduction" had happened. I never called the thing a "flying saucer." And, I never said my sister had been abducted by aliens. Are we clear on that?

KIM: I get it. Go on.

DARIA: It all started when my sister Quinn had her three best friends --- Sandi, Stacy, and Tiffany --- came in for a sleep-over. They were hanging out on the back deck when my Mom asked to take a tray of snacks out to them. I walk out with the tray, and they're gone. There's only the copy of Waif they were reading sitting on the table to show they were there.

KIM: Middle schoolers.

DARIA: No, they're in tenth grade.

KIM: Where Ron and I come from, only middle schoolers read Waif.

DARIA: Quinn's gonna be thrilled when she hears that. Anyway, to resume my story, I hear somebody above me yelling, "Daria, help!" I look up, and I see Tiffany up in the air.

KIM: One of Quinn's friends.

DARIA: Right. She looks like she's being pulled up by some green tractor beam. That's when I first saw the saucer-shaped vehicle. Or maybe I should have said disk-shaped.

RON: But did you see who was flying this thing?

DARIA: No, I only saw the bottom side.

KIM: Did you say the tractor beam was green?

DARIA: Yeah, it was a pale green color. Anyway, this trap door opens in the bottom side of the hull of the machine, and Tiffany goes inside. I never saw them take Quinn and Stacy and Sandi, so I'm guessing the abductors already took them. Then it speeds away. Its engines were so quiet, I could barely hear them.

KIM (to RON): A green tractor beam. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

KIM and ROM (in unison): Drakken!

DARIA: Who or what is a Drakken?

KIM: Dr. Drakken, a mad scientist who's plotting to take over the world.

RON: KP and I have been fighting him for years. We've put him behind bars several times.

DARIA: You mean there are mad scientists that do that in real life, and not just the comics?

KIM AND RON (in unison): Oh, yeah.

DARIA: Well, that makes me feel a lot safer. (Daria's eyes light up.) I just thought of something.

KIM: What?

DARIA: My friend Jane's an artist. I could describe the mysterious flying machine, and she could draw it.

KIM: Cool. Let's do it.

INTERIOR. JANE'S BEDROOM. (Jane and Daria are sitting on the side of the bed. Kim and Ron are sitting in nearby chairs. Jane has her sketch pad. She draws something and stops.)

JANE: Okay, there's the trap door. Do I have that right?

DARIA: Yes, and there are two cylinders projecting from one side, like a couple of jet engines.

JANE (drawing some more): Okay, is that right?

DARIA: They projected a bit more than that. (Jane erases something, then sketches some more.) Okay, that's about it. That's what the saucer-shaped vehicle looked like. (Jane shows the sketch to Kim and Ron. It does indeed look like Drakken's aircraft, viewed from the bottom.)

KIM: Ron, we have our suspect.

RON: Drakken.

JANE (to DARIA): Your unidentified flying object is now identified.

KIM: We know Drakken and Shego are loose again. Only problem is, we don't know where their new lair is.

DARIA: Which means you also don't know where they're holding Quinn.

KIM: Not yet, but we're working on it.

JANE: Who is this Drakken guy?

DARIA: A mad scientist who's trying to take over the world.

JANE: I thought that was only in comics and cartoon shows.

DARIA (to Jane): Sometimes, life really does imitate art.

(At this moment, Rufus emerges from one of Ron's coat pockets.)

RUFUS (waving to everybody): Hi!

DARIA: Ron, all the fur has fallen off your hamster.

RUFUS (indignant): Hamster?

JANE: He's obviously a naked mole rat.

RUFUS: Right!

RON: His name is Rufus. (to Rufus) Rufus, this is Jane.

RUFUS: Hi, Jane.

JANE: Listen to him, Daria. The little guy can actually talk a little bit. (to Ron) Can I hold him?

RUFUS: Sure! (Rufus scampers over to Jane, jumps into her lap, and then into her hand.)

JANE (to Rufus): Where are you ticklish, little mole rat? (She begins tickling Rufus' fat belly. He starts laughing. At this point, there is a knock on the door.)


(The door to Jane's bedroom opens and Trent enters the room, with a yawn.)

TRENT (sees Daria): Hey, Daria. Janey, I was wondering if --- (sees Kim) Whoa!

KIM: Hi. (Ron eyes Trent jealously.)

JANE: Trent, this is Kim and Ron. They're researching Quinn's disappearance. (to Kim and Ron) This is my brother Trent.

RON (surly): Hey.

TRENT: Nice to meet you guys. Anyway, Janey, I was wondering if we got that package today.

JANE: The Mystik Spiral CD's? Sure. Here it is. (Jane gets up, picks up a box, and hands it to Trent.)

TRENT: Thanks. (to Kim and Ron) Mystik Spiral is my band. We're building a base of support at the grass-roots level. You know, by-passing all that lame corporate rock. We refuse to sell out.

(Ron's attitude toward Trent turns friendly.)

RON (to Trent): Right on, Bro. Ron Stoppable is all about takin' it straight to the people.

TRENT: Cool. They normally go for $15.95, but I'll let you guys have one for free for helping out with that abduction thing. (He tosses one of the CD's to Ron.) If you like it, spread the word at your school.

RON (neatly catching the CD): Thanks, Trent. Let's stick it to The Man.

KIM: Thanks, Trent.

TRENT (to Kim and Ron): Nice meeting you guys. Good luck on the case. What happened to Daria's sister, that was just wrong. (Trent yawns again, then leaves the room, with the package.)

(The Kimmunicator makes its makes it ring-tone. Kim answers.)

KIM (to Kimmunicator): What's the sitch, Wade?

WADE: A jet helicopter was just stolen from the Mexican Army today. There are no clues, no eyewitnesses, and no video from the security cameras. They were sabotaged first.

KIM (to Kimmunicator): Wade, can this wait? I'm still working on the Lawndale abduction case. It has higher priority because ---

WADE: Human lives are at risk. I know. I'll get back to you if I can get more information. (Wade signs off.)

DARIA (to Kim): I am definitely going to get one of those. Where did you buy it?

KIM (to Daria): They're not for sale. (Daria looks disappointed.)

JANE: Kim, there's something I don't understand about this Drakken guy. Why does he need the Fashion Club?

KIM: The Fashion Club?

DARIA (to Kim): It's a clique at school all four of them belong to.

KIM: I have no clue what he wants with them. There have been no ransom demands.

RON: Kidnapping people for ransom isn't Drakken's vibe anyway. He's more into taking over the world.

JANE: Why else would he want Quinn?

DARIA (shrugs): I don't know, maybe to design uniforms for his army of genetically perfect androids. (sighs) Kim, Quinn and I have very different interests and attitudes, but she is my sister, and I do love her. When you rescue her, be sure to tell her that.

KIM: No problemo. (She offers Daria a hug, which Daria accepts.)

JANE: That's pronounced problema.

EXTERIOR. DAY. DRAKKEN'S LATEST LAIR, BUILT INTO AN APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINTOP. (Only the flat surface of the flight deck at the very top, a couple of large air-conditioning units, and several antennae make it look any different from another other mountaintop.)

INTERIOR. DRAKKEN'S LAIR --- THE FASHION CLUB'S CELL. (There are four bunk-beds and a table where the four girls sit, eating from bowls. They are wearing orange prison uniforms with "Drakken's Lair --- Hostage" on the back.)

QUINN: Is this stew fattening?

SANDI: They should at least have a scales here so we can weigh ourselves.

TIFFANY: Does this prison thing make me look fat?

STACY: Tiffany, these orange suits don't look good on any of us. It's got nothing to do with you.

QUINN: They aren't really orange. They're more like mango.

SANDI (inspecting nails): Gee, Quinn, can't you tell mango from coral? They're definitely coral.

QUINN: Mango.

SANDI: Coral.

QUINN: Mango.

SANDI: Coral.

STACY: Why are you guys fighting over colors? Don't you see what's happened? Terrorists have taken us hostage. (Begins to cry.) I'm so scared.

QUINN: Don't worry, Stacy. (Quinn puts a sisterly arm around Stacy's shoulders.) The CIA or the FBI or the National Guard or somebody will rescue us soon.

SANDI: Or maybe the ransom will be paid. (fondly) I like to think our lives are worth a million dollars, or two, or three. Better yet, four. One million apiece.

INTERIOR. DRAKKEN'S LAIR --- DRAKKEN'S LAB. (Drakken sits at a large console. Shego sits in another chair, idly thumbing the latest copy of Villainess. She angrily throws the magazine on the floor.)

SHEGO: DNAmy's on the cover again. Do you know I've never been on the cover of Villainess? When is my turn gonna come?

DRAKKEN: Patience, Shego. (With growing enthusiasm.) You will play a major role in my scheme to create a commando army of brainwashed teenage girls, completely subordinate to my will, with which I shall conquer the world!

SHEGO (annoyed): We, Drakken, we. We shall conquer the world.

DRAKKEN: Whatever! The brainwashing equipment, both hardware and software, are in readiness.

SHEGO: Which I stole for you from a certain intelligence agency.

DRAKKEN: Bring in the first trainee. Pick the stupidest one first. If she should happen to die in the process, it won't be so big a loss.

SHEGO: One teen nitwit, coming up. (She gets up from her chair.)

INTERIOR. DRAKKEN'S LAIR --- THE FASHION CLUB'S CELL. (Stacy is sitting at the table, her face in her hands, sobbing. Quinn and Sandi are still arguing about the color name. The door opens up from bottom to top. Enter Shego.)

SANDI: Coral.

QUINN: Mango.

SANDI: Coral.

SHEGO: Princesses, your uniforms are mango.

(Quinn looks triumphantly at Sandi and receives the other's angry glare in return.)

SHEGO: Tiffany, you're coming with me.

TIFFANY: Wha-a-a-a-t?

STACY: Oh, my God. They're going to start probing us. Poor Tiffany!

QUINN (jumping up from the table): You can't do this to us! We're Americans!

SHEGO (flashes on her green glow power): Oh, yes, I can. Remember this, Quinn?

(All four of the girls scream.)

SHEGO: I can kill with this too, and I have, more than once.

(Sandi grabs Tiffany by the shoulders and starts shoving her towards Shego. Tiffany struggles against Sandi, but to no avail, since she is the weakest of the Fashion Club girls.)

SANDI: You can have Tiffany! But please, please, don't probe the rest of us.

TIFFANY (sarcastic): Hey, Sandi, thanks for your support.

SHEGO: Works for me. (Shego seizes Tiffany and starts dragging her out of the room.) I'll be back for the rest of you guys later. (The door closes with a clang behind them.)

STACY (crying again): Poor Tiffany! Poor, poor Tiffany!

QUINN (glaring angrily at Sandi): That was a despicable, treacherous, and cowardly thing you did, Sandi. You and I are not speaking, ever again.

SANDI (anxious): Gee, Quinn, don't you realize I bought us --- and our rescuers --- some valuable time?

SHEGO (intercom voice): You bought yourself about fifteen minutes, Sandi. After that, I'll be coming back for you.

SANDI (terrified): Fifteen minutes!

INTERIOR. DRAKKEN'S LAB. (Shego is busy strapping Tiffany into a chair that looks like an electric chair, except for the helmet on top, which resembles a virtual reality helmet. Shego lowers the helmet over Tiffany's head, covering her eyes. Tiffany is sobbing, and we can see tears dripping from her face. Her knees are shaking.)

TIFFANY (sobbing): Please don't make me do this. VR is for computer geeks! I'm way too popular.

SHEGO: Don't worry about your popularity, Tiffany. You and I and Dr. Drakken are going to be best friends in a few minutes. (to Drakken) Isn't that right, Drakken?

DRAKKEN: That we will, Shego! Let the brainwashing begin. (He pulls a lever at the console.)

(Yellow rings of light form around Tiffany's feet and around the virtual reality helmet encircling her head. The upper ring descends. The lower ring moves up. Other rings are formed at both ends and move toward each other, until Tiffany's form is almost completely concealed by moving hoops of light. If this reminds you of the robot-making scene in Fritz Lang's Metropolis, it should.)

DRAKKEN: Isn't it magnificent, Shego? Totally destroying the will of another, and then reprogramming her to be your mindless pawn?

SHEGO (warming to the idea): Yeah, it's way more fun than just killing them.

DRAKKEN (looking at one of the screens, and pointing): Oh, look at the screen! There's a band of color getting longer and longer, showing how near it is to being finished.

SHEGO (exasperated): All computer software does that when it's running, Drakken.

(A computer-like beep sounds on the console.)

SHEGO: We're done. (The helmet lifts from Tiffany's head. The restraints on Tiffany's limbs and body loosen. Her facial expression looks even blanker than usual.) Stand up, Tiffany.

(Tiffany rises to her feet and snaps her heels together.)

TIFFANY (robot voice): Dr. Drakken is my leader. He is destined to rule the world. I will do anything in my power to serve him, even sacrifice my life. (Facing Drakken, Tiffany salutes, showing her right palm outward.)

SHEGO: Drakken, British army salutes? Why couldn't they just stick their right arm out?

DRAKKEN: Oh, please, Shego! That salute didn't work the last time it was tried.

TIFFANY (robot voice): Dr. Drakken, sir, I request to be issued a uniform that doesn't make me look fat, sir.

DRAKKEN: Shego, here, will be in charge of the uniforms.

SHEGO: And you won't look fat, Tiffany. A few weeks of my training, and you'll have buns of steel.

TIFFANY (robot voice): Buns of steel. Cool.

INTERIOR. THE GYM AT DRAKKEN'S LAIR. (A four of the Clubbies are now wearing green and black uniforms like Shego's. Quinn, Tiffany, and Stacy stand and watch as Shego and Sandi stand on the wrestling mat. Shego rears back for a punch. Sandi runs toward her. Shego easily knocks Sandi to the mat.)

SHEGO (to Quinn, Tiffany, and Stacy): Now, can anybody tell me what Sandi's mistake was?

QUINN (robot voice): She charged into her opponent's punch.

SHEGO: Right. Now, can anybody tell me what Sandi should have done?

STACY (robot voice): She should have rolled with the punch.

SHEGO: Right again. Now, Stacy. (Shego assumes a defensive stance.) Demonstrate rolling with the punch for me.

(Stacy steps onto the mat. Shego swings. Stacy rolls and counter-punches Shego in the side of the head, knocking her to the mat.)

SHEGO (climbing to her feet again): Nice work, Stacy. See, girls? That's how it's done. Well, that's all the time we have today for basic fighting skills. Time for weight training.

QUINN (robot voice): Weight training. Cool.

STACY (robot voice): We must be strong, so we can achieve Dr. Drakken's dream of global domination.

SANDI (robot voice): I'm eagerly looking forward to the knife fighting lessons.

TIFFANY (robot voice): Do I have buns of steel yet?

INTERIOR. DRAKKEN'S LAIR. THE UNDERGROUND AIRCRAFT BAY. (While Drakken, Quinn, Sandi, Stacy and Tiffany stand nearby, Shego sits at the controls of Drakken's saucer shaped aircraft, which hovers only a few inches off the floor, as grinding and wheezing noises come out of it. It settles down to the floor with a thud.)

SHEGO: Well, that's that. The hovering capacity is pretty much shot.

DRAKKEN: What does the odometer say?

SHEGO: Fifty-eight thousand.

DRAKKEN: Good. It's still under warranty.

SHEGO: We can still do this mission. We'll just use the jet helicopter I stole for you in Mexico.

DRAKKEN: Oh, goodie. (He rubs his hands together.) The mission is on.

QUINN, SANDI, STACY, and TIFFANY (robot voices, in unison): Oh, goodie. The mission is on. (The rub their hands together like Drakken.)


INTERIOR. THE POSSIBLE FAMILY LIVING ROOM. (Kim and Mrs. Dr. Possible are on the sofa watching the news on the family's high-definition wide-screen.)

NEWSCASTER: Also in the news, it has been a month since the abrupt disappearance of four Lawndale, Maryland teenagers during a sleepover. However, there is still no sign of Quinn Morgendorffer, Sandi Griffin, Stacy Rowe, or Tiffany Blum-Deckler. The police are treating this case as a kidnapping, despite the fact that no ransom demands have been received. Daria Morgendorffer, sister of one of the missing girls, had a statement for the media today.

(Daria's face appears on the screen.)

DARIA: I'm the only eyewitness, and I told the police what I know I saw. I saw a saucer-shaped or disc-shaped vehicle --- not necessarily a flying saucer from another planet --- hovering in the sky. It took away one of my sister's friends, and, I presume, my sister as well, since she was already gone. However, the authorities have chosen to treat me like a lunatic. They prefer a more reliable form of evidence, (rolls her eyes) a psychic detective.

(Face of a middle-aged woman wearing a white turban and a large ankh pendent appears on the screen.)

PSYCHIC DETECTIVE: I'm getting positive vibrations from young Quinn and her friends. No crime has been committed. They have voluntarily begun a new life as clothing designers for the four-legged, two headed natives of Planet Four-B in the Alderaan star system.

NEWSCASTER: The management of this station extends its sympathey to the families of the Lawndale Four, as they have come to be known. We can only hope and pray that they are alive and well, and will soon be reunited with their loved ones. Now for Russ Lessman with the weather.

MRS. POSSIBLE (to Kim): I think it's terrible about those four girls. If the criminals who did this get away with it, no one is safe. Not even you, Kimmie.

KIM (depressed and frustrated): Whatever, Mom. My evil-fighting career just cratered. I couldn't find the Lawndale Four, or the Mexican jet copter that was stolen last month.

(There is the sound of a muffled explosion in another room of the house. The living room fills up with a white mist, so that Kim and her mother are barely visible.)

TIM (o.s.): Houston, we have a problem.

MRS. POSSIBLE: Oh, dear, what's this?

KIM: Tweebs! Brrr! This stuff is cold.

MRS. POSSIBLE (getting up): Tim! Jim! We have a strict rule in this house --- no rocket fuel. (Starts walking off to the right.) You boys know that.

TIM (o.s.): But it's not fuel. It's liquid oxygen.

JIM (o.s.): Yeah, an oxidizer. It's a completely different thing.

TIM (o.s.): It'll rapidly vaporize at room temperature.

MRS. POSSIBLE (o.s.): Just wait till your father gets home!

TIM (o.s.): Good. Dad can explain the difference to you.

(Kim's Kimmunicator makes it ring-tone. Kim answers.)

KIM: What's up, Wade?

WADE: Lawndale Unified School District contacted the web site. They want you and Ron to blend in with a crowd of high school students. It's a backup security job.

KIM: Okay, but is this the same Lawndale where those four girls were taken away?

WADE: That's the place, but this has nothing to do with the abduction.

KIM: Call in a favor, Wade. We're on our way. (She closes down the Kimmunicator, and takes a deep breath of the liquid oxygen fumes swirling about.) Whoa! What a boost! That's better than a venti cappucino.

EXTERIOR. DAY. THE FOOTBALL FIELD AT LAWNDALE HIGH. (A stage has been set up with a backdrop behind it saying, "Lawndale High Salutes Ms. Barch's New Invention." The invention itself looks like a small portable refrigerator with a few boxes and cables attached. Mrs. Barch herself and Mr. O'Neill, are sitting in folding chairs on the stage. Ms. Li is at the microphone. The audience consists of students. There is one policeman, a portly fellow with a white moustache, standing in front of the stage.)

MS. LI: --- And so, without further ado, I give you Lawndale High's answer to Edison and Marconi, Ms. Janet Barch.

(VARIOUS ANGLES of the crowd. Kim and Ron are standing together among the students. Daria and Jane can be seen in the background, but Mr. DeMartino is much nearer.)

RON: Just what does this invention do?

KIM: Something about superconductors.

RON: You mean they're going to give super powers to the guy who takes the tickets on the train? What makes him so special?

KIM (rolling eyes): Just watch for anything suspicious, Ron.

MS. BARCH (at microphone): Thank you, Ms. Li. Now, I have attempted to explain to some of you in past science classes what superconductors are. Without going into too much detail, a superconductor is an inexhaustible supply of electrical energy, but only at temperatures below 400 hundred degrees below zero Fahrenheit.

JANE (looking around the area): Hey, Daria, I just noticed something.

DARIA: What?

JANE: Kim and Ron are standing right over there. (Jane points.)

DARIA: I see them, next to Mr. DeMartino.

MS. BARCH (at mike): I, however, have invented a superconductor that will perform at 10 degrees above zero Fahrenheit, a temperature well within the range of most commercial refrigerators. What does this mean for you, you might ask? I means that, once this thing goes into production, an all-electric home with 1300 square feet of floor space would use no more than one dollar's worth of electricity per month.

(The students show no interest in this statistic.)

MS. BARCH (at mike): Which is very, very cheap!

(A murmur of astonishment comes from the crowd. There is scattered applause.)

DEMARTINO (angry): Fine! I could actually pay my electric bill on my miserable public education salary!

RON (whispers): Yo, Kim! Check him! (Nods to DeMartino.)

KIM (whispers): I know! And we thought Coach Barkin was grumpy!

(Without warning, Drakken's jetcopter descends and hovers a few feet above the stage. Ms. Li looks up in annoyance.)

BARCH (into mike): Excuse me, but I can barely hear myself think over all this helicopter noise.

MS. LI (disgruntled, to no one in particular): A police chopper. The Sheriff's Department will hear about this.

(At this moment, Shego and her four girls---the ex-Fashion Club---leap out of the helicopter and land neatly on the stage. Several people scream in the crowd. The solitary uniformed policemen draws his gun, fumbles it, drops it on the ground, and runs away.)

KIM (to Ron): Shego!

DARIA: What in the ---

JANE: It's the Fashion Fiends!

DARIA: And they're dressed like harlequins.

JANE: Like who?

DARIA: I'll explain later.

JAMIE: It's Quinn! She's back.

JOEY: But why is she wearing Kelly green with black?

JEFFY: Maybe she's, like, a New York Jets fan?

(Shego grabs the cordless mike out of Ms. Barch's hand and shoves her to the side.)

SHEGO (into mike): We're taking Barch's machine and nobody's gonna stop us. (Shego throws down the mike and ignites the green glow power in both hands.)

(There is more screaming. The students, facutly, and administration alike scatter and run for cover, including Daria and Jane.)

MS. BARCH: No! Wait! Why are you doing this? We're both females. We should be fighting our common enemy, the patriarchy!

SHEGO (to Ms. Barch): Shut --- up! (Fires her green glow power at Ms. Barch. It hits her. Ms. Barch falls unconscious on the stage.)

(The only people who do not run away are Kim, Ron, and five football players --- Mack, Kevin, and the three Jays. The five jocks charge at Shego.)

MACK (while running): Come on, guys! We'll stop her. (Shego immediate zaps Mack. He collapses backwards on top of Kevin.)

KEVIN (to the unconscious Mack): Mack Daddy, you got me confused. First you say let's stop her. Then suddenly you want to take a nap?

(Quinn confronts the three Jays. Jeffy is in front, followed by Joey and Jamie.)

JEFFY: Uh, Quinn, don't you remember me? I'm Jeffy.

QUINN (robot voice): You mean nothing to me.

(Quinn takes a flying leap at Jeffy. She lands feet first on his chest, flattening him. Jeffy collapses on top of Joey and Jamie. The three of them fall down in a heap. Meanwhile, Sandi and Stacy bring out a small portable fork lift from the helicopter and load Barch's machine onto it. Meanwhile, Kim draws her grappling hook shooter from its pouch. She fires her grappling hook with its tow line at the copter. The hook attaches itself to one of the copter's landing runners. Tiffany draws her knife, leaps up, and cuts the tow line. Kim throws down her tow-line device.)

KIM (to Ron): I'll take on Shego. You secure the invention.

RON: I'm all over it, KP. (Ron bounds forward.)

(Kim takes several flying leaps and lands right in front of Shego. Shego swipes at Kim with her glowing hands. Kim dodges. Shego moves in. Kim grabs both of Shego's arms and holds them at bay. Kim gives Shego a massive head-butt. Shego, with Kim still holding both her arms, staggers but does not fall. Suddenly, Tiffany lands a kick on Kim's right side. Kim staggers, letting go of Shego's left hand just long enough for Shego to lay the green glow on her. Kim collapses on the ground. The Kimmunicator rolls out of her pocket and lands on the ground.)

(Cut to: The corner of a nearby building, a wing of the school. Jane, Daria, and Jodie peer around the corner and look on in horror. Tears are streaming down Jodie's face.)

JODIE: Mack, poor Mack, what have they done to you?

DARIA (to no one in particular): Kim dropped something. (Meanwhile, Ron confronts Sandi and Stacy who are trying to steal the machine. He performs his lampoon martial-arts gyrations and emits several of his characteristic high-pitched whoops. Stepping away from the invention, Stacy and Sandi confront him. He goes for Stacy first, but Sandi quickly rushes in and punches him hard in the stomach. Ron doubles up. Stacy puts both fists together, swings upwards, and hits him on the chin. He collapses backwards. Rufus falls out of his pocket and scampers away unharmed.)

RUFUS (running toward where the students are hiding): Daria! Jane!

(Tiffany produces a thick cord from a pocket on her uniform and begins tying up Kim.)

SHEGO (to Stacy and Sandi): Hey, girls! Look what Tiffany and I found --- a hostage! (She zaps Ron with the green glow.) No, make that two hostages. (laughs) This is just perfect! Tie up the doofus.

(Kim and Ron, unconscious and tied up, are taken on the chopper with the stolen invention. As the chopper is starting to lift off, Daria runs up, picks up the Kimmunicator, and grabs ahold of one of the runners of the chopper. Jane comes running after her. Jane doesn't notice that Rufus comes running after Jane, catches up with her, and jumps into Jane's clothes.

JANE: Daria, wait! What the hell are you doing?

(Jodie runs up to the place where the three Jays lie sprawled in a heap, and finds Mack still unconscious with Kevin kneeling over him.)

KEVIN (to Mack): Hey, c'mon, Mack Daddy, wake up.

(Jodie kneels over Mack, pushing Kevin out of the way. Mack's head starts to move.)

MACK (groggy): Jo-die? Jodie?

KEVIN: Shouldn't we, like, call the cops or something?

(The chopper is about to take off. Both Daria and Jane grab a hold of the helicopter's landing runners and they both go up in the air with the chopper.)

JANE (shouting over the engine noise): Morgendorffer, are you crazy? Have you gone utterly mad?

DARIA (shouting over the engine noise): We don't know where Drakken's lair is, so I'm letting him lead us to it.

JANE (shouting over the engine noise): Daria, we are the wrong people for this. You're no super-hero. How are you gonna fight those ---- those zombie warrior bitches?

DARIA (shouting over the engine noise): I've got Kim's communications device. Besides, if I'm the wrong person for this fight, what are you doing here?

JANE (shouting over the engine noise): I'm here to help cover your ass, I guess. Also, I've got Ron's pet.

(Rufus emerges from the fold of Jane's jacket and waves at Daria.)


DARIA (shouting over the engine noise): Well, that's something. (She looks down.) Tell you what, Jane. If you lend me a parachute, I'll leave now.

(Jane looks down and makes a face.)

JANE (shouting over the engine noise): Eloquently stated, Daria. (two beats) Okay, so we fly to Drakken's lair, run and hide the minute he touches down, and call the cops.

DARIA (shouting over the engine noise): Sounds like a plan.

JANE (shouting over the engine noise): Brrr! I just hope we don't have to spend ten hours in the air.

EXTERIOR. DAY. THE FLIGHT DECK AT THE TOP OF DRAKKEN'S MOUNTAIN-TOP LAIR. (Drakken's jetcopter hovers over the helipad. At the last minute, Daria and Jane jump off, running away towards the rear of the vehicle so they can't be seen. They hide behind a large air-conditioning hut on the roof at the edge of the helipad. Daria peers around a corner of the hut and sees the helicopter disappearing down below, like a fighter being lowered down from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.)

DARIA (to Jane): Okay, here's the situation. They've got at least one elevator like the ones on aircraft carriers that lift planes up to the flight deck. They used it to lower the helicopter and Ms. Barch's invention down into the main hideout, which is obviously inside this mountain.

JANE: So far so good.

(The Kimmunicator, which Daria is carrying, makes its characteristic tone.)

DARIA (answering): Hello?

(Wade's face appears on the screen.)

WADE: Who are you, and where's Kim?

DARIA: My name is Daria Morgendorffer. I'm the sister of Quinn Morgendorffer from Lawndale, who was kidnapped. My friend Jane Lane is with me. I suppose you're working for Kim.

WADE: Right. The name is Wade. Daria, Kim told me about you and Jane. Do you know where Kim is?

DARIA: Shego and her new gang took Kim and Ron prisoner and brought them here, to what I guess is Drakken's new hideout. It's inside a mountain somewhere in --- I dunno, the Blue Ridge? The Alleghenies? Anyway, if this thing can use the Global Positioning System, then you can get a fix on Drakken's hideout.

WADE: It can, and I just did. Thanks for your help. I'm signaling for reinforcements right now. (He turns serious.) You guys need to get away from that place as fast as you can. You're in grave danger.

DARIA: Wait a minute! My sister's been turned into some sort of mind-controlled android warrior, and Kim and Ron, the only two people who believed me and tried to find her, are now Drakken's prisoners. I'm not gonna just walk off this mountain, Wade. I want to help.

JANE: Daria, let me talk to him! (Looks into the Kimmunicator.) Wade, my name is Jane Lane. I've got Ron's naked mole rat!

WADE: You've got Rufus? That changes the equation. You girls can work with him. He's a very smart rodent. He can spy for you. Do you see any ventilation ducts around there?

DARIA: We're standing right next to this big air-conditioning unit. There ought to be a way in.

JANE (to Rufus, affectionately): And you can go places where us big huge primates can't go, right, little guy?

RUFUS: Right! (Rufus salutes.)

WADE: Okay, so let Rufus get some intel for you, then get off of that stinking mountain before you report back to me. You girls are way out of your league here.

INTERIOR. INSIDE A VENTILATION DUCT. (Rufus is shown crawling rapidly along, looking for a vent to peer through.)

INTERIOR. INSIDE OF DRAKKEN'S LAIR. (Operating a fork lift, Stacy removes Ms. Barch's invention from the helicopter.)

STACY (robot voice): Where do you want me to put this, Shego?

SHEGO: Stash it in the warehouse for now. (She points, and Stacy steers the fork lift out of the scene.)

DRAKKEN (in his evil rant voice): For decades, the people of the world have dreamed of cheap, clean energy, and now only I, Dr. Drakken, hold the secret! All the people of the world can share in it, provided they bow before me, Dr. Drakken. (He does his evil laugh.)

(Sandi and Quinn carry the bound and gagged body of Kim Possible out of the helicopter.)

SHEGO: And the icing on the cake is, Kim Possible is our prisoner. (To Sandi and Quinn) Tie her to the brain washing machine.

DRAKKEN: And the once-mighty Kim Possible will soon be just another of my mindless pawns. (Laughs triumphantly.)

(Kim glares defiantly at Shego and Drakken with her large green eyes.)

SHEGO (with a laugh): Ha, ha! Too bad, princess. We got you, and we got your nitwit of a sidekick, and nobody knows where this place is. So --- (following along as Sandi and Quinn carry Kim) --- who's gonna save you now, Kim Possible? Who, huh? Tell me! Who?

Cut to:

(Through the grill-work we can see the tiny worried face of Rufus, peering down on them from a duct in the ceiling.)

RUFUS: Oh, no!

Cut to:

DRAKKEN: You know, Shego, you're getting a lot better at the vital necessary skill of evil gloating.

SHEGO: Thanks. (She smugly puts her hands on her hips.) Now I have something to gloat about.

(Struggling under her burden, Tiffany drags the bound and gagged Ron out of the helicopter.)

TIFFANY (robot voice): Shego, where do you want me to put the buffoon?

SHEGO: Just follow Quinn and Sandi.

(Not strong enough to carry Ron, Tiffany drags him laboriously across the floor, following Sandi and Quinn.)

EXTERIOR. DAY. THE HELIPAD AT THE TOP OF DRAKKEN'S MOUNTAIN-TOP LAIR. (Daria and Jane are crouching behind the air conditioning unit, watching Rufus intently as Jane talks to him.)

JANE: Where's Kim?

(Rufus lies on his back, arms stiff by his sides.)

JANE: Kim's tied up.


JANE: What about Ron?

RUFUS: Same thing.

JANE: What are they gonna do to with them?

RUFUS (pantomimes rubbing his head): Brain wash them.

(Jane makes a face.)

DARIA: Well, that explains how the Fashion Club turned into a bunch of zoned-out commandos. (to Rufus) You've got some powerful looking teeth there, Rufus. Could you gnaw through the ropes and set Kim and Ron free?

RUFUS: No problem!

JANE: I see a problem. Even if we set Kim and Ron free, they're gonna be outnumbered five to two. That's not counting any additional muscle this Drakken has. Maybe we ought to just wait for the SWAT team or whatever to show up.

DARIA: No, Jane. That's not good enough. These people have taken over my sister's mind and bent her into something sinister. I need to get her back. (sighs) I love my sister, Jane. Despite all I've said about her in the past, I'd take her back the way she was sooner than let this monstrous thing continue.

JANE: That's all very well, Daria, but face it! Neither of us is a warrior princess, despite two pairs of mean looking boots.

DARIA: I could use my brain.

JANE: Oh, yes, our brains. Okay, Daria, what can we do?

DARIA: This woman that works for Drakken has some kind of super power, that green glow in her hands.

JANE: And we can use this --- how?

DARIA: It's light, so a mirror can reflect it back at her.

(Jane reaches inside her jacket, pulls out a compact, and opens it.)

JANE: So I'm supposed to hold this up whenever that green woman tries to zap me. I dunno, Daria. I'm gonna have to move very fast.

DARIA: It might have an electrical basis too, so if we could touch a cable to her hand, we could zap the ex-Fashion Club girls with it and stun them temporarily.

JANE: Or we could push one of them up against those glowing hands.

DARIA: That would work too.

JANE: We'll run the risk of killing them.

DARIA (sighs): It's a risk we'll have to take, Jane.

INTERIOR. DRAKKEN'S LAIR --- MAIN CONTROL ROOM. (Drakken stands over a series of screens showing various views of the helipad above. Shego sits nearby, buffing her nails.)

DRAKKEN: Shego, our security has been breached.

SHEGO (getting up and walking toward him): Ah, the security cams are working.

(Drakken points to one of the screens, which shows Jane and Daria talking behind the air conditioning unit.)

DRAKKEN: We must not allow the location of my new lair to become known! Capture those two girls and bring them to me.

SHEGO: Quinn, come here.

(Quinn immediately enters.)

QUINN (robot voice): Shego, I await your command. (She salutes. Shego does not return the salute.)

SHEGO: Come with me. We're going up to the roof to capture two intruders.

QUINN (robot voice): Yes, sir. (She salutes again.)

SHEGO: And you don't have to salute me. It makes you look like a geek. DRAKKEN: But you still have to salute me, your all-powerful master.

SHEGO (rolling eyes): Yes, that's very important, Quinn. You must continue to salute Dr. Drakken. (Shego and Quinn begin walking out of the scene.)

DRAKKEN: Just stun them, Shego. (excitedly rubbing his hands) This is a chance to add two more recruits to my elite force of teen girl warriors!

EXTERIOR. DAY. THE FLIGHT DECK AT THE TOP OF DRAKKEN'S MOUNTAIN-TOP LAIR. (Quinn and Shego appear on the flight deck, raised up by the same elevator that was used earlier to take Ms. Barch's machine inside.)

JANE (peering around the side of the air-conditioning unit): Uh-oh, we've been spotted.

DARIA (whispering rapidly): I've got a plan.

SHEGO (to Quinn, pointing): There's two of them, two girls about your age. Follow me. (Shego and Quinn begin walking toward the air-conditoner. Daria steps out to meet them.)

DARIA: Quinn, this is your sister Daria. You're coming home with me right now!

SHEGO: Oh, puh-leeze. (laughs) See if you can fight this, nerdlinger. (Shego powers up her green glow power in both hands. She aims a bolt at Daria, who dodges. Shego's shot barely misses. At this moment, Jane, who has been sneaking around the other side of the unit, throws herself at Quinn, knocking Quinn off balance. Quinn falls onto one of Shego's hands, getting the green glow power all over Quinn. She falls down in a faint. Meanwhile, Rufus scampers forward, crawls up Shego's leg, and gets under her clothes, tickling her with his movements.)

SHEGO (laughing): What's going on? Hey, watch it. Stop that. (laughs again) That tickles. (Shego spots a lump on her right thigh, and guesses that's where Rufus is hiding.) Hah! I found you, yah little muskrat. (She zaps the lump with her green glow power. Her entire body is enveloped in the green glow.)

SHEGO (speaking slowly, as the stunning power takes effect): Oh, no! That wasn't very smart. (Shego falls down in a dead faint. Rufus slides out of a pantsleg, also stunned.)

JANE (picking up Rufus): Rufus, Rufus, are you okay, little guy? (She begins tickling him.)

(Daria appears with a length of rope.)

DARIA: I found some rope. Let's tie them up.

QUINN (coming to her senses): Wha-wha-what happened? Jane! Daria! You saved me. (She gets up and hugs Daria.) I can't thank you guys enough.

DARIA (to Quinn): Radioactive Girl's green power must have wiped out your programming. That's a useful thing to know.

QUINN (speaking rapidly): Her name is Shego. Her stunning power only lasts a few minutes. Lemme me help you tie her up. We have no time to lose. (Daria and Quinn set to work tying up Shego.)

JANE (holding a wakened Rufus): All-right! Rufus is back to normal. Nice work, little guy. We couldn't have done this without you.

RUFUS: No problem. (He looks angrily at the prostrate Shego, and folds his arms.) Muskrat? Hummph!

JANE (to Rufus): Rufus, you need to go back down there and cut loose Kim and Ron. (Rufus salutes, then scampers off into that ventilation duct again.)

INTERIOR. THE CONTROL ROOM IN DRAKKEN'S LAIR. (Drakken sits at the controls, while rings of light encircle the helpless form of Kim tied to the brainwashing chair.)

DRAKKEN (excited): Kim Possible was once my archfoe. Soon she will be just another of my mindless pawns. Oh, I haven't been so happy since I stole the schematics for my first robot. (Takes another look at the controls.) What's this? Wait a minute. Shego's being tied up by the two intruders, and ---- Quinn? Something went wrong with Quinn's programming. This can't be allowed to happen. (Turns around, shouts.) Sandi! Tiffany! Stacy! Come here. Your all-powerful master needs you.

(All three of Drakken's mindless pawns eagerly run up, snap to attention, and salute.)

DRAKKEN: Something went wrong with Quinn's programming. Go up to the flight deck. First priority, rescue Shego. Second priority, take the disloyal Quinn and the two female strangers alive if possible. If not, terminate them. Hurry!

(Sandi, Stacy and Tiffany salute and and turn to leave.)

SANDI (to Stacy and Tiffany, robot voice): Didn't I tell you guys I was more loyal to Drakken than Quinn is?

TIFFANY (robot voice): Yeah, more loyal. (Sandi, Stacy, and Tiffany exit.)

(VARIOUS ANGLES OF Rufus can be seen crawling rapidly around the room, pulls plugs out of wall sockets, biting cords in half, and gnawing through insulation. Lights go out on the console, some of the overhead lights go out, and the brainwashing machine stops.)

DRAKKEN: What's this? We've lost power. Curse these ignorant hillbilly electrical subcontractors!

(The restraints on Kim's limbs pop loose, and the helmet releases her head. She stands up, clicks her heels together, and salutes.)

KIM (robot voice): Dr. Drakken is my leader. He is destined to rule the world.

DRAKKEN (with a triumphant laugh): It worked! There was enough juice to do the job anyway!

(Ron, lying still bound and gagged beside the brainwashing machine, looks on in horror.)

EXTERIOR. DAY. THE FLIGHT DECK AT THE TOP OF DRAKKEN'S LAIR. (Quinn and Daria have effectively trussed up Shego, who is starting to awaken.)

DARIA: Jane, look! (She points.)

(Sandi, Stacy, and Tiffany are now arriving on the flight deck by elevator.)

SANDI (robot voice, to Stacy and Tiffany): First priority, rescue Shego. Second priority, take Daria, Jane, and the disloyal Quinn alive if possible. If not, terminate them.

(Quinn reaches into a sheath on the right thigh of her uniform, pulls out a knife, and holds it up to Shego's throat.)

QUINN (to Sandi, Stacy, and Tiffany): If you guys take another step, Shego dies.

(With a brisk shake of her head, Shego comes fully awake.)

SHEGO (to Quinn): Quinn, what do you think you're doing?

QUINN (to Shego): Let's just say it feels good to be me again. (Shego notices Quinn's blade at her throat.)

SHEGO (sarcastic): Great! I'm gonna have my throat cut by a preppie.

INTERIOR. THE CONTROL ROOM IN DRAKKEN'S LAIR. (Kim stands at attention before the triumphantly laughing Dr. Drakken.)

KIM (robot voice): I will do anything in my power to serve him, even sacrifice my life. (With an abrupt shake of her head, she regains controls of herself, and gives the laughing Drakken a kick in the side. Her voice is normal now.) SO NOT! (Drakken falls backwards against the console and falls to the floor, stunned. At this moment, Rufus finishes biting through the ropes that bind Ron.)

RON: Boo-yah! (He jumps up, and Rufus leaps into his hand.)

KIM: Rufus, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are one rockin' mole rat.

RUFUS: Daria! Jane! (Jumping franticly in Ron's hand, he points upwards.)

RON: Kim, Daria and Jane are here!

KIM: Daria and Jane? Here? What for?

(Rufus pantomimes fighting.)

KIM: Daria and Jane are fighting Shego?

RUFUS (still jumping up and down): Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

RON: We need to get back up there! (Kim is already running towards the elevators. Ron joins her.)

EXTERIOR. DAY. THE FLIGHT DECK. (Here is the standoff: On one side, Sandi, Tiffany and Stacy have just arrived up on the flight deck. On the other side, Shego lies tied up while Quinn holds a knife to Shego's throat. Jane and Daria stand by Quinn, with Daria slightly behind Jane. Sandi and Sandi start walking slowly toward the others, while Tiffany stands off to one side.)

SANDI (robot voice): Quinn, I don't know what happened to your programming, but if you release Shego and turn Daria and Jane over to us, we'll let you live.

QUINN: Not gonna happen, Sandi.

(Suddenly, Tiffany draws her knife from its sheath and throws expertly it at Quinn's hand. The blade strikes Quinn's forearm about three inches above the wrist.)

QUINN: Ow! My hand! (She drops her knife. At the same instant, Sandi and Stacy bound forward. Jane parries Sandi's first blow and smacks the side of her head, sending Sandi reeling.)

SHEGO: Whoa! Nice move by the chick with the page boy. We'll have to brainwash her too!

(Before Quinn can pick her knife back up, Stacy is all over her. Quinn falls on her back. Stacy jumps onto her. Quinn kicks Stacy off again. While this is happening, Tiffany bounds forward. Daria tries to stop her, but Daria is about as strong as Tiffany was before the abduction. The new, Shego-trained fighting Tiffany lands her first kick in Daria's stomach, knocking Daria down, and knocking the wind out of her. Tiffany picks up one of the knives, and starts cutting Shego's bonds, freeing her hands. Meanwhile Sandi and Jane are exchanging several more hits. Stacy is still fighting Quinn. Shego fires up her green glow power in both hands. Now Daria is on her feet again. Though still gasping for breath, Daria turns to run away, but Shego zaps Daria with a bolt. Daria collapses on the flight deck, unconscious. At the same moment, Tiffany cuts loose Shego's feet, and Quinn sees what has happened to her sister.)

QUINN (screams): Dah - ree - ya-a-ah! (She plants a foot in Stacy's stomach, which sends Stacy reeling. Stacy collapses on the flight deck, gasping for breath. Quinn throws herself at Shego. Shego swats at her with a glowing hand, but Quinn deftly dodges it. At this moment, Jane plants a powerful kick in Sandi's side, knocking all the wind out of her. Sandi collapses on the deck. Jane seizes hold of Sandi, picks her up, and begins shoving her in the direction of Shego. Shego sees this, and fires a green bolt at Jane. But Jane ducks behind Sandi, and the bolt hits Sandi instead. Sandi collapses on the flight deck, stunned by the green glow. Shego and Quinn resuming struggling. Shego strives to get the green power on Quinn, but Quinn skillfully parries each blow. Meanwhile, Tiffany resheaths her knife and just stands there aimlessly.)

TIFFANY (robot voice): Shego, is there anything you need me to do?

SHEGO (annoyed): Yes! Get the chick with the page boy!

(Tiffany leaps forward at Jane. Jane adroitly sidesteps, grabs Tiffany by an arm, swings her around, and flings her in the direction of Shego. Tiffany collides with one of Shego's glowing arms. Quinn adroitly leaps out of the way. Shego and Tiffany fall in a heap on the ground.)

SHEGO (sarcastic): Way to go, Tiffany.

TIFFANY (robot voice, groggy): Thank you, Shego, sir. (Stunned by the green glow power, Tiffany falls unconscious.)

(Tiffany and is now lying unconscious on the deck. Sandi is starting to wake up, realizing that she's her old self again. Daria's eyes open half-way. She turns her head toward Quinn.)

DARIA (mumbles): Wha --- wha --- what happened? Quinn? Jane?

(Shego leaps back onto her feet. So does Stacy, who plants a devastating kick in Quinn's back. Quinn tumbles forward and collapses on her face right in front of Shego. Shego zaps Quinn, knocking Quinn unconscious.)

SHEGO (to Jane): Page boy girl, prepare to have your brain reprogrammed.

(Jane wheels about and delivers another kick in Stacy's right kidney, sending Stacy sprawling. A second later, Shego's green glow zaps Jane. Jane collapses on the deck.)

SHEGO: Stacy, we did it! Nice work!

(Stacy gets up again, grimacing a little and holding her side.)

STACY (robot voice, breathless): Thank you, Shego.

(Meanwhile, Sandi and Tiffany are still lying on the flight deck, but they are not unconscious. They are looking at each other.)

SANDI (whispers to Tiffany): Ya got that? I take the right, and you take the left.

TIFFANY (whispers): Yeah, I take the left.

(At this very moment, one of the elevators brings Kim and Ron up to the flight deck. Rufus is perched on Ron's shoulder.)

KIM (to Ron): You take Stacy.

RON: I'm all over her, KP.

(Kim bounds forward. Ron goes after Stacy. Kim takes an immense leap that lands her between Stacy and Shego, facing the latter.)

SHEGO: Hello, Princess.

(Shego lunges at Kim, unaware that Sandi and Tiffany are lying behind her, wide awake. She swipes a glowing hand at Kim, who dodges neatly. Then she swats the other hand. Kim dodges again. Shego moves in close. Kim grabs Shego's arms and holds both glowing hands at bay.)

SANDI (whispers to Tiffany): Now!

(Sandi and Tiffany jump up, rush up behind Shego, and each one grabs a foot. Shego falls forward. Kim, releasing Shego's arms, leaps back to avoid the green glow. Shego falls flat on her face.)

SANDI: Gee, Tiffany. Look what I found. A wishbone.

TIFFANY: Yeah, a wishbone. Let's make a wish.

(Sandi and Tiffany pry Shego's legs as far apart as they can.)

KIM (to Sandi and Tiffany): Sandi, Tiffany, I don't understand this, but thanks!

SHEGO (screams): Aaaah! Uuugh! Stop it! You're killing me.

(Ron dances around Stacy, doing his comical martial arts war-whoop. She lunges at him, tries karate kicks, and tries to hit him with her fists, but Ron expertly dodges every one.)

STACY (robot voice): Must destroy---gasp---Drakken's enemies---gasp---I live to---gasp--- serve him.

(Rufus comes scampering up to Stacy and crawls up her leg, tickling as he goes.)

STACY (robot voice, laughing mechanically): Ha-ha-ha, tee-hee-hee. Where is---gasp---that little gopher?

(Distracted by Rufus, Stacy is grabbed by Ron from behind. He pins her arms behind her.)

RON: Boo-yah!

(Tears pour down Stacy's face. Rufus slips down and out one of Stacy's pantslegs.)

RUFUS: Gopher? Hummpf!

STACY (robot voice, crying): I have betrayed Dr. Drakken's confidence in me. I am unworthy to live in the New Order. I deserve to be destroyed.

(Daria is now on her feet. She runs over to Ron. Quinn and Jane are reviving. Jane stands up, somewhat unsteadily. Quinn sits up and rubs her eyes.)

DARIA (whispers): Ron, touch Stacy to Shego's green glow power. It wipes out the brainwashing effect.

RON (pleasantly surprised): It does?

DARIA (whispers): Yes, that's the one thing that saved us.

(Ron hustles Stacy over to Shego. Meanwhile, Shego's green glow has gone out in her right hand, which she's using to pound the flight deck. Her left hand still glows. Tiffany and Sandi and tugging at one leg. Kim is pulling the other.)

SHEGO (groaning with pain): Aaagh! Gaaah! Oh, my God! You guys are killing me. Ugh!

(Ron touches Stacy to the green glow. Stacy falls into a faint.)

RON: Score!

SHEGO: Oh, great! That makes four of them. (grimaces with pain) Aaaaah! Might as well go for a perfect record.

(Ron fondly regards Stacy's limp body in his arms.)

RON: Yo, this is a lot closer to a feminina than I usually get.

KIM: Lay her down gently, Ron.

(Ron looks behind him and sees Quinn and Jane watching. Quinn has her hands on her hips. Jane's arms are folded. He puts Stacy down gently on the flight deck.)

RON: Aw, man!

TIFFANY: Look! Drakken!

(Sure enough, Dr. Drakken himself, still looking very dazed, has raised himself to the flight deck on one of the elevators.)

DRAKKEN: Shego, where did you put the Ibuprofen? Kim Possible gave me a splitting headache. (He suddenly notices what has happened, and becomes angry.) Shego! What's going on here? Stop messing around! You had orders, you know!

(At this point, a dozen steroid-enhanced men in dark blue uniforms land on the flight deck, their parachutes collapsing to the ground beside them. Drakken recognizes their uniforms. Two of them rapidly overpower him.)

DRAKKEN (indignant): Global Justice? Oh, phooey!

(Slow dissolve to --- )

EXTERIOR. DAY. THE FLIGHT DECK. A MINUTE OR TWO LATER. (Global Justice members are tying up Shego. Quinn is helping Stacy stand up. Stacy is still looking a bit groggy. Dr. Betty Director, head of Global Justice, supervises the mopping up.)

KIM (to Daria): How did you guys get here?

DARIA: We hitched a ride on Drakken's chopper.

JANE (to Kim): I brought Rufus.

DARIA: And I brought your super-PDA. (We hear the Kimmunicator ringtone. Daria pulls it out of a jacket pocket and gives it to Kim.) Here, it's for you.

KIM (to Kimmunicator): What up, Wade?

WADE (on Kimmunicator): Is Global Justice there yet?

KIM (to Kimmunicator): Yeah, but the real heroes today are Daria and Jane.

(Completely puzzled, Dr. Director looks over Daria and Jane. Neither of them looks much like a teen super-heroine to her.)

DR. DIRECTOR (to Kim): I can't wait to hear the debriefing on this one.

(Stacy, now fully awake and with tears on her face, walks up to Kim.)

KIM (comforting tone): Stacy, there's no reason to be upset. We won! You got your life back. You can go home now.

STACY: Quinn, Sandi, and Tiffany had a chance to fight for the good guys. They can go back to Lawndale and get a hero's welcome. But I didn't get de-programmed until the very end, after the fighting was over. (sniffs) I have a lot of bad karma from stealing Ms. Barch's invention, and from fighting Daria and Jane when they came to rescue me.

(Stacy begins to cry. Kim hugs Stacy, and lets her cry on her shoulder.)

KIM: It's all right, Stacy. You've got most of your life ahead of you. That's plenty of time to do good things.

(Stacy looks up from Kim's shoulder at Dr. Director and the other Global Justice operatives.)

STACY (to no one in particular): Maybe I could join Global Justice.

DR. DIRECTOR (to Stacy): That's a definite possibility, Miss --- (two beats) --- which one are you?

STACY: Stacy Rowe, Ma'am.

DR. DIRECTOR: Stacy, yes. We can discuss it on the chopper on the way home.

EXTERIOR. DAY, LATE AFTERNOON. (Five combat helicopters similar to Apaches in design and bearing Global Justice insignia slice their way through the sky.)

INTERIOR. INSIDE ONE OF THE CHOPPERS. (Drakken and Shego sit tied up in one corner, sulking and paying no attention. Dr. Direktor (head of Global Justice), Jane, Daria, and Kim sit next to them. Ron stands beside Kim with Rufus' head visible in one of his cargo pants pockets. Across the way sit Quinn, Sandi, Stacy and Tiffany, still wearing their green-and-black Shego-style uniforms. Helicopter engine noise is in the background throughout the scene.)

KIM (to Dr. Director): And that's basically what happened. (She looks around at the Clubbies, Ron, and Daria and Jane.) Anything else, guys?

JANE: I think that's pretty much it. (Quinn, Sandi, Ron, and Rufus adlib their support.)

DARIA: But it'll sound much cooler in my autobiography.

KIM: Well, there's your debriefing, Doctor. None of it would have happened if Daria and Jane hadn't hitched a ride of Drakken's chopper, and brought Rufus and my Kimmunicator with them.

DR. DIRECTOR: Daria and Jane, we at Global Justice tend to discourage the work of amateurs, for their own safety, but I must admit, you girls were the lynch pins of the whole operation today.

DARIA: Call it a crazy whim if you like, but I couldn't stand by and do nothing while my sister had her mind taken away from her and was forced into a life of crime.

JANE: And when Daria grabbed a fin of Drakken's chopper, I couldn't let her go all by herself.

QUINN: Thanks, sister.

SANDI (to Stacy and Tiffany): Did you guys hear that? Quinn said Daria was her sister.

STACY: We knew all along Daria and Quinn were sisters.

TIFFANY: Yeah, we were just being polite about it.

SANDI: Whatever! (sniffs) Ew! I'm all perspiry.

QUINN: So am I, Sandi, but you know what? It was worth it, because we helped apprehend Drakken and Shego.

STACY: And get Ms. Barch's invention back.

TIFFANY: Yeah, that makes it all worthwhile.

SANDI: Tiffany, I'm sorry I behaved like I did when Shego came for you.

TIFFANY: It's okay, Sandi. You made up for it later.

STACY: Ms. Director, can I join Global Justice?

DR. DIRECTOR: Stacy, we can always use young dedicated recruits with useful fighting kills, and you are definitely have skills.

STACY (happy): Thanks. Finally I'll have a chance to feel good about myself.

QUINN (to Dr. Direktor): But if Stacy can join, why can't I?

STACY: Yeah, why can't all four of us join? We're all fighters now.

TIFFANY: You can count me in. (Eyebrows ascend excitedly.) I can fight with knives.

SANDI: Okay, I'll go for it. However, those cornflower blue uniforms will only look good on Tiffany, because she's a winter.

TIFFANY (proudly): Yeah, a winter.

QUINN: They're Royal blue, Sandi.

SANDI: Cornflower.

QUINN: Royal.

(Neither Sandi nor Quinn sees Kim rolling her eyes.)

DARIA: Dr. Director, I'd like to join Global Justice too.

JANE: What? Daria Morgendorffer, the non-joiner, wants to join Global Justice?

DARIA (to Jane): I know. It seems out of character, but I learned something today about the importance of commitment.

DR. DIRECTOR: Daria, you showed great initiative today. I'm sure you'll make a fine agent.

JANE: I'd like to join too. I'm a fast runner.

DR. DIRECTOR: Then it's settled. All six of you will be enrolled in our training camp. Of course, you'll all have to study for your GED when you're not training.

JANE: I knew it! There's no escaping school.

DARIA: But at least we'll graduate with a marketable skill in evil-bashing.

DR. DIRECTOR: What Shego taught you is only the beginning. You'll be pushed to your physical limits when you start your Global Justice training.

TIFFANY: Ew! More perspiration, just like PE class.

KIM: Tiffany, you can take a shower when it's over. So not the drama!

STACY: Kim's right. Besides, we'll be saving the world.

TIFFANY: Yeah, saving the world is cool.

SANDI (proudly): And, we'll belong to an even more elite group than the Fashion Club.

(At this point, Shego starts to take an interest in the proceedings.

SHEGO (with a groan): You good guys are so smug when you win!

JANE: Don't get too bent out of shape, Shego. You wouldn't want to zap yourself again.

(At this, Drakken seems to come back to life.)

DRAKKEN (with a scornful laugh): Shego, you got the green glow power on yourself! Oh, that's just too funny! (laughs some more) Shego zapped herself! Shego zapped herself!

SHEGO: Drakken, we're on the same --- Oh, forget it! (Shego resumes sulking.)

DRAKKEN (chanting): Shego zapped herself! Neener-neener-neener!

KIM: Neener-neener-neener?

(Cut to --- )

(Close up of a copy of Villainess magazine. DNAmy's smiling face is on the cover, with the headlines, "DNAmy's Back in the Lab! What's She Cooking Up For Us This Time?" and "Also in this issue: Shego's Big Screw Up!"


INTERIOR. INSIDE THE BUENO NACHO. (Monique and Kim are seated at a table.)

MONIQUE: That's a cool story, Kim. By the way, thanks for passing me the Mystik Spiral CD. Those boys got something going on!

KIM: Thanks, Monique. I'm glad you like them.

(Bonnie walks up to the table, singing.

BONNIE (singing): The universe is a cold, cold place.
Black and bleak like outer space.

MONIQUE and BONNIE (singing together): The wind chill drops below sub zero.
It's not no time to be a hero.

KIM: Monique, Bonnie, since when do you guys agree on anything, except the O-Boyz? (Monique and Bonnie both laugh.)

BONNIE: The O-Boyz! Yesterday's news.

MONIQUE: And not for the first time.

BONNIE (to Kim): Monique and I have had our differences, but we both agree Mystik Spiral rocks. (She hands Monique a CD, which Monique takes.) Thanks for letting me copy that, Monique.

MONIQUE (to Bonnie): Not a problem. (to Kim): Mystik Spiral is the next big thang!

KIM: Whatever! I'm not into them myself.

BONNIE (inspecting fingernails): Oh, Kim, you are so last week! They're only the best unsigned band in the Western Hemisphere.

MONIQUE: If not the planet.

(Enter Ron, wearing earphones, and singing. Rufus, perched on his shoulder, boogies down.)

RON (singing): When the aliens come,
when the death rays hum,
when the bummers bum,
we'll still be freakin' friends!
When the whip comes down,
when they nuke the town,
when dead clowns can't clown,
we'll still be freakin' friends!

BONNIE (puts hands on hips): I hate when the losers get ahold of something cool and ruin it for the rest of us.

RON and RUFUS (singing): Freakin' friends!
Freakin' friends!
Till we come to bad ends,
we're freakin' friends!
Freakin' friends!
Freakin' friends!
Till we come to bad ends,
we're freakin' friends!
Freakin' friends!
Freakin' friends...

KIM (to Monique): Like a Doors cover band that plays brew pubs.