Food fight by Jane ( (Cut to Daria and Jane at Jane's locker.) DARIA: Hurry up Jane! We will be late for the English class! You don't wanna miss it, don't you? JANE: Of course not! I always like to hear Brittany and Kevie stupidest comments! (They walk to their class. Mr. O'Neil talks in the front of the class. Brittany and Kevin are laughing together. Upchuck is flirting and is watching some girls pictures in his agenda. Mack and Jodie are talking about a homework they have to do together. Jane is drawing Mr. O'Neil as a little ship lost in a field. Daria does sarcastic remarks as usual with her classmate Andrea.) (Cut to outside where Jane and Daria are sits on the ground.) JANE: I'm so bored Daria. There's nothing unusual that happens around here. It's like, always the same. DARIA: Yeah... I feel the same you know... This school is like Hell to me! (Cut to the cafeteria at noon. Everybody's having lunch. Quinn is sit with the fashion club. The 3 J's are sit with them. They started to ask Quinn to go out with them again. Sandy's dream boy comes and asks Quinn to go out with him. She glances at him and answer (-take a guess! -) Yes... Sandy becomes very mad. She takes her pudding and throws it at Quinn's face. The 3 J's take their Jell-O and throw it to Sandy's face and clothes. Kevin, who was thinking that was funny, started throwing food everywhere. Jane and Daria finish eating then run to get out the cafeteria. They start walking and the hall. Jane has a crashed banana in her back, pudding in her hair and peanut butter all over her pants. Daria has pudding and Jell-O all over her jacket and in her hair and peanut butter on her legs. They go to their afternoon class.) (Cut to later this afternoon, after school, in the hall.) JANE: Hey... Got a phone call to do... Come on Daria. (Picks up a phone and dials) (Cut to see Jane and Trent on the phone.) TRENT: Hello? JANE: Yo Trent! TRENT: Oh... hey Janey... What do you want? You're not supposed to be walking home? JANE: Can you come take us at school and drive us home? We can't really show off right now! TRENT: Why? JANE: You'll see Trent! TRENT: 'Kay... I'm on my way... JANE: Thanks! (Jane hangs up the phone. She and Daria walk to go in the front of the school, waiting for Trent. Trent stops his car and stares at the girls.) TRENT: What's happened to you? JANE: Oh! Only a little food fight that involved all the school except us... but we were in the cafeteria so... we've been touched... We're lucky it was only food! TRENT: Oh... Hey... in the back of the car girls... you don't want to clean the front of the car tonight? (He laugh a little) Are you coming over our house Daria? Maybe you could eat at our house or something! DARIA: I'll think about it... TRENT: I need to know it now... Daria? JANE: Please... Daria... We'll have fun... DARIA: Okay... (Trent starts the car and drive home. He stops the car in front of the Lane's house. They all got off the car.) (Cut to see Jane who runs to the bathroom.) TRENT: Damn it Jane... You could let the bathroom to our guest first... DARIA:'s okay... I will wait... I don't have clothes to change anyway... TRENT: Wait... JANEY... MIND IF I TAKE SOME CLOTHES IN YOUR CLOSET FOR DARIA? JANE: NO! TRENT: THANKS... JANE: NO PROBLEM... NOW LEAVE ME ALONE... DARIA: (whispering) nice... TRENT: (laughing softly) Don't worry... It's always like this between Janey and me! (Trent pulls Daria in Jane's room. He opens the closet and stares. He takes a black v-neck T-shirt and black jeans and hands it to Daria. Jane comes out the bathroom. The phone rings...) JANE: Got it... Yo...? Hey Jesse... Yeah... (Trent and Daria go to the bathroom. He starts the shower for her, hands her shampoo and a towel.) DARIA: Thanks...Trent... TRENT: You're welcomed! (He smiles) (Trent let Daria take a shower ALONE! She comes out 10 minutes later. Jane and Jesse are kissing on the couch.) DARIA: Hey Jesse! JESSE: (between kisses) Hey! (Trent is asleep on the other couch. Daria sits next to him. Trent takes more space than when she sat down and starts moving closer and closer to Daria...) TRENT: (talking in his dream out loud) Daria... DA...RIA... JANEY... DON'T WATCH US... JESSE SHUT UP MAN... (Daria wake Trent up) TRENT: Mom no... I didn't rape he... Oh... (Looking embarrassed) Oh... Hey... Daria! (Cut an hour later... (-I had to make it finish well -) Jane and Jesse are sleeping) TRENT: Daria? DARIA: Huh? (Trent put his hand on the back of Daria's head, pulls her closer and kisses her.) The end...(or is it?)