"Art and Entertainment"
by Invisigoth Gypsy (IvG@garnetsigma.com)

Summary: When Jane gets wrapped up in an upcoming art show, she leaves Daria the task of designing a Mystik Spiral poster for Trent. However, Jane soon regrets her decision...

(Opening sequence ending in title screen: Daria in "Art and Entertainment")

(Cut to Mrs. DeFoe's art class. Daria's class is scattered about the room, painting on various easels. Zoom in on Jane, who is painting a surreal picture of a giant remote control casting its shadow over a tiny figure of a man. Pan to Daria, who is painting a dead tree. Pan to Brittany, who is painting a daisy with a smiling face and a stick figure. She carefully paints a cheerleader skirt on the flower, then taps Daria on the shoulder.)

BRITTANY: Daria, do you think I should give her some pom-poms?

DARIA: (deadpan) Better not. You wouldn't want to overemphasize your theme.

BRITTANY: (looks at her picture critically) You're right. (She then looks puzzled.) I'm supposed to have a theme?

(Cut to Mrs. DeFoe in the front of the room.)

MRS. DEFOE: Okay, class, we're almost out of time. If you're not through with your pictures you can finish them tomorrow.

(Cut back to Brittany.)

BRITTANY: Well, I'll think about it tonight. Maybe she just needs some longer eyelashes.

(The bell rings and everyone leaves. As Jane and Daria are walking out, Mrs. DeFoe stops them.)

MRS. DEFOE: Jane, could you wait a minute? I'd like to talk to you.

JANE: Uh, sure.

(Daria leaves, looking puzzled. Cut to lunch that day. Jane and Daria are sitting across from each other at a cafeteria table.)

JANE: (excited) Mrs. DeFoe said that the annual Lawndale Arts Council's fair is coming up in a couple weeks, and she wants me to display some of my art in the art show!

DARIA: (doesn't sound particularly thrilled) That's good.

JANE: Better than good! She doesn't want to enter it as *student* art, like she usually does. She said that she thinks I'm ready for it to be judged on its own, in the main competition!

DARIA: (more impressed) Wow. Congratulations.

JANE: This is too cool. (She looks thoughtful.) I'll have to come up with a good idea for a painting though.

DARIA: Don't you already have something you could use?

JANE: (looks surprised) Daria, this is *special*! I can't just enter any old painting.

DARIA: (looks down) Oh.

JANE: I'm going to start thinking of ideas tonight, so I'll be ready in time.

DARIA: I thought we were going to watch the "Sick Sad World" marathon tonight.

JANE: (starts looking put out) Can't you see that this is more important than "Sick Sad World"?

DARIA: Oh, the blasphemy.

(Jane just glares. Daria sighs.)

DARIA: Sorry. But you know this means that I'll be forced to spend yet another night with my parents.

JANE: (sighs) All right, you can still come over. (She shrugs.) Maybe you'll have an idea for a painting.

(Cut to Jane's room that night. Daria is sitting on the bed with the TV on, while Jane is sitting in a chair, deep in thought.)

TV ANNOUNCER: First up on the annual "Sick Sad World" marathon: Are scientists secretly experimenting on ways to take over the world by forcing hapless victims to watch bad movies? Mysteries, science, and theaters, right after these commercial messages!

JANE: (irritated) Daria, turn that off! I can't concentrate.

(Daria turns off the TV. Jane gets up and starts pacing back and forth.)

JANE: Should I go for realism or surrealism? Paint, pastels, or colored pencils? Paper, or canvas, or--

(She is interrupted by Trent entering the room.)

TRENT: Hey Janey, can I--oh, hey Daria.

JANE: (snapping) Trent, can't you see I'm busy?

(Trent looks around at the completely blank canvas, and Jane, who is apparently doing nothing.)

TRENT: Not really.

JANE: (sighs) What do you want?

(Trent sits down on the floor and leans against the bed, his head near Daria's legs. She looks nervous and moves to sit Indian style on the bed.)

TRENT: You know that fair thing the Arts Council has every year? They're having a section on local bands, so we need a poster or something for Mystik Spiral. You think you could throw something together for us, Janey?

JANE: I can't, Trent. I'm supposed to enter something in the art show, so I'll be too busy.

TRENT: (looks puzzled) Don't you already have something to enter? Besides, the fair's not for like two weeks. You've got time.

JANE: (snaps again) You just don't understand. This is too important for me to risk blowing it!

TRENT: (looks hurt and stands up) Oh well. I guess we'll find something.

JANE: (absent-mindedly) Daria, why don't you make something for them?

DARIA: (surprised) I'm no good at art, Jane.

JANE: Just get some art off the Internet then. It won't take five minutes.

DARIA: (annoyed thought voice over) Then why don't *you* do it? (out loud) I don't know...

(She looks at Trent, watching her hopefully.)

TRENT: Please, Daria?

(Close up on Daria, looking deadpan.)

DARIA: (thought VO) The things I'll do for love. (out loud) All right. What do you want it to say?

(Cut to show all three.)

TRENT: (happily) Whatever you want. Doesn't matter.

DARIA: You know that's a big mistake, unless you want people to think that the band is entirely made up of bitter cynics.

TRENT: (laughs) I trust you, Daria. (smiles) Thanks.

(He leaves. Daria looks expectantly at Jane, waiting for a crack about Trent, but Jane says nothing. She only continues to pace, frowning.)

DARIA: (thought VO) This is more important than I thought.

(Commercial break scene: Brittany asking Daria's opinion on her painting.)

(Cut to Lawndale High the next day. Daria is at her locker, when Jane walks by.)

DARIA: Hey Jane, think of a topic yet?

(Irritated, Jane waves her hand in a dismissing motion and walks on.)

DARIA: Guess that's a no then.

(Cut to Mrs. DeFoe's class. Everyone is painting again, except for Jane, who is off by herself, having got permission to work on her project for the fair. Brittany has added to her picture: the daisy now has long eyelashes *and* pom-poms.)

BRITTANY: (satisfied) I think it's an improvement.

(Daria has finished her dead tree picture. Mrs. DeFoe looks at it over her shoulder.)

MRS. DEFOE: That's a very good example of realism, Daria. (She smiles.) Would you like to enter it in the art show?

(Daria starts to say yes, then looks over at Jane, who is listening, frowning.)

DARIA: Um, no, that's okay.

MRS. DEFOE: (looks disappointed) All right. (She moves on to Brittany.) That's an... um... interesting painting, Brittany. What do you call it?

BRITTANY: (dreamily) "Cheerleading Is Fun!"

(Cut to the end of class, as the bell is ringing. Daria leaves the room, then hides next to some lockers until everyone is gone. She looks around sneakily, then slips back into the room, where Mrs. DeFoe is straightening up.)

DARIA: Um, Mrs. DeFoe? Could I talk to you for a minute?

MRS. DEFOE: Certainly, Daria.

DARIA: I was wondering if, um, you could show me how to use some graphics software? A, uh, friend asked me to make a poster for his band, and I'd like to use a computer for it.

MRS. DEFOE: (looks pleased) Of course! Can you come to the computer lab at study hall?

DARIA: Sure.

MRS. DEFOE: Great! (She smiles.) I'll see you then.

(Cut to the hall as the bell rings for study hall. Daria, walking to the computer lab, passes Jane headed in the other direction.)

JANE: Hey, aren't you going to study hall?

DARIA: No, I, uh... (She glances sideways.) I don't feel too good, so I'm going to check out. I'll see you tomorrow.

(She walks quickly down the hall. Jane looks at her suspiciously, then shrugs and heads to study hall.)

JANE: (muttering) Watercolors or tempra? Watercolors or tempra?

(Cut to Daria sitting at a computer in the lab, with Mrs. DeFoe looking over her shoulder.)

MRS. DEFOE: All right, this software is called PhotoShop, and it's about the best there is for editing images. Probably what you'll want to do is start with an existing image, then run some filters on it to give it some personality. (She hands Daria a computer print-out.) Here are some addresses for clip art on the Internet. Just download the pictures you like, then pull them up in PhotoShop and play around with them. You'll catch on in no time.

DARIA: Thanks, Mrs. DeFoe.

MRS. DEFOE: (smiles) You're welcome. If you need any help with it, just let me know. I'll be in my room.

(She leaves. Daria looks at the web addresses, then types one into the computer. She begins scrolling through the images, then stops and smiles.)

DARIA: Perfect.

(Cut to later that afternoon. Daria is still working, when Mrs. DeFoe comes back into the room.)

MRS. DEFOE: Daria, they're about to lock up. Did you find what you were looking for?

DARIA: (looks at Mrs. DeFoe over her shoulder) Yeah. I'm not through with it though.

MRS. DEFOE: Tell you what, I'll let you out of class tomorrow to work on it some more.

DARIA: (surprised) Thanks.

(She shuts down the computer and stands up.)

MRS. DEFOE: (smiles) It's nice to see you taking an interest in computer art, Daria. From what I saw of your work just then, you seem to have a talent for it.

DARIA: (blushes a little) Thank you. But I'm really just doing it because Tren--because that guy asked me to.

MRS. DEFOE: That's nice of you. (She looks at Daria carefully.) I'm sure he'll be proud of you when he sees how nice your work looks.

(Daria blushes even more.)

DARIA: I... hope so.

(Mrs. DeFoe smiles knowingly.)

(Cut to art class the next day. Jane is looking around suspiciously.)

JANE: (to Mrs. DeFoe) Where's Daria?

MRS. DEFOE: Oh, she's working on a special project in the computer lab. Speaking of projects, how's yours coming along?

JANE: (distracted) Fine. I think I'm going to do a landscape.

MRS. DEFOE: (a little concerned) That sounds nice. But are you sure you wouldn't like to do something a little more... original? You're so creative, it would be nice to see something really unusual.

JANE: (a little annoyed) I want to pick something I know I can paint well.

MRS. DEFOE: (with a disappointed expression) Oh. Well, good luck, Jane.

(She walks away. Jane glares, looks at Daria's empty place, and frowns even more.)

(Commercial break scene: Daria and Mrs. DeFoe at the computer.)

(Cut to Daria in the computer lab at the end of study hall. She takes a deep breath and prints out her picture. As she turns off the computer, Mrs. DeFoe comes in.)

MRS. DEFOE: All finished?

DARIA: I think so. (Nervously, she hands the picture to Mrs. DeFoe, who beams.)

MRS. DEFOE: This is amazing, Daria! (She looks up and smiles.) You should really consider looking into computer graphics, maybe even as a career option.

DARIA: (modestly) Well, I wanted this to look really good. (She looks down, and in a very rare moment, confesses.) He's kind of... special to me, and I wanted him to be happy.

MRS. DEFOE: (pats Daria's shoulder and hands back the picture) I know he will be.

(Cut to the outside of the Lane house that afternoon. Daria, clutching a rolled-up piece of paper, rings the doorbell. Jane opens the door, holding a paint brush and looking annoyed.)

JANE: Daria, can you come back later? I'm busy working on my painting, and--

DARIA: (interrupting) I came to talk to Trent.

JANE: (surprised) Trent?

(He walks to the door, having heard his name.)

TRENT: Hello? Yes?

(Daria steps inside, and Jane shuts the door.)

DARIA: I, uh, finished the picture. (She hands it to him self-consciously.) I hope it's okay...

(Cut to Trent's POV as he unrolls the picture. It is of the twisty part of a giant screw, highlighted with a purple aura. The screw is on a dark background comprised of a collage of other pictures, including the infamous Dancing Baby, the "Sick Sad World" logo, and something that looks suspiciously like a scanned image of Brittany's cheerleader daisy. The words "Mystik Spiral" are printed in purple above the screw, using an Old English-style font. Cut to show all three again.)

TRENT: Wow, this is awesome, Daria! (He grins at her.) The guys are gonna *love* this. (He puts a hand on her arm. gently) Thanks. I owe you.

DARIA: (looking down, but smiling) I'm glad you like it.

TRENT: What do you think, Janey?

JANE: (without enthusiasm) Yeah. It's good.

(She turns and goes back upstairs.)

DARIA: Um, I can take it over to Kinko's and get it blown up to poster size if you need me to.

TRENT: No, that's okay. I'll take it. Since I can... you know, drive and all.

DARIA: Okay. Well... uh... I guess I'd better be getting home.

(She opens the door and goes outside. Trent follows her and stands in the doorway.)

TRENT: Thanks again. (He smiles.) Don't know what I'd do without you. See you later.

(He goes inside and closes the door. Daria smiles.)

(Cut to Daria's house, a few days before the fair. Daria is in her room, talking to Jane on the phone. Split screen.)

JANE: So I finally finished it this morning. (She sighs.) It took me long enough, but I'm proud of it.

DARIA: (encouragingly) I bet you'll win, as hard as you've worked on it.

JANE: I sure hope so.

(Trent walks into the shot of Jane.)

TRENT: Janey, is that Daria?

JANE: Yeah, Trent.

DARIA: Hunh?

JANE: Oh, sorry Daria. Hang on a minute. (She covers the mouthpiece of the phone with her hand and turns to face him.) What, Trent?

TRENT: Um, is she coming to the fair?

JANE: I dunno. Why?

TRENT: Ask her if she wants to come with us.

JANE: (uncovers mouthpiece) Hey Daria, Trent wants to know if you want to ride with us to the fair.

(Trent makes slicing gestures with his hands at Jane, which she ignores. He rolls his eyes.)

DARIA: Uh... I wasn't planning on going.

JANE: (to Trent) She doesn't want to go.

DARIA: Wait, I didn't say *that*--

TRENT: Tell her it's really, really important that she... uh... is there for you, and stuff.

JANE: He said to tell you that it was important for you to be there.

TRENT: I didn't mean to tell her that *I* said--

DARIA: Why is it important?

JANE: She wants to know why it's so important to you that she be there.

DARIA: I didn't say important to *him*--

TRENT: (glares) Just give me the phone, okay?

JANE: (shrugs) Sure. (She hands over the phone.)

TRENT: Uh, hey Daria.

DARIA: (hesitantly) Hey.

TRENT: What Janey was trying to tell you was that she wants you to be there when she wins first place in the art show.

JANE: Hey, wait a minute, I didn't say--

DARIA: Well why didn't she just say so? Sure, I'll come.

TRENT: Great. We'll just pick you up on our way, okay?

DARIA: Okay. See you then.

(Trent hands the phone back to Jane with an evil look.)

JANE: What would you two do without me?

DARIA: Have a conversation that's actually intelligible?

(Commercial break scene: Daria and Jane on the phone, with Trent looking indignant.)

(Cut to Daria outside the Morgendorffer house on the day of the Arts Council fair. She looks a little nervous. Trent pulls up at the curb and she gets in the back seat with Jane, who isn't nervous at all.)

DARIA: You're awfully calm.

JANE: (shrugs) I'm just not worried.

(Daria frowns a little and looks out the window.)

(Cut to the Lawndale High gym, where the fair is set up. There are several different areas, including the meager collection of band posters, the area where the art show will be unveiled after the winner is announced, and an arts and crafts section.)

DARIA: Want to go look around, Jane?

(Jane's eyes are glued to the art show area.)

JANE: I'm going to head on over to the art section.

DARIA: But they won't announce the winners for an hour yet.

JANE: Well I wouldn't want to miss it. You two go look around.

(She walks off.)

DARIA: (looking after her) Maybe I should go sit with her.

TRENT: (scowls) Yeah, if you want to hear how certain she is that she's going to win. (At Daria's puzzled look, he explains.) All she's been talking about since she finished that stupid painting is that she's sure it will win. I'm getting sick of it. (He glares after Jane.)

DARIA: Umm... so you, uh, want to walk around then?

TRENT: (shrugs) Sure. Let's go look at the band posters.

(They walk over to the posters, of which there are about five. Most of them are pretty bad looking.)

TRENT: Yep, ours is definitely the best. Or I should say, *yours* is the best.

(Daria blushes. As they are standing there, Sandi and Tiffany wander over.)

SANDI: Hey, look at that poster, Tiffany. It's, like, pretty cool and stuff.

TIFFANY: Yeah. And look at the flower in the little skirt. That's cute.

(Trent and Daria walk off.)

TRENT: Your adoring public.

DARIA: Don't tell Quinn.

(They wander over to the arts and crafts section and spend most of the hour making sarcastic remarks about painted rocks and dumb wooden signs. Finally it's time for the art winners to be announced, and they join Jane standing with a group of other people, including Mrs. DeFoe. An older woman with gray hair steps up in front of the group, carrying a large blue ribbon.)

OLD LADY: As president of the Lawndale Arts Council, I'm honored to have the privilege of announcing the winner of tonight's city-wide art show, open to all ages and all media. First, however, I'd like to say how pleased I am at the wonderful turnout here tonight. (She beams.)

JANE: (muttering under her breath) Yeah, yeah. Get on with it.

(Daria and Trent glare at her.)

OLD LADY: And now, let me be the first to congratulate the winner of the annual Lawndale art show--Miss Daria Morgendorffer!

(As everyone claps, cut to shot of Daria, staring in surprise.)

DARIA: (shocked) What?

(Quick pan to Jane, looking stunned.)

JANE: (angrily) *What?*

(Quick pan to Trent, looking pleased with himself. Cut back to the old lady.)

OLD LADY: (looking around) Would Miss Morgendorffer please come forward?

(Daria hesitantly steps up to stand beside her. The old lady unveils the artwork beside her, which turns out to be Daria's Mystik Spiral poster. Cut to Sandi and Tiffany in the back of the crowd.)

TIFFANY: Look! It's, like, that poster.

SANDI: And Quinn's cousin or whatever made it!

TIFFANY: (confidently) I bet it was really Quinn's idea.

(Sandi glares at her. Cut back to the old lady and Daria.)

OLD LADY: Congratulations, Miss Morgendorffer. You've certainly earned it.

(She shakes Daria's hand and gives her the ribbon. Still surprised, Daria goes back over to Jane and Trent.)

JANE: (glaring, in a deadly voice) You didn't tell me that you entered that in the art show.

DARIA: (puzzled) That's just it, I didn't! I don't know how--

TRENT: (still looking pleased) I entered it.

DARIA: (stares) You? But... why?

(Before he can answer, Jane explodes.)

JANE: (snapping sarcastically) Thanks a *lot*, Trent! (She turns to leave, then stops.) Don't wait for me. I'm walking home. (She glares at Daria. snarls) Congratulations, Daria.

(She stalks off. Daria looks hurt.)

DARIA: I didn't realize she wanted to win that much.

TRENT: (sighs) I guess I shouldn't have entered it without telling you, but... it was just so *great*, and I knew you'd never enter it, because Jane wouldn't want you to. (He looks at Daria.) She got too wrapped up in the winning part of it, and she didn't paint because she enjoyed it, like she usually does. You didn't make that poster to win a prize, but I knew you deserved to win. So I had a couple of extra copies of the poster made and entered one of them. (He looks down.) I'm sorry I screwed things up between you and Janey.

(Daria puts her hand on his arm.)

DARIA: No, it wasn't your fault. I really appreciate this, Trent, and... (smiles) Well, I'm really glad I won. (She laughs, and he looks up and smiles at her.)

(As Daria takes her hand away, Mrs. DeFoe comes up to them.)

MRS. DEFOE: Congratulations, Daria! I'm very glad you decided to enter the contest after all.

DARIA: (shares a knowing look with Trent) So am I. (She smiles.) This is Trent, the guy I made the poster for. Trent, this is Mrs. DeFoe, my art teacher.

TRENT: Nice to meet you.

MRS. DEFOE: (smiles) You too. (to Daria) You'd better go get your artwork. The fair's nearly over.

DARIA: Okay. I'll be right back, Trent.

(She walks off, and Mrs. DeFoe turns back to Trent.)

MRS. DEFOE: Daria probably wouldn't like me telling you this, but I think you should know how hard she worked on that poster. And she enjoyed every minute of it. (She smiles.)

TRENT: (looks pleased) Really?

MRS. DEFOE: Really. (She looks at Trent seriously.) Something Daria doesn't realize is how unique and *special* she is compared to most girls her age. (She smiles again.) Don't let her go. You have something wonderful in that girl.

(She turns and walks away. Trent smiles thoughtfully.)

TRENT: (softly, to himself) I know.

(Daria comes back carrying her rolled-up poster.)

DARIA: Ready?

TRENT: Yeah. (They start to walk out.) Sorry you don't get to keep the other copy of the poster, but they're gonna display it at the Art Council. (He grins.)

DARIA: That's okay, I'll just keep this one. (slowly) Unless you want it?

TRENT: Already got one. I said I had two copies made, remember?

(Daria smiles.)

(Cut to Trent and Daria in the front seat of the car as he pulls up at the Morgendorffer house.)

DARIA: I hope Jane's not too upset.

TRENT: She'll probably sulk the rest of the night, then be over it by morning. (He grins.) She's like that.

(Daria gets out of the car, then leans in the window.)

DARIA: Bye, Trent. And... thanks.

TRENT: (smiles) You're welcome, Daria. Good night.

(She steps away from the car, and he drives off. Daria smiles and turns to go inside.)

(Cut to the Morgendorffer living room the next day. The doorbell rings, and Daria goes to the door to find Jane standing there.

DARIA: Uh... hi.

JANE: (looking uncomfortable) I, um, wanted to apologize for last night. And for the way I've been acting about the whole thing. I guess I just let it get to me a little too much.

DARIA: That's okay. I know it was important to you.

JANE: Yeah, but you really did deserve to win. That picture *was* amazing. (She grins slyly.) Trent certainly thought so. It's all he's talked about for days.

DARIA: (narrows her eyes) Looks like someone's already back to her old habits.

JANE: (grins) Hey, what can I say? I'm addicted. You know, it's nice to be back to normal again.

DARIA: (sardonically) *You* think it's nice?

JANE: Oh, and did I tell you? The *school* art show is next week.

DARIA: (groans) Here we go again.

JANE: (slyly) Maybe you should enter. I know *somebody* who'd be very pleased if you won...

DARIA: (warningly) Jane...

(End credits.)