Title:First Meeting
description: A new student comes to town and befriends Daria and Jane. But does Jane want to try to play yenta?

Scene 1:
[Cut to: Mr. O'Neill's room, Daria and Jane in their usual seats]

[A spitball hits Mr. O'Neill as he walks into the room]

Mr. O'Neill: Oh Dear. Class? Class?! (Everyone shuts up) I'm glad that's settled

Mr. O'Neill: Now class I'm pleased to announce the arrival of a new student
[The entire class starts talking at once]

Jane: Will they spare no prisoners?

Daria: Not unless Ms. Li got a grant for it.

Brittany: If it's a girl maybe she can join the cheerleading squad!

Kevin: Or the football team!

Jodie: Hmm, yearbook. or maybe the debate team- or maybe thea-v  or maybe

Brittany: Eep!

[Suddenly the class quiets down, We can't see who is in the doorway yet]

Mr. O'Neill: Well I see she's here already. Class I would like you to welcome
our new student, Lilian Johnson!

[No one says a word]

Daria: (deadpan expression) Cricket, Cricket

[We now get our first view of "Lilian", She's a little taller than Jane, greenish eyes, Shoulder length black and lime green streaked hair, a knee length leather black skirt complete with various zippers indifferent directions, a leather jacket over a black tee that has a guitar with wings coming out of it, eyebrow, tongue and nose piercing and about 6 ear piercings.]

Lilian: (deadpan expression) It's Lysette.

Mr. O'Neill: Oh dear.

Lysette: (deadpan expression) Mr. O'Neill I just heard that there are thousands of cats stuck in trees quick go save them.

Mr. O'Neill (runs out of the room screaming for a fireman)

Lysette: Easier than I thought.

(She sits at a desk behind Jane)

(Daria and Jane smirk at each other)

Scene 2:
[Cut to: hallway, End of the day, where we see Lysette banging a locker, and magically it opens]

Jane: Hey!

Lysette: (obviously startled) um. Do you want a medal or a cookie?

Daria: (deadpan expression) Chocolate chip or Oatmeal raisin?

Jane: I'm Jane Lane and this is my partner in crime Daria Morgendorker

Daria: Morgendorffer

Lysette: I'm Lysette and if you don't mind I have a meeting of the locker beaters in an hour. So please hurry it up.

Jane: (smirking) Have you ever seen Sick Sad World?

Lysette: Who hasn't?

Daria: Do you want to watch it with us after school?(Suddenly surprised at her friendliness)

Lysette: I got to unpack first.

Jane: Where do you live?

Scene 3:
[Cut to: a house that looks average]

Lysette: (yelling at a moving man) Watch the amp!

Jane: What do you play?

Lysette: Guitar.

(A sudden smirk appears on Jane's face, and Daria gets a worried look on hers)

Mrs. Johnson: Honey! Look you made new friends!
(Mrs. Johnson looks like the cartoon version of Mrs. Brady,but with blonder hair)

Lysette: Hi, mom. Bye mom! (Whispering to Jane and Daria) Run while you have a chance.

Mrs. Johnson: Let me introduce myself, I'm Linda Johnson. Lysette's mom, and you are.

Daria: I'm Daria and this is Jane.

Linda: Nice to meet you. (Yelling at a man) Hey

Scene 4:
[Cut to: Jane's room, Daria on the floor, Jane on the bed,And Lysette looking awkward on floor]

TV: Are your neighborhood raccoons getting high off of leftover coffee? Next on Sick, Sad, World!

Daria: (deadpan expression) They cease to amaze me.

[A loud guitar solo suddenly shakes the house.]

Jane: (With an evil grin on her face) You haven't met my brother Trent and his band,  have you?

Daria: Jane. No!

Lysette: (Fails to see the problem) Uh. I guess not.

Jane: Let's go. To the bat mobile!

[The trio leaves Jane's room and heads for the basement, Daria with a saddened look to her face]

[We see the trio enter the basement]

Trent: Hey Janey, Daria and....

Lysette: Lysette

Trent: Hey. Nice shirt

Lysette: Thanks

Jane: That's my bro Trent, Jesse (she blushes a bit), Nick and Max.

Lysette: Hey.

(Various heys from the group)

Jane: Uh. Trent, could you keep it down a bit

Trent: Oh yeah. Sure Janey.

[The three girls start heading up the stairs, when Lysette turns around]

Lysette: Hey Trent?

Trent: (suddenly realizes how cute she is) Yeah?

Lysette: A glass pick would sound better.

Trent: (faintly blushing, She doesn't notice) uh...thanks

Lysette: Bye.

Jesse: Trent? Trent? Trent?!?

Trent: Oh yeah. What?

Jesse: Nothing

Scene 5:
[Cut to: Jane and Daria in the kitchen. Lysette comes in.]

Jane: What took you so long?

Lysette: I was giving Trent some tips.

Jane: (Smirks)

Lysette: What?(Looks to Daria for help)

Daria: I think she wants to play yenta again.

Lysette: You mean?

Jane: Yes.

Lysette: Well I'm taken so too bad for you.

Jane: Really?

Lysette: Really. Look I got to go home now.

Daria: Bye

Jane: Bye

(Lysette leaves.)

Jane: Damn. I wanted to have some fun.

Daria: (deadpan expression) Ha. Ha.

Scene 6:
[Cut to: Mr. DiMartino's classroom.]

Mr. D.: Now CLASS. The assignment tonight is a FIVE page ESSAY on the WAR that YOU feel was FUNNY.

(Pan into Lysette, Daria, and Jane)

Lysette: Does his eye always pop out like that?

Jane: Only when he breathes in.

Daria: (deadpan expression) I thought it was only when he was alive.

Jane: Oh yeah. Forgot.

Mr. D.: Aaaa! Lysette! Would you CARE to ENLIGHTEN us as to the REASON to you TALKING in my CLASS?

Lysette: (deadpan expression) I would rather stick my head in a pot of boiling water.

(The bell rings)

Lysette: Saved By The Bell.

Scene 7:
[Cut to: Daria, Jane, and Lysette walking down the street. A car pulls up.]

Daria: Hey Tom.

Tom: Hey. Who's that?

Daria: Lysette meet Tom. Tom meet Lysette.

(Heys are exchanged)

Daria: (Gets into the car) Bye guys.

Jane: Bye

Lysette: Bye

(They drive off)(Lysette and Jane continue walking)

Lysette: Was that her boyfriend?

Jane. Yeah, Speaking of boyfriends. Tell me about yours.

Lysette: Actually I lied.

Jane: Why?

Lysette: Because I didn't want you to fix me up with anyone.

Jane: Why?

Lysette: I like things to happen naturally.

(They stop at Lysettes house)

Lysette: Ding, Ding, Ding. All passengers please exit.

Jane: Bye

(Lysette heads up the path and enters her house)

Jane: Bad relationship or not, I'm going to fix them up.

[Closing Credits]