The Guitar Girl

By DJ Shoemaker



Summary:  Stacy joins a local band in order to explore her love of music.  But, some people (i.e. Sandi Griffin) may prevent her from doing so.  Title inspired by the Cake song "Guitar Man."




The story begins at one of the "thrilling" Fashion Club meetings at the Griffin Household.  Sandi, Quinn, and Tiffany are all in Sandi's room, minus one Stacy.  Quinn stands before the other two giving a speech.


Quinn:  In conclusion, plaid clothing is something that should never see the light of day.  Thank you.


Sandi and Tiffany applaud as Quinn sits back down.


Sandi:  Very well put Quinn.  Did you get all of that Tiffany?


Tiffany:  Uuuhh... yeah.  Quinn, what was that thing you said in the first sentence?


Sandi:  Did you get any of her speech recorded?


Tiffany:  Not really.


Sandi:  Oh my God, this is ridiculous.


Tiffany:  I'm sorry.  It's not my fault I can't take notes as good as Stacy.


Quinn:  Where is she?  This is the third meeting she's missed this week.


Sandi:  I don't know, but her sick grandma excuse is getting old.  As president of the Fashion Club, I think it's my duty to set her straight.  Stacy needs to think about her priorities.


Quinn:  Sandi, why don't you let me handle Stacy?


Sandi:  Why, don't you think I can handle it?


Quinn:  Of course I don't think that Sandi.  I'm just saying that since you're so busy, maybe I could take care of it and take some of the burden off of you.


In reality, Quinn knew that Sandi would be merciless if she got a hold of Stacy.


Sandi:  Well... I do still have a lot of work to do organizing our shop-a-thon this month.  Ok Quinn, you can take care of Stacy.


Quinn:  Don't worry, I'll straighten her out.


Tiffany:  Does this mean I can stop taking notes?



The scene switches from Sandi's room to the Zen that same night.  We see the usual crowd of grunge and metal kids, but someone seems to stick out.  It's Stacy, wearing her usual outfit.  Even though she doesn't look the part, no one seems to care.  She sits at a table watching as Mystik Spiral starts to perform.  They play the song that Trent and Jesse came up with in "It Happened One Nut."


You've hijacked my brain

Moth to a flame

If you don't release me

I'll go just the same


Moth gonna fly

Moth gonna fly

Moth gonna fly from your love


It's my personal hell

Where I roast in my shell...


The song continues as Stacy gets lost in her thoughts.


Stacy: (VO) Those singers are kind of cute.  God, Sandi would never let me hear the end of it if I went out with someone who looked like them.  Hell, knowing her, she'd chew me up for just being here.  That'd be just like her.  No matter what I do, she always finds some flaw.  Why does she always intimidate me so much?


Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of very loud guitar/drum solos that last until the end of the song.


Trent:  Thank you.  That song is untitled.  We're Mystik Spiral, but we might change our name.


Stacy gets up to leave as Mystik Spiral exits the stage.  She knew it was too late to go to the Fashion Club meeting, but she didn't really care.  She'd just have to come up with a good excuse.  Stacy hoped to God that Sandi was still buying her sick grandma story.  If not, she could think of something different.  She had been at the Zen every night this week.  This was the third night she had missed a Fashion Club meeting, but it was worth it.  She needed a break from the pressure of the club, and from Sandi.  Stacy left the Zen and went straight home.  When she got to her room, Stacy found that there was a message on her answering machine.


Stacy:  (VO) Looks like I'm going to be chastised by Sandi.  AGAIN!


She pressed the button on the machine and heard a voice she didn't expect.


Quinn:  (from answering machine) Hey Stacy, it's Quinn.  I just wanted to talk to you about the meetings you've been missing.  Talk to ya latter, bye!


Stacy picked up the phone, but hesitated for a moment.


Stacy:  Nah, I'll talk to her tomorrow.


Then she hung up the phone and got ready for bed.



It's the next day, and we see the halls of Lawndale High School.  Many students are mulling around throughout the halls.  Among them are Quinn and Stacy.  Quinn stands behind Stacy as she fiddles around in her locker.


Stacy:  I'm really sorry, Quinn.  My parents have made me go to the hospital every day this week.  The doctors say she's getting better, so I should be back for the next meeting.


Quinn:  Are you sure that that's the only reason you're missing our meetings?


Stacy:  Of course.


Quinn:  Good.  You wouldn't lie to me, would you?


Stacy shut her locker as Quinn said this, but didn't turn to face her.


Stacy:  You know I would never lie to you Quinn.


She wasn't used to being drilled by Quinn like this.


Quinn:  Great.  Walk to class with me?


Stacy:  Sure.


As they walked to their next class, they ran into the rest of the Fashion Club.


Sandi:  (in accusing tone) Nice to finally see you Stacy.  I hope you and Quinn discussed the little problem of you missing the past three meetings in a row.


Stacy:  (sheepishly) Yeah, we did.  My grandma's getting better, so I should be able to make it to the next meeting.


Sandi:  Good.  I wouldn't want to have to put you on probation for such blatant disregard for our meetings.  I think that...


Stacy continued with a meek expression as Sandi rambled on.  However, when they all turned to go into class, Stacy shot Sandi a death glare.




There wasn't a Fashion Club meeting scheduled for the rest of the week, so Stacy could go to the Zen without worrying about Sandi.  She sat at her usual table and watched all the bands do their sets.  It was usually the same group of bands every night, but Stacy didn't mind.  She wanted to explore her love of music, and the bands at the Zen satisfied her all the same.  The other members of the Fashion Club didn't care for music.  Sandi once said it was too "academic" or something.  They only listened to it to prove that they were hip to what was trendy out there.  So, Stacy had to keep her trips to the Zen a secret, or risk getting on Sandi's bad side.  As if it would be any different from how it is now.


Stacy stayed at the Zen for a few hours.  When she went to leave, she saw something that caught her attention.  There was a flyer on the wall.  It read:


Guitarist wanted for local band

Band Name:  Sardonic Loophole

Where:  Lawndale Community Center auditorium

Who to call:  841 - 555 - 6797 / ask for Jesse

Must provide your own guitar!


Stacy wrote down the information on her notepad and left.  This was an opportunity she couldn't afford to miss out on.



The next day after school, Stacy got her guitar and went to the community center.  When she got there, she saw four girls on the stage talking amongst themselves and tuning instruments.


Stacy:  (timidly) Uuh... hi.


They all turn to look at her.  Jesse, their lead singer, sees Stacy's guitar case and knows why she's there.  She gestures towards an amplifier on the stage.


Jesse:  Go set up over there.


Stacy does so quickly.  When she's done, she faces the other girls, guitar in hand.


Jesse:  Ok.  First, let's here a quick solo.  Nothing over the top, just keep it simple.


Stacy:  Ok.


She can barely squeak out "ok."  The only way she would be more nervous would be to have Sandi watching her as well.  However, as she begins to play, Stacy calms down.  In fact, nothing seems to bother her at all.  When she finishes, Jesse turns to the other girls and they exchange nods of approval.  This eases Stacy's nerves a bit.


Jesse:  Not bad, not bad.  Now let's here something a little more up tempo and ecstatic.


Stacy does this, and is once again met with approval.


Jesse:  It seems you know your way around solos.  But, if you want to be in a band, you need to be able to work with your band as a team.  (she hands Stacy a paper with chords written on it) You know how to play these?


Stacy:  Yeah.


Jesse:  Good.  (the other girls set up with their instruments) Let's see how you play in a group.  When I raise my hand, that'll be your cue to start playing.


The other girls begin to play.  About 15 seconds into the song, Jesse raises her hand and Stacy starts to play.  They go through the entire song without missing a beat.  As they finish, Jesse walks up to Stacy and extends her hand.


Jesse:  Congratulations, you're Sardonic Loophole's new guitarist.


Stacy:  Really?  Wow!  Are you serious?


Jesse:  As serious as a bad drama movie.  I'm Jesse, what's your name?


Stacy:  Stacy.


Jesse:  Stacy, (points to other members of the band) that is our drummer Leah, bassist Anna, I'm the lead singer, and over here we have Cam.  She plays keyboard, French horn, and an occasional tambourine.


Stacy:  Wow, that's a lot of instruments.  What kind of music do you guys play.


Leah:  We really just do anything we like.


Anna:  We're versatile.  We can do anything from folk to heavy metal.


Jesse:  So, Stacy.  Where did you get your guitar?


Stacy:  Oh, it's my mom's old guitar from the 60s.  She doesn't play it anymore, so she said I could have it.


Anna:  Very psychedelic.  Love it.


Stacy:  Thanks.


Jesse:  We have practice here Monday through Friday every week.  On the weekends we plan on playing at the Zen.  We're trying to get on Z-93's up and coming artists segment.


Stacy:  You mean we might get to be on the radio?  That is so cool!


Cam:  Yeah, but it's gonna take a lot of practice.  Can we count on you to be here every night?


Stacy:  Oooh... I don't know.  I mean, I have Fashion Club meetings to go to and I -


Jesse:  (interrupting) You're actually in the Fashion Club?


Stacy:  Yeah, but how do you know about them?  You don't go to my school, do you?


Jesse:  Not anymore.  I'm a freshman at Middleton.  But, they were around when I was in high school.  Couldn't stand em'.  I can't believe you would be part of such an egotistical group.


Stacy:  Believe me guys, I'm not like them.  At least not anymore.  The other members hate music.  I've been skipping the meetings all this week just to go to the Zen.


Cam:  Then why are you even in that club?


Stacy:  I don't know.  It used to be so that I could be popular.  But, I don't know if that's even important to me anymore.  I mean, I like being popular.  But I also like playing guitar, and writing, and doing stuff that popular people consider geeky.


Jesse:  Well, whatever your reason is for actually being in that club isn't important.  But, you have a choice to make.  Us or them?


Stacy had to think this over.  This was quite a dilemma for her.  But, she realized what was really important to her now.


Stacy:  (meekly) Us.


Jesse:  What did you say?


Stacy:  (with more confidence) Us.  I'll be there.


Jesse:  You chose wisely my friend.  We'll see you here on Monday.


Stacy:  Great!


Leah:  By the way, Stacy.  Where did you learn to play like that?


Stacy:  Oh, an old friend taught me a few chords.  I was self taught from there.


Anna:  Cool.


Stacy:  I wanted to ask you guys something too.  How did you come up with the name "Sardonic Loophole?"


Jesse:  We got the idea from contracts.  Lawyers can always find a loophole in a contract and turn it against each other.  That's the way we see life as being like.  Anyone can use something that would be good for one person, and turn it around to harm someone else with it.


Cam:  The sardonic part just came from the fact that we're a sarcastic bunch.


Stacy:  Cool.



At this point in the story, I'm going to make it easy on myself (and probably the reader too) by inserting a montage.  The music that will play during this sequence will be "Let me go" by Cake.


-         We see the Sardonic Loophole's practicing in the community center auditorium.

-         Tiffany is struggling to take notes during yet another Stacy deprived Fashion Club meeting.

-         Sandi yelling at Stacy in the L.H.S halls, with Stacy looking like she's about to cry.

-         Cut to another Sardonic Loophole rehearsal.  Stacy is strumming her guitar strings very violently during the song.

-         There is a split screen of Jesse talking to Stacy on one side.  On the other, a very irritated Fashion Club is having another meeting minus Stacy.

-         Sandi is, yet again, yelling at Stacy.  But, this time Stacy just gives her a deadpan glare as she yells.

-         We see Stacy writing on her notepad as the other Sardonic Loophole members screw around on their instruments.

-         Sandi is crossing off a day on her calendar.  Near the end of the month we see "shop-a-thon" written in one of the squares.

-         The Sardonic Loophole's are performing at the Zen.  When they finish their song, everyone gives them a fervent round of applause.

End montage



The scene returns to L.H.S.  The Fashion Club (with Stacy present) is walking down the hall.


Sandi:  Stacy, I should have you disbarred from the shop-a-thon for missing so many meetings.


Tiffany:  Yeah, that was soooo wroooong.


Stacy:  I said I was sorry guys.  My grandma needed our help while she was recuperating from her stay at the hospital.


Sandi:  That's still no excuse for having such disrespect.


Quinn:  C'mon Sandi, it's not Stacy's fault her parents dragged her into taking care of her grandma.  Besides, she said she was sorry.


Sandi:  Well, I guess I'll go easy on her this time.  Stacy, if your parents permit you to, you can still go to the shop-a-thon with us.


Stacy:  Oh, thank you so much Sandi.  (she says this with faux appreciation, but no one picks up on it)


Sandi:  You should consider yourself lucky that I'm so generous.  Otherwise, you would have been in deep trouble.


Stacy doesn't even dignify this with a response.  She just glares at Sandi as they walk into English class.




Later at the community center auditorium, Stacy, Leah, Cam, and Anna are sitting on the stage talking when Jesse runs in.


Jesse:  Guys, you aren't going to believe this!


Cam:  What is it?


Jesse:  I sent our demo tape to the Z-93 station, and they picked us for their next up and coming artists segment on Saturday!


Stacy:  Are you serious?


Jesse:  Yep.  They're gonna play our tape on the radio!


All of the girls rejoice to this good news.


Jesse:  What do you say we go and celebrate?



We now see the five girls sitting at a table in the Zen.  They are talking amongst themselves as they listen to the other bands performing.


Jesse:  So, Stacy.  We're all going to my place on Saturday to listen to them play us on the radio.  You want to come?


Stacy:  I wish I could.  But, I'm going shopping with the Fashion Club on Saturday.


Cam:  You actually still hang out with them?


Stacy:  You don't understand.  I like hanging out with Quinn and Tiffany.  They're really nice.  But, Sandi is just such a bitch sometimes.  Or, rather all the time.


Leah:  So, why hang out with her?


Stacy:  I don't want to.  But, she has a lot of influence at the school.  If I got on her bad side, she'd destroy me.  Then everyone would think I was a loser or a freak.


Anna:  You shouldn't worry about things like that Stacy.


Stacy:  Why not?  I don't want to be a loser.


Anna:  Whenever someone calls me a loser or a freak, I take it as a term of endearment.


Stacy:  A term of what?


Jesse:  Endearment.  It means an act or word showing love.


Stacy:  Why would you think being called a loser is showing love?


Jesse:  It's well known that a lot of bullying and teasing comes from the bully's lack of self confidence, or other deep rooted emotional distress.  So, when they pick on someone, it might be because they are jealous of that person.  When someone calls us losers, it probably means that they really aren't happy with themselves.


Stacy:  I get it.  So, when Sandi always yells and insults me, it means that she might be jealous of me?


Jesse:  You got it.


Anna:  That and we never give people the satisfaction of reacting to their insults.


Jesse:  Sure you don't want to join us on Saturday?


Stacy:  Yeah.  I kind of miss being with Quinn and Tiffany.


Jesse:  We understand.


Stacy:  Thanks.


Stacy was truly grateful that she had friends that didn't chew her up and spit her out when she didn't conform to their will.


Stacy:  (barely audible) Thanks.




It's now Saturday.  The Fashion Club is all piled up in Sandi's convertible.  The girls drive out to the Mall of the Millennium, and there we see them running around through the different stores.  They accumulate more and more bags as they go to each store.  By the time 8:00 PM rolls around, Sandi's car is filled to capacity.  The Fashion Club can barely squeeze in with all the bags, but they somehow manage it.  (I would have added dialog here, but they probably weren't talking about anything interesting anyway)


Conveniently, Sandi has Z-93 tuned in on the radio.  Stacy noticed that it was almost time for the up and coming artists segment to come on, so she paid special attention to the radio.  At about 8:06 the DJ's came on.


Spatula Man:  It's 8 o'clock folks, and we all know what that means!


Bing:  That's right! (he presses a button to do a sound effect of a guitar screeching) It's time for our up and coming artists segment.


Spatula Man:  This week, we have a local band that calls themselves Sardonic Loophole.


Bing:  Here they are with their song "So you think."


As the song begins to play, Stacy realizes that it is the one that she wrote.


So you think you're on top

Step on your so called friends

They come out of the woodwork

It never seems to end


Who are you to judge

The actions of a god

Your bitterness so strong

For the masses and the throngs


So you think you're so great

So you think you're the best

So you even think at all

I never would have guessed


Stacy could hardly contain her excitement as the instruments continued to the end of the song.


Sandi:  What a lame band.  Such losers.


Before Stacy could say anything, the DJ's came back on.


Spatula Man:  That was Sardonic Loophole with "So you think" on tonight's up and coming artists segment on Zeeeeeee-93!


Bing:  We would like to wish the best of luck to the members of Sardonic Loophole.  Jesse Albright, Leah Stone, Anna Lake, Cam Winchester, and Stacy Rowe.


The next sound heard is that of collective gasps from Sandi, Quinn, and Tiffany.


Quinn:  Did they just say your name Stacy?


Stacy:  (timidly) Yeah, that was me.


Quinn:  I can't believe you were on the radio!


Tiffany:  That is sooooo coooool.


Stacy:  Thanks guys!  (this isn't the reaction she was expecting)


Sandi:  Well, I think you're a traitor.


Tiffany:  What do you mean?


Quinn:  Yeah, what do you mean Sandi?


Sandi:  Stacy has been ignoring us, just so she could join some loser band.


Quinn:  Sandi, just because she skipped some Fashion Club meetings doesn't mean she was ignoring us.  We still saw her all the time at school.


Sandi:  She still lied to us about where she was.  (to Stacy) I bet your grandma was never really sick, was she?


Stacy:  No, she wasn't.  But,-


Sandi:  No buts Stacy, you liar!


Quinn:  Maybe she lied because she knew that you would overreact like this.


Sandi:  I'm not overreacting.  And that's still no excuse for her becoming such a loser to join a band.


Stacy:  You know Sandi, we take insults like that as terms of endearment.


Sandi:  What does that mean?


Stacy:  It means that you're bitter at everyone, and you have to pick on me because you're jealous.


Sandi:  Why would I envy you?


Stacy:  Maybe because I actually have real friends who appreciate me.  Something you'll never know.


Sandi:  At least my friends aren't loser geeks in a stupid band.


As she says this, they reenter Lawndale.


Stacy:  That's it Sandi, let me out!


Sandi:  Gladly!


Sandi pulls over and stops the car.  Stacy grabs her bags and gets out.

Stacy:  By the way, Sandi.  Our song that they played, it was about you!


She slams the door and walks away.  Before Sandi can restart the car, Quinn speaks up.


Quinn:  I'm leaving too, Sandi.


Sandi:  What?


Tiffany:  Me too.


Sandi:  What's going on here?


Quinn:  There's no excuse for being that mean to Stacy.


Tiffany:  Yeah, that was soooo wroooong.


They grab their bags and exit the car.  Sandi, too angry to talk them back in, speeds away without saying a word.  Meanwhile, Stacy is watching Quinn and Tiffany with admiration.


Stacy:  I don't know what to say guys.


Tiffany:  You don't have to say anything, Stacy.


Quinn:  We wouldn't abandon you like that.  You're our friend.


Stacy, too choked up to say anything else, just begins to walk home with Quinn and Tiffany.


End  6/13/06


Author's notes


This story was inspired after reading Bryan McGucken's "Go Folk Yourself."  I reference his story several times.  Ex. When Stacy says an old friend taught her how to play.  For those of you who haven't read "Go Folk Yourself," I highly recommend it. 


If I ever do another fanfic, you may be seeing the members of Sardonic Loophole show up again, but it's still up in the air for me as of now.  For those of you who read my previous fic, "A Day in the Life of a Fashion Clubber," you will notice that I tend to keep the Fashion Club as the main characters in my stories.  This is only because I think that the FC has some interesting characters, and I like to put these characters into certain situations and see how they would react to it.  Basically, I just like to mess with their heads.


Also, I made Sandi a little more villainous towards the end of the story than I intended.  It just kind of worked out that way.  Nothing personal.