The Discovery by Mitch Daria woke up to an annoying beeping sound. It was, of course, the alarm. She tapped it before groggly getting out of bed. Struck with the nausea she had been having lately, she rushed to the bathroom and threw up. After recovering she got dressed and went to the kitchen. She still felt sick, so she bit into a granola bar. She had to delever an article to her editor that day,so she had to hurry. Trent was still sleeping, as usual, so Daria left a note on the refrigerator: Dear Trent, Off to drop off article. Back soon. Love, Daria Just as she was about to leave, the phone rang. Daria sighed and answered it. "Hello?" "Hello sweetie! Happy birthday!" "Uh, thanks Mom." "Your welcome, Daria. How are you and...Todd..." "His name is Trent, Mom. I told you when we were dating, and at the engagement party, and at the wedding..." "Uh, well, are you and your...husband...doing anything...special tonight?" "The last and only time we did anything 'special' was a few months ago, why?" "Well, today's your 30th birthday, honey." "Oh. Well, Trent and I were going to have a nice lasagna dinner, watch 'Sick Sad World:The Next Editions' and sleep." "Oh. Well, that sounds nice, dear. Uh, what did you mean when you said 'something special months ago'?" "Well, I was in a bit of a rut in my writing carrer at the time, we were both at home, and...well, use your imagination." Daria could hear Helen sputter on the other end and smiled. She always wanted to do that sort of thing to Helen. Daria wished Helen a nice day and hung up. The 30-year-old magazine writer was now delayed, but she almost felt it was worth it. She got the article she printed out the night before, went to the car, and drove off into the streets of the city of Woodland in the year 2011. As she got to the publisher's offices, she remembered her doctor's appointment that afternoon. Good thing she had her cel phone to call Trent. As always, her editor wondered why she insisted on writing on paper. "I don't. I write it on the computer and then print it out. When I was a kid, I used to write on paper all the time. It's my life." "Look, Mrs. Morgendoffer-Lane, this is an 'Internet' magazine. In fact, everything: newspapers, former TV programs, movies, even cartoons, are all on the Internet. It's more modern that way." "You mean its more 'popular' that way." The editor grunted and gave her the paycheck. Daria smerked. This reminded her of some of the incidents involving her teachers in her High School years back in Highland, TX. and later in Lawndale. Back in her car, Daria got out her cel phone. Trent 'might' be up by now...BRIIIIINNNNG. "Hey." "Hey, Trent." "Hey, Daria." "Did you just get up?" "Yeah." "Did you see my note?" "No. Oh, wait. I just saw it." "Well, I'm afraid I may be out later than expected. I have to go see the doctor." "Why...oh, yeah, that." "You remembered." "I listen." "That's what I like about you, Trent." If only Helen and Jake had a relationship like their's..."Well, hope your okay. I'll probably be practicing my guitar..." "OK, rebal. See you later."--CLICK-- "So, what is it Doc? I'm not found of spending an hour of my time sitting on a bench in a hospital gown." The doctor looked at his report and smiled, "Well, Ms. Morgendoffer-Lane," he said, "I hope you're not planning to do any strenuous activities soon." Oh, really. Darn it. I was going to bungee jump this weekend right after my husband and I go skiing." "Well, I'm sorry to screw with your plans...", this guy had never heard of sarcasm, "but...hey wait a minute. 'Husband', what's that?" Daria sighed. First, the concept of marrage disappeared from the minds of society and now, it looked like "commitment"'s turn. She felt like an endangered species. "Never mind. Just tell me if I'll see tommarrow or not." "Oh, you should. You have a good reason to." "What's that?" asked Daria. "Your pregnant." Chapter 2 Daria drove back home feeling more disoriented than she had been in her 30 year-old life. About an hour or so, she had learned news that had changed her entire perception of reality. The only thing that seemed to matter right now for her was to tell Trent... "Hey, Daria", said Trent after answering the door. "Hey, Trent", said Daria, "I...I have some news." "From the hospital?" "Yeah." Trent sighed before saying "I knew it would be something bad if you didn't call on the way home about it." "Well, I wanted to say it to your face." Trent looked at her eyes and said, "Well, whatever it is, we can sort it out. We always do. So what is it?" "I think you...I think we should both sit down." Inside, they both sat down on the "love seat" that Jane got then for their first anniversery. Daria felt a little easier with a soft seat under her and Trent beside her. However, she noticed that Trent was looking nervious, almost pale, seemily expecting very 'bad' news. "Can I...get you anything, Daria?" asked Trent. Daria didn't want to postphone the news much longer, but she figured she might need something. "Howabout a glass of water?" "Sure, Daria." Trent went into the kitchen. Daria could hear water guzzeling from the facsuit. Her husband came back with an almost full glass and a shaky hand carrying it. Some of the water at the top was pouring out along the way. "Uh, sorry," "That's alright," said Daria as she took the glass and patted the adjoing pillow on the couch for Trent to sit on. Trent sat, looking pale. Daria took a sip of her water, looked in Trent's eyes and said, "Trent, I'm pregnant." Trent's eyes widened before his jaw dropped. He stared at Daria in disbelief until her silence confirmed her seriousness. "How..." "Five months ago." "Oh, yeah. That." His eyes widened again before nerviously taking her hand. "Daria, I..." "I know, Trent. I know." They held each other and Daria whispered "Thank you." "Daria, I...I think I love you now more than ever." "So do we, Trent," Daria said softly, "so do we..." The two of them couldn't help but feel warm for the rest of the day... News for Jane Jane's car pulled up to Daria and Trent's house. She couldn't believe how two completly different people with such all-but-incompatable lives...then she realized that she just badmouthed one of the best relationships she ever knew, one which she tried to create. With all thoughts aside, she opened the trunk and got Daria's birthday present. Jane couldn't wait to show it to them. Jane would've walked to the door...if she was anyone but Jane. No, Lanes were born to be sneaky, and Jane was one of the sneakiest. She walked over to a window and tried to peek in through the curtains covering it from inside. She could see her two friends holding each other on the couch, more lovingly than passionately. That's what she always liked about them, a relationship based on actual caring rather than hormones, not like Kevin and Brittney... Jane figured she would come back later, her secret smile turning to a disappointed sigh. Obviously, the two lovebirds were "busy" with each other right now, and she would be the last person to disturb them. As she walked back to her car, she remembered she left her present at the front porch. As she went back to retreive it, the front door opened... "Jane?" asked Daria. "Uh, hola," said an awkward feeling Jane. "What are you doing here?" "Uh, passing through?" "-sigh-.Come in, Jane." "Hey, it's okay. If you two, I'll come back later." "Actually, I couldn't be more glad that your here now." "Oh, well, thanks." "Hey, Janey," said Trent. "Yo, Trent." "It's great to see you." "Same here. How are you two doing?" "Uh, Jane," said Daria, "I think you should sit down." Jane felt some forboding from that statement, but she wanted to look brave. "That's alright. I'll stand." "Well, could I get you anything?" asked Daria. "Howabout a coke?" asked Jane. "Sure. I'll go get one," said Daria as she left toward the kitchen. Jane turned to a nervious looking Trent. "Trent, what's the matter?" asked Jane with concern in her voice. "Well, I'm not sure if I'm the one to tell you, Janey..." "That's okay, Trent," said Daria with a coke in her hand which she offered to Jane, "We'll both tell her." "Well," said Jane beforw she took a sip of her soda, "what's the word?" The couple gulped before saying, "We're pregnant." Jane spit her drink out all over the floor. "Uhhh, sorry," said Jane after a moment of awkward silence spent on staring at the floor. "That's alright," said Daria, "we'll clean it up later." "Uhhh, did you just say..." "Yes." "Uhhh, o...kay," said Jane. She was lost for words. "I...uh...thought you guys were waiting for this..." "There was an...unexpected circumstance," said Trent. "Wow," said Jane to herself. "You know," Jane said out loud, "I don't know if I ever saw you guys as natural parents. I figured you would adopt or something." "I guess we'll never know," said Trent smiling. "Not unlees various people had been writing different stories about our future," said Daria. The three of them snickered at that remark. "Have you told anyone else this," asked Jane. "No, you're the first." "Wow," Jane said again. Then she remembered... "Oh, yeah!" Jane went outside and got the present she brought which she handed to Daria. "Here! Open it!" A suprised Daria unwraped what seemed to be a canvas. Under the wrapping was a painting of herself, Trent, and Jane all looking like they were made from watercolor. Jane's frendslook at her before they simultaniously said, "Thanks." "Happy birthday, Daria," said Jane to her almost-sister turned sister-in-law. She looked down to Daria's stomach. "I can't believe it but I love it." Jane looked at Daria's face again and said, "When the kid's head pops up, gimmie a call." "we were going to anyway," said Daria as she hugged someone who was once her only friend and still was a friend. That night, Jane was feeling rather...special. THE END