Bob Marley
(Well gee, by this time, do you really need an opening notation from
me when you read my stuff? Here's one anyway. This fic follows
the timeline of the series, and starts immediately after Daria receives
the phone call from Tom that ended "Dye, dye, my darling." Like,
"A mid-spring day's delirium", I'm going to be crossing some lines, breaking
some china, playing mind games, and just generally going at this latest
development in Daria's life from my usual unusual perspective. So,
before I start and I hope you don't mind, but I need to ask, did you...
Y'know, go? Because I don't want you to have to get up right in the
middle of reading this for... Y'know. Okay? Good deal.
Now that we're all comfortable, forward march!)
Music: Godsmack "Keep away"
Daria(Talking to herself): Good work Morgendorffer. Dammit. What the hell am I supposed to do? Do I lock myself in here for the next year and a half or go get started on birth control?
(Looking mortified, she sits down again on the bed, contemplating that last thought.)
Daria(Thought VO: "Talking to yourself again, hmm?"): Oh, shut up!
Andrea(Eyebrow quirked.): So what did Lane do to you?
(Daria tries not to look shocked, trying to regain her composure.)
Daria(Turning to face Andrea.): I'm not sure I know... I mean, I.
Andrea(Non-committal, she shrugs her shoulders): It's okay. If you don't want to talk to me, just say so.
Daria(Confused, but being honest): No, that's not it. Jane didn't. (Looking lost and sad, Andrea is surprised slightly by how open she is.) I didn't want any of this to happen. It just did.
Andrea(The light of respect enters her eyes.): And you went ahead and told your friend anyway? Cool..
Daria(Feeling more at ease, if that's possible.): Wait a minute, so you don't think I'm a total back-stabbing bitch who deserves to suffer horribly for kissing the boyfriend of her up to now only friend?
Andrea(Slightly quizzical.): Hey, you said it. (With a somewhat self mocking smile) I guess I didn't get it until I heard what you said at Payday, but you do really care about other people, don't you?
Daria(Unsure and uncomfortable about how to take that, she blushes.): I don't.... Look, just don't spread it around? (She turns to go.)
Andrea(Almost an outright smile): Hey, wait... (Daria stops, back still turned.) Maybe you don't know it, but a lot of people respect you around here and not just because you're smart. (Pointing her thumb at herself.) People like me. (Pausing, then) Jane's lucky to have you for a friend.
Daria(Still unwilling to let herself feel better and unsure if Andrea is being sarcastic.): Uh.. Thanks. (Turning to face Andrea again.) Maybe, I'll see you around?
Andrea(Still smiling slightly.): Yeah, maybe. (She walks away.)
[Daria watches her go, still looking confused, before she lets a slight
smirk make it to the surface. Obviously lost in thought, she starts
walking again.]
Music: Bob Marley "Redemption Song"
Daria(Walking to the entrance, she knocks on the doorjamb enquiringly.): Are you busy?
Mack(Looking up, surprised but pleased): Oh hey, didn't see much of you around school today. What brings you out here?
Daria(Looking very unsure, she obviously doesn't want to open up.): I don't know.. I mean, I don't want to.
Mack(Seeing that something is really wrong, he gets up and comes over.): No, it's okay, I did tell you any time you wanted to have a conversation, just ask. You want to come in?
Daria(Still resisting but finally relenting, she comes in and sits down on an old office chair across from Mack's desk.): I, yes. Yes I do.
Mack(Sitting down on an old piano stool across from her.): Okay, what's going on?
Daria(Still looking depressed.): I'm in a difficult situation with Jane right now.
Mack(Guessing about it already.): The thing with her boyfriend, right? I heard about what happened. That must have really been hard.
Daria(Blushing, she avoids Mack's eyes while looking angry.): Great, is there anyone at school who doesn't know what a total hypocrite I am?
Mack(A little surprised by that, looks concerned.): I don't pay much attention to rumors. Actually, I was kind of hoping you'd get around to telling me what really happened.
Daria(Surprised Mack would care that much about her. She looks up at him.): Well, Jane's boyfriend Tom shows up at my place. I know they've been having problems for a while and he wants to talk to me, so I get in his car. We're talking about how he and Jane are basically through, he's telling me how he feels about her and me. I'm trying to defend my friendship with Jane against this rogue guy who just.. And then, well, it just happened!! (Frustrated, she can't even look Mack in the eye's again.) I look over, he kisses me.. I can't believe it, and.. (Usual blown away look as the realization hits her again, spoken quietly.) I go back for more. Then I ran like hell.
Mack(Really surprised and smiling at her.): Wow. No offense, but I don't know whether to envy or hate this guy, Tom.
Daria(Finally looking back up at him.): I don't know how I should feel either. I mean, I guess I wanted to talk to someone who's in a relationship, who I know will be honest with me.
Mack(Still smiling.): And you didn't go to Kevin or Brittany first? I'm flattered.
Daria(Laughs at that, but then goes serious again.): Well, I know you and Jodie don't. (Mack's smile fades and he stiffens imperceptibly.) And I know you've been in a situation where you couldn't ever know if you did the right thing, so. (See "You don't know, Mack." for that.)
Mack(Finishing the thought for her.): You wanted to get some advice from someone who can at least relate to what you're going through, right now?
Daria(Trying to figure out what she said wrong, she nods.): Uh, yes.
Mack(Looking sad himself, then looking at Daria again.): I have to be honest with you. With me and Jodie, it's never been that way, sometimes I wish it was. I can try to talk to you from my experience with no-win situations, but about what you felt that made you go back for more. Well... (Mack shrugs his shoulder's, helpless.) I'm not sure I know.
Daria(A little disappointed, but determined to follow through.): I, it's okay. At least you can tell me what you think. I know you can't tell me what I feel.
Mack(Nods, glad she understands): That's cool. I guess, the best advice I can give you is just go for the ride. Take what happens, take it as far as it will go and try not to regret anything. And if it's more important to let it go, for whatever reason, just let it go. You're smart, you've got common sense, you'll make the right decision.
Daria(Almost a smile as she looks up at him.): You really think so?
Mack(Smiles down at her.): Yeah, I do.
Daria(Getting up, she offers her hand to Mack, who looks happily surprised): Thank you for that, Mack.
Mack(Taking her hand, he smiles openly at her.): Hey, it's the scout slogan. (Saluting her with a flourish of his right hand.) And don't worry about what the people at school think, you may not know it, but a lot of them respect you.
Daria(Surprised, that's the second time she's heard something like that today.): Guess I'll see you at school then. (She let's go of Mack's hand and walks out, still not quite normal, but with less of a sense of impending doom in her step.)
Mack(Watches her leave, smile still on his face, he shakes his head): Yeah, see you later. (Pauses a moment) Okay, I envy the guy.
(Still smiling quietly, he returns to the desk and gets back to work.)
[Yet another establishing shot, we're back with Daria in her room on her bed, deja vu back to the beginning. We watch as she picks up the handset and dials.]
Daria(Looking nervous, but resolute): Hello, Tom?
The End