
a Daria ficlet by wyvern337


Amy was too excited to be ashamed. In fact, she didn't -- couldn't -- even spare a thought for what she might end up putting her sister through by doing this...or her favorite and second-favorite nieces, for that matter.

"Jake," she managed to say. Her breathing had become rapid and shallow, almost panting, which made it difficult to form words. She reached down to stroke his hair and realized only when she saw her own hand how badly she was trembling.

"I told you staying with Helen as long as you did showed remarkable fortitude," she breathed. "Have I ever told you how much I admired that?"

Jake made no reply. Amy reached down, grasped firmly and with a sharp yank tightened one of the restraints.

Still no reaction. Not to worry, she thought, smiling to herself. There would be soon enough.

Amy crossed the basement room to an intimidating-looking piece of electrical equipment and, looking back over her shoulder, threw a switch.

The body of Jake Morgendorffer, stolen from the Dirt Nap Funeral Home before it could be embalmed, and with certain recently-failed parts surgically replaced, arched as the current surged through it, then flopped back to the table, steaming slightly around the electrodes Amy had implanted in its neck.

Amy stared wide-eyed. Had it worked? Would her efforts pay off?

A finger twitched. An eyelid fluttered.

An insane grin split the face of the youngest Barksdale sister.

"IT'S ALIVE!" cried Amy, "IT'S ALIIIIVE!!"

"Rrrrr!", replied "Jake" from the operating table.




Disclaimers: Daria and all ancillary characters are the property of MTV/Viacom. I merely borrow them occasionally, for strictly non-commercial purposes.