"Daria's Theme" A fanfic by Raven 9-25-98 The words flew swiftly from her pen, flooding the page. She had tried to organize her thoughts, but they were too massive and complex for her to express fully, and still give them the compassion that they deserved. Angered, she throws the pen across her room. As it hits the wall, it makes no sound. The silence is somewhat comforting, in a serene sort of mindset. She wants to put on music, but that would remind her of someone that she knows, someone that she cares for. She sees him as light, in contrast to her darkness. He has a way of making a smile creep across her face at any given moment. There is simply an unnerving way about him that makes her feel undone, exposing a lighter shade of her that she wanted to keep hidden. She is afraid of him. Not that she will ever admit to it, of course. She doesn't particularly like this lighter side that he drew out of her. 'I never wanted this', she thinks. 'He struck me with his fire. He is a risk, one that I am willing to take. He is....' She pauses, not knowing quite what to say. She remembers the limited time she has spent with him; a fond memory, like that of an old, dear friend. Then the words begin to spill over like a waterfall. She retrieves her pen and begins to write furiously: "I was a dark child with a delusional mind Thinking that I could leave the past behind You were a risk that I was willing to take Knowing for certain that my heart would break....." She knows that she should stop writing; this is getting far too personal. If she ever showed it to anybody, it would showcase her vulnerability. Still she kept on: ".....But your heart drew me near And brought me to my greatest fear." No one would ever see this. No one could ever brighten her stars. she wouldn't let them. Her haunted eyes drank up her words, then let them go. She certainly couldn't do herself any good, thinking like this. She closed her eyes, and the torrent of thoughts momentarily subsided.