Disclaimer: Daria and all related characters are the property of MTV and Viacom productions.

Note: This story is the next in the Submariner Series and as did the stories before it, it proceeds under the premise that whatever was feared to go wrong at the onset of Y2K... did.


(Quinn sat there on the pale blue couch in her living room staring at the television set hoping that whatever programming was on at that time be it interesting, boring, or just another meaningless commercial, it would serve to distract her from a dilemma that was plaguing her mind. She was feeling the urge to use the bathroom, and although a bodily function that one would normally not give a second thought to, it did bother Quinn. She turned her attention from the Tv set that stood before her blaring countless images and meaningless sounds and turned it yet again towards the grey wheelchair that sat nearby within arms reach, almost beckoning for her to pull herself into it. Serving yet again as a reminder that no matter how often she might drag herself out of it... no matter how LONG she might be out of it. She was still it's prisoner... forever doomed to return to it's embrace. Destined to be her only source of actual independence... for without it. She could go nowhere by herself.

Quinn paused for a moment... debating whether or not she should chance rolling off the couch and using her arms and elbows to drag herself to the bathroom which fortunately was on the first floor, the same as her. She could do this and make it without a problem... but the downside was that flopping on her belly and then dragging it across the floor would pose a tremendous risk to the unborn child which Quinn was now carrying. "Unacceptable" Quinn thought... "This is the only chance I'll ever have to be a mother... I CAN'T take any chances whatsoever." Quinn lifted her shirt and placed one hand over her lower abdomen in hopes that she would feel the child stir... even though she was only four months pregnant and was only just barely beginning to show. It gave her a tremendous rush... the thought that her own sister who had always been so uptight about her own body, would give her such an astounding gift as one of her own ovum so that Quinn might have for the first time in her life something that Daria had been able to cherish for the past seventeen years, a child of her own.

Quinn felt the ever urgent pressure on her bladder, no doubt being aggravated by the child positioned on top of it, indicating that she had to go. She knew all to well that while she did still retain SOME muscle control at least in that specific area... it was not enough to hold out much longer. She would have to climb back into the chair if she was to make it to the bathroom before turning her undergarments to say nothing of a perfectly good pair of loose fitting jeans, into a damp yellow stained mess. Quinn groaned loudly, reached off to her left to grab one of the arms of the wheelchair and yanked it in front of her before locking the brakes and after several slow but seemingly complex maneuvers using only her arms as a means of control and support, she dropped her butt into the seat, unlocked the brakes and wheeled herself down the hallway to the bathroom.

The scene fades to around mid evening and focuses on the front door as the screech of a deadbolt is heard a mere moment before the knob turns and the door opens wide revealing a black haired man of a medium build who appears to carry a black computer case. He sets the case down on a nearby end table after closing the door behind him and looks about the room before deciding to hail any who might be home.)

Man: Quinn... I'm home! (a moment of silence passes before Quinn appears from the kitchen, rolling herself along with a slow and even stride of her arms. She has since changed out of her jeans and is now wearing a simple sleep shirt that comes down well over her knee's. The man studies her every move with admiration. (VO) ... What tough stuff she must be made of to be able to sit with her movements restricted and not scream out with despair. Clearly a better person than myself... I think I would have gone mad long ago were I in her position.

Quinn: Hey Joey... dinner will be ready soon. I hope you don't mind something quick... I really wasn't in the mood to get back in this chair for very long. I'm just heating up some frozen lasagna, (lets out a long heavy sigh) ... I KNOW, I've picked up one of my mothers old bad habits. I'll try not to let tonight repeat itself TOO often.

Joey: That's okay... whatever you feel like throwing on the table. I'm hungry enough to eat just about anything. (Quinn smiled... Joey was always so tolerant of her. She loved that about him... even when she was at her worst within the first year after she had lost the use of her legs, he was tolerant of her as well as supportive. He'd installed a chair system next to the banister along the staircase that allowed her to move upstairs and down with relative ease for someone in Quinn's position... he'd also bought a second wheelchair that could be left at the very top of the stairs so that she would never have to worry about troubling someone to bring her other one up for her. Joey leaned down and gave Quinn a kiss)

Quinn: It's in the microwave... it should be done in about twenty minutes or so. (Quinn wheels herself over to the couch and sets the brakes) Can you help me out of this thing... my back is killing me. (Joey walks over as Quinn holds her arms up and he lifts her out of the chair before setting her down on the couch and positioning her legs in a way that would allow her to lie down in comfort) I checked the mail already... it doesn't look like anything important. Just some junk I think. I left it all over on the kitchen table. (Joey walks into the kitchen and begins to peruse the mail before pausing on a single letter that had the return address of Lawndale high school)

Joey: Hey Quinn... did you notice this letter from your old high school?

Quinn: (rolls her eyes and sighs as she'd been hoping he wouldn't bring it up. Joey always seemed to take the time to examen each and every piece of mail no matter how trivial... it was annoying at times. Especially when she was trying to avoid something.) Yea... it's nothing. Toss it if you want to, I don't want it.

Joey: But it's not even opened... how can you tell if it's really nothing?

Quinn: DUH... because Daria got one just like it. She was telling me about it earlier over the phone. Trust me... it's nothing.

Joey: (Raises an eyebrow in interest before deciding to disregard Quinn's suggestion. He grabs a small knife out of the silverware drawer and slices open the edge of the letter before withdrawing the envelopes contents. After a moment of reading he calls over to Quinn in the living room) What do you mean nothing? This says that your high school is holding a combined reunion for the nineteen ninety nine and two thousand classes... this is twenty five years for you isn't it?

Quinn: And twenty six for Daria... I'll give you two guesses at just how thrilled SHE is at the concept of going.

Joey: And what about you?

Quinn: (frowns) Sometimes siblings DO think alike, Joey.

Joey: It can't be THAT bad... you always seemed to like high school back then. Remember how popular you were... had guys hanging off you and everything.

Quinn: (rolls her eyes as if in anguish) And I was a shallow stuck up little nightmare... you'd asked me out countless times back then. And I'd turned you down every time... just because you weren't as popular as myself or the people I hung out with. I was horrible to you back then... not exactly a thought that I choose to cherish. And since thinking about my school days causes such memories to resurface you can understand why I have a dislike for them.

Joey: (he drops the letter back onto the kitchen counter and walks into the living room so that he might be able to converse with his wife face to face) So what changed your mind about me?

Quinn: (she looks off to the side in thought for a brief moment before focusing her eyes once again on Joey) After it all happened... I was forced to realize that popularity didn't really amount to SQUAT. And that maybe I should give a chance to someone who might actually care ABOUT me... rather than how well others LIKED me. You were the only one I knew who had ever shown an interest in just getting to know me... FOR me. (Long pause) And I'm glad I did... give you a chance that is..

Joey: You've come a long way... what better reason to go back and show people what a great person you've become.

Quinn: (Her expression becomes saddened as she looks away from her husband once again... not wanting him to see just how much the loss of her mobility still hurt her deep down) Because unless they've all changed in a way that would allow them to relate... all they'll see is a cripple in a wheel chair. Not the person who on the inside is still beautiful and vibrant... at least that's who YOU claim to see. (Joey chuckles)

Joey: You ARE beautiful and vibrant... no chair can change that. And so what if you have to look up at them... you'll never have to look up TO them. How many of them can say they used to fly an F-18 hornet into the jaws of an adversary and back again... how many of them will be able to say that they are or at least at one time WERE with child? So few people can still have kids these days. Your accomplishments in life are countless...

Quinn: (smiles) Don't try to over inflate my ego, Joey.

Joey: (smiles) But I'm so damned GOOD at it. (Long pause) So will you go? You know it would be good for you... catching up with old acquaintances. Which ever ones are still alive that is...

Quinn: Oh give me a break... do you know how depressing it would be finding out that a bunch of people I used to know are now dead? And what about you... you graduated the same year I did.

Joey: (He bites his lower lip in regret of what he has to say next... he knows it won't advance the discussion in his favor a bit but rather turn the table more towards his wife... but facts were facts. And he had another reason which he felt it would be best not to tell her just yet) I can't... the thirteenth falls on a Friday night. You know that's my late night at work... and there's never been any getting out of it because nobody else wants to stay a minute longer than they have to.

Quinn: So then why should I have to go... I can't exactly drive myself you know. And even if I could... I don't want to go alone.

Joey: Convince Daria to go with you... she's invited too from what you've told me.

Quinn: (Quinn scoffs at the mere mention of this) No way... Daria would never be caught dead at a reunion of ANY kind. The closest thing was when she went to my cousins wedding when she was seventeen and that was only because my mom trapped her into it by making sure that she was a bridesmaid.

Joey: Fine then... I'LL convince her.

Quinn: What makes you think you can do THAT? And even if you did... what makes you think I would want to go regardless?

Joey: I can use her own conscience on her... that's the easiest thing in the world to do. I've been doing it to my own family for years. And as for you...

Quinn: Wait... why are you so eggar for me to go to this stupid thing anyway? It's just a stupid class reunion.

Joey; Because it will get you out of the house and about instead of sitting here and vegetating. Go do something interesting... I can only provide you with so much entertainment. (Gets down on his knee's at the edge of couch)

Quinn: (scowls) What the hell are you doing?

Joey: Well prior to you cutting me off... I was about to let you in on how I intended to convince YOU to go.

Quinn: (groans) Do I even want to know? What's it to be... Chinese water torture, the rack... a week wearing my sisters old clothes?

Joey: Worse. (He lifts her long shirt exposing her lower body from her abdomen clear down to her knee's, presses his mouth against Quinn's groin and begins to blow through her underwear)

Quinn: Oh no... come on Joey. You know I can't squirm away... Joey I'm really not in the ... uhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnn... (long pause as Quinn takes a breath and flutters her eyelids) How is this worse?

Joey: (pauses to look up at her) Because I COULD stop and head into the kitchen to see if dinner is done.

Quinn: (casts an angry glare) You bastard... don't you dare leave me hanging after getting me into the mood. It's been months since...

Joey: (lifts his left knee off the carpet and takes a foot) This is me getting up... you know I'm hungry when I get off work. (Pauses and then gets up onto the other foot) I've gotten up... do I really have to walk away? (Silent pause) As you wish then...

Quinn: (she reaches out in an attempt to grab him and halt his retreat into the kitchen but misses and calls out in despair) Wait... alright... I'll go! Just come back here and finish what you've started.

Joey: (smirks evilly) I knew you'd see things my way... I'll talk to Daria about it tomorrow. She's usually home on Saturdays isn't she? (Joey walks back over to Quinn's side, drops down to his knee's again and lifts the front of Quinn's shirt depositing it near her neck. He then places one ear against her lower abdomen as if listening to something, before righting his head and speaking to Quinn's abdomen) Spread out shorty... mommy and I need a little time to ourselves tonight. (Joey leans forward and begins to deposit kisses of affection about Quinn's neck and chest)

(The scene fades to the next morning at Daria's house... her daughter Jane is sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of frosted flakes while the radio plays in the background. "Turn the Page" by Metallica is the current song playing. Daria's other daughter Amy comes walking into the kitchen with the cordless phone pressed against her ear, talking as she goes.)

Amy: So let me get this straight... you want us to drag aunt Quinn up to the mall for WHAT reason?

Joey: I've managed to talk her into going to this twenty five year reunion thing at her old high school... but she's feeling kind of down in the dumps about all of her old friends seeing her in a wheel chair. So I was hoping you and maybe your sister could help her pick out a new outfit that she could wear... your aunt Quinn LOVES to shop for clothes. And I figure it might take her mind off that damned chair just long enough for her to enjoy herself.

Amy: Yea okay... so why does she need our help to pick out a wardrobe? Personally... I know two things about trendy clothes. Jack and shit, and Jack left town... I'm an egghead remember? (Joey laughs over the phone loud enough so that Jane can hear it from her seat at the table)

Jane: (calling over from her seat at the table) That uncle Joey? (Amy nods her head yes) I see he agree's with you. (Amy quickly retorts with the middle finger)

Joey: Let her do all the picking if you feel that way about it... but lend your opinion now and again. And try not to let her pick anything out that might be too form fitting... I doubt she will given the pregnancy. But if she did it would be difficult for her to get into by herself and I know something like that would only serve to depress her.

Amy: Not a problem then I guess... you're driving us I take it?

Joey: That's not a problem for you either is it?

Amy: Oh hell no... free transportation is never a problem for me. So how are we getting home... or do I even need to ask?

Joey: I'll ask your mother if she can do it... I have a few things I need to take care of.

Amy: Right then... see you when you get here.

Joey: Oh and Amy...?

Amy: Yea?

Joey: I'll leave you guys a little extra cash... show her a good time will you? Quinn really needs to get out more... she stays in the house too much lately.

Amy: Worried about her are you?

Joey: Shows does it?

Amy: Take it this way... your concern for her could be seen from space with the naked eye. (Joey laughs) I'll see you when you get here. (Amy hangs up and then turns to her sibling)

Amy: Uncle Joey's coming over with Aunt Quinn... he wants us to take a run up to the mall with her to do some shopping. You in or out?

Jane: Anything in it for us?

Amy: Might make us feel that we did something good for once by helping aunt Quinn feel better about herself. She's going to some shindig at her old high school.

Jane: (Pauses in thought for a moment as she reflects on a discussion she had overheard between Daria and her aunt Jane the previous night) Oh yea... I heard mom talking about that last night. A reunion or something.

Amy: Huh... mom let her old teachers live? Who'd have thought... the way she used to complain about them whenever aunt Jane would get her going on the subject. (Amy looks out towards the dock from the sliding glass door in the kitchen and see's William sitting with his fishing rod in hand as he waits patiently for a bite. Neirte is sitting beside him with her head resting against his shoulder as she occasionally swats the surface of the water with her tail fins. Amy opens the door and calls out to them.) HEY... GET A ROOM OR SOMETHING!! Or some scuba gear... whichever is easiest for you. (Jane glances over at her sister as she closes the sliding glass door)

Jane: You just live to bust their nuts... don't you?

Amy: Hey... they bring it down on themselves. Where else can you go to watch a Faye and a human flirting with each other?

Jane: No place I know of... considering that the people within our immediate but odd little family are the only ones that know she exists. (Beat) They do seem to hang out a lot... don't they. (Pauses in thought) Ah... I wouldn't worry about it. They're physically incompatible... sooner or later they'll each catch their eye on somebody more interesting... and more their type for that matter.

Amy: Who's worrying... I just find it amusing to bust on them. (Beat) So anyway... back to the subject at hand. Uncle Joey and aunt Quinn will be here within the half hour so unless you plan on going to the mall in nothing but a pair of panties and a sports bra... I would suggest you go get dressed.

Jane: (looks down at herself in amusement and then back up at her sibling) I don't know... I figure it might be a bit of a trend setter. Hey... back in mom's day that Madonna woman wore her underwear on the outside of her clothes once and the next thing you know everybody was doing it. (Beat) Well... almost everybody.

Amy: Yea well... the last time I checked you were neither a famous rock star nor a trend setter. So go get dressed, because I certainly don't want to look at YOUR body.

Jane: (looks down at herself to note her figure) If I could figure out a way to add some weight up top without getting fat then at least the GUYS might. (Amy stares at her as if she's pathetic causing Jane to sigh and push her bowl if cereal away) Oh alright... I just hope we get some food money out of this. (She gets up from the table and heads upstairs to get dressed for the day. Amy waits for a moment before leaving the kitchen herself to go watch some Tv in the living room while awaiting Jane's change of clothing. After Amy has left the room... a curious Daria steps out of the shadows from the adjoining laundry room. She places her basket of laundry on the floor long enough to close the closet like hinged door behind her and then turns to look out the sliding glass door at William and Neirte before picking her load back up and heading out of the kitchen as she mumbles to herself)

Daria: Well... at least MY kids are normal. (Daria shakes her as she says this knowing full well that she didn't mean that literally... but rather to imply to herself that Jane Lane, her good friend and sister in law, would probably have a heart attack if she found out her son had affections for someone outside of the human species... or at least partially outside.)

(Cut to the dairy queen on the outskirts of town... the sun beats down on all of those under it as it continues it's relentless mission to melt the customers ice cream faster than he or she can eat it. Daria and Jane having been a couple of the few lucky enough to secure a table equipped with an umbrella for shade... sat on the benches on either side of the table enjoying their custards while discussing whatever it was that came into their minds on days like these.)

Jane Lane: So what made you decide to come down here? Burger place not good enough for you anymore?

Daria: Give me a break, Jane. It's too hot for grease today... besides your doctor has been warning you about your cholesterol as it is.

Jane Lane: Doctor shmoctor... what does he know that my own body doesn't?

Daria: I would say a lot... I don't see your body holding a medical degree.

Jane Lane: What's the matter Daria... afraid I'll croak on you?

Daria: If that were the case I think I'd be more afraid that you were turning into a frog and that I'd have to kiss you to get you back.

Jane Lane: (Smirks) So you'd leave me stuck as a frog forever I take it?

Daria: You're quick... you should be on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" or something. (Jane laughs and ends up coughing some soft ice cream through her nose and then holding her palm against her forehead for a couple of minutes) Ahhhhhhggggg... brain freeze!!! (Daria laughs as Jane resumes her normal composure as the pain subsides)

Jane Lane: So what else is new, amiga? I assume something is new since you actually asked ME if I wanted to get some ice cream rather than vice versa. I've always been more the custard type.

Daria: Why does something always have to be new? Can't I just enjoy some ice cream on a hot day with my friend?

Jane Lane: Nope... the laws of cynicism forbid it. At least that's the way you wrote the book back in our school days.

Daria: (smiles and takes a bite from the cone itself) I thought I burned that book when I had kids?

Jane Lane: Nope... that was just a copy that was provided just to amuse you. The original one was hidden away safely upon our declared graduation. I think we put it right next to the book of the dead.

Daria: (raises an eyebrow in jest) Didn't Andrea have that in her possession the last time we checked?

Jane Lane: Shouldn't you say... before she bought it?

Daria: Either or... it all works the same for me. (Daria smiles and begins to laugh at something her friend had said only a few moments ago)

Jane Lane: What's so funny?

Daria: I was just thinking of how you put that... "our declared graduation."

Jane Lane: Well that's what it was... there was no ceremony given all of the fallout and that there was still so much confusion that nobody knew who was dead or alive yet. Everybody in the country who had at least attended the tenth grade was declared a high school graduate and issued a GED as soon as things started to get back to normal.

Daria: (shakes her head in annoyance) Damned school records had to be destroyed didn't they. What's the world coming to...? (Sighs) Anyway... given any thought to the whole reunion thing?

Jane Lane: Aha... I knew there was something on your mind. You just hate social gatherings don't you?

Daria: I guess the fact that I never throw any parties gave me away... huh?

Jane Lane: Well... it took me a good twenty years or so but I finally figured it out. I'm not as think as you dumb I am. (Daria can't help but chuckle at her friends age old sense of humor) So don't go... no big deal. I'm going... it'll suck without you but there's not a whole lot I can do about it is there.

Daria: You're going... why are YOU going?

Jane Lane: For the plain and simple purpose of showing up... seeing who's still alive, and then laughing at them for turning out to be such losers.

Daria: How can you be so sure that we're the ones who didn't turn out to be the losers?

Jane Lane: Because gods an art lover and he wouldn't do that to ME.

Daria: Don't be so sure old friend. (Beat) He's playing matchmaker between your son and a certain Faye we all know. (Jane spits out her ice cream in the middle of a double take)

Jane Lane: WHAT...?

Daria: (after seeing the severity of her friends reaction Daria decides that the ends don't justify the means as well as she'd thought) Gotcha...

Jane Lane: (places her hand over her chest and shakes her head) Don't DO that... or I may not be around long enough to WORRY about my cholesterol.

Daria: (Sighs heavily and decides to get back to the original topic of conversation) But seriously... why ARE you going?

Jane Lane: I figure I can get a few good photo's there that might inspire a new painting or two. My work hasn't been selling so well lately and I could use a few fresh ideas. (Beat) I could use the extra money too... you know? (Daria reads into her friends troubled tone of voice and can tell that Jane is actually serious. She debates whether or not to pry into her friends financial affairs)

Daria: How bad do you need the money? (Jane laughs at this)

Jane: Relax... nobody's going to starve or anything. I just don't have as much cash as I might like... you know? ... I'm trying to stash a little away for Christmas this year, make it sweet for everybody.

Daria; (Daria debates whether or not she believes the line Jane has just sold her but reluctantly opts to let it drop for the moment) And you really think that going to a high school reunion will provide the necessary inspiration?

Jane Lane: I sure as hell hope so... I really don't feel like saturating the market with portraits of Neirte. Although... those are actually the ones that have been selling. They fly right off the easel I tell you... it's that "fascinated with everything" look she's got. It makes it all seem so real to the buyer, ..you know?

Daria: I can relate... so you were saying about inspiration?

Jane Lane: Well think about it... there's a good chance that there will be some screwed up or disfigured people there that will spark my imagination. Not everybody was as lucky as you and I to have a bomb shelter immediately available back then.

Daria: You're hoping Sandi Griffin shows up aren't you?

Jane Lane: I'm hoping she's put on a few... dozen pounds, she'd be in her own personal hell from it. That I know for sure... given that no modeling agency in the world would have a use for an over weight super model. That is unless she's modeling clothing for plus size women.

Daria: (mulls the subject over for a moment or two before responding) She's put on weight before...

Jane Lane: Right... and you saw what it did to her emotionally. Just think if she were huge.

Daria: Just think if there were a dozen kids hanging off her neck instead... she'd be everything SHE hates but everybody ELSE would want, at least these days. At any rate, she'd be conflicted. She can't stand having her figure or her old reputation ruined but at the same time she couldn't afford to be anything but the model parent on the outside because it would destroy any sort of reputation she DID have. She'd get nothing but negative attention from it... and you know as well as I do that she couldn't STAND to have THAT.

Jane Lane: So on the inside she'd a be a tortured soul, screaming for an end to all of the madness. (Smiles evilly) I love it... forget the reunion. All I need is one of your pep talks and I'm wired to go!

Daria: Got some ideas then? (Jane nods yes with enthusiasm) Excellent... then next Friday will be a night away from hell as usual for us then?

Jane Lane: Nope... I'm still going. (Daria's jaw drops) What... one set of ideas just isn't enough for me. I've got to see more!

Daria: (Puts her head down on the table) You're impossible, Jane. (Daria tries to pick her head back up but she had put it down right on a sticky spot where a child had previously spilled it's desert and allowed it to dry on the table. Her hair is thus stuck to the table near the scalp) Oh god... please don't do this to me. (She gives her head a yank upward but to no avail) OWWW!!

Jane Lane: I think the old man is going to do it to you anyway old chum. Want some help?

Daria: No... I think I'll just sit here until the place closes and I can suffer this humiliating experience in peace.

Jane Lane: I hate to break this to you Daria... but this place doesn't close for another eight hours.

Daria; So I'll just have to catch up on some sleep while I'm waiting. Where's the problem?

Jane Lane: No dice... I don't feel like waiting. (Jane reaches over and gives a good yank on Daria's hair)

Daria: OW!! Watch it will you... this mop of hair isn't a wig you can just yank off at will you know. It's all attached to me.

Jane Lane: Not for long the way things are going right now. (Jane pauses as she notices a crowd of spectators starting to form) I think we're drawing undue attention to ourselves here. (Gives another tug on Daria's hair causing her to yelp in pain and stirring a laugh as well as some rude comments from onlookers) How did you manage to get THIS stuck so FAST?

Daria: How the hell do I know? Just get me UN-stuck, will you? (At this moment a man steps forward with a pair of heavy shears he'd had in a sheath on his belt)

Man: I hate to rub your nose in it lady but I think the only way you're going to get loose is to cut it.

Daria: (Looks at Jane) Don't you let him do it, Jane. Do NOT let him cut my hair.

Jane Lane: (looks back and forth between the man and Daria several times before responding) I hate to say this Daria... but I agree with peppy the scissor man here. I think we've got to cut it. (Holds her hand out to the man) But I'LL do it... if you don't mind.

Man: Suits me just fine... I don't feel like incurring a lawsuit anyway. (Hands the scissors over to Jane)

Jane Lane: Now just hold still, Daria. (An evil grin grows on Jane's face as an old familiar thought pops into her head)

Daria: (tilts her head to the side so that she can see the expression on her friends face) Jane... why the hell are you smiling like that? I really don't like that look on your face right about now. What the hell is going through your mind?

Jane Lane: Nothing really... the thought of that bad dye job you did on my hair a while back just resurfaced in my memory. I just thought of this as sort of payback... you know?

Daria: Get away from me with those scissors, Jane. (Jane comes walking towards Daria with a steady pace) No... get away. Get AWAY!!!! (The scene fades to black as Daria screams. The scene fades in later with Daria in the drivers seat of her car as she and Jane head down the highway to the hairdresser. Daria has a big gaping section of hair missing from the forward area of her mane) You ARE going to pay to get my hair fixed... right?

Jane Lane: I said I would didn't I? Besides... I don't even NEED to hear the death threat this time. I can feel it from over here.

Daria: (smiles) Those mental telepathy classes are really starting to pay off. (A long moment of silence passes as Daria mulls something uncomfortable over in her mind. She finally breaks the silence with a loud sigh) It's just as well anyway now that I think about it.

Jane Lane; (Out of complete shock, Jane snaps her head in Daria's direction) Come again?

Daria: (sighs heavily again) I overheard my kids talking to Joey on the phone earlier today... apparently he's talked Quinn into going to the reunion.

Jane Lane: Yea so... good for her.

Daria; The thirteenth is a Friday... which means he's got to work late that day.

Jane Lane: Which, if memory serves, means he's probably going to look to you to take her... right?

Daria: Like I've said before, Jane. You're quick.

Jane Lane: Well since you don't want to go anyway... why not just tell him no. Say there's something you've got to do... I'll cover for you.

Daria: I can't. My conscience will bug me... every time this happens too. I try to think of a way to get out of helping my sister and the thought pops into my head... "What if that were you sitting in that chair trying to get somebody to help you." I was hoping you'd be able to give the necessary incentive to override it.

Jane Lane: (leans against the window on her side) Whoa... megga guilty conscience you've got going there.

Daria: I've had it since Quinn got out of the hospital a couple of years ago... and it doesn't want to go away. And the crap end of the stick is that Joey knows it.

Jane Lane: Sooooooo... since you figure you're conscience is going to make you go anyway once Joey asks... and since you're in need of immediate hair attention... you're going to get a new look?

Daria: (scowls while still facing forward) Don't get used to it... it's only temporary.

Jane Lane: (a smile erupts on her face and grows from ear to ear) DARIA!!!

Daria: (groans) Hell is STILL myself...

(Cut to the mall's main entrance as Amy and Jane hold the doors open so that Quinn can wheel herself through without any difficulty. Once through they hold an even pace along either side of her.)

Quinn: So what's up with you two... why take a trip to the mall with ME?

Amy: We wanted some company and our male counterparts aren't available today. So you were next on our fun people ~O~ meter.

Quinn: (scowls) Stop blowing smoke up my butt Amy... it's getting hard to see in here. Cripples aren't the most fun people to be with.

Jane: (grabs the back of Quinn's wheelchair and gives it a running start before jumping onto the back of it by supporting her weight on the push handles) I beg to differ, aunt Quinn. Wheelchairs can be fun... you just have to be inventive. (Jane jumps off the back and then uses all of her strength to pull Quinn's chair into a wheelie and then set it back down again) See... that was fun wasn't it? (Quinn takes over from there and they all continue through the first floor of the mall)

Quinn: (smiles weakly) I guess so...

Amy: And you're not a cripple, dammit. You've just got a disability... it doesn't make you any less of a person.

Quinn: If you say so... now what's the real reason we're down here? Cause uncle Joey sure wouldn't tell me.

Amy: (in an authoritative tone of voice) We have come here to chew bubble gum... and kick ass. And we're ALL out of bubble gum. (Smirks waiting for somebody to laugh) Okay already... we're here to have a little fun... check out what's down at the other end of the mall there.

Quinn: (squints a little to see the stores that far away) The pet depot? Let me guess, Joey thinks I need a dog for companionship right?

Amy: (fights the urge to smack her aunt upside the head) ACROSS from the pet depot.

Quinn: (Squints again and then sighs) I think I need glasses... I can't read it. (Amy looks up at the sign that reads Casheman's, which even though it IS smaller than the pet depot sign, Amy can read it just fine. Amy glances over at Jane and then nods her head)

Jane: Well... we'll just get you checked out then. Does your insurance have a vision plan? (Quinn nods) Not a problem then... a slight detour to one of those walk in optometrists on the second floor then. (The three of them stop to consult a map of the mall and then proceed to the elevator)

(Cut to about two hours later... Quinn is facing a mirror as she tries on frame after frame after frame.)

Quinn: I TOLD you I needed glasses... I HATE getting old. (The optometrist who is sitting at his desk directly across from Quinn looks at her inquisitively)

Optometrist: Well... like I said. Age creeps up on the best of us. But it's not so bad... it's a pretty light prescription.

Jane: Relax aunt Quinn... you'll find a frame that you like. Maybe you could get a set of those small round ones... but without the funky colored lenses.

Optometrist: I have some of those in stock... they're wire frames though. I'm not sure if that's your thing or not.

Amy: It won't hurt her to try.

Quinn: Yes it could, I could end up looking like your mother. You should see the glasses she used to wear back in school. She wore these great big ones that took over the upper half of her face. It totally detracted from her eyes.

Amy; But these glasses are smaller than hers were.

Quinn: (smiles as she looks at her reflection in the mirror) I have a smaller, cuter face than she does. (Amy smirks as she's never seen her aunt so full of herself before)

Jane: (leans in close to her sister) Sounds like aunt Quinn is starting to emerge from her shell. (Amy just snickers) Give them a try for us anyway, aunt Quinn.

(Cut to twenty minutes later... the three are back on the first floor. Quinn keeps taking the glasses on and off to watch things in the distance go from clear to slightly less than clear.)

Amy: What happened to frames without the funky colored lenses?

Jane: They're only a very slight shade of blue... besides. It accents her hair.

Amy: And you know jack about appearances since WHEN?

Jane: (Shrugs) I've been trying stuff out for Allen... so what of it? (Amy just rolls her eyes and they continue on until they enter Casheman's and Quinn spies the junior five section as she rolls past it... she then places a hand on her abdomen)

Quinn: (VO) Guess I won't be fitting into that stuff any time soon.

Jane: (responds to Quinn as if she'd be reading her thoughts the whole time) Relax aunt Quinn... you're not ready for maternity wear just yet. We'll get you hooked up with something flattering for the reunion. Oops... guess I blew the surprise there. Sorry aunt Quinn.

Amy: That's IF we can find a sales person to give us a hand. All I know about clothes is if it's comfortable, I wear it.

Jane: Then you should try wearing John... it's not as over rated as it seems.

Amy: I'm not ready for the whole sex thing just yet, thank you. But I'll keep you informed.

Jane: (smirks) That's all I ask.

(cut to four hours later... Quinn is doing flight of the bumble bee around the store mixing and matching different outfits as she goes. Jane and Amy have long since fallen asleep on a couple of chairs and are leaning against each other for support as if soldiers in the field. Finally Quinn comes to wake them up to show off her final picks)

Amy: (snuffs and snorts a little as she tries to wake up) NO... not the napalm... (Beat) Huh... what?

Quinn: I've narrowed it down to these two outfits and I need your opinion on which one I should get.

Jane: (barely able to see through her blurry eyes) Get them both... lets just get out of here. I'm starving for gods sake.

Quinn: Believe me... I'd love to. But... I only need one right now. So which do you think is best... the khaki pants with the blue silk blouse, which would match so well with my new glasses not to mention set off the highlights in my hair... or should I go with this fantastic violet dress with the floral design. I figure I could accessorize it with some of the stuff I already have like a belt or something. It would SO flatter my figure without giving away the fact that I'm starting to show. So... what do you think? (Jane and Amy stare at her blankly trying to absorb everything that Quinn has just said in a single breath)

Jane: I'm amazed she was able to narrow it down to just two outfits after all this time. (Pauses with an odd look on her face) How long HAS it been? (Amy feeling too lazy to look at her pager just shrugs)

Amy: Hell... I'm amazed she's still conscious after exhaling that much air at once without stopping to breathe. And all that hot air didn't seem to contribute to global warming one bit...

Quinn: (in such a euphoric state after once again indulging in a favorite past time associated with her youth) So... what do you think? (Jane and Amy exchange glances before one of them pulls a quarter out of her pants pocket)

Jane: Heads the pants and blouse???

Amy: (sternly as if she'd just given the order for a nuclear response) Do it... (Jane flips the coin and after the outcome is decided they exchange looks again) Good... now lets go get some food. (They grab one of the outfits from Quinn and place it down on top of one of the clothing racks and they head for the checkout)

(The scene cuts to Amee's hair salon over in the next town... Daria and Jane Lane are seen entering the establishment. The salon is not very busy at all as there are maybe one or two other customers inside. In order to keep themselves busy the stylists are teaming up two or three to a customer.)

Jane Lane: Why didn't we go to a place in our own town? It would have saved us a pretty good drive to say the least.

Daria: Because nobody knows us here... that's why. The last thing I need is for this little incident to find it's way to my kids ears. And if it finds it's way to YOUR kids or anybody else's... (Daria reaches down and pulls her pant leg up just far enough to reveal the grip of her service piece sticking out of her boot) Get the picture...?

Jane: Oh so what... I've got mine too. We're REQUIRED to carry them at all times remember? Stupid federal law... I'd have had mine buried in cement by now if I hadn't been caught without it the last time I got pulled over.

Daria: It was a condition of the draft... there's not a thing we can do about it but be relieved that if we've got them on us then our kids can never find them.

Jane: Good point. (Looks about) Now who here can give us a hand? (By saying this Jane manages to get the attention of one of the stylists who then walks over quickly to greet them)

Stylist: Oh my... what happened here?

Daria: Wounded in the line of duty... can the limb be saved? (Jane smirks trying not laugh)

Jane lane: My colleague here, given her little faux pas, is interested in a slightly different look until the trimmed area's of her head can catch up in length with the rest of her hair. Can you help her at all?

Stylist: (begins to look about Daria's hair with her fingers while pausing to look at certain area's) This is going to take some effort... do you want us to get rid of the grey while we're at it?

Daria: NO!

Jane Lane: (At the exact same time as Daria) Yes! (The stylist looks back and forth between Daria and Jane in confusion) We'll let you know.

Stylist: (bites her lower lip in thought) You've had the exact same style all of your life, haven't you? (Daria raises an eyebrow)

Daria: Maybe... what's it to you?

Stylist: (walks Daria over to a chair and sits her down. After which she begins to play with Daria's hair some more) Well... your hair has been in this style for so long. It would be very labor intensive to try to style it differently at this length without it turning into the most god awful mess you've ever seen.

Jane Lane: (As Daria scowls at mention of this most foreshadowing statement) How short are we talking? As short as mine?

Stylist: (studies Jane's hair length for a good period of time and then plays with Daria's hair some more.) Not necessarily, I guess it would all depend on what sort of look you wanted to go with. If you just went with something very basic... The only problem area I can see at the moment is the front. The back... I think if we could add some body to it and prevent it from curling at the bottom we might be alright. The front... is going to be SHORT. But I'll do my best to leave as much length as possible.

Jane Lane: (looks to Daria who is now wearing a very unsure expression common to her teenage years whenever she found herself in Trent's presence.) Want me to hold your hand?

Daria: Don't make me cram a curling iron up your rear, Jane.

Jane Lane: (does her best upchuck impression) Feisty... (Jane then turns to the stylist and gestures with her two forefingers) Make it so... (The stylist calls over two others to assist her who are at the moment available and the scene fades out at this point)

(The scene cuts to the mall... Jane, Amy, and Quinn are traveling down the east wing en route to the food court. In the same area not far ahead is the skate park that now occupies the large space that Casheman's had before moving to a larger spot in the mall. Outside of the skate park are some young kids honing their skateboarding skills on some of the nearby benches and stairway railings. Although such activities are not permitted outside of the skate park... the security patrol does not appear to be enforcing the rules. And passers by don't seem to pay any mind since the kids activities do not seem to impose on them at the time being.)

Amy: (as they approach the skate park) Check it out... Railways's is open. (Notices Quinn's confused expression) The new skate park... the word is that this place is pretty awesome.

Jane: Since when do YOU skateboard?

Amy: I don't... but watching people mess themselves up when they fall is equally as fun as skateboarding is.

Jane: A lot of broken bones come out of places like that?

Amy: Not to mention bloody gashes... scrapes, bruises and some seriously busted ego's.

Jane: Hmm... I'll have to drop in there some time then. Sounds like a blast to watch. (Looks over at Quinn) I wonder what it would be like to go off one of those ramps with aunt Quinn's chair?

Quinn: Don't even think about it... as much as I hate to sit in this thing I don't need it busted up. (As Quinn says this a young man's voice is heard in the background)

Man: Yo dude... look out! (By the time this is said it is to late... the other young man associated with the first who was trying to slide his board down a railing has already tripped up and sent himself tumbling off and into Quinn toppling her over and sending her sliding on her side several feet while at the same time knocking Jane and Amy's feet out from under them. After a few wobbly moments the man gets up and begins to nurse some scrapes on his palm by wrapping his shirt about it and applying pressure. The other man quickly comes over to see if Quinn and her nieces are alright.)

Man 2: YO... are you guys alright? I'm really sorry about bonehead over here... he's got like, a seriously bad center of gravity or something. (He extends his hand to Quinn) Here... let me help you up.

Quinn: (Who has, while being spoken to, propped herself up on her hands and arms) You dumb jackass... what's the matter with you? You could have hurt somebody... and worse. You could have hurt my baby... thank god I didn't land on my front.

Man2: Oh man... you've got a kid? Is it alright... I don't hear it anywhere.

Quinn: It hasn't been born yet stupid... now get away from me. (By this time Jane and Amy have gotten to their feet and made their way over to Quinn)

Man 2: Whoa cool... a pregnant chick. (Calls over to his friend who is still nursing his own injuries) Dude... you dumb ass. You knocked over a knocked up chick.

Jane: Back off buddy... you've done enough damage.

Man 2: Chill already... I'm just trying to help her up. I'm really sorry about my friend, okay? (Amy, while this is happening has righted Quinn's chair and brought it over to her) Seriously though... let me help you up. It's the least I can do. (He reaches down and grabs one of Quinn's arms and begins to pull her up expecting her to assist with her legs... but instead she's flails about with the upper half of her body suspended off the floor)

Quinn: Help... somebody get him off of me!! (A moment later two security guards show up and pull the man away and force him to the ground to be handcuffed)

Man 2: OOF!! Lady... I was just trying to help. (Amy positions the chair right in front of Quinn and locks the brakes so it won't move away from her. Quinn begins to cry slightly as now there is a small crowd of onlookers who will get to watch her in her embarrassment as she tries to pull herself back in to the chair like the cripple she feels she is. Jane and Amy offer their assistance but Quinn declines harshly citing that she'd received enough assistance for one day. As Quinn begins to wheel herself away from the scene under escort of a security officer with Jane and Amy at her sides... she can hear various people voice their pity at Quinn's unfortunate circumstances. The scene cuts to the mall security office where the officers are looking to take a report.)

Officer: Mrs white... before we begin. Are you injured in any way? Your niece's mentioned to us that you're expecting and were concerned for your child. If you like we can arrange for an immediate transport to the hospital to get you checked out.

Quinn: (looks as if she wants to cry again but does her best to hold back) Great... more attention. (Quinn looks over at Jane and Amy who are standing nearby as they nod their heads yes) I can't afford to take any chances... yea. I guess I'd like to go.

Officer: (nods to another officer who walks into the next room to pick up the phone.) Can we do anything in the meantime to make you more comfortable?

Quinn: (sighs) Do you have a couch or something... my back is killing me.

Officer: There's a reclining chair in the break room... does that help you any?

Quinn: Yea... that'll work. (The officer directs them towards the break room as Jane pushes Quinn along. Both Jane and Amy then assist Quinn out of the chair and into the recliner) It's hard to maintain good posture after being in that damned chair for so long.

Officer: I understand... however while we're waiting. The two men who assaulted you have been taken into custody... I'll need to inform the police as to whether you intend to file charges against them.

Quinn: Actually... they didn't really assault me. It was more or less an accident combined with ignorance. What happens if I don't?

Officer: Well... the mall can still press charges on the grounds of disorderly conduct. At the bare minimum they could be banned from the mall. (Studies Quinn for a moment) I'll tell them you're undecided pending medical attention.

Quinn: Yea... that'll work. (Sighs as the scene fades out)

(The scene fades in at Daria's house early in the evening as she and Jane come through the front door. Daria who's hair has been significantly altered both in length and style is busy pouting over losing a piece of her identity in the time it took to put her head down on a picnic table)

Jane Lane: Oh for gods sake Daria... It's not THAT bad. It actually looks cool... I doubt anybody who hasn't seen you in a while would recognize you.

Daria: And meanwhile... I'll have to hear it from every idiot I ever went to school with. "Oh Daria... you finally gave the misery chick dew a rest huh?" "Trying something different for once are we... good for you."

Jane Lane: (cringes) That had to be the scariest impression I've ever heard, Daria. It sounded like Mr. O'Neill had been possessed by the ghost of Mr. Dimartino or something.

Daria: (stops in her tracks and turns her head to face Jane) Really... cool. Or at least it would be if he were actually dead. (Daria then walks over to the nearest mirror to look at herself as her aunt Amy's voice rang clear in her head from the time they talked over the phone about getting contact lenses) I'm already going to hell... no harm at this point for taking another look. (Daria stares into the mirror at her short hair now laden with the scent of hair spray.) I think I'm going to have to pull out the old contacts... if I go with these glasses I'll get mocked for sure.

Jane Lane: Since when does that bother the big bad admiral?

Daria: Speaking of mocking...

Jane Lane: (chuckles) Oh come on Daria... you've dealt with worse and in public you've never given the slightest indication that anything was bothering you. I seriously don't think you'd have any problem keeping up with that image now. Just hide behind the facade that says you don't care what anybody thinks... even though secretly you do.

Daria: You think I've abandoned my principals... don't you?

Jane Lane: Not at all... I'm just saying that it's okay to care about what people think. Just as long as you can irk them enough to think what you WANT them to think.

Daria: The funny thing is... I know what you're talking about. But at the same time I have no clue WHAT the hell you're talking about.

Jane Lane: See my point... it's working already and all I had to do was change YOUR hair. (Daria scowls as she turns back towards the mirror again to look at her short but somewhat modern hairstyle.)

Daria: You mean cut it all off... I don't have a whole lot of hair left to change.

Jane Lane: Oh Daria... your hair is fine. Albeit very short... it's fine. And hey... it wasn't my fault that your hair wouldn't cooperate. You've only had the same hairstyle all of your life... it's no wonder that it didn't want to change.

Daria: (Scowls once more as she reflects on a moment from the past) Do you remember Val, from Val magazine?

Jane Lane: The egotistical magazine publisher who kept trying to identify with the teen demographic? Gee... how could I possible forget HER? Incidentally... what of it?

Daria: That's who this hair reminds me of... except that my hair is brown and it's been dyed to hide all of my grey. I expect to hear myself saying things like "whack" or "edgy" anytime now.

Jane Lane: Oh Daria, you didn't have all that much grey. Just a few... hundred strands, scattered all about your head giving you that salt an pepper look.

Daria: Thanks Jane... you're SUCH a big help. I just want to hug you and squeeze you until your last breath has left you.

Jane Lane: Oh stop it Daria... you're giving me that warm fuzzy cuddly feeling all over. It just makes me want to paint a herd of wild ponies riding free across the plain.

Daria: Now where have I heard THAT before?

Jane Lane: Oh it's just a quote I stole from an old friend of mine. Pay me no mind...

Daria: Like I ever have?

Jane Lane: (pretends to shiver) Oh... that's just COLD! (The ringing of a cell phone is heard emanating from Daria's front pocket and as she withdraws it and picks up the call the scene fades out)

(Cut to late that evening... the scene is within Daria's bedroom with the door closed. Daria is busy walking about the room half naked as she tries to find a clean night shirt. Trent, while Daria is pacing about, watches with interest as it is unlike his wife to walk about in the buff at ANY given time.)

Daria: Dammit... all the laundry I did today and I didn't even get around to doing my own. (Sighs) I swear... the kids have more clothes than you and I combined.

Trent: (shrugs and follows up with a smile) Sounds like we should have a bonfire to correct the problem... why wash the laundry when you can just burn it all and be done with it. Saves you a lot of work in the long run... the kids are old enough to start buying some of their own new clothes anyway.

Daria: (Raises an eyebrow in interest) You know you'd better lay off a bit... that bonfire idea is starting to sound pretty appealing.

Trent: Cool... do we have any marshmallows?

Daria: (shakes her head) On second thought... it's proven to be hazardous to ALL our lives to allow you near an open flame. We'd better put a damper on that bonfire idea... at least for now. But I'll keep it in mind for the next time I don't feel like doing the laundry.

Trent: Sure why not... the kids can go around naked. It'll teach them to be more comfortable with their bodies.

Daria: (frowns) Do you really believe ANY of what you've just said?

Trent: (purses his lips in a millisecond of thought) Nope... just trying to be witty. I was expecting one of your usual sour but realistic quips.

Daria; Sorry... the well is dry tonight. I'm just too tired right now... but you can check back in the morning if you like.

Trent: Cool... sort of like a rain check only you'll actually get back to me when you've got more of something to say. (Daria looks at him as if she has something to say but bites her tongue and laughs) (a moment of silence passes which causes Trent to decide to change the subject) So How was Quinn's trip to the doctors today?

Daria: (stares at Trent in confusion as very rarely does he bring up her sister on his own. Daria believes this to be a remnant behavior dating all the way back to Quinn's shallow teen years when Trent in annoyance would refer to Quinn as just "Daria's sister".) What the hell brought THAT Up?

Trent: Dunno I guess... she just sort of popped into my head. The girls told me she got herself checked out after being knocked down by some guy at the mall. So... how is she and how's the kid to be?

Daria: They're both fine... no harm done. The doctor is concerned about Quinn's posture and her climbing in and out of her chair all of the time. He's suggesting that she spend a lot more time in bed for the duration of the pregnancy.

Trent: Whoa... bed ridden. What a way to go... huh?

Daria: Yea... you could probably qualify to be her instructor or something. If there was one thing you were good at when you were younger, it was spending all day in bed.

Trent: (Laugh/coughs) Yea... guess I was sort of a late riser.

Daria: Trent... Dracula was a late riser. You were damned near comatose at times. (Beat) So is there anything else unusual you're prepared to talk about or should I just continue looking for a clean set of sleep wear?

Trent: Have she and Joey started picking out names yet?

Daria: (Stares at him oddly and pauses to think) I'm certain she has... but she hasn't run any of them past me. I'll let you know if and or when she does... why?

Trent: Guess I just like thinking of baby names.

Daria: (sighs) Trent... don't start about the third kid thing again. We're getting to old to start over again. (She watches as Trent tries to hide a slight frown) Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?

Trent: (sighs) Janie said you changed your mind about the reunion... said something about a guilty conscience. Did Joey call you or something?

Daria: (sighs heavily) I should have just kept my mouth shut and continued looking for my sleep wear... so what else did Jane loosen her lips about?

Trent: Nothing... she just said that it sort of bothered you. Oh yea... and she wanted me to notice something about your hair. Did you change it or something?

Daria: (in irritation she ruffles her very short hair with her hand) Do I have to spell it out?

Trent: Whoa... major difference. Makes you look younger... I think. Looks cool... you should keep it.

Daria: Don't get used to it... I plan to grow my old hair back just as soon as I can. And don't ask how it got this way either.

Trent: Janie told me already...

Daria: (throws her arms up) Of corse she did... I think I'll go tighten up those loose lips of hers with a tire iron before they sink yet another ship.

Trent: (shrugs) Sounds like more girl talk to me... so about the reunion thing.

Daria: Yea... I'm going. Don't have a field day over it... somebodies got to drive Quinn and Joey's got to work. I actually called him to tell him I would... and he kept trying to slip something in about a surprise for Quinn when we get there. By chance did you happen to hear anything about THAT?

Trent: Nope... not a peep.

Daria: Fabulous... only when I NEED information does everybody turn a deaf ear.

Trent: I'm not deaf... I'm just too busy staring at your chest to think at the moment. Sorry about that, love. Don't mean to be a typical guy and all but you know... the husband/wife thing.

Daria: (looks down at herself to notice that she is still topless) Well... at least we know for sure that SOME parts of you are still working properly. I'd just rather it were your ears rather than your Johnson, at least for the moment. If you're lucky maybe I'll give you show later after I've found my clothes.

Trent: That's okay... I kind of like the show I'm getting right now.

Daria: (sighs) You're impossible sometimes Trent.

Trent: (smiles) And deep down you really care about your sister... you just hate to admit it. That's why your conscience gets to you the way it does.

Daria: I'll plead the fifth on that one if you don't mind. So lets drop the subject for now okay?

Trent: (shrugs) Whatever... just trying to help.

Daria: I know Trent... but on past occurrences whenever you tried to help... the house almost burnt down. So maybe this time you should just quit while you're ahead, okay?

Trent: (looks confused) But I'm not anywhere NEAR the stove this time.

(Cut to Quinn's home at about the same time... she's currently lying on the sofa while flipping through the channels on the Tv looking for something decent to watch. Strangely enough she keeps finding herself wandering back to the fashion channel only to abruptly change it to something else)

Quinn: Ugh... I can't go back to being like that. It took me forever to gain what little depth I have now. (Sighs as she thinks back to her time in Casheman's earlier that day) So many clothes... so little time. (Looks down towards her feet which no matter how hard she tries... she can't even wiggle her toes.) And it would be so hard to try to get into any of them on my own. (She glances down at her toes again) What I wouldn't give just to be able to feel you guys again.

(Joey comes walking into the room just as she says this and smiles as he carries the outfit that she had picked out for herself earlier)

Joey: Talking to your toes again? If they respond then you be sure to let me know.

Quinn: Oh shut up... I'm just talking to myself that's all.

Joey: Hey... sometimes those are the best conversations. (Beat) So other than the fact that your toes aren't on speaking terms with you... how are you feeling?

Quinn: Useless... and starting to get a little water retentive. How about you?

Joey: Still worried about how the people at the reunion will look at you, huh?

Quinn: (shrugs) Being in an attractive outfit is different when you're able to walk about and strut your stuff on the dance floor. That way everybody gets to see how great you look. Nobody notices an outfit if the person wearing it has to hide it in a chair.

Joey: That's a load of crap if I ever heard one... this isn't about the dress. You're worried that your shallow highschool cohorts will mock you when you can't get up on the dance floor and they can.

Quinn: Well... I can't. I have to sit in this chair the whole time... you can't have a good time in a wheel chair.

Joey: Don't be so sure... I'd be willing to bet that there's a way. And don't worry about what everybody else thinks... they can't bring you down if you don't let them. Stump them in a conversation or something... I'd bet they wouldn't stand a chance if you talk about something important and relevant. (Shrugs) And if all else fails... do what your sister does. Inform them that being a veteran of the armed forces... you've been trained in multiple methods of inflicting pain and death. Just neglect to mention the fact that you despise the very notion of it. You still carry your hardware right?

Quinn: Yea I have to... but it's never loaded.

Joey: Doesn't need to be... the mere presence of it is an intimidation factor.

Quinn: I think it would be in my best interest to avoid such tactics... It would be just a little too easy for somebody to say I threatened them and have me thrown in jail.

Joey: You might have a point there... it was just an idea. But anyway... the moral of the story is not to let people get to you. Who knows... maybe some of them are worse off than you are and you can sympathize with them.

Quinn: I can't see how.

Joey: Just trust me. (Holds up Quinn's outfit) This is beautiful... you should wear this for ME sometime.

Quinn: (smirks) You just like it because it would be easy to peel off me before bed. Your minds in the gutter again.

Joey: (pauses for a second and then nods) It's true. But you've got to give me credit... there's just something about a pregnant wife that drives a man nuts.

Quinn: Yea... the fact that once the kid is born it might be a while before you get any again.

Joey: (shivers) What a horrifying thought... don't ever bring that up again. (Quinn laughs and the scene fades out and cuts to the following Friday as Daria and Jane Lane are walking through a crowded Lawndale high parking lot keeping a slow pace so as to keep Quinn just in front of them)

Jane Lane: Can you believe how many cars there are? I didn't think there would be this many people LEFT after all this time.

Daria: It's a combination of two classes, Jane. As far as our own class goes there probably AREN'T many people left.

Jane Lane: Getting your hopes up are we?

Daria: Yea... I should really stop that. I always just set myself up for a fall anyway.

Jane Lane: Now now... maybe you'll get lucky and all these cars are really just from the janitorial staff. I hear that since Ms. Li has been gone... all the money that used to go towards security has gone towards beautification.

Daria: It figures that would happen AFTER we've graduated.

Jane Lane: Isn't that the way it ALWAYS works? By the way... did you mean the beautification or Ms. Li's death? (Daria just groans in annoyance) Oh don't worry so much... if all else fails then just remember the age old credo of James Kirk. " We come in peace, shoot to kill... shoot to kill" and then follow that advice.

Daria: That was an MP3 file you got off the Internet... though it WAS pretty funny.

Jane Lane: Glad to hear I could brighten your day a little.

Daria; Yea... now it's a slightly LIGHTER shade of black.

Jane Lane: And so it should be old friend, now head up... nose up... lets head in.

Quinn: God help us all.

Jane Lane: (Leans over to whisper to Daria) Well what do you know... maybe she is your sister after all. (Daria smirks as they hasten their travel into the building where before signing in they encounter two large sections of the wall that have been covered with photographs. One section is a "then and now" of that faculty and alumni... and the other is "In remembrance", in which Ms. Li is at the top of.)

Daria: You know they should have just combined this into one big section and have these photo's as "then"... and as the "now" photo's could be a picture of their gravestone. I figure that would get the point across pretty well.

Jane Lane: Better yet... a normal picture of Li for "then"... and for "now" a picture of her car exploding.

Quinn: EWWW... no way, that would just be WAY too depressing.

Jane Lane: (begins to skim through the names and pictures on the wall) ... Kevin, Brittany, Ms. Li, Jeffy, Mrs. Barch, Andrea, Evan... all dead. Yeesh... there's a lot of them here.

Daria: What do you say we take a look at the other set of pictures before we depress ourselves into suicidal tendencies.

Jane Lane: Good call there, amiga. (The three of them moves a few yards to the left and begin to look over the then and now photo's)

Daria: Oh good god... where the hell did they get a photo of me in my dress whites?

Jane Lane: Hubba hubba ... you've got a nice set of legs in that picture admiral.

Daria: Oh shut up... Jane. Let's see if we can find a photo of YOU. Maybe it'll be an up close and personal snap shot of you in the laundry room.

Jane Lane: Now that WOULD be awkward wouldn't it. Good thing none exist, huh?

Daria: I guess so... they posted a picture of you being promoted to commander. See... there's your C/O copping a feel as he changes the pins on your shoulders.

Jane Lane: I THOUGHT he was being rather friendly. I'd have kneed him but I didn't want to jeopardize my new rank.

Daria: Or you were just hoping he'd come back for seconds later in the ships laundry room.

Jane Lane: Hey... can we get past my sex life here? I don't do that sort of thing anymore.

Daria: Only because we're retired. You still seeing that guy from the CIA behind his wife's back?

Jane Lane: Why... you looking to swing? (Daria scowls and looks as if she wouldn't mind taking a swing at her best friend but then pauses to crack a smile)

Daria: Nah... I'm not really into damaged goods. (Jane pauses in silence as she tries to figure out just what Daria meant by that. As Jane stands there puzzled, a red haired woman approaches them from the nearby sign in desk)

Woman: Hey there... are you from the ninety nine or two thousand class?

Daria: Does it matter... we survived. That should speak volumes for us as it is. (The woman stares at Daria and then grows a huge smile on her face)

Woman: Oh I remember YOU... You're Daria Morgendorffer aren't you?

Daria: I WAS... but since I entered the witness protection program I've taken on the name of my colleague here. I'd tell you HER name but then the FBI would consider you a security risk and hunt you down. Sorry...

Woman: Well... I don't know if you remember me. I was the girl in your class who always had the head set stuck in my ears. I used to have blond hair too...

Daria: (thinks for a moment and then widens her eyes in remembrance) That was YOU...? (looks her up and down) Wow... you've uh... lost weight.

Woman: Fifty six pounds... what a difference huh?

Jane Lane: (leans close and whispers to Daria) Must have run out of people to eat in the fallout shelter. (Daria does her best not to laugh)

Woman: Don't feel bad... I don't think I would have remembered you either if you hadn't started up with the sarcasm. What with you having a completely different look and all. (Jane smiles from ear to ear as she takes a hand and ruffles Daria's very short hair with it) And Daria... I thought you didn't like wearing contacts.

Daria: I had trouble tolerating them before... but since then they've changed the way they make them so now I can wear them without a problem. But I still prefer to wear my glasses.

Woman: (Shrugs) Hey... whatever floats your boat. (Beat) Well... come on in and sign the sheet. There's got to be some other people who'll remember you. Have fun now...

Daria: (as they walk inside after signing the sheet) Maybe this won't be so bad after all... (beat) Do you remember her being so cheerful?

Jane Lane: Are you kidding... I'm trying to remember who she IS? Want to clue me in?

Daria: What makes you think I know? I didn't know her name THEN... she was quieter than I was. I just remember the face is all.

Jane Lane: (chuckles) I wonder if we'll run into more embarrassing moments like that one.

Daria: Hey, the night is still young. (Stops to look behind herself to notice that Quinn has stopped her chair) What's wrong?

Quinn: Nobody even noticed me...

Daria: I thought you didn't WANT to be noticed.

Quinn: I don't... but I don't want to be invisible either.

Jane Lane: Well for gods sake woman... you can't have it both ways. Go find some people you know and make yourself visible. That used to be your best talent didn't it... making a spectacle of yourself?

Quinn: I never made a spectacle of myself... it wasn't my fault I was attractive and popular.

Daria: (glares at Jane) Thank you SO much for getting her started all over again... I'll be sending you the bill for my therapy.

Jane Lane: Hey... it's what I'm here for. (Turns to Quinn) Now shoo... go see if anybody you know is still alive. We'll be over by the bar staying invisible ourselves. (Jane and Daria begin to walk into the crowd of people nearby leaving a distraught Quinn to go off by herself) Do you think she'll be alright?

Daria: Do doubts... she remembers how to socialize. It's like learning to ride a bike...

Jane Lane: So I take it you fell down a lot, huh?

Daria: Don't make me kill you Jane... the night is going so well so far.

Jane Lane: Many have tried but... OOOF! (Jane takes a step backward to catch herself after she stumbles into a somewhat muscular man sending him to the floor. A German shepherd that had been seated on the floor at the mans feet stares at Jane as if to thank her. Once she's regained her balance Jane reaches down to help the man up.) Dammit man... watch where you're going.

Man: My, my... such a familiar voice. (The man seems to be staring off into space as he speaks) But without a face to go with it your name escapes me... I wonder if you would indulge me. (Jane waves her hand back and forth in front of the mans eyes which to her surprise goes un-noticed by him)

Jane Lane: You're blind...?

Man: And you're very astute... but I'm still at a loss as to your name young lady. (Jane glances over at Daria who replies with a shrug)

Jane Lane: My names Jane.

Man: Would that be Jane LANE? Still feisty after all this time I see... how wonderful to notice that you've managed to keep something of yourself the same. (Daria and Jane exchange glances and then reply in unison)

Jane/Daria: Upchuck...??!!

Upchuck: The one and only. So what HAVE you ladies been doing with yourselves all these years.

Daria: Nothing that I wouldn't have to shoot you for if we told you.

Upchuck: Funny... I never figured you as the military type. Go figure huh?

Daria: It wasn't like we had a whole lot of a choice in the matter.

Upchuck: A common tale I'm afraid... I'd likely have gone myself but...

Jane Lane: Um... yea how DID that happen.

Upchuck: Burned out my retinas. Silly me... I happened to be looking through a pair of binoculars towards make out point when I got an eyeful of bright light. And I don't mean a voluptuous pair of breasts either.

Daria: (whispers to Jane) I doubt it was what it sounds like... he probably got caught and the voyee's happened to have a powerful spotlight handy. (Jane snickers)

Upchuck: How a reputation can follow a person... can't it? (Jane and Daria stop snickering and look embarrassed) One of the few benefits of being blind is that the hearing becomes more sensitive to compensate. (Awkward pause) But don't worry... my behavior back then more than justified such a comment. I assure you that time has mended my ways.

Jane Lane: (As her face turns a shade of red) Well... now I feel like dirt. (beat) Um... I guess I'm sorry Upch... I mean Charles.

Upchuck: No harm done... and if my previous assumption has been correct then your less talkative partner is none other than Daria Morgendorffer.

Daria: It's Lane now... and you can stick an admiral before all of that.

Upchuck: My, you certainly HAVE done well with your life.

Daria: If you consider the fact that I'm not dead yet doing well... then yea I guess I have. (Jane grabs Daria's shoulder to get her attention and then gestures to Daria with her eyes that they need to walk somewhere else) Um... well I guess we should continue to circulate a little. See who else we can bump into... figuratively speaking of coarse.

Upchuck: By all means please do... but be sure not to be a stranger. I'll still be around later should you want to get... BETTER acquainted. (Daria shivers at Upchucks subtle hint as she and Jane walk away)

Daria: Mended your ways my ass... (Once at a safe distance where the noise from everyone else is sure to drown them out from Upchuck's ears) Oh god... he's STILL creepy.

Jane Lane: And he's BUFFED... if he weren't such a jerk he'd be cute.

Daria: For a blind guy.

Jane Lane: Hey... your sister's in a wheelchair. That doesn't make HER any less attractive does it?

Daria: SHE'S not so sure anymore... and that was low Jane.

Jane Lane: Hey... I call em' as I see em'. But thank you for noticing... I do try to do good work. (Daria rolls her eyes)

(Cut to elsewhere in the room... Quinn has managed to find her way to a table in an uncrowded spot. She's procured a soda from the bar and succeeded at bringing it back to the table without spilling it and is now busy taking slow sips as she looks about the room and all of the various unfamiliar people in it. So far she hadn't seen a single one of her old friends... until a familiar voice called to Quinn from the crowd. At first Quinn couldn't tell where the voice originated from but soon after it pierced the air an all too familiar face emerged from the sea of countless nobodies. Herself with a hair color less than what it had used to be, having been accented with grey streaks by the passage of time. And though still thin and attractive she had certainly added a few pounds to her frame)

Woman: Quinn... is that you? After all of this time... where have you been hiding yourself?

Quinn: (stunned expression on her face) Oh my god... STACY? I could ask you the same thing... what have YOU been doing all this time?

Stacy: I can't believe it... I finally caught up with Quinn Morgendorffer. The only member of the fashion club to do a disappearing act from our respective radar's. (Stacy walks over to the table and has a seat across from Quinn)

Quinn: (looks about the room briefly) So who else is here tonight, I haven't seen a single person I know up until now.

Stacy: Um... I know Sandi is. But just for the sake of a publicity shoot... Fashion magazine is doing a then and now piece on America's super models and she's trying to make it look like she has ties to her past. Otherwise I don't think she'd be caught dead here... she practically tossed us all to the wind and forgot about us once she got her modeling career off the ground.

Quinn: Stepped on you pretty good did she? (Stacy nods)

Stacy: I'm the one who got her the audition photo shoot in the first place... If my dad didn't know a few people then Sandi never would have gotten ANYWHERE. And as soon as she became known she acted like we never even knew each other... had me tossed off her property once too. The last time I came to pay her a visit and she called security to have me escorted off the property.

Quinn: Ugh... that would be SO like her. I don't know why we ever kept her on as the president of the fashion club.

Stacy: She had a pretty high intimidation factor back then... always liked to make sure that we were afraid of her in some way.

Quinn: She did like to keep us subservient, didn't she. So um... not to say that what she did was right. But why didn't she just call the cops if she wanted to treat you that way?

Stacy: (pulls a badge and ID out of her purse) Because I AM the cops... I've been an agent with the FBI for fifteen years now.

Quinn: (jaw drops) You're a FED?

Stacy: Oh yea... and you know what? I LOVE it... I get to assert myself, I get to speak my mind and have people listen. And I actually get respect from people for doing my job... people find out you're a fed and they change their tunes real quick, I'll tell you what. So um... what do YOU do now?

Quinn: (sighs) I WAS a naval aviator holding the rank of lieutenant. But now I mostly hang around the house doing odds and ends.

Stacy: That sounded like a great career... what made you leave it?

Quinn: Didn't have much of a choice. (Quinn rolls backward to reveal her chair from under the table) I lost the use of my legs a couple of years ago.

Stacy: (does a character typical gasp) Oh my god... HOW? Did you crash or something like in one of those movies?

Quinn: I almost wish... but no. I had a malignant spinal tumor and it had to be removed before it could spread. And when they went in I lost the use of my legs. (Shrugs) What are you gonna do?

Stacy: (bites her lip for a moment and looks as if she wants to cry) Oh Quinn... I'm so sorry.

Quinn: (smiles weakly in an effort to prevent Stacy from looking at her as a cripple... that was the last thing she wanted to be remembered by an old friend as) Do me a favor Stacy... don't be sorry. That's the LAST thing I need right now. (Awkward pause) So anyway... what about Tiffany? Whatever happened to her?

Stacy: Um... she got into porn for a while from what I hear. It's pretty pathetic now that I think about it. All the photographer had to do initially was to tell her that if she took her clothes off then everyone would be able to see all of her best sides and that she wasn't fat.

Quinn: There was your clincher right there... all the guy had to say in the first place was that it would prove to people that she wasn't fat and she'd of stripped on the spot.

Stacy: What makes you say that? (Quinn raises an eyebrow) EW... you did that?

Quinn: (laughs) Of COARSE not... she asked me once if I thought she was fat and in an effort to avoid the question I told her that the clothes she was wearing made it too difficult to tell and whoosh, off came the clothes including the undergarments.

Stacy: (looks repulsed) Ugh... so what did you do?

Quinn: What do you think I did... I got up and left. That was just a little too weird for me. (Stacy laughs as they begin to exchange stories of the years gone by, of loves lost, of battles won, and personal triumphs and defeat. It seemed that for the first time since the days of high school that friends of old were reunited once again)

(The scene fades to elsewhere in the school gym... Daria and Jane are seen standing near what appears to be a makeshift bar which is actually a bunch of tables covered by a white cloth with various appliances plugged in behind the serving area to make specialty drinks and a variety of alcoholic substances to choose from. The persons acting as the bartenders are professionals hired to cater the occasion. Daria has in hand a strawberry daiquiri with a small straw sticking out of the glass that allows her to take slow sips without getting a temperature induced headache, while Jane chugs a beer, one large swig at a time, in attempt to broaden her perspective of things.)

Daria: (Looks down at her now half empty glass and marvels at the fact that her drink was actually made with real fruit and not that funky syrupy mix) Wow... this is actually good stuff they're serving. What do you figure they spent on all of this?

Jane Lane: All I know is it can't be coming out of the school budget... They must have spent all of the money and then some on that beautiful garden out in front of the school. In fact... I do believe I saw cherry tree's out there.

Daria: You might have a point... the upkeep alone would more than deplete the amount of funding the Lawndale school board allocates each year. Maybe they had a fund raiser?

Jane Lane: I guess anything is possible since Ms. Li was no longer around to squander the cash on extreme and unnecessary security measures. Who do you figure is running the show in this place THESE days?

Daria; Well... it can't be Ms. Bennett. Or else the map of the school being displayed in the foyer would have been this big confusing jumble of X's and O's which would look remarkably similar to a diagram of a football play.

Jane Lane: And the place doesn't look like a prison block so it can't be Mr. Dimartino... so who do you figure? They wouldn't bring in someone totally new would they?

Daria: After seeing how much this place has changed I wouldn't be surprised. (Daria turns her head towards the stage area where a live band is finishing their latest set) They really went all out for this shindig didn't they?

Jane Lane: (chuckles) It's a shame we didn't know they were going to have live entertainment... we could have gotten Trent and the guys togther to play here. Boy... that would stir up some fond old memories, huh?

Daria; Not necessarily... I think in order to do that we would have to turn this place into a grungy old night club.

Jane Lane: And of coarse we'd have to find a way to get that nasty little rash to come back. Maybe I could paint it on... what do you think?

Daria: (scowls) I Think... (Before Daria can respond she is cut off by nauseatingly cheerful voice from the years past. Her startled eyes come to focus on the aged face of Mr. O'neil)

(The scene cuts to a young looking woman with long dark wavy hair making her way through the crowd of people, each step with her left foot is a labored one as she walks with the assistance of a cane made of cherry wood. She appears to be scanning the crowds with her eyes as if looking for someone important when she bumps into a scarlet haired man being escorted by a German shepherd, ..knocking him to the ground as had happened to him on other occasions during the evening)

Woman: Damn I'm sorry... are you all right there bud?

Man: I'll be fine... it's not the first time I've been struck down by a ravishing woman such as yourself. By the way... the name is Charles. As opposed to "bud"? (The woman stares at him for a brief moment and then waves her hand back and forth in front of his eyes)

Woman: Such a smooth line of B.S to come from a blind man. What makes you think I'm in any way ravishing? (Upchuck, once he's come to his feet, takes a few steps towards the woman's voice)

Upchuck: I don't need eyes to tell me of a woman's endless beauty.

Woman: (Looks amused as she takes a step towards him herself) Do tell... I'll let you know if I feel the need to slap you or barf. Either way... you've been warned. So enlighten me already...

Charles: (inhales deeply) You smell of the sea... which likely means you're an avid swimmer. And I've never known a swimmer who didn't have a shapely body. (The woman frowns and then sniffs herself as if checking for body odor)

Woman: (smiles) I'm impressed, do you have any idea how long it's been since I've been in the sea?

Charles: Shall I go on?

Woman: (still amused) Can you?

Charles: (feeling full of himself) I can and shall... you have the voice comparable to that of the sirens of legend. I doubt there's a man alive who could resist listening to it for time on end.

Woman: Now you're just full of shit... I've known a few with some down right nasty voices. And mines no treat either.

Charles: I beg to differ, Ms...?

Woman: (refusing to bite, she shakes her head and laughs) Okay... I've heard enough. I've got fifty bucks that says you use these lines all the time and that your just looking to get laid. Tell me if I'm wrong...

Charles: (smiles) A simple slap would have done... I'm used to it. And since you've seen through my, until now, infallible charm. Perhaps if I tried the direct approach? (in a low and slightly deeper voice) Wanna go find a place to do it? (He braces himself for a knockdown blow but instead hears roaring laughter)

Woman: (shaking her head) At least you're honest about it... I think any other guy with half an ego would have denied it or tried to play it off. And to let you down easy I'll be honest with YOU... you couldn't handle me. Where I'm from women are somewhat more... aggressive... when it comes to mating practices. Trust me... I'd cripple you.

Charles: My, if I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to play my own hand. Tantalize... and then conquer. I like women who know how to be... FEISTY! And after what you've just said I find myself wondering... should I dare to dream?

Woman: Dream all you want... that's what the mind and the left hand are there for.

Charles: Hmmm... such pleasant thoughts you've helped me to create. Perhaps I should visit wherever it is that you're from.

Woman: (looks confused) You'd drown...

Charles: To experience what you've described to me... it might just be worth it. So what do you think...?

Woman: (chuckles) You know if I weren't at the tail end of a compromising situation I'd have kicked your ass clear to the moon by now. But as it happens my libido is SAVING your so called ass... so find us a private spot and we'll see what comes of things. And just so you know... it's your funeral. (Upchuck practically swallows his own tongue at hearing her response and after several minutes of recovery he instructs his canine companion to lead them to the schools nurses office)

(Cut to Quinn's table... she and Stacy are still avidly talking when a deep but familiar voice penetrates the air from off to the side as Sandi emerges from a crowd of people)

Sandi: Well if it isn't my OLD friend Quinn... where have you been all these years?

Quinn: Oh HI Sandi... I wasn't sure if I'd see YOU here.

Sandi: Well of coarse I'd be here... how could I miss such an important even like a reunion. Besides... my agent said if would be good publicity for a well known celebrity like myself to make an appearance among the common people for once. (Looks over at Stacy only to have her eyes widen) What are YOU doing here... don't you federal types have anything better to do with your time than to hang around popular people? There MUST be a donut shop around here or something.

Stacy: (scowls) Go OD on some pills or something Sandi... you're so full of yourself.

Sandi: Is that a THREAT? I didn't think you people were supposed to DO that... or have the laws changed or something?

Quinn: Guys... it a reunion. Can't you put aside your differences for just one night?

Sandi: It's hard to put aside differences when someone like STACY tries to search your home for narcotics. (Quinn gawks and looks at Stacy for an explanation)

Stacy: That's why I was over at her house the last time, remember me telling you that she had me escorted off the property? I'd received this tip from some of her hired help that Sandi had been buying and using controlled narcotic substances on the property. Unfortunately I didn't have the probable cause to get a warrant so I showed up to question Sandi on the matter. She didn't take to kindly to it as you can tell.

Sandi: Hired help that has since been replaced, (scoffs) ... like I would use drugs. If I did something illegal like that don't you think I would have needle marks or something? (she rolls up her sleeves to show her unmarked arms)

Stacy: (points towards Sandi's feet) Take your shoes off, Sandi.

Sandi: Excuse me...?

Stacy: Take your shoes off... the arms aren't the only pace you can shoot up you know.

Sandi: I will do no such thing as to disgrace myself in public by removing my footwear for another woman. People might get the wrong idea about me.

Stacy; (Places her head in her palm) So we'll do it in private... there are bathrooms around here.

Sandi: (seriously getting annoyed) Kiss off you little runt... I don't have to justify myself to you.

Quinn: (beginning to suspect that Stacy may have been on to something) Sandi... if your going to act like you're gods gift to humanity then why don't you go do it for whoever pays your salary. Otherwise just take your shoes off and be done with this whole argument.

Sandi: What's THAT supposed to mean?

Quinn: It means that if you have nothing to hide then you'll prove Stacy wrong and you can hold that over her head for the rest of her life. But if you don't... then that's like admitting guilt. (Stacy smiles at Quinn's assistance)

Sandi: (scowls at Sandi) Your just jealous because I've got a glamorous career while you're stuck in a stinky government job dealing with lowlifes. Eww... I bet they don't even shower. That's the REAL reason you always harass me like this... I just never thought Quinn would act the same way.

Quinn: Sandi... I'm just trying to bring a quick end to the argument.

Sandi: I don't THINK so... oh and by the way. Nice wheelchair... the way it wraps around you just gives you that "look at me, I'm a helpless invalid" look. I hear that's in this year... at least for people like you. (Quinn looks deeply hurt as she turns her head down looking as if she wants to cry)

Stacy: Don't pay attention to her Quinn... she feels she has to put others down just to keep herself from realizing how shallow she's become and now look at her... she's got nothing deep down. It was the same in high school.

Sandi: Are you kidding... I have more fame and wealth than any of you could possibly imagine.

Stacy: Maybe so... but what is all that worth when you have no depth?

Stacy: (scowls) I have LOTS of depth... my photographer tells me so every single say. And I'd take his opinion over yours ANY time.

Quinn: (rolls her eyes and juts her head upwards to look at Sandi) You know... with an attitude like that it's amazing no one has stood up to kick your butt back into line. (Looks Sandi up and down) And somebody SHOULD... geez.

Sandi: (walks closer to Quinn and looks her up and down as she sits in her chair) Really... I doubt I'll have to worry about THAT happening anytime soon. Since you can't even GET up. (Beat) And since I'm obviously not wanted over here I'll just go mingle with some more of the little people. Maybe they'll be a little more appreciative to be in my presence. (Sandi turns and walks over towards the bar where her photographer is waiting for her. As people drift by Quinn's table, a glimpse of a young woman with long wavy black hair is seen in the background. She thoughtfully leans on a cane made of cherry wood while staring at Sandi as she walks off with her head held high. After a long moment she smirks to herself and decides to approach Quinn and her friend)

Woman: Let me guess... some people just don't change huh? (Quinn at hearing this voice does a double take straining a muscle or two in her neck signified by her grabbing her neck and yelping in pain. Quinn is so surprised that from her perspective the room just goes dead silent. People seem to move about in the background seemingly in slow motion. Quinn can see Stacy's mouth move in slow motion as she inquires about her health. And even after she recovers she just sits there with her mouth gaping and then only speaks after five or so additional minutes of silence)

Quinn: (mouth quivering slightly) You're dead... (the woman smiles as she gazes upon Quinn with her hazel eyes)

Woman: Yea I seem to be getting that a lot... it's amazing how easily people are dismissed these days. (Quinn turns to Stacy) Hey there... I'm Kathryn Nickleby. (She shakes hands with Stacy and then has a seat at the table)

Stacy: So how do you know Quinn?

Kathryn: She was my wing man for damned near fifteen years... we never left the deck without each other. Even on shore leave if I recall.

Stacy: (looks Kathryn up and down a few times in disbelief) Pardon my skepticism here... I find it hard to believe that you two have been flying together for fifteen years. In my line of work I have to be a pretty good judge of appearances and judging by yours... you're not a day over twenty five.

Kathryn: (Smirks) Would you believe that I'm OLDER than Quinn? (Stacy scowls and looks at Quinn who nods her head)

Stacy: (turns back to Kathryn and looks her over a few more times) In that case... what ... the HELL... is your secret?? And why aren't you marketing it... you could make yourself rich beyond the dreams of avarice. (Kathryn pays Stacy no mind and turns to Quinn to study the urgent expression on her face. It doesn't take long at all to figure out what question is on her mind) Let me guess... you want to know where I've been all this time. (Quinn nods her head slowly)

Stacy: Well wait a minute, I've never heard anything about this... so what happened in the first place? (Quinn blurts out a response before Kathryn can answer)

Quinn: Kathryn was shot down four years ago.

Kathryn: Actually I wasn't, Quinn. (The scene blurs as she begins to tell her side of the story and comes back into focus inside of the cockpit of an F-18 hornet just as another aircraft of the same type shoots past on the left side. Quinn's voice can be heard on the comm)

Quinn: Raider... I overshot. I'm way out of position!

Kathryn: (VO) DAMN!! (Kathryn inverts her aircraft and pushes up on the throttle while at the same time pulling back on the stick. The Mig that was on her tail overshoots but it doesn't take long before it is able to swing back in behind her.) Quinn... I'm cutting to the hard deck! (As she says this tracers begin passing by the canopy. Kathryn performs a rolling reversal and begins to drop her altitude hoping that the night will mask her escape but as she nears eight hundred feet above the ground something comes flying past from the front and strikes the aircraft severing the arial antenna) What the hell? (More tracers come flying past the canopy, some of them strike the wing causing fuel to begin leaking) Quinn... I'm taking hits. You've got to get this guy off me! (As she says this another object flies toward her within the blink of an eye and gets sucked into the engine intake. The engine effectively bursts into flames) Now that's a very lousy combination. (She looks back at the MIG which is still behind her and then at the wing leaking fuel which is starting to catch fire from the engine) Forget THIS... you can have the damned plane. (Into her comm) This is the end of Ghost rider one... Eject... Eject... Eject... ! (Kathryn pulls the handle between her legs and in the blink of an eye the canopy has blown off and a rocket motor underneath the seat has already blasted Kathryn out of the aircraft. As her parachute deploys she watches as her aircraft becomes engulfed in flames and begins to tumble end over end towards the ground)

(The scene fades back to the present)

Kathryn: I think it was a goose I sucked into the engine... I can't really be sure. It was just too dark to tell. (Beat) So you never saw me eject huh? (Quinn shakes her head)

Quinn: I saw your plane go down, after which I had the opportunity to get the MIG that I thought got you. But it got away... I'm sorry.

Kathryn: Yea... I saw that. You got a couple of hits and sent him running though... so that's almost as good. (Quinn motions as if she's about to ask a question) Yea... I know. So where have I been, right? (Quinn nods and Stacy rests her chin on one of her palms as though a child eagerly awaiting a children's story about to be told by a loving grandfather.) After I ejected, my chute deployed but not in the way it should. It only partially opened and I came down a bit harder than I should have and I broke my leg in three places in the process. A local fisherman from the coast about a hundred miles away, god only knows why he was that far inland in the middle of the night, but he and his son found me and (the scene blurs and comes back in during the night about one hundred miles inland from the black sea. The headlights from an old truck are almost blinding the POV as two shadowy figures walk towards the POV with firearms in hand. The scene pulls back showing Kathryn squinting against the light with her service piece drawn, aimed at the approaching persons)

Man 1: (in English but with a heavy accent that sounded like a cross between Turk and Russian) Lower your weapon and you will not be harmed... who are you with? (Kathryn raises her free hand to her eyes with her fingers slightly spread in effort to block some of the light emanating from the trucks headlights. The man takes notice that she has partially webbed fingers and begins to speak urgently in Russian to his son who chambers a round in his weapon. Kathryn realizing that in her compromised position she could not possibly get them both without biting it herself so she lowers her weapon and surrenders. The scene blurs and comes back in at the present)

Stacy: You were taken prisoner... for how long?

Kathryn: I was his personal prisoner... not a government one. He kept me locked up for three years... APPARENTLY he was under the impression that I was a mermaid and could grant wishes or something. So he was determined to keep me until I gave him what he wanted.

Stacy: What... oh my god that's horrible. What could possibly make him think something that crazy?

Kathryn: (shrugs) Damned if I know... he probably was an alcoholic or something and his mind was half gone. I bet he would have believed an legend he read about. Anyway, He kept me locked in the barn and everyday he would ask if I was ready to cooperate and give him what he wanted. And everyday I told him the truth, "I don't know what your talking about, I don't have any magic whatsoever". And every time he would reiterate his steadfast belief that mermaids were magical beings that could grant such requests. Once in a while he'd lose patience and beat me, or he'd strip me and leave me naked for a day or so hoping that modesty would teach me a lesson ... eventually the guys son, who fortunately for me didn't believe a word of the garbage his father was spitting out, decided on his own that a perfectly good young female prisoner was a waste unless she was put to good use. I.E. he tried to have his way with me.

Quinn: He RAPED you!!!!!!!!!

Kathryn: (grits her teeth slightly) Say that a little louder why don't you... I don't think the whole room heard you.

Quinn: (looks down into her lap shamefully) Sorry...

Kathryn: And no... he didn't. He tried to bargain with me... offering freedom in exchange for sex. Apparently his wife hated his guts and wasn't putting out for him. At least that's what he told me. (Beat) I reluctantly agreed on the condition that he remove my restraints first... and he was dumb enough to do it.

Stacy: So you escaped...

Kathryn: (sighs heavily) Actually... I'm USUALLY a woman of my word and I was going to go through with it... before rendering him unconscious so he wouldn't see my route of egress. (Removes a circular pendant inscribed in an odd language from under her shirt and shows it off) But he noticed my pendant and tried to take it figuring he could woo his wife with it... that was where I had to draw the line.

Stacy; So you beat the hell out of him and escaped, right?

Kathryn: (Looks at as if she were a very simple minded person) I cut his throat with my fingernails... and escaped. (Stacy looks appalled) What... this pendant is very important to me.

Stacy: With your FINGERNAILS?

Kathryn: I have sharp fingernails, okay? So anyway... It took me a few days to make it to the beach and when I got there I hitched a ride with a couple of old acquaintances of mine who to my incredible luck happened to be in the area... they got me about a hundred miles out to sea where I was picked up by a US destroyer that took me the rest of the way home. It took me most of the year to track you down Quinn, and when I did I was greeted by your husband at the door. He remembered me... I thought it was pretty sweet since he'd only met me once. And he made arrangements for me to meet you here as sort of a surprise.

Quinn: (scowls and then after a moment smiles) That would explain why he was so adamant about me coming to this reunion... GOD he's sneaky sometimes.

Kathryn: (chuckles to herself and leans down to give Quinn a stiff hug) He's also sweet, Quinn. You're lucky to have him. (A moment of silence passes and Kathryn clears her throat in preparation to continue the conversation) So now I'm back... in fact by sheer coincidence I recently moved just across the bay from you. We can hang out from time to time if you want and you can keep that promise of yours about coordinating my wardrobe.

Quinn: (Pauses long in thought as she debates whether or not to bring something up) Um... Stacy is it possible you could give us a few minutes alone?

Stacy: (looks back and forth between Kathryn and her friend several times before replying in disappointment) Um... sure. I'll just go and see if there's anything else I can get Sandi investigated for... I guess.

Quinn: Thanks Stacy... you're the greatest. (Stacy gets up from the table and heads off into the crowd. Quinn then reaches into her purse and withdraws a fifty dollar bill before placing it on the table directly in front of Kathryn who just raises an eyebrow in acknowledgment) By the way... you were right about something else.

Kathryn: Do tell...?

Quinn: (smiles) I'm pregnant...

Kathryn: (Over the next minute or so a smile slowly creeps across her face stretching from ear to ear before she finally reaches across the table in an ecstatic embrace) I TOLD you it could be done... what the hell do doctors know?

Quinn: (laughs nervously) They know enough... I had to get help. (Kathryn pauses, not sure if she should be happy or show sympathy, given that she knew what Quinn meant by "getting help". Inevitably she decides to let it go and just share in her friends happiness)

Kathryn: So have you decided on a name yet?

Quinn: (shrugs) It's been narrowed down substantially. My husband wants Timothy if it's a boy.

Kathryn: And if it's a girl?

Quinn: (Smiles from ear to ear) I dunno... I wanted to name it after somebody with a unique name but who was also very important to me. So I've been debating between Neirte...

Kathryn: (chuckles) I was wondering which one you'd met...

Quinn: (looks Kathryn square in the eyes) ... or Kesthea (Kathryn's face appears to drop as she freezes in her chair) What... you didn't think I knew?

Kathryn: (clears her throat) I'm honored to be considered. (smirks) When did you finally figure me out... I'd only been dropping hints to you for years and they always seemed to go right over your head.

Quinn: Not necessarily OVER my head, I just thought you were playing one long prank on me trying to see if I'd fall for any of it. (Shrugs) I didn't believe that Faye existed... I just thought they were mythology like in the story books. Until my niece introduced me to Neirte... we found a way to communicate and she told me of her parents deaths and that she had no family left. So we invited her into ours.

Kathryn: Yea... I know all about that.

Quinn: What?

Kathryn: You guys are the talk of the Faye community... from what I've heard before I got picked up by that destroyer, Neirte can't run into anybody without being asked questions about your family. "What are they like", "Can you get them to give you some of that frozen white stuff", "Why do they cover themselves in plant fibers", "Can you get them to give you some of that frozen white stuff".

Quinn: You said that already.

Kathryn: I know... that's the most frequently asked question I've heard so far. Since you people first came up with the stuff... they've all had a bit of a sweet tooth for vanilla ice cream. And the only time they can seem to get it is when somebody either drops their cone into the water or leaves it unattended NEAR the water. (Beat) What... you've never noticed how whenever a kid is near the ocean with an ice cream cone he or she seems to loose it? (Quinn laughs)

Quinn: I'll just accept it as truth and leave it at that. (Beat) I ALSO know how you happen to know so much about them. I know why that pendant is so important to you, at first I thought the reason you knew so much about them was because you'd actually met a bunch of them... (awkward pause) Neirte told me that you yourself are Faye and you once were married to a human named Anderson... four HUNDRED years ago. I have to admit... you look very good for your age.

Kathryn: (looks slightly unnerved) ... okay?

Quinn: His first name was Hans... and that story he wrote was based on the two of YOU. He just fudged all of the facts so people wouldn't KNOW it was about you. Something about the church having a bug up their ass.

Kathryn: And you believe that?

Quinn: I know enough to know that if the truth walks up to you and slaps you in the face... it's much to real to have been a lie.

Kathryn: (studies Quinn for a moment before responding) I like that... I'll have to use that.

Quinn: Go right ahead... it's Daria's.

Kathryn: Who's Daria?

Quinn: Just my sister...

Kathryn: (Leans forward in her chair) You never told me you had a sister named Daria. After all that time...

Quinn: (shrugs) You never told me you had a sister named Alcen (All-Sin) who mas married to a guy named Febbs... and they had a daughter named Neirte. (a long moment of silence ensues before Quinn reaches out taking Kathryn's hand and squeezing one of her fingers right near the nail causing it to extend half an inch)

Kathryn: (looks down at her hand and then back up at Quinn) So you DO know all about me...

Quinn: Well, I have a couple of questions. How did that guy know what you were... and was he onto something?

Kathryn: (looking very annoyed) We are NOT magical beings Quinn, if I HAD such abilities don't you think I would have used them to get myself out of there instead of taking the guys abuse? (Sighs) Any OTHER questions?

Quinn: Um yea... what was he like?

Kathryn: My husband...?

Quinn: Yea... Hans right?

Kathryn: (pauses in thought for a moment and then smiles) He was a good man... I miss him sometimes. He had a way of making me laugh... always had the kids enchanted with a story too.

Quinn: (He jaw drops as this is something that Kathryn had never even HINTED about) YOU had kids...?

Kathryn: Six... just one was born Faye though. She lives over on the west coast these days.

Quinn: Does she have... you know.

Kathryn: Legs instead of fins? (Quinn nods) Yea... as long as this pendant exists she does. If something were to happen to it... she'd better hope she's right next to the ocean. (Beat) Any OTHER questions?

Quinn: Yea... I could use a little clarification on the REAL version of Han's story. I assume it'll tell me how you ACTUALLY came to be ... this way.

Kathryn: Want me to start with my family background?

Quinn: (smiles attentively) I was hoping you would.

(The scene cuts to later in the evening, Daria and Jane have just managed to get rid of Mr. O'Neill who had been babbling the night away before the two as if he were actually carrying on a relevant conversation. He'd made light of his good fortune, having been chosen to be the principle after Ms. Li's tragic death. At least he saw it as tragic... Daria and Jane, judging by the looks on their faces, seemed to think otherwise. Even though they had to hide their true feelings once, after tossing the thought of someone's death around his mind again and again, Mr. O'Neill broke down crying for five full minutes. Jane and Daria, feeling embarrassed to be seen anywhere near him escorted Mr. O'Neill over to a nearby table and left him to be by himself.)

Jane Lane: (As she and Daria are walking away from Mr. O'Neill's table) Geez... he's exactly the same as when WE went here.

Daria: I guess for some people there just isn't any hope. God help us...

Jane Lane: I'll bet he just needs to get laid... ever since Mrs. Barch bought it he probably hasn't been getting any.

Daria: (looks at Jane in disgust) Be my guest if you feel THAT way about it.

Jane Lane: (a look of nausea sweeps over her face as the pictures that in her twisted little mind) EWWWWWWWWWWWWW... (As Jane does her best not to puke both she and Daria... along with countless others seen in the background, turn to notice at the far end of the gym, the doors have swung open revealing an ambulance that has backed up to the entrance and two EMT's who are now discretely making their way past everyone and out into the school's main hallway)

Daria: What do you supposed THAT was all about?

Jane Lane: Maybe if we're lucky someone finally did the world a favor and killed upchuck.

Daria: Oh come on... you know we could never be THAT lucky. (a few moments later the EMT's came back out of the hallway with someone strapped to the Gurney as they wheel it through the gym on their way out to the ambulance. Daria and Jane Quickly walk across the gym in effort to get a look at the unfortunate soul who picked Lawndale high of all places to get seriously ill. As they come closer they manage to see the face of the unconscious person and to their surprise it's upchuck, who even though unconscious, he has a smile stuck on his face.)

Jane Lane: Okay... maybe we COULD be that lucky. (Speaks up to the EMT) What the hell happened to him?

EMT1: Apparent heart attack... but we're not sure what could have caused it... All we are sure of is that there's a dog hiding in the nurses office and it's afraid to come out from under the desk.

EMT2: And that his clothes were shredded by something really sharp. (The first EMT nudges the second because they are not supposed to just give out information. They continue to push past Daria and Jane)

Jane Lane: Okay then... (looks down at the floor to notice a piece of Upchucks tattered jeans had been dropped by the EMT's) Look at THAT... whatever did this cut through these jeans like a hot knife through butter. Have you ever seen anything do that?

Daria: Barring machinery...? (thinks for a long moment and then shrugs) Those retractable fingernails Neirte has... but that's it. And there's no way she could have been HERE.

Jane Lane: (Raises an eyebrow in interest) Neirte has retractable fingernails?

Daria: Yea... they can extend about half an inch on each finger. She uses them to catch her food... and for defense when necessary. Sharp as all hell too...

Jane Lane: Weird...

Daria: Yea...

Jane Lane: (looks over at Daria and smiles) And you thought you wouldn't have a good time here.

Daria: Okay you've got me... I had a single happy moment in which a long time dream was almost realized.

Jane Lane: Upchucks death...?

Daria: Like I said... ALMOST realized. He'll probably bounce right back from the hospital and disappoint us all.

Jane Lane: Although when he does... we've got to find out who did this to him.

Daria: And thank that person. (Jane chuckles)

(Cut to Quinn's table a short distance away from where Jane and Daria are standing. Quinn is busy watching the minute or so of hustle and bustle before turning back to her friend. In the background can be heard Mr. O'Neill's voice over the PA stating that all is well in a needless gesture of assurance. Given that once all was said and done everyone went back to what they were doing as if it were an everyday occurrence.)

Quinn: What do you suppose THAT was all about?

Kathryn: (blushes slightly) Uh... that would probably be Charles. I had to call an ambulance for him just before I came over to talk to you.

Quinn: What happened?

Kathryn: He came on to me a few times and wound up getting more than he bargained for. I have to give him credit though... he was actually pretty good. He held out a lot longer than I thought he would.

Quinn: (smirks as she reflects on the past) Ah yes... I seem to recall you having that effect on men. (Beat) Just out of curiosity... does this have anything to do with that thing that happens every five years with you people? Something about fourteen days of hormone hell...

Kathryn: (frowns) Neirte talks to much...

Quinn: Actually, she doesn't talk at all. She uses sign language to talk to us. (Kathryn pinches her sinuses for a moment and then glares at Quinn as if she wants to smack the hell out of her.) You meant communication in general... didn't you? (Kathryn smiles and gives a thumbs up) Sorry... Sometimes I just don't think before I speak.

Kathryn: (smiles) I've noticed that over the years... Tyva` fad Kalamata.

Quinn: What...?

Kathryn: It's a Faye expression. Roughly translated it means "don't worry about it".

Quinn: And literally?

Kathryn: "Sea grass in the wake". (Quinn exchanges a weird look with Kathryn as the sene fades)

(Cut to about an hour later... it is getting late in the evening now. Daria and Jane, having stayed as close to the bar as possible during the whole evening, are now watching people clear the dance area. To Their surprise an unexpected sight becomes visible as the people clear away... It is Quinn with another woman rolling her around and pulling small stunts with the wheel chair as the woman hangs on the back of it)

Jane Lane: Pardon my ignorance amiga... but is that your sister actually having FUN? You know... as opposed to pouting.

Daria: Well it's either that or we've both had a little too much to drink tonight. (She looks Jane up and down) You're driving tonight... right?

Jane Lane: ME... I thought you were the designated driver.

Daria: I've been the designated driver for the past ten years... ever since I vomited on the grill at one of your summer parties. I think I can take a break from the job just this once.

Jane Lane: Hey... it was your own decision to stay sober from then on. If you wanted to change your mind then you should have let me know before I had anything to drink.

Daria: You've had ONE beer this entire night, Jane.

Jane Lane: Not like you who's only had HALF a daiquiri.

Daria: (Pauses in thought) Wait a minute... why are we acting like recovering alcoholics?

Jane Lane: Just fighting the good fight there old friend... if we get into an accident. I don't want to be the one who has to get locked up for driving under the influence. (Raises the remainder of her beer to Daria and then takes a swig)

Daria: I hate you...

Jane Lane: (looks across the room at Quinn) Oh look... the lovely couple seems to have tired themselves out. Lets call them over and see if we can find out who your sister has decided to swing with shall we?

Daria: Swing...? You're not stuck in that fifties lifestyle again are you? (Jane proceeds to Call Quinn over)

(Cut to Quinn)

Kathryn: (spies Jane waving at them) Hey Quinn... you seem to have an admirer.

Quinn: What... where? (Kathryn points Jane out to her but to Quinn objects that far off are a blur) Damn, ..I HATE getting old. (Quinn reaches into her purse and pulls out her new pair of glasses. Then puts them on) Eh... that's my sister in law. I wonder what SHE wants? (The sound of laughter is heard coming from Kathryn) What...?

Kathryn: What's with the glasses?

Quinn: (Scoffs) Oh go AWAY, will you? Not everybody ages as slowly as YOU do you know. Four hundred year old bitch...

Kathryn: Eight... (Quinn does a double take) Eight hundred thirty two to be exact... I was four when I MET him.

Quinn: I really... REALLY hate you. I want you to know that, as your friend. (Kathryn smiles and begins to push Quinn in Jane's direction)

Kathryn: (pretends to sniffle) That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Come on... lets go see what she wants.

Quinn: What NO... nobody knows I have to wear these. I look just like my SISTER with these on.

Kathryn: How is that a bad thing? If I looked like MY sister... I bet I'd have found a mate in no time flat. As opposed to settling for... well never mind. Let's just say things are different in the community. The female to male ratio is Ten to one... so the competition is the opposite of what it is up here. I'll explain further later on... (They approach Daria and Jane)

Jane Lane: Quinn... how nice to see you out and about. I thought you'd just spend the night sitting at your table. (Pause) Only one admirer tonight? (Daria looks over at Jane and smirks)

Quinn: Shut up Jane... I'm not like that anymore.

Jane Lane: Not even for Joey, Jeffy, and Jamie?

Quinn: What are you talking about... Joey didn't come with us tonight. (Jane just stares at Quinn for a moment before she laughs nervously) You meant the OTHER Joey didn't you? (Jane doesn't respond) Way to embarrass myself... (Kathryn decides to Bail Quinn out of the situation)

Kathryn: Hi... I'm Kathryn Nickleby. I'm an old friend of Quinn's. (Daria stares at her for a moment before responding)

Daria: Aren't you dead?

Kathryn: (rolls her eyes) Well I was for a while but then I got kicked out of hell for trying to organize a coup. Some people just aren't happy with change, let me tell you. (Watches as a smirk grows across Daria's face) I don't believe I caught YOUR names.

Jane Lane: That's probably because we never threw them at you. (Quinn, in a quick motion forward, rolls over Jane's feet) OW... hey! (Glares at Quinn) Oh fine... be that way. I'm Jane Lane... artist extraordinare. (Shakes hands with Kathryn)

Kathryn: Really... I dabble a bit myself.

Daria: Yea we know... Quinn's shown us some of your work. (Kathryn juts her eyes towards Daria and Jane in question of their knowledge of her... Quinn just subtly shakes her head no) I'm Daria Lane. (Extends her hand to shake)

Kathryn: Admiral Lane...? (pauses in enthusiasm and then looks at Quinn) Your sister is Admiral Daria "Hell Fire" Lane, and you didn't tell me...? (In the background, Daria looks as if she were about to become violently ill. Kathryn in the mean time has turned her attention back to Daria) Damn... you're my freggin hero. I've heard all the stories...

Jane Lane: (turns to Daria) Apparently your legend has spread beyond the academy and into the field, old friend. Before you know it... you'll be signing autographs and book deals.

Daria: (glares at Jane and does a honeymooners impression) Bang... ZOOM! (Kathryn is about to continue when she is cut off by multiple voices approaching from off to the right. It's the three J's... and they've zeroed in on Quinn)

Joey: (Simultaneously) Quinn... I can't believe it.

Jeffy: After all this time...

Jamie: I've kept myself celibate just for you Quinn... (The other two stop in their tracks and stare at him) What...?

Kathryn: (looks at Quinn and smirks) Who the hell are THESE guys? (While Quinn is trying to explain to Kathryn just who the three J's are, Jane and Daria begin to converse amongst themselves)

Daria: Figures THOSE three would survive.

Jane Lane: Hey... they had their unobtainable love to keep them going.

Daria: Fifty bucks says one of them commits Hary Kary when they find out Quinn's Married.

Jane Lane: IF she tells them... (Daria just eyes Jane up) Make it a hundred and I'm in.

Daria: Done... (The scene zooms back in on Quinn and those around her)

Joey: Quinn... I don't care if you can't walk. I can carry you wherever you need to go... I have great endurance.

Jamie: (Shoves Joey aside) Hey... she doesn't need you to treat her like an invalid. Quinn... I can get a hold of all the best doctors to help you walk again. Can I please just have one date...?

Jeffy: Hey Don't shove him... just let Quinn decide...

Jamie: Why does she need YOU to step in and let her decide... I can do that better than you can. (The three start to bicker and Kathryn pulls Quinn back a few feet as the three J's start to go at it, knocking stuff over as they exchange blows)

Kathryn: (gawks at Quinn) And you went through high school with guys fighting over YOU? Why couldn't it be like this for me back home...? (Quinn decides to end the brawl abruptly)

Quinn: Guys... Hey Guys! (Screams) GUYS!!!!! (The three of them stop in mid pose. Joey has his fist raised to hit Jamie, Jamie has his teeth clenched on Jeffy's arm, and Jeffy has his thumb placed against Joey's eye. Quinn raises her left hand and shows off her wedding band) Will you guys stop it... I'm happily married, for gods SAKE! (The three move to resume a calmer composure... but still with a dumb struck look on their faces)

Jeffy: Oh god no...

Jamie: (lips quivering) But... I saved myself for you. All this time... I could have had anyone I wanted... My life is over... (He turns and Quickly walks out of the Gym into the parking lot)

Daria: (As Jane is about to say something) Wait for it... (a gunshot is heard out in the parking lot and everyone else in the Gym rushes outside to see what happened) Okay... pay up.

Jane Lane: Now, now... suicide by gun shot is not the same as Hary Kary. I win by technicality...

Daria: (scowls in defeat) Damn, I should have gone for something more conventional... (Reaches into her pocket and withdraws a series of twenties. Daria, Jane, Kathryn, and Quinn follow the crowd outside to await the police while Mr. O'Neill is futilely attempting crowd control. By chance they happen to meet up with the remaining J's)

Jeffy: I can't believe it... where'd he get the gun?

Joey: I can't believe he did it over a WOMAN.

Jeffy: Quinn's just not ANY woman, stupid.

Joey: Yea... but she's not worth dying over.

Jeffy: Is TOO... (They start fighting all over again and as the police and paramedics begin to arrive on scene as the two remaining J's are seen rolling around on the asphalt. Stacy is in the background talking on a radio reporting the situation to her superiors)

Jane Lane: (looks at Daria with a smirk) And you didn't want to come to this...

Daria: Yea... but the trouble is that I know I should feel bad about what's just happened. I mean, a guy just killed himself. And I don't even feel shocked about it... I even joked and betted on the fact that he would do it. (Takes on a remorseful expression) What does that say about me?

Jane Lane: That we've seen so much of the stuff in our youths that we've become totally desensitized to death and violence to the point where a tragic event like this doesn't even phase us. (Beat) Hey... it could be worse. We could have become a couple of those psycho's who flip out and shoot up a mini mart. (Daria flashes Jane another remorseful glance as the scene cuts over to Quinn off to Daria's right)

Quinn: I'm sorry tonight turned out like this, Kathryn. But just to say it... you've always been my best friend. And I'm glad to have you back. I'm glad Joey talked me into coming...

Kathryn: I feel the same way, Purse. And don't feel so bad... when people back home hear that you've got guys who will fight over YOU. You'll be the envy of the community.

Quinn: Can't wait... (Beat) Can I ask you something off topic?

Kathryn: Shoot... no wait. That's been done already, don't shoot. Just ask...

Quinn: How do you see me in this wheel chair?

Kathryn: (looks Quinn up and down a few times) Well... you're a few feet shorter in that thing, you're pregnant, you associate with people commonly believed to be mythical (Daria glances at her from the side upon hearing this) ... and apparently a guy who had been fawning over you for years has just killed himself because he couldn't live with the fact that you were taken.

Quinn: (Laughs nervously) Yea... who'd have thought. (Beat) But you don't see a cripple or an invalid... right? (Laughs nervously) I mean... I'd really been bothered by the fact that the people I used to hang out with might mock me for not being able to walk to the point where I didn't want to come tonight and so my husband persuaded me to go and my sisters kids took me shopping to make me feel better about myself and all this other stuff happened and...

Kathryn: You're going to get to the point eventually right?

Quinn: (Smiles nervously) I guess the point is... do you see me like that? .

Kathryn: (pause) Oh hell no... you're almost the same person I remember. And that's just the way I see you now.

Quinn: Great... because I think that would virtually make up for my encounter with Sandi earlier... I actually RESPECT you're opinion (beat) Almost...?

Kathryn: Well yea... I don't remember you ever taking someone's death quite so well before.

Quinn: (looks down shamefully) I wasn't even thinking about it... I can't believe myself...

Kathryn: (ignores Quinn's comment and continues talking) What a shame for that to happen too... So those other two guys are available... right?

Quinn: Ugh gross... you're still thinking about that stuff? You only put that one guy in the hospital already. (Daria turns to face Quinn)

Daria: What guy...?

Quinn: That guy who got wheeled out of here earlier. (Looks to Kathryn) What did you say his name was... Charles? Anyway... she somehow managed to put him unconscious or something. (Daria and Jane exchange glances with each other. Quinn continues to talk while looking at Kathryn) I never got a look at him but I hope he was at least cute.

Daria: Um... Quinn, that was UPCHUCK that was wheeled out earlier. And the EMT said it looked like he'd had a heart attack.

Jane Lane: And that his dog was afraid to come out from under a desk... don't forget that little tidbit of info. So just what... (She is cut off by Quinn)

Quinn: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... You did it with UPCHUCK??? (Kathryn looks back and forth between Quinn, Jane and Daria, as obviously there is something that's she's missing here.)

Jane Lane: Never mind... I just lost my sense of curiosity. But just answer me this... WHY?

Kathryn: Hey... he was cute and I was Horney. How much more info do you need?

Daria: And you're the one who shredded his clothes? (An "oh shit" look comes over Kathryn's face) What did you use to do that...? (Quinn interjects before Kathryn can give a truthful response)

Quinn: It happened in a NURSE's office, Daria. There's probably a couple of those surgical knives in there or something. Jeez... for all we know they just got a little kinky. (Kathryn flashes Quinn an odd sort of "thanks for the save" look)

Jane Lane: She does have a point, Daria. Besides... maybe we should just let it go. She did almost kill the poor guy for us. (a police officer approaches Quinn to ask questions on how Jamie the nights events unfolded leading up to Jamie's suicide)

Daria: (sighs) Yea... I guess we can let it go. Things have become strange enough as it is without an explanation to make it worse.

Jane Lane: And what was REALLY strange was that very few people noticed your new hair...

Daria: Shocking it was, I tell you. Compared to tonight's events it was just shocking... (Another police officer comes over to Question Daria and Jane as the scene fades to black)

The End...

Feedback is always appreciated... I may be contacted at wildgoose81@hotmail.com