Repeat to yourself. It's just a cartoon. Sometime ago I was looking at the Lawndale Commons website. For some reason I decided to read Michelle Klein Hass's rant. "From now on let's keep it real." The essay more, or less reads that when the Daria episode is realistic it is good,but wait! If they show two episodes that are fantasy based then it loses it's reality roots. Folks there have been some unrealistic incedents in here. 1. In "The Teachings of Don Jake" at the end Helen, Jake, and Quinn eat "the glitterberries",and become loco. O.K, but isn't this a tad bit unrealistic? O.K now some plants can make you sick, but I have never seen one in real life that makes the person "chase their spirit animal." 2. Ms Li. O.K sure their may be a few securaty freaks out there, but Ms Li really takes th cake. In fact it seems she wants the security more for the glory than to protect her students. In Real Life their have been a few security control freaks in my life. They wanted the security to protect the students; not get a few praises. 3. "Ill" The rash on Daria. Don't you think it appears way too quickly. Most rashes take about 2-5 days to develope. 4. The teachers. Mr O'Neil the language arts teacher. O.K did Ms Li pick him up from the street? In "Quinn the Brain" When Jane is reading the essay she sais "and the teachers my I didn't know that word existed." That word doesn't exist. Mr Demartino. I have know people with stress, but I have yet to know someone who's eye nearly pops out after every fifth word. Ms Bennett. O.K she seems semi normal, but what kind of teacher is going to let their students go to the mall instead of taking a quiz? Not many. Now that I've pointed out the unrealistic points in the show; we should be reminded that the writers do this to say to us "It's just a cartoon." So the next time they decide to throw in an unrealistic episode, repeat o yourself. "It's just a cartoon." Instead of the usual urge to fling the remote at the T.V. The Unknown. Webkeeper of Insane Jane 99 (