"Mole? Somebody get me a dermatologist!"
by Belle Book
Chapter Three
Scene One -- Lyon, France
Abby (voice-over): Previously on Teen Mole -- tensions increase as Keith accuses Daria of leaving a note on his bedroom door and insults Tom when he tries to defend her. (As Abby speaks, we see the confrontation scene.) Heather and Raul have to race two high-school track stars through the streets of Lyon -- (we see Heather racing Emilia to the Credit Lyonnais Tower,) but they have to decide between earning money for the pot and earning an exemption. (We see Raul spot Alfredo running off, then approach a young woman.) Meanwhile, Fern has to learn how to play real golf while the others with her have to help her out by answering questions. (We see Fern practicing golf.) The next day, Ann was captured, and the others had to rescue her. (We see Violet trying to guide Raul through the Maison des Canuts.) However, only Tom and Heather were able to succeed in rescuing Ann. (We see Tom telling Heather to choose the leaden key.) And after the second quiz, Ann became the Mole's second victim. (We see Ann get the red thumbprint.)
The James Bond-type music begins as Abby continues
Abby: Ten contestants. One winner. Each one attempting to win a jackpot up to 1 million dollars. However, one of the contestants has been hired by the producers to sabotage the games. That someone is the Mole. Each round, the contestants have to take a quiz about the Mole's identity. Whoever knows the least about the Mole will be executed and must leave the game immediately. Who is the Mole?
We then get clips of Fern, Raul, Daria, Tom, Keith, Heather, Violet, and Mark. We then see people doing their confessionals as the credits run.
Heather: Already I miss Ann. She brought such fun to the game. However, I don't think she was really here to win.
Violet: So far, so good. I've been moving cautiously through the game, and a couple of suspects have risen to the top of my list.
Keith: I'm now just gathering as much info about Daria as I can. She's the Mole, and I want to prove it.
Tom: Personally, I feel sorry for Daria, especially after the challenge where we had to rescue Ann. Keith can be such a pain.
Daria: The good news? I'm still in the game. The bad news? So is Keith.
We now cut to the dining room at the Ville Florentine. All the contestants left in the game and Abby are having breakfast.
Abby: Well, well, well. It looks like we had no surprises before breakfast.
Daria: I guess not. Keith's still avoiding me, but at least he's not accusing me of leaving notes on his bedroom door.
Keith: That's because there were no notes on my bedroom door. Or any other surprise.
Heather (voice-over): This tension between Daria and Keith is really bugging me. Daria's sarcastic comments can be irritating at times, but Keith's the one mostly at fault.
Violet (voice-over): I think everyone wishes Keith were gone. I know I do.
Abby: Well, as soon as you finish your breakfast, it's time to head to our next location: the site of the 1968 Winter Olympic Games.
Heather: Grenoble? Cool!
Abby (voice-over): So as soon as we were done with breakfast, we headed out to Grenoble, France, capital of the Isere administrative district and located in a valley of the French Alps. (We then see a map with an arrow heading from Lyon to Grenoble.) Once we arrived, we had lunch in the Hotel Dauphitel, then we went up to Les Deux Alpes, a ski resort near Grenoble for our next game.
Scene 2: Les Deux Alpes
Abby: For this challenge, I need four people who are beginners at skiing, two that are intermediate skiers, and one who's an advanced skier. Okay, who are the beginners?
Fern, Keith, and Violet immedaiately raise their hands. After a moment, so does Daria.
Abby: Daria, Fern, Keith, and Violet are our beginner skiers. Who are our intermediate skiers?
Mark and Tom raise their hands.
Mark (voice-over): In Washington, you have quite a few mountains, so I learned how to ski. However, that was never really my bag.
Abby: So, Raul, Heather, which one of you is our advanced skier? (Heather raises her hand at once.) Very well then. The nine of you are going to compete in a game we call "Ski For Life." Daria, Fern, Keith, Violet, you will be going down the beginners' slope, trying to stay on a course marked by red flags. Each person who is able to finish the course will have $5,000 added to the pot. However, the Mole's operatives have set up little surprises if you go off course, so you probably should avoid doing that, especially since these little surprises will probably cause you to crash and therefore be unable to finish the course. Understand?
They all nod.
Abby: Good. Now, Mark and Tom, you will be going down the intermediate slope, and each one of you that finishes the course will be able to earn $10,000 for the pot. However, the same things that the beginners will have to face also apply to you two. Heather, you will have to ski down the advanced slope, and if you finish the course, you will earn $20,000 for the pot, with the same conditions as the others.
Keith (voice-over): I'm going to watch Daria very carefully on this challenge. She's liable to sabotage it.
Heather (voice-over): I live in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. You have to learn how to ski there, with all the mountains in the area. That's why I had to be the advanced skiier.
Abby: Now Daria, Fern, Keith, and Violet, I want you to practice skiing with a ski instructor while I take Raul and explain what his job is.
We see Abby take Raul aside as the four beginner skiiers practice.
Abby: Raul, I want you to predict how well the others will perform in the Ski for Life challenge. Each answer you get right earns $15,000 for the pot, so be very careful how you predict. Once the challenge is completed, the others will watch a video in Grenoble, which will show them how well you were able to predict their performance.
Raul (voice-over): This is really going to test my knowledge of how well each person will do. I'm pretty certain how well Daria and Heather will do, but I'm going to have to give educated guesses for the others.
Scene 3: On the beginners' slope, about an hour later
Abby (voice-over): The four beginners have finished practicing and drew straws to see who'd go first. As a result, Keith was going first. (We catch a glimpse of Keith at the top of the slope, waiting for the signal.)
Abby: On your mark, get set, go!
Keith takes off. He's somewhat slow but cautious and manages to avoid going off the course. At the bottom of the slope Heather, Mark, Raul, and Tom are looking up. Raul is watching Keith through binoculars.
Raul: Wow, he's doing good in this challenge.
Tom: For a switch.
Finally, Keith reaches the bottom of the slope. Raul then pulls out a walkie-talkie while Abby and Fern wait at the top of the slope.
Raul (through the walkie-talkie): Keith got down safe and sound, and he didn't go off the course once. I was looking.
Abby: Great job, Keith. That's $5,000 for the pot! Fern, you're up next!
Fern (voice-over): As I waited for the signal to start, I was really nervous. I'd never really skied before, and I didn't do very well with the ski instructor.
Abby: On your mark, get set, go!
Fern went. She was even slower than Keith, trying not to go off the course. She managed to get most of the way down the course, but then felt her skis getting away from her as she was approaching a difficult curve. Fortunately, she managed to correct herself so that she didn't skid off the course, though she got very close to doing so at the apex of the curve. She managed to continue on and she reached the bottom of the slope, where she hugged Mark in sheer relief.
Fern: That was a close one! I'm glad I didn't go off the course!
Raul (through the walkie-talkie): Fern's okay. She nearly skidded off the course at one point, but managed to recover and continue on.
Abby: Fern, since you managed to make it down the course and not skid off the course, you have also earned $5,000 for the pot. (Fern clapped happily.)
Daria (voice-over): Fern's behavior was somewhat suspicious during the challenge. She nearly skidded off the course at one point. However, she managed to keep going, which may indicate that she's not the Mole. Besides, this might not be a good challenge for the Mole to sabotage.
Up at the top of the slope, it was Violet's turn.
Abby: On your mark, get set, go!
Violet went. She went as fast as Keith, and clearly proved herself to be a good skier -- for a beginner. She managed to reach the finish line with no problems.
Raul (through the walkie-talkie): Violet's safe and sound with no problems on the course!
Abby: Violet, you too have earned $5,000 for the pot. (Violet cheered, while Daria, at the top of the slope, waited with a worried expression.)
Violet (confessional): I was relieved that I managed to do so well on the course. You don't get much opportunity to ski on the reservation, since there's no mountains in the area. Just rolling hills.
Soon, Daria was ready.
Abby: On your mark, get set, go!
Daria went off. Unfortunately for her, she was having problems just staying on the course. Finally, at the half-way point, she encountered an even more difficult curve -- and lost control, skidding off the course and encountering a smoke bomb! This blinded her, and when the smoke got out of her eyes, she found herself approaching a tree! She had no time to react before she hit the tree!
Abby (voice-over): When we come back, Violet loses patience with Keith, and then Heather has to make a difficult decision; then a balloon challenge may give Daria an opportunity for revenge; and later, our third execution.
Scene 3 (con.)
Abby: After Daria encounters a smoke bomb planted by the Mole's operatives, she hits a tree. Emergency personnel race to the scene as word gets to the people at the bottom of the slope.
Raul: I heard Daria encountered a smoke bomb which caused her to crash into a tree!
Fern: She skidded off the course? I'm glad I didn't!
Raul: I'm not too surprised. From what I saw, she was having problems just staying on the course!
Tom: I hope she's all right! I wouldn't want to see her hurt.
Keith: That would only be helpful for her. She's the Mole after all, and wouldn't it be in the Mole's best interests to get herself hurt so she couldn't complete the challenge?
Violet (losing patience completely): Keith, that's really low! If you were a Native American, the Great Spirit would be so ashamed of you!
Keith: And why would that be?
Violet: Because you're acting like the jerk you are! Even if Daria's the Mole, I wouldn't want to see her hurt. In fact, if she was the Mole, I would especially not want to see her hurt.
Keith (shocked): Why?
Violet: Because the Mole is what makes the game. I know that, but you obviously don't.
Keith: You're always taking Daria's side.
Violet: Against you, most definitely. Can't you see how much of a jerk you're becoming? If you don't shape up soon, Daria might make you soon regret it.
As Keith stares at Violet, we see her doing a confessional.
Violet (confessional): I've encountered jerks before. Some of them were Caucasians, some of them were of my own tribe who became jerks partly because of what society's done to them. But Keith takes the cake. Of course, he probably has convinced himself so thoroughly that Daria's the Mole, that he's lost sight of what the game's about. Still, he's going to pay for it. I'm certain of it.
By this time, the resuce workers had reached the bottom with Daria, who appeared to be uninjured.
Abby (in her walkie-talkie): I just got word that Daria was uninjured by the crash, just shaken and dazed for a bit. That's the good news. The bad news is, she didn't earn any money for the pot.
Keith: I know.
Daria glares at him then mutters something to Violet.
Daria (confessional): Sooner or later, Keith's going to find out that you don't mess with me and get away with it. And I think it's going to be sooner rather than later.
Abby (voice-over): Once the beginner skiers were done, it was time for the intermediate ones to compete. (We then see Mark getting ready to ski down the intermediate slopes.)
Abby: On your mark, get set, go!
Mark took off. He was a very good skier -- for most of the run. Unfortunately, once he passed the really difficult curves, he was so relieved that he apparently let his guard down and skidded off the course on an easy curve near the bottom. The smoke bomb went off, but he let himself fall, so he didn't hit anything.
Daria: well, Keith, I'm not the only one that didn't win any money on the course. (Keith glared at that.)
Fern (confessional): I didn't really think Mark was the Mole before this. Now I have to wonder just a bit.
Abby: Bad news, Mark. You also didn't earn any money for the pot.
Mark (now down with the others): Yeah, I know. Stupid me.
Abby: However, you didn't hit anything, so that's good news for you. Tom, you're up next. Ready?
Tom: Yeah.
Abby: On your mark, get set, go!
Tom took off. This time he was more fortunate than Daria and less careless than Mark, for he managed to stay on the course. Soon he got to the bottom, where his first move was to check on Daria.
Tom: Are you okay, Daria?
Daria: Despite Keith's deepest wishes, I'm fine. (Keith scowled at that.)
Abby (through her walkie-talkie): Good news, Tom. You earned money for the pot, which brings the current total up to $105,000.
As everyone cheers, we move up to the advanced slope, where Heather is waiting. Abby now approaches Heather.
Abby: Heather, I have an offer to make for you. The offer is an exemption. As you well know by now, if you earn this exemption, you are guaranteed to make it into the next round. However, the only way you can earn this exemption is if you decide not to even attempt to go down the course. (Heather is clearly shown thinking about it.)
Heather (confessional): That's really hard for me. I'm competitive by nature and training, and I really would like to do well. However, I gave up one shot at an exemption, and I think I might need this one to stay in the game.
After a moment's pause, Heather seems to decide.
Heather: I'm going for the exemption.
Abby: You sure?
Heather: Yeah.
Abby: Okay, we'll get the others, then go down to Grenoble, where I'll mention what Raul was doing while the beginners practiced.
Scene 4: Hotel Dauphitel
All the contestants and Abby were in the lobby. There was a TV and a vCR ready.
Abby: Now, while the beginners were practicing, Raul had a separate part in the challenge. He had to guess whether each person would complete the challenge or not. Each correct guess would earn $15,000 for the pot. Our first competitor was Keith. Let's see how Raul predicted that one.
She put a video into the VCR, then turned it on. Raul's image showed up on the screen.
Video of Raul: I predict that Keith will fail this challenge.
Abby (turning it off): As you all know, Keith completed the challenge. Raul didn't earn any money for the challenge. Next up was Fern.
Video of Raul: I predict that Fern will successfully complete the challenge, though it might be a close one for her.
Abby: Raul got that one correct. $15,000 is added to the pot. Violet was next. Let's see how Raul did.
Video of Raul: I predict that Violet will successfully complete the challenge.
Abby: As we all saw, Violet did complete the challenge. Another $15,000 was added to the pot. Next up is Daria. How did Raul predict this one?
Video of Raul: I predict that Daria will fail this challenge.
Abby: Well, we all saw what happened. Daria crashed, so Raul earned $15,000 for the pot! Now it's time for the intermediate skiers. Mark was up first. What did Raul predict? (She turned on the video again.)
Video of Raul: I predict that Mark will -- fail the challenge. And I hope I'm right on this one.
Abby: Fortunately for Raul, he was right, and another $15,000 was added to the pot. Now it's Tom's turn. How did Raul predict this one?
Video of Raul: I predict that Tom will complete the challenge.
Abby: And Raul was right again! Another $15,000 has been added to the pot. Last, it was Heather's turn. But before she could go, I offered her an exemption. She could only earn it if she did not even attempt to complete the challenge.
Raul looks alarmed as we hear him speak.
Raul (voice-over): As soon as Abby said that, I knew I was in trouble. I figured Heather would go for the exemption.
Abby: Heather, what did you decide?
Heather: I decided to go for the exemption. I didn't attempt to ski down the mountain.
Abby: And what did Raul decide?
Raul (interrupting): You don't have to show them. I said she'd complete it. I didn't know she'd go for an exemption!
Abby: Well, then. Raul missed this one. However, Raul still got 5 out of 7 correct and added $75,000 to the pot. That brings the total to $180,000 dollars!
As the others congraulate each other, we see several people doing their confessionals.
Keith (confessional): If Daria thinks she can fool me like she fooled Violet, she's got another think coming. I'm getting all the details to prove that Daria's the Mole.
Daria (confessional): Keith's comments about me are the last straw. I'm going to make certain he gets what is coming to him.
Tom (confessional): Several people did things today that moved them up onto the suspects list. Fern skidded off the course at one point, while Mark actually encountered a smoke bomb. And Raul failed to get two predictions correct. I have to wonder about those three.
Scene 5: Marketplace in Grenoble
Abby (voice-over): Once the challenge was over, the contestants had some time to kill before supper, so they went to the marketplace. Some of the girls did some shopping.
We see Daria and Violet near a counter where a guy was hawking some wares.
Vendor (in French): If you want to play a practical joke or take revenge on a tormentor, I have the goods right here!
Daria: Stay here, Violet. (To vendor, in French): What do you have here?
Vendor (in French): Joy buzzers to really give people a big shock, pipes and the kind of darts you can send into balloons to let out the air in them; and a whole range of other stuff.
Daria (in French): Let me see them please. (She takes a look, then gets the prices for them. She then buys some items, and returns to Violet.)
Violet: What did you buy? And what do you plan to do with what you buy?
Daria: Let's just say that I'm going to give Keith what he deserves.
Violet (smiling): Anything I can do to help?
Daria: I'll think about it. Maybe you can take part.
Meanwhile, Heather and Fern were having a good time buying stuff. Fern quickly returned to Mark, who was watching the women shopping.
Mark: So, who do you think the Mole is?
Fern: I don't really know yet. But Violet's certainly suspicious.
Mark: Yeah. She missed a question in the Golfing Challenge, and she failed to guide Raul through that maze. But Raul's pretty suspicious too.
Fern: Oh yeah. He went for an exemption in the Race through Lyon Challenge, his radio seemed to go dead on him in the maze, and he failed to get two questions right in the Ski for Life Challenge. Still, I think Violet's a bit more suspicious than Raul is.
Mark: Why?
Fern: Raul seems to have done more overt sabotage than Violet, which in my mind, makes Violet more suspicious. Actually, the only ones I'm really certain aren't the Mole are Daria and Keith. It's pretty obvious why.
Mark (smiling): I know. Keith focuses so much on Daria, he stands out. And that makes Daria stand out. I don't think the Mole would be this obvious this early on.
Fern: Yeah. If I was the Mole, I'd lay low and try to sabotage in such a way that others don't really suspect me. That's why I think Violet's more likely to be the Mole than Raul is.
Mark: Me too. But I'm not the Mole.
Fern: Neither am I.
Mark: Don't you wish Keith was gone?
Fern: I sure do! I think just about everyone does.
Meanwhile, we see Violet and Raul talking. Daria is standing a discreet distance away.
Raul: You know, I'm beginning to think Fern's the Mole. Her behavior in the Maze Challenge was really suspicious.
Violet: She sure is a strong suspect. But so is Tom. Either one would make a good Mole.
Raul: I don't know about Tom. I just don't see him as the Mole. Nor do I see Daria and Keith as the Mole.
Violet: I eliminated those two a long time ago. What do you think about them?
Raul: Daria's sarcastic, but I think she's got a good heart, and she's really smart. Keith -- I just wish he was gone!
Heather (overhearing that last part): You and me both! (They all laugh.)
Violet: Speaking of wishing someone was gone, Daria's got some stuff that I think she plans to use on Keith for some well-earned revenge.
Raul: I'd love to take part in something like that!
Heather: Me too!
Violet: Well, Daria said she'd think about me taking part in it. If I tell her that others would like to take part, maybe that'll convince her to allow us to orchestrate a little revenge on Keith.
We now see Mark and Raul doing their confessionals
Mark (confessional): I'm really getting along well with Fern. In fact, you could say we have a coalition formed. She may be shy at first, but once you get to know her, she can be warm, and she's sure clever!
Raul (confessional): Violet and I have a coalition. She's a really clever girl, and if things work out, we might be going to the finals. But that depends on whether she has a coalition with someone that she thinks will take her to the finals instead. If she does -- I'm a goner. But I'll understand.
Abby (voice-over): When we come back, Daria lets Keith know he can't insult her and get away with it, and the contestants get a surprise during the third execution
Scene 6: Main Square in Grenoble, the next day
The eight remaining contestants have had breakfast, and have now left the hotel. Abby is waiting for them -- along with four balloons!
Abby: Good morning, everyone! Ready to get started?
Keith: I'm ready when everyone else is. (He glances at Daria. However, she and the others say they're ready.)
Abby: Good. You're probably wondering what these balloons are doing here? (They all nod.) Well, you're going to fly in them from one Winter Olympics site to another. Your next stop is Albertville, site of the 1992 Winter Olympics Games! You will divide up into teams of two, and fly your balloon from Grenoble to Albertville. There's a finish line that you have to cross in order to earn money for the pot. If you succeed in piloting your balloon to Albertville and to the finish line, you will earn $10,000 for the pot! (Everyone cheers.) Now split up into your teams.
We see the contestants talk with each other as Daria now speaks.
Daria (confessional): So after awhile, Mark and I agreed to pair up, Fern and Raul agreed to pair up, Heather and Keith agreed to pair up, and Tom and Violet agreed to pair up. Incidentally, Heather was less happy to be with Keith than Keith was to be with Heather. Of course, he'd be happy to be with anyone but me. The feeling's mutual.
We then see the contestants in the four balloons. Abby has the starter's flag in hand.
Abby: On your mark, get set, go!
The contestants get to work getting the balloons up in the air. The first balloon to go was that of Fern and Raul. Soon Heather and Keith were airborne, followed very quickly by Daria and Mark. Tom and Violet were having major problems getting their balloon up.
Violet (confessional): We were doing our best, but something was really wrong with the balloon at first. I was beginning to get suspicious that the Mole might be at work here, but I thought that I could be wrong.
Inside the balloons, one person was checking the fuel while the other was watching to see who was in front of them or behind them. In the first balloon, Fern was watching the balloons behind her while Raul was checking the fuel. Heather was watching Daria and Mark's balloon, while Daria was watching Heather and Keith's balloon. The fourth balloon was way behind, but it had gotten airborne.
The wind was taking the balloons right to Albertville. But about an hour into the flight, Daria and Mark's balloon began to catch up to Heather and Keith's balloon!
Heather: Be very careful! Daria and Mark are catching up?
Keith: What?! I don't like the sound of that.
Meanwhile in Daria and Mark's balloon, Daria got out a small pipe she'd snuck into her jacket. Mark, busy watching the fuel, didn't notice at first. Daria then put something into the pipe and aimed it straight at Keith and Heather's balloon. That's when Mark finally got a moment to look at Daria.
Mark: Daria?
Daria didn't pay any attention. She was staring at the balloon as it neared Heather and Keith's balloon. Then Daria put the pipe to her lips and blew. The dart hit the balloon and caused a slight tear.
Mark (in shock): Daria! What have you done?
Daria (with her small smile): I just got a little payback.
Meanwhile in Heather and Keith's balloon --
Heather: Daria blew some kind of dart into our balloon! We're not going to make it to Albertville! We're going to have to make an emergency landing!
Keith: I might've known Daria would do this!
Heather (radioing in): Mayday! Mayday!
Heather and Keith managed to make a safe emergency landing while Daria and Mark went on. Meanwhile, Fern and Raul were having an easy time flying their balloon, while Tom and Violet were still struggling a bit, but were still airborne.
Finally, some time later, the first balloon reached Albertville. Fern and Raul began the process of lowering their balloon. Eventually, Fern saw the finish line.
Fern: There it is, Raul!
Raul landed the balloon safe and sound as soon as they got past the finish line. Abby was waiting there to greet them both.
Abby: Good job, guys! That's $10,000 added to the pot! That brings your total to $140,000! (Fern and Raul hugged.)
Some time later, Daria and Mark crossed the finish line as well. They earned another $10,000 for the pot, bringing their total to $150,000.
The only team left to reach Albertville was Violet and Tom. But as they neared Albertville --
Violet: Why are we sinking too fast? We won't be able to make the finish line!
Tom: I don't know! I think something's gone haywire with it.
Violet: Let me try to keep it airborne! (She tried, but they landed well short of the finish line. Meanwhile, Violet noticed something.)
Violet: A-ha! (She grabbed some kind of device.)
Tom: What is it?
Violet: Let's wait till we're picked up. I want to tell the others.
Scene 7: The Hotel Million
The group had just checked in for a two-night stay when Abby got them together.
Abby: I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that Daria and Mark and Fern and Raul were able to add $20,000 to the pot, giving us a current total of $200,000! (Everyone cheers.) The bad news, however, is that neither Heather and Keith nor Tom and Violet were able to cross the finish line. Can you two explain why?
Keith: Yeah. It's all Daria's fault! She aimed a dart at my balloon!
Everyone looked at Daria.
Daria: I can't deny it. But do you have any idea why I did it?
Keith: Because you're the Mole. Why else?
Daria: And I suppose you never considered that there might be another reason why I might do such a thing?
Keith: Is there another reason?
Daria: Getting tired of being around a complete and total jerk would be reason enough in my eyes.
Keith stares at Daria for a moment, then stomps off in anger. As Daria sighs, Abby speaks up.
Abby: Daria, Keith might've asked for your revenge, but you shouldn't take it during an actual challenge. I'm afraid I'm going to have to penalize you $5,000 for your actions. You're down now to $195,000!
Mark (confessional): Part of me is mad at Daria. She might've gotten Keith and Heather seriously hurt, and she cost us money this round. However, I can't blame her for being tired of having to put up with Keith's actions.
Abby: Now what about you, Tom and Violet?
Violet: I found this! (She held up the device she found earlier.) It's some kind of device that was attached to the fuel tank. This could be the cause of our problems.
Abby: Let me see. (She took a look at it.) If activated, this device can actually starve the balloon of fuel, so to speak. This would either make the balloon difficult to get airborne, or it could prevent the balloon from remaining airborne.
As the others reflect on this, we see Violet glare at Tom while no one's looking, then approach Daria.
Violet (confessional): As soon as I heard that, I realized the Mole must be responsible. I then remembered Tom being near the balloon before we took off. He also was the one that was checking the fuel. He could easily have been behind the sabotage. All he had to do was attach the device to the fuel tank while we were all distracted, then use a remote control so he can sabotage the balloon at his own convenience. It would've been so easy.
Tom (confessional): Interesting that Violet was the one who spotted the sabotage. Could she have noticed it because she was responsible for it?
Abby: Well, the good news is that we have some time here to relax and have some fun. However, tomorrow night, you take the quiz.
Abby (voice-over): When we come back, we'll have the quiz and our third execution.
Scene 8: The Hotel Million, the next day
Keith was in the room he was sharing with Mark, writing down notes he'd taken about his prime suspect (Daria, of course). Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. Frowning, he opened the door -- and had a bucket of slime dropped on him!
Keith (furiously): DARIA!!
Daria (emerging from one of the doorways): Yes, Keith? What are you hollering about this time?
Keith: Would you mind explaining why a bucket of slime was put at the top of my door?!
Daria (smirking): And what do you think is my reason for that?
Keith: What else? You're the Mole!
Daria: And I suppose the idea of revenge for your attitude never occurred to you?
Keith was about to speak, when suddenly Daria was joined by the other contestants! Keith stared in shock.
Daria: Or that I might have had help with this one?
Keith (stunned): You all helped Daria?
Heather: We were all getting tired of you acting like the jerk you are!
Mark: You may have had reason to think Daria was the Mole. Unfortunately, you never stopped saying that she was the Mole or interpreting her every move as proof that she was the Mole. That gets extremely annoying after awhile.
As Keith looked on in confusion, we heard Fern speak.
Fern (confessional): If Keith even considers the possibility that his behavior is the reason we all turned on him like that, and decides to stop doing it, our little prank might have been worth it.
Scene 9: The dining room in the Hotel Million, later that night
All the contestants are seated at the table. Keith is also seated, and he's clearly showered and changed clothes.
Abby: And how have you been doing during your day off?
Keith: Well, I had a bucket of slime dropped on me! And to make matters worse, the others were in on the whole scheme!
Abby: So this wasn't the work of the Mole?
Keith: I still think Daria's the Mole, but I don't think she planned the trick because she's the Mole.
Daria (smirking): That's a switch.
Abby: Hmm. And what about the rest of you?
Violet: Other than helping take part in Daria's little plot, I was busy trying to figure out who the Mole is. I have a couple of suspects now, but I'm not quite certain which one of those two it is.
Abby: Fern, what about you? What are your plans during the quiz tonight?
Fern: I'm going to follow my usual strategy, but I might abandon it soon.
Abby: Well then. The pot now stands at $195,000, and Heather has an exemption. This means she's guaranteed to make it into the next round. How do you feel about that, Heather?
Heather: It feels great! I know that I won't be going home this round, at least.
Abby: Unfortunately, the rest of you are eligible to be executed tonight. So whoever goes, I hope you had a good time during your stay.
She then proposes a toast, which the others take part in.
Abby (voice-over): Ten questions about the Mole. Whoever scores the lowest during the quiz will be executed and must leave the game immediately. Question 1: Is the Mole male or female?
Mark (voice-over): Raul was pretty suspicious this round. He missed two predictions, and with one of them, he said that he missed it because he didn't know Heather was offered an exemption.
Abby (voice-over): Question 2: What did the Mole have for lunch at the Hotel Dauphitel? Question 3: Did the Mole successuflly complete the Ski for Life Challenge?
Keith (voice-over): I'm going to answer all the questions for Daria. I did it before and I'm still here.
Abby (voice-over): Question 4: What stuff did the Mole buy in the marketplace in Grenoble? Question 5: Which slope did the Mole compete on in the Ski for Life Challenge?
Raul (voice-over): Fern really raised my suspicions in the Ski for Life Challenge when she nearly skidded off the course but managed to keep going. Could she have successfully avoided skidding off the course at the curve because she knew the smoke bomb was there?
Abby (voice-over): Question 6: Who was the Mole's partner in the Balloon to Albertville Challenge?
Fern (voice-over): I'm really watching Violet. She failed to complete the balloon ride to Albertville. And she was the one who spotted that device attached to the fuel tank.
Abby (voice-over): Question 7: Which room did the Mole sleep in in the Hotel Dauphitel? Question 8: What was the Mole's task in the Balloon to Albertville Challenge?
Violet (voice-over): Tom was in the best position to sabotage the balloon that I was in. And this would be a great time for the Mole to really begin sabotaging challenges.
Abby (voice-over): Question 9: How many languages does the Mole speak? Question 10: Who is the Mole?
Daria (voice-over): Hopefully my fondest wish will come true, and Keith will be gone.
Scene 10: The Courtyard of the Hotel Million
We see eight bags. The camera pans over them, finally resting on Keith's bag. The camera then cuts to the remaining eight contestants, entering the courtyard. They sit down in eight chairs, four in the front, and four in the back. Keith and Heather are farthest away from the bags, while Mark and Fern are the closest. Abby comes forward.
Abby: Hello everyone. Welcome to your third execution. Now, Heather cannot be executed, as she has earned herself an exemption. The rest of you are not so fortunate. I'll be putting your names into the computer at random this time. As you all know by now, if a green screen appears, you remain in the game. If a red screen appears, you are the Mole's third victim. You must pick up your bags and leave the game immediately. If nobody has any questions, I'll begin.
She sits down in front of the computer screen and calls up the program.
Abby: Raul.
She types in his name, which also appears on the screen that the players are watching. Raul watches nervously as she presses Enter. Then he gets a green screen. Raul sighs in relief.
Abby: Keith.
She types in his name. Abby presses Enter as Keith smirks. Suddenly, he gets the red screen.
Keith stares in stunned amazement at the screen, then glances back at Daria, who is trying to keep her small smile from turning into a huge grin. Then he glances at the others, who are all grinning in sheer delight. Finally, Keith stares at the screen again for a moment. Then, he slowly gets up, walks over to the bags, picks his up, and leaves with Abby. Sad music begins to play as Keith leaves, shell-shocked.
However, the sad music stops as everyone begins talking at once.
Violet: Keith might've just gotten paranoid, but still -- thank God he's gone! He was such a jerk! (We see a scene of him commenting on Daria's crashing on the beginner's course, and Violet taking him to task on it.)
Mark: I have to admit that Keith was tough to deal with. Still, you can't say that he ever gave up during his challenges. (We see Keith bungee-jumping, and see him answering his question on American politics.)
Daria: I will say this about Keith: he had an absolute talent -- for annoying the hell out of me. (We see a retrospective on all of Keith's arguments with Daria. It's a really long retrospective.)
Keith and Abby head to the car as the sad music returns.
Keith: Wow. Looks like I was wrong about Daria the whole time. I guess I deserve it, however.
Abby (trying to keep from grinning): I don't know about that, Keith. However, you could learn from your experience in the game.
Keith (sighing): That's true. Too bad I can't apologize to the others for my behavior now, especially Daria. Well, see you, Abby.
He gets into the car and it pulls away from the curb. As it leaves the hotel, we see Abby grinning in sheer delight. Then we hear Daria's voice.
Daria (voice-over): Bye, Keith.
To be continued in Chapter 4