Daria the Saturnine By Hikhali This story is a bunch of junk. It isn't THAT special, and fits nowhere into anyone's continuum. I have a hard time writing long stories. "We're working with CIRCLES!" -Kevin, describing both math class AND Mrs. Bennets Applied Economics class in one go at it. All characters are property of MTV. I don't own them. This fanfiction begins right after "Jane's Addition" (i.e. that evening, right afterwards). Int. Daria's room. She is sitting on the bed, rereading "King Lear." Helen walks in. Helen: Daria? What are you doing? Daria: Taking a slow boat to China. Helen: You usually spend Friday nights with Jane Daria: She's out with her new boyfriend, Tom. Helen: Ooohhhh. I see. (ala Daria in "Esteemers") Daria: Don't take that tone of voice, young lady. Helen: Oh, Daria (She leaves). Daria gets up and goes to the door, deadbolting it, and then goes to her bookshelf. She pulls out a normal looking book and opens it. Pan around to see that it is hollow. She takes some cash from her pocket and puts it in. Daria: Well, Tom has ONE advantage. I'm not going to be spending all MY cash on pizza. Montana Cabin, here I come. Ext. LHS. Bell rings, then... Int. Mr. DeM's room. Mr. DeM: AND SO, the foolish JAMEStown settlers idioticly set up their camp on a MARSH! This beHAVior is EASILY comperable to some of YOUR'S! The only exception *I* see is Daria. SHE would never do a thing so STUpid, WOULD she? Kevin? Kevin: Uhhhh... Daria: WHY am I the subject of a class lecture? Mr. DeM: Huh? Mr. DeMartino is stupified by this. Kevin grins a dopey grin that was undoubtedly caused by smashing beer cans with his head. The class all snicker. Daria smiles as well. Int. Jane's room. Jane is painting. Daria isn't reading (gasp). She's watching SSW. Jane: Why DO we watch Sick, Sad World all the time? Daria: We never watch Sick, Sad World. I'M watching Geraldo. Jane: Daria, you promissed me you'd lay off the out of season egg nog. Daria: Huh? Jane: (uncomfortable) Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Daria: (Dr. Evil-esque; right pinky up to mouth) Riiiiiiight... Trent: (Who just HAPPENED to walk by the door right then) Heh. Good one, Daria. (Walks off snickering) Daria: Hell is myself (a la "Monster!"). (Comercial crap would come up right about here. That's about when I chanel surf. I have no comercials. EVER!) Location: Unknown. A beige car pulls up at the curb and Daria gets out, wearing a trench coat. Shady-like slow music like that that would accompany a few mafians starts, and Daria procedes her dive along the street.* Heather, the Middleton tour guide, comes out of the shadows and hands her two envelopes, one marked "Food," the other marked "Drink." Daria hands another large envelope to Heather and then walks to a different curb. The same scenario is seen three times, and then Daria goes back to her original curb and gets in the car. She leaves. Daria: Thanks DG. Driver: (unseen) Welcome, MC. Ext. LHS. Daria gets out of the car with a bag and goes up to the door. She fiddels with something, and then throws the bag at the door, running back to the car. She gets into the car as a big bang is heard. Ext. Daria's house that night. She sneeks in through the back and into her room unnoticed. She again goes to the bookshelf, removing the hollow book. She pulls the "Food" envelope out and puts it's contents, a big wad o' cash, into the book, which is nearly full. Daria: I better go back to that gag store tomorrow and get another one of these. God knows I'll need it NEXT week. She takes out the other envelope ("Drink") and opens it. Inside are several asignments from the college students. Daria: I'm robbing them blind. $200 for an essay on "King Lear"? Sheesh! *Dive: a slang term for a "slick" looking walk done by mobsters and mafians. (MY definition, thanx) (Comercial crap would come up right about here. That's about when I chanel surf. I have no comercials. EVER!) Ext. LHS, early morning. We see Ms. Li exit her car and look at the front door (smudgy, from the inside P.o.V. Ms. LI: What the HELL!? Int. LHS, Mr. O'Neil's room. The morning announcements have just come on. Ms. Li: The fall ho-down will be in one month, so start raising money. This year, attendance is mandatory, so don't try pulling that hayfever crap, Ms. Morgendorffer. And all of you involved with the throwing of a bag full of exploding FISH at the front door are kiiiindly requested in my office, immidiately. That is ALL! Mr. O'N: Oh dear. Exploding fish? Daria just smiles, as Jane looks on questioningly. Int. Jane's room. Jane and Trent are sitting on the bed next to Daria. Jane/Trent: WHAT?! Trent: That is so cool. Wish I'd thought of that when *I* was in Highschool. Jane: Yeah, but Daria... Fish? Daria: EXPLODING fish. Musn't get all hung up, now. (Mock soothing, to Jane) You can crash the howdown with roadkill carcasses being dumped on the prom King and Queen. Jane: Wellll... Okay. But only if you help me scrape 'em. Daria: Jane, I thought you knew me well enough to be able to recognize simple, unsympathetic sarcasm when you see it. Or are you to busy making out with TOM? Jane: You saw that?! That never happened. Nothing happened. Nothing EVER happens in this 'burb! Got it? Daria just looks at Jane funny and turns on the TV. TV: Next on Sick, Sad World, the Geraldo chicken scandel we've been covering all month long! Daria: Told you I was watching Geraldo. Jane looks peeved and Trent looks mildly curious. Int. Daria's room, a week later. Daria takes the hollow books (2 of 'em, now.) out and puts them in her bag. She walks to a phone booth and picks up the phone. She dials, and the phone rings. Daria: Hi. I'd like to see about putting a down payment on that secluded Montana cabin you put the add up for? La la LA la la. La la LA la la. (End theme) Send all questions, comments, and concerns to: hikhali@hotmail.com. DO NOT SPAM ME!!!