Art Gallery
John Berry

John Berry is one of the Daria fan community's more prolific fanfic writers. Writing is not his only forté, however; he's also quite the artist, with a style definitely aimed towards the cartoon realm. (His sister, Nicole, is also a talented artist, whose drawing talents run more towards realism.) Other examples of John's artwork can be seen in his various fan fiction illustrations.

Other artwork:
| "Adventures in Shallowness" |

Abstract Art
Jane shows Daria her latest work. Hmmm... perhaps Quinn isn't the only one who "doesn't get abstract art"...

Daria in 'The Simpsons'
What would Daria be like if it were drawn in the same style as The Simpsons? Here's a rather, ah, "unique" view of the Morgendorffer clan (plus Jane).

John's idea for an advertising poster for "Daria!" (episode #307). "It's morning, morning, morning in the 'burbs!"

(Click on the image to display the full-size picture.)

Is Jake actually Homer Simpson?
John subtly protests the claims that Jake is slowing being turned into Homer Simpson. D'oh!

(Click on the image to display the full-size picture.)

So close, yet so far...
You ever have one of those mornings...?

Blah, blah, blah...
Daria finds out just how dangerous the combination of chatterboxes and doorways can be.

(Click on the image to display the full-size picture.)

Daria and Jane's Halloween costumes
Daria and Jane get into the spirit of Halloween, but they don't exactly cause a commotion.

(Click on the image to display the full-size picture.)

The Suffering Artist

I've heard of suffering for one's artwork, but this takes the cake...

(Click on the image to display the full-size picture.)