Art Gallery
Super Heroes & Villians Makeovers

The mysterious person known only as Mouse ( has quite a thing for comic book superheroes and supervillians... and, of course Daria. It's therefore no surprise that Mouse's artistic talents would combine the two genres.

(Click on the images to see the full-size pictures.)

Daria as Robin

Daria as Robin, aka Carrie Kelly, from The Dark Knight Returns.
Jodie as XS

Jodie as XS from the Legion of Super Heroes.
Jane as Green Lantern

Jane as Green Lantern (Cary Wren).
O'Neill and Li as the Ventriloquist and Scarface

Mr. O'Neill and Ms. Li as Batman's nemeses, the Ventriloquist and Scarface.

Andrea as Huntress

Andrea as Huntress.
Brittany as Supergirl

Brittany as Supergirl.
Kevin as the Flash

Kevin as the Flash.
Sandi as Wonder Woman

Sandi as Wonder Woman.

Trent as Robin III

Trent as Robin III.
Stacy as the Star-Spangled Kid

Stacy as the Star-Spangled Kid.
Brittany as Black Canary

Brittany as Black Canary.
Quinn as Poison Ivy

Quinn as Batman nemesis Poison Ivy.

Trent and Jane as the Wonder Twins

Trent and Jane as the Wonder Twins (Y2K version).