Art Gallery
Character Makeovers

(Click on the images to see the full-size pictures.)

Trent the b-ball player
By Liliane Grenier

Trent on the Lawndale Lions basketball team.
Trent the vampire
By Liliane Grenier

Trent the vampire.
Trent as Charlie Chaplin
By Liliane Grenier

Trent as Charlie Chaplin's "Little Tramp."
Trent as Rimbaud
By Liliane Grenier

Trent as French poet Arthur Rimbaud.

Trent the court jester
By Liliane Grenier

Trent the court jester.
Trent the doll
By The Unknown

Trent as a stuffed doll.
Trent as Harry Potter

Trent as Harry Potter.
Old Trent
By Sarah Collins

Old Trent.

Trent as KISS' Paul Stanley
By Warpedkjh13

Trent as Paul Stanley of the rock group KISS.
Trent as the Phantom of the Opera
By Tabby

Trent as the Phantom of the Opera.
Trent as the Crow
By Barb

Trent as the title character from the movie The Crow.
Trent the soldier
By Martin Kurzeja

Trent as an Army soldier.

Trent the businessman
By Tam Nestler

Trent the businessman.
Trent as Sonic the Hedgehog
By Maricruz Covarrubias

Trent as Sonic the Hedgehog, from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Trent as Ichigo Kurosaki from 'Bleach'
By William the Bloody

Trent as Ichigo Kurosaki, from the anime series Bleach.